Bodhi Plant Guide

@the_bot @Fullcircle I got the bud tested at my local hydro store, I don’t know how accurate a Gemmacart would be vs. a lab. First time I’ve ever had something tested…there’s a highest potency contest going on at the store right now. Current top rank is a 53 year old lady’s mystery clone @ 24%. Super accurate or not, this is all for fun! :muscle:

@minitiger this one is interesting. At first, it would make me anxious and paranoid, but that mellowed out the longer it cured. Here’s my notes:

1 month cure: I feel my eyes getting pulled down and feel like I’m wearing a headband, similar to BT #1. This one also makes me feel talkative. Very potent. Ears are ringing during the first part of the high. The bad thing is it possibly makes me paranoid and have negative thoughts. Maybe I chopped it too early? Or it just doesn’t vibe with me…anyways, after the first 20-30 minutes, the paranoia and negativity goes away. Now I feel really relaxed. Cool as a cucumber. Mind is clear and I’m spaced out in a good way (still able to pay attention). The body high is there but not overpowering…it’s like my body is buzzing. It will get heavy and put you to sleep though if you over indulge.

2.5 month cure update: that initial period of paranoia
/negativity has gone away! Everything else is the same.

This is my favorite pheno of BT so far…