Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Have a good night @Limeflavouredheadbut

:v: :blush: :latin_cross: :heart:

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I’m of the mind that I would only give f2 seeds to “friends” of mine (meaning fellow growers that I “know” from online; don’t know any growers personally), regardless. I wouldn’t do the wiki thing no matter what. Too many shady people signing up for those. So I’d probably DM my “friends” or something.

And I will, one day, start doing seed runs. I swear haha. That’s all I really wanna do.

Please, somebody do that. I planted half a pack four years ago, gave them eight days, none of them sprouted. Planted the rest of the pack after eight days, none of those sprouted, either. Dreambeaver’s one that I always wanted to grow. It just sounded so good.


I’m outta likes, but yes, this. I will say, too, that I think a lot of those packs are also scooped up by people looking to re-sell them for a profit, which sucks. I’d say the majority of those packs are bought by people looking to re-sell them, actually.


No comment on that whole can of beans.
I was trying to be polite.


I mean, I dunno, shouldn’t we at least acknowledge that? I feel compelled to mention that when it comes up. You’re a better human being than I haha…


Not at all
I don’t consider myself any better or worse then anyone else.
I agree with what you said however I don’t have the energy or desire anymore to argue with those that disagree.

I take a lot of comfort thinking that the preservation projects and the pay it forward idea has smacked a lot of those for profit guys in the wallet.
Your super rare ten year old pack goes down a lot when there’s 2000packs of f2 floating around.
Karma has a way of sorting life out imo


Again, I’m outta “likes” (for the next two hours, I guess?), but I sure do like that post.


This is my dilemma too. The only “friends” I have that even know about Bodhi or think of seeds when they think of cannabis, are all online. And giving away seeds always seems to spark more online friendships :upside_down_face:

Seperate from that point, I’ve learned a lot about the seed making rules and politics since joining OG. I like Bodhi too much to not respect his wishes and/or inadvertently take food off his table. I appreciate everyone’s input! I wasn’t trying to be an asshole.


I already feel bad for having these newer packs sitting in my fridge. I suppose one day the Ghash male will get his well-deserved retirement and I can get my packs wet when everyone misses the Bodhi strains of yesteryear


Again, outta “likes.”

Anyway, surely you have at least a few people in mind to whom you’d send seeds. I know that when I’m standing in the shower thinking (Jane’s!) or mindlessly watching The Office in bed or running errands or whatever and I think about the packs I wanna f2 (Hollyweed is the first one that comes to mind, but there’s a few more), I can think of maybe a dozen people that I’d be like,”Hey, I just got done with a seed run and I want you to have them…” To me, it’s a matter of getting your seeds into the right hands, people that’re gonna do the right thing with them etc etc, rather than being like,”Yo!!! Who wants these seeds?!?” Those wiki signup things are filled with too many shady people, I think.

I remember @nube talking about how nobody “owns” genetics, strains, crosses or whatever. Everything comes from that which was grown before it. People don’t have “ownership” over specific crosses, for the simple fact that they made those crosses with somebody else’s crosses. Maybe permission was granted, maybe it wasn’t.

Having said that, I think we should all respect certain breeder’s wishes (and the other “breeders” can fuck off haha), respect the fact that they’re still working with those genetics and aren’t done with them. I mean, I’d rather see what Bodhi can do with his GHash male and his Triangle female or his SFV female and his Wookie male and whatever all else and give him time to do his thing, as opposed to some asshole (like me. Or you haha!) just throwing some males and females in a tent.

No offense haha! I dunno if I’m making sense right now. But I “know” you, I think you know what I mean.


All good info, and a further word on this since the “can I make seeds from my Bodhi packs?” question comes up all the time.

You can make seeds from literally anything Bodhi sells, and he encourages it. Just avoid distributing them until he retires the line.

But that doesn’t mean sit on your packs until you have the OK to release F2s. The intent is that we work on the lines, take them in new directions, and prevent them from going extinct. So when Bodhi inevitably loses a parent plant (happens ALL THE TIME), the community still has access to our favorites.

I’ve lost or missed tons of rare Bodhi lines that I wish someone had worked on preserving. One of my favorites was Ancient OG, and 8 years later I was able to buy it as an F5 thanks to someone who had the foresight to put in the work. Wish the same had happened with lines like Tranquil Elephantizer, Instant Karma, Tiger’s Milk, A11, BSHB, Love Triangle, etc. (some are probably in progress or complete and just not on my radar). The more people that work on this stuff the better off we’ll be, because you never know when any of his lines will be gone.

