Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Grow the Bodhi stuff out and log it. That’s the way to get the information to people so they don’t have to wonder. It’s why I’ve often, not always, but often, grown a lot of his less well-documented stuff. So people who may be on the fence can look at my grow reports and decide for themselves. The only way to get that information out there is to share it.


Mullumbimby Madness/SE Asian male? That imparts cinnamon flavors? That’s purely speculative. I know Doc D’s been doing some MM crosses and stuff and he and Bodhi share a lot of the same genetics. So maybe?


That sounds like nevil’s australian work :thinking:


Yeah, I just have Mullumbimby Madness on the brain. Started googling stuff last night, fell down the rabbit hole and ended up at the MM thread on icmag haha.


Btw, if anybody’s curious about that Mullumbimby Madness, this thread at icmag is super-informative and interesting: Kangativa's Mullumbimby Madness Grow | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

The first page alone is worth the price of admission. I know it doesn’t have anything to do with Bodhi, but whatever haha! I like reading about weed.


MM makes me think Mother’s Milk not sure on the rest I’d need to have a decoder ring to figure these things out nowadays lol


Yeah, it’s gotta be the Mother’s Milk. My bad. I had just woken up after spending last night perusing that Mullumbimby thread.

Yes, I spent my Friday evening reading weed threads on my iPad…


Here something to look forward to hopefully


I need that sk Male cross in my life.:laughing: oh and that​:point_up:t4:


do you guys get brick/block weed there in brazil still? if so i would be willing to trade some stuff for whatever is commercially going around in brazil seed wise


Have you heard of or tried KC Brains stuff. He’s Brazilian and has sourced and holds some of the better Brazilian genetics. Good breeder and doesn’t charge a lot for his beans because he’s anti-capitalist or something like that as far as I can remember.


I roll my eyes every time I hear “elite”. It’s a term used to sell beans and cuts. What is and what isn’t elite is decided by a few people with a few genetics with their own palette. If I grow a pack of beans and find a killer plant, is that then elite? Is it better or worse than the plant that somebody else calls elite? How would I or that guy or any one else know unless they’ve tried every different variety there is. It’s such a daft expression.


If that Mexican Hot Chocolate is closest to the narrow-leaf male, I wonder what the other two looked like haha. Those leaves look pretty wide. Either way, if those are released, I guess I’m gonna have to break my vow to not buy any more seeds.


yeah might have to jump on that depending on what the crosses are… maybe he’ll release an F3 or something :thinking:


From what I understand, Lavender Lemonade is Lemon Tree x Wookie 15.

I’ve only seen a Lavender Lemonade female used in one seed release (Lemon Lassi), aside from the references to Skittles Lavender Lemonade by Radio Ridge.


Based on the way it is written, (with the “:”), the “MM” might not be a strain, but may have to do with the project it falls under… Medicine Mountain maybe? I could be way off.


Makes perfect sense!
Mullimbamby Madness? Mothers Milk?


I was getting excited when I read Bodhi and Mullimbimby Madness in the same thread, it would of been my first purchase of his stuff with out a doubt.

Pretty sure I smoked the original MM in the 90’s but there’s no way you can be sure. As soon as the indoor boom hit Aus in the early 90’s the focus went into dutch strains mostly skunk 1 or Super Skunk and anything outdoor was labeled Bush weed and never given any respect or flowered out to it’s potential. Pretty sad really especially with the growing conditions, imo south of the sub tropics in Australia is the best outdoor climate in the world to grow. We all thought we were master growers at 16 haha but it was the weather doing all the work we were clueless.


Yeah, that icmag thread talks a lot about how the MM basically disappeared (or became a lot less common) when people moved indoors and started growing Indicas. Same story as everywhere else, really.


Hola Gang

A few yrs ago I try to do a reproduction
of the Mullumby but sadly found no male
So I used Goji pollen to it.

I grew those seed and it give me a
beef-up Goji way bigger then original.
