Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Been super intrigued about his kashmir and love ssdd, be honored to get some beans!


i am verry excited about the kashmir too.

About SSDD i ve read a lot good things but they were unfortunately not available and will be not available in my area.

Would love to grow some SSDD or crossesā€¦but i have to take what i get from a limited choice.

Here are not the newest strains but the successfully tested ones.

Fucking prohibition.

No matter where you live, a plant should not be illegal.


Hey guys, how are you doing? I am new here and I live in Brazil. I am thinking about making an order, and since it is very hard to get good seeds here in Brazil I donā€™t want to have any regrets. Because of that I am asking for your help with recommendations.

I am looking for the following characteristics on the 3 packs I intend to get:

-Overall good high. Not necessarily a couch lock. I like exciting highs too, but anything you think is a good high I am interested in. Like I said, we donā€™t get many good things here in Brazil easily.

-Fast vegetative growth and if possible fast flowering ( I am not very keen on cookie-like strains because they are usually slow and small)

-Good Yield

-Terpenes: Anything with strong smells I am interested in. Fruity, gas, lemon, spicy, and weird stuff like garlic too.

Some strains that caught my eye:

Kailash ( chem d x snow lotus)
Mindfulness( genius thai x 88g13hp)
dreadneck (dreadbread x wookie)
Garfunkle (dumpster x 88G13HP)

Can you guys make any recommendations? Thank you!


Brazil has some top notch genetics, I wouldnā€™t be buying any commercial stuff.


But I think Iā€™m a bit too young and dont have many connections around here.
People who have good genetics here, due to the nature of our country, are ultra cautious


Beat the bushes find some, meet a few people.

Bern looking for some Brazilian landrace gear.


I donā€™t know what your idea of fast-flowering is, but the Kalilash is probably gonna take around seventy days. I think the only cross Iā€™ve grown that utilized the Snow Lotus male that took less than that was the Larry Lotus, which finished in the 65 day range.

I grew the Genius Thai x OMG and that one also finished at about 65 days, if I remember correctly. Not sure how the the GHash dad in that Mindfulness would affect flowering times when crossed with the Genius Thai, but I think all of the crosses Iā€™ve grown with the 88G13HP dad also finished in the nine to ten week range.

As far as the Dreadneck is concerned, the Dreadbread is a longer-flowering strain, like twelve+ weeks, but maybe Bodhi selected a faster-finishing Dreadbread female. Or maybe the Wookie will shorten her up some.

Garfunkel might be the fastest-finishing cross of the ones you posted. Iā€™m pretty sure Dumpster is an old Indica strain. Being an Indica, Iā€™d guess that itā€™ll take around eight weeks, but I donā€™t really know.


Thanks a lot for all the details !
When I said fast flowering I mean that I do not want something that take more than 11-12 weeks flowering hahaha >.<


is anyone familiar with bodhis ā€œlavender lemonadeā€? iā€™ve seen it mentioned but donā€™t know what it is.


Ah I missed out on that one

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Why is almost all of Bodhiā€™s gear so secretive or difficult to look up ?


there are just so many strains he has out these days. i think the lavender lemonade is new.


Iā€™ve been acquiring quite a bit of his gear, and not always, but usually have difficulty researching strains


Yeah definitely, after 100 I wouldā€™ve stopped counting :laughing:


after having so many bodhi seeds iā€™ve branched out to new breeders/genetics. got tired of the same males he uses. it was never elite cuts, it was elite cuts crossed to his same males.


Almost all of it is mentioned by name, and often in pictures, at Breedbay. That includes his males and females, externally acquired and internally developed. You just have to search.

And, like people have said, with so many crosses over the years, and with the public testing program requesting private emailed results with no requirement for posting them anywhere, people have either not posted their tester growlogs or posted them at any one of the 10+ different public forums, myriad private forums, or on IG.

If you want to find out something about a bodhi strain, search by name in the forums and in IG by tags. Or search those same forums for the mother cuts used in the crosses. Youā€™ll almost always find something, but it will require some time and effort searching.

Cool. Whatā€™s the problem, again? He doesnā€™t make feminized seeds, so youā€™re never getting seeds made from crossing elite cuts to other elite cuts. I donā€™t know if youā€™ve noticed, but a ton of his new stuff is his own internally-developed cuts. Not saying you are, but if other people are looking for the latest hype cuts crosses, aka cookies or cake s1 inbred to other cookies or cake s1, bodhiā€™s just not the guy. And he never will be. :slight_smile:

And he develops all his own males. Heā€™s recently (last 5-7 years) had the new SSDD male, the Kashmir male, the Iraqi male, the Old Mother Ghani male, the Wookie male, and the Strawberry Milk male. Some of those are getting developed further, some have been retired, but itā€™s not like heā€™s not working on new stuff all the time.

Itā€™s just time consuming to develop a line to look for a male in the direction you think the future market might go, then take the multiple seasons to search for him in filial generations, then hit him and a couple of his brothers to some known reliable cuts you like, assess them to look for the one, then find him and use him on a wider audience of moms, then send those out to the public testing program and wait 6-12 months for the reports to come back in, only releasing for sale the ones that have seriously and exclusively positive results. I think the guy just has a lot on his plate.

And bodhi is still actively developing new males. Hereā€™s what he said in email just today when I asked him about new males we saw in a Radio Ridge Nursery IG post about special crosses they got from bodhi (search above within the last couple hundred posts):

the radio ridge stuff is more strain design for lpā€™sā€¦

ive been working on new male breeding tools for the seed releasesā€¦

potency male : hashplant d
vigor male: lush
new supernatural selections broad leaf male: artifact 1 f3
skunk male: ass f3 and hippy slayer remix x a1 f2
sativa male: mm:se-cinnamon and vintage mexican
resin + color: purple kush x kashmir

Iā€™m guessing he means the radio ridge beans were not meant for bodhi seeds release, but were crosses to explore for the legal producerā€™s (lp) market. Aka quasi hype stuff that he wonā€™t put up for sale. Thatā€™s speculative on my part.


it wasnā€™t my intention to talk bad about bodhiā€™s genetics. i have like15-20 packs and have used a couple in breeding projectsā€¦ i definitely like his stuff, but i started growing strictly bodhi genetics and felt the need to mix it up.


Not saying you were, just taking exception to the part of your comment I quoted. :slight_smile: Heā€™s never going to be something other than who he is, so if somebodyā€™s looking for elites mashed together in fems, heā€™s not the guy. But, his males are elite in their own right if they stick around for a long time, and his list of moms has really changed quite a bit over the years. You might be surprised at the selection if you look past his 88g13hp crosses. :slight_smile:


So these are the males hes planning to work with in the future? Would help explain that seed dump on 4/20


I donā€™t know, but it sounds like those are only some of the ones heā€™s exploring. I think they have to go thru that rigorous process outlined above to pass muster, so itā€™ll probably be awhile before we see a whole whack of testers using them. I guess testers are delayed until some of those guys are ready, but not sure when thatā€™ll be.

Iā€™m pretty excited about the possibilities from all those guys, but Iā€™m trying to figure out who the MM:SE-cinnamon male is. Anybody know?