One more reason to always buy one or two of everything he releases :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :money_mouth_face: :man_farmer:


Oohhh. Nice bodhi thread here. I’ve been growing bodhi gear for about 7 years now. Can’t wait to share some pictures.


This one was my vote. Will definitely be following that log.


You make a good point. My thing is: I didn’t have an outlet for the filial seeds I made until I got online. In my ass-backwards state I still risk being busted, power outages (i.e seed fridge), rippers, and numerous other bullshit happening to me…

So I try to get as much as I touch ”out there”, before something potentially goes wrong.

Ditto. I always buy two or more packs of Bodhi, and a handful of other breeders I am obsessed with. On top of that, I don’t buy seeds all that often anymore because I have so much stashed to grow through.

Even the strains I listed, I have 2-4 duplicates just to give myself the best selection pool.

Okay, I’ll shut up now. I’ve said enough on the Internet for one day.


I think you nailed it on the head. If you’re going to run a pack of seeds, make the repro, keep it around. While the line is actively selling, if its a breeder you support, one that does not exploit their customers with over-priced, artificially scarce seeds hand some out to friends and leave the rest in the fridge for a while. Eventually, there will come a time when it will not be on the market and you would have had the foresight to keep it around to make available for others. Keep the beans cold, dry, sealed, they should last for years.

And, if you are going to repro a line, do an open pollination, keep as much of the original genetic material available as possible for future fgens.


You bring up a lot of good points and I appreciate you for saying those things.


All of those are around. Like most things, you just have to ask the right people. That’s one of the great points of this site is that it’s completely OK and even encouraged to trade and swap and gift and share. :smiley:

Specifically, a member here made Tranquil Elephantizer (v1) F3 and Tranquil Elephantizer Remix F3. Tiger’s Milk is set for an upcoming F2 project. A11 F2 or F3 has happened and the beans are available, if not necessarily publicly. Big Sur Holy Weed (Bud) has been preserved by an old timer here. Packs of Love Triangle don’t seem to be too rare, so somebody’s likely to run it in the future.

All that to say that I agree with what @Torontoke said - building community and engaging people in honest, genuine friendship is the way to find those long lost strains, trade for them, and bring them back, resurrecting them for future generations of heads to explore and enjoy. :slight_smile:


I fucking hate emojis, but, um, :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: haha! Can’t stand that,”Only 40 packs! If you have $600 bucks, you can get one! Maybe. If you sit on your computer and refresh every fifteen seconds…” No, thank you.

But I’m still on that Aficionado Revenge Seed Run Tour haha… I’m keeping an eye on them. Just waiting for them to drop something I’m actually interested in. And then BAM. That’ll be the one and only time I do a wiki. I’ll make it two thousand-sign-ups-long. Maybe even three thousand. “Homeless people will be living under my wiki sign-up…” haha.


Man all this chat is just making me want to go buy more packs of Bodhi. I’ve got a pack of field trip seeds that I want to f2. I want to cut my teeth in something else first though, make sure I do it right.


A man after my own heart hahaha

I find it tough to deal with this customer hostile bullshit as well. Intentional obfuscation of genetic info, artificial scarcity, and implied obsolescence (only the latest thing is good everything else bad!). To me it’s short term thinking as well as scummy because you end up with zero trust and little value.

It’s why bohdi is so damn refreshing. He makes it easy to explore and understand what you actually enjoy in cannabis. Not just that but it’s designed as a starting point to find new possibilities. This is what I want from as an hobby/passion/obsession, to enjoy the journey.

All this F2 talk has me pretty stoked as well. Maybe we should have a list of acceptable/desired strains to F2?


Ya’ll are making me want to dig through the Bodhi stash to see what to F2 next. :joy:

This is a Blue Tara x White Lotus cross I made in 2013. Finally got around to popping the seeds.


I’m just gonna re-post the list of discontinued males that nube posted a while back, so everybody can quit asking:

“Yep, as of right now (July 2021) anything from bodhi seeds with the following dads is long gone and cannot be remade with both of its original parents:

Snow Lotus
Good Medicine
Instant Karma (IK)
Old Mother Ghani (OMG, though many of these are still being released, so please don’t F2 and resell)
Apollo 11 (Genius pheno, aka A11G)
Deep Chunk
Talk of Kabul (TOK)
Sunshine Daydream (SSDD, though many of these are still being released, so please don’t F2 and resell)
Strawberry Milk (SM, though many of these are still being released, so please don’t F2 and resell
Uzbekistani Hashplant
Yo Mama”