Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Bodhi had two Blueberry moms he worked with. The first was DJ Shorts Blueberry and he made Blueberry Hill (DJ Short Blueberry x Appalachia) and Blue Lotus (DJ Short Blueberry x Snow Lotus). The second was an un-identified Blueberry that was only labeled Blueberry (Indica) and he made Blueberry Mountain (Blueberry (Indica) x Appalachia) and Blueberry Snow (Blueberry (Indica) x Snow Lotus). I grew out a pack of the Blueberry Mountain and found some nice plants but ended up losing the mothers. I have 10 packs of the Blueberry Snow since those were the freebies sent out when my seed buying addiction was the strongest. Have seen some nice examples of the Blueberry Snow on IG, From what I have read the Blueberry (Indica) was much better in her crosses than the DJ Short Blueberry.

Iā€™d be happy to donate some of the Blueberry Snow if someone wanted to preserve it for the community.


At the moment Iā€™m not getting a whole lot Mango from her, itā€™s there, but I think itā€™ll definitely shine through in the cure. Canā€™t wait to sample it! Itā€™s been so long haha.


That was definetly the Blueberry Indica I mentioned earlier.
As much as I would love the experience to grow those genetics and make more for all of us, I am not sure when I would be able to do a seed run for the community. But please, if you would, keep a pack for me aside.
When I am finished taking care of all the obstacles im dealing with in life at the moment I will glady make more for us if you allowā€¦


Well Iā€™d def be into that Jager hashplant if you pop em!


These just came in (with hoodie order) ā€¦canā€™t wait to try em out.


Damn got half the cross right!


That was fast, very nice. Goldstar is still around I guess.


Never heard of goldstar. What are the details?


Goldstar is malawi gold and sensi star


Hereā€™s my grow report of the Goldstar f3ā€™s: Maybe f4ā€™s, canā€™t remember.

I do, however, remember that that was some of my favorite weed ever. Iā€™m extremely jealous, @anon90741032 haha. Thatā€™s gonna be a good one, certain of that.

Is Bodhi working a Goldstar male now? Thatā€™s exciting.


Would love to see more F2ā€™s of the Appy male crosses!!


Bodhi also crossed a Blueberry (DJ Short) with his Apollo 11 Genius cut he has, if Iā€™m not mistaken?


That sounds intriguing. Does anyone have a list of crosses made by Bodhi using the A11G dad?


I chopped and trimmed my Mango Hashplant today, took it to 58 days, Iā€™d definitely recommend letting it go another week or two, I just didnā€™t have the time/space.

The smell this thing puts off when trimming is insane, my eyes were watering by the end. Intense dumpster for sure and some sweet,kinda citrus aroma, which I think will mellow in the cure into the Mango smell, weā€™ll see.
It made the stickiest scissor hash too :yum:


These look incredible man. Nice work!


Those look amazing brother. Definitely something I would LOVE to try especially after your description of the smell. I absolutely love those super dank, eye watering, mouth drooling, awe inspiring stankiness . Really got me intrigued. Canā€™t wait to see what you do with the goodies headed your way. Well done :raised_hands:t2:


I can honestly say Iā€™ve never grown anything from Bodhi but am hoping to change that soon. I have 6/7 strains Iā€™ve been looking for from Bodhi. Iā€™ve heard nothing but great things and with all the breeders work Iā€™ve grown out over the years Iā€™m saddened I never had any of his work in my gardens tbh


Heā€™s the shit. He puts in the work, thatā€™s so obvious. Like with this grow, Iā€™ve got the Black Triangles flowering alongside some of Lucky Dogā€™s Chem Fuegos and Doc Dā€™s Mexican Melons. The Black Triangles just look ā€œbetter.ā€ Really no other way to describe it. They all look good, I love every plant in the tent haha, but everything other than the Black Triangles are starting to get crispy, leaves are turning light green/yellow, having to pull dead leaves off every time I water. But the Black Triangles are just chugging along, doing their thing. I opened the tent this morning (lights on at 9am) and noticed that the BTā€™s are starting to do that ā€œlate flower swellā€ thing, too. Flowers look bigger today than they did just yesterday. Day 54, theyā€™re gonna get chopped soon. Iā€™m stoked.

Iā€™ve grown around 25 or 30 of his crosses and only been disappointed once, with the Purple NL2. Never been unsatisfied with anything else.


Oh man ! Those looks delicious :yum: haha I cant wait to hear how they taste after a nice cure :green_heart:


Anyone grown out, or have info on Angelica? I popped a whole pack and had 8 great plants and one sick. Of course the sick plant was the only female of the whole bunch. That plant is all better now and is 6 plants instead of one. I am kind of wondering what my chances are of that one plant being impressive.