Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Well, the stuff I’m sending out is every single one of my GPS packs (they’re all spoken for, so don’t anybody ask me about them haha), so I don’t know how “cool” what I’m doing is haha.

I kinda don’t. Apparently people have been taking advantage of those free seeds and seed runs and re-selling them. As you know, I’m not up on all of the latest goings-on on the cannabis interwebs shit, but that’s what I’ve been told.

Not a bunch, but I did have a little more than two-and-a-half packs. Just sent one out to somebody a couple days ago to include in a big Sour pheno hunt they’re doing. Hopefully they find something good…


That is a double edged sword bud. I get what you mean but the sad part is there were so many beans flying out of here that it attracted a slew of vampires to the site pissing off many members. I personally don’t want anyone coming here for free seeds. IMO they should come to be part of the community, share grow knowledge and to converse with like minded people. The free seeds should not even be on the list of reasons to join OG. They should be more a bonus for community members.


I’m just happy to find a forum that’s okay with members gifting seeds to other members (better to give than to receive!). A certain other forum’s strict policy on such things was a bit of a surprise.


Hey bud, I am in no way suggesting shunning new members. I have sent tons of welcomes and seeds to new folk here. It’s just the simple point that I don’t want people coming here joining up for seeds. It pisses me off when I see folks come here and put their hands out asking for seeds right under the banner that says this is their first post. This is not a site for panhandlers. I just consider it bad manners to walk into a strangers house and start asking for free stuff and not even have the courtesy to say hello first. Many new members have and will continue to become valued members. This is a very welcoming community but we are not here to be taken advantage of. :v:


Seems like a donate or participate requirement for seeds would help. Maybe a freakers ball equivalent for bodhi (not to say it couldn’t be other breeders discontinued work also). Everyone welcome, You’d just need to contribute in some way (grow log, seed run, packs).

I’d be happy to donate packs if it were structured that way. It’d just take some work to be organized.


Has Goji OG or Sunshine Daydream been F2’ed for the community yet?


SSDD was, 2019 I think. There might still be some F2’s floating around… I’d take another pack or two myself honestly :sweat_smile:


I’ve got an F1 pack of SSDD that I may eventually take a crack at doing a seed run on.


I think (for me) the Time Bandit yields less than people expect. (But is comparable to most OG yields.) Compared to some other 88G13HP crosses. But you’re right, it’s def. tippy-top-shelf headstash quality! A lovely and powerful OG x Afghan high.

Available again at GLG (30 packs) and as a Bodhi freebie. And at JBC (11 packs) and as a JBC Bodhi freebie.


I got goji, ssdd, dream beaver, and jabbas stash. I definitely want to find someone who can f2 at least one of these. I got one dude in mind for the goji but if his hands are full then someone else can give them or whatever else a go.

I’m looking for someone who’s done at least two seed runs if not someone the community can vouch for.


I’m looking at the cluster funk. Shit sounds fire.


That Jabbas Stash should be some fire. That gets my vote for F2’ing.


Does anyone have the ss18 laughing lemon? I have an extensive bodhi collection and lots of other genetics if anyone wants to hit me up :slight_smile:


Hey I’m a bit out of the loop and easily confused…is the drop over? Did JBC get any new gear in?


JBC posted the drop already… Looks like Golden Hashplant is long gone along with some of the DLA’s, but everything else still looks to be there…


JBC listed their Bodhi restock Friday, and the new drop Saturday morning.

I picked up Golden Hashplant and Saint’s Crossing, with Time Bandit as the freebie. I also grabbed AKBB’s William’s Wonder…


Nice calls!

If someone picks up Silver Sunshine(SSH x SSDD) or Kush4 x SSDD my library is open for trading :smiley:


I have a small pack of ssh x ssdd I can send you. I’m not sure how many seeds are in it. It’s an old tester pack I got in a trade. @HolyAngel


I don’t get mad at people asking for free seeds, new or not. I’m not a gatekeeper and I don’t want to be. I’m happy to give free seeds to anybody, even people I don’t get along with or who haven’t posted on the site but message me with a hand out. The antidote to the world’s greed and selfishness is kindness, compassion, and generosity to all. If that means that some people take advantage of the system, well, so be it. I don’t fault panhandlers IRL either, despite knowing that some portion of them are pro beggars. They have to live with themselves and their choices.

The honest truth is that the world has more than enough resources for every single person to have a good life, a full belly, and a roof over their heads without having to beg for it or become a wage slave to the money masters that rule this reality. And more than enough seeds for everyone to have something to sprout! :seedling: Instead of thinking of ways to exclude, we should be thinking of ways to include! The only reason there’s not enough for all is because people hoard and think of resources with a scarcity mentality, rather than a sharing mentality.

When I give to charity, it shouldn’t be with a bunch of restrictions, especially not subjective ones of “do they need it?” or “do they deserve it?” If I ask those questions, I’m letting my biases impact their outcomes. It’s worth pointing out and acknowledging right now that I’m not a good judge or jury. Despite my ego thinking I might be a fair and impartial judge, other people’s wisdom reminds me that I’m not as good or special or smart as I’d like to think I am.

Personally, I’m much more concerned about people constantly auctioning off (for their own personal gain) F2 of other breeders’ work or F1 that isn’t rare, and making a killing off of unsuspecting rubes and nubes. I’m not necessarily mad at them for making a buck, but saddened that they’re taking advantage of people’s scarcity mentality, since many of those buyers don’t know about this place, and for using another breeder’s good name to make a profit. Often it’s bodhi’s because he’s such a saint that he basically never says “no” to anyone.

Perhaps putting more barriers to entry on the seed giveaways would have some benefits, but I think changing the site membership level requirements to encourage community engagement would be a better exercise. Maybe a different approach would work. Maybe there are thread-level metrics that could be employed. I don’t really like the entrance exam of Beanbasement where you have to post a whole growlog from start to finish, because I think that eliminates new people, and I specifically want to engage them, not create a secret clique of cool kids. Echo chambers are the opposite of what the world (and this forum) needs.


For sure, dude. Mine weren’t world beaters or anything, I think all four yielded in the mid-60’s or so. But that’s about par for the course with my (mostly) water-only grows. I don’t really care all that much about yields, so I don’t put a lot of energy into doing things that might increase them (I don’t even know what I could do if I did care haha). I’m sure other people could do better.

You know what HAS yielded really well for me lately? I grew one of Rare Dankness’ Midas last round and one of their Moonshine Hazes the round before that and both yielded in the 90’s, which really shocked me. I know most people talk a lot of shit about them, but I’ve been really impressed with their “Sativas,” both from a yield standpoint and just an overall quality one.

I’ve grown it. Twice, actually, although I lost the first round in a drying mishap years ago. It is definitely good weed. I know I’ve said this a billion times, but all of the GHash crosses smoke similarly to me; it’s more just a matter of differences in flavors, depending on the mom used. Clusterfunk smelled like BO and onion/garlic, but tasted like pine/wintergreen and very hashy. Good stuff. You should grow it! Haha.

My grow report of it is on thcfarmer, if they haven’t deleted all of my content since I got banned last week. Seems like they deleted the report that got me banned, I don’t know if my years’ worths of other grow reports are still up. Haven’t checked. Don’t care haha, except that now that information is gone for any other growers who might be interested in the genetics I logged. Which is unfortunate, since that’s the only reason I post those logs.