Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

My experiences with GLG have been great! Super professional and accommodating! Never had an issue an email can’t fix and always an abundance of freebies. The biggest thing is that you have to actually read their directions and requirements for submitting orders/payment.


They definitely offer a great selection and are usually pretty prompt shipping out orders. I also appreciate that they actually hold your stock after you place an order.

(so-cal seed vault for example has a first paid first served policy, so if they sell out of a strain you ordered they choose a substitute pack. Never ordered from them for that reason.)

But I do consistently have communication problems when corresponding with GLG via email. There is never any punctuation, just a block of text. In some cases, not having a period before the next sentence can really change the meaning.

Maybe I’m just a literalist, but it makes communication pretty confusing for me. I write an email like a letter, not the way people write text messages now. I don’t know that texting shorthand, and without formatting or proper spelling it’s a major communication barrier.

by the way @CrunchBerries I replied to an old post from you on rollitup asking if anyone had grown strayfox’s care package. Just wanted to let you know I put up a quick grow report in that thread.


Yeah the second someone starts just writing stuff and doesn’t use any punctuation and then I’m asking to myself like what does this mean are they really saying this or are they saying that it drives me nuts I mean just use proper punctuation and commas and stuff periods are your friend semicolons are your friend I’m just trying to buy seeds and I can’t tell what you’re saying from the email and you spelled it goldon and I don’t know what’s going on.

Haha! That shit really does drive me out of my mind.

You should see my texts. They become paragraphs just because I still punctuate properly and shit. I don’t care. I have too much respect for the written word to write those insane run-on sentences. I just can’t. I won’t. Haha.


Dave can be a little terse. On the rare occasion I’ve had an issue I’ve usually reached out to DBJ directly.

I’ve done many easy transactions with GLG, but I am in the US.


Super Silver Hashplant F2, seven days into 12/12


I’ve found that too. Terse to the point he sounds like every email he sends is such an inconvenience to him that he’d rather you hadn’t have ordered.

Yes. It takes entirely too long to get from elation to disappointment on their site. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


She looks like some great medicine. Did you grow out a pack? Find any other phenos? Other than smell you described , how does she grow?


Depending on how many Good Medicine I have in my stash, it WILL be one of the Strains in the planned September Shindig!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


That Good Medicine! Been hunting that one for a while now, finally getting some traction on finding a pack with some of the increases being done by some of the members here, could not be more excited!!


Sounds like a winner for you. Also sounds a bit like the pheno I used to make F2 as well. Except mine was a little chemy with the pine. Almost a tad of chocolate in there as well.


Love that monkey!


Thanks brother I’ll check it out


Anyone have golden road (pot of gold x snow lotus)?


It’s Stony for sure, I would need to spend a day with it to be anymore specific on effects, you know wether it gets you to a sleepy place after going back to it again and again, and I’m more of a light weight than others so I’m not the best judge on effects. Seemed to come on strong though, with a quick come down not too much body load, for me anyway.


Heres a shot of the 3 Kodamas at 2 wk in flower. Two are pretty similar in structure - two main pole like main stems with side branching that stays pretty close. The other one must be leaning towards the Laos - much bushier, thinner stems, kind of viney. Its also taller by 6” or so and was topped twice rather than once for the others.


That’s the Diablo x GHash cross, right? I looooove Diablo OG, had my eye on that cross for like a year and finally grabbed a pack from headie’s last April.

How long did she take for you?


That’s interesting, never heard that about Diablo also being called Green Curry OG, ever. I used to get the Diablo OG all the time and definitely never noticed any sorta green curry notes before. But I love green curry, so maybe I picked up on it subconsciously and that’s why I like the Diablo so much haha.


Definitely going to cop one of bodhi’s HP crosses, I love those heavily sedating/therapeutic varieties, need to keep one in regular rotation. Eyeballing the lemon hash plant v2 or grandmas hash plant, as soon as I find myself holding an extra $70 it’s going down


The Pura Vida seeds from the preservation run ?? I just finished nursing a burnt female indoors, small single cola, but I also dropped one outside in a 25 gal. She is just started setting flowers and is quite the topped bush. I’ll try to snap a pic or 2. The poor girl inside looks very frosty an is surprisingly sticky. Both of them started slow in veg, but the outdoor girl took off early July. Just wet trimming the one tonight, I’ll get something on here in the AM if these are the seeds you were talkin’ bout.


I think the banana og was ghost x haze… wonder if that diablo is a sibling to it… description kinda sounds like it :thinking: