Bodhi Plant Guide

So I kind of did this one backwards. I grew it out for seeds first. I ran half a pack of sky lotus about 18 months ago and I really liked it, so I wanted more seeds of it and it is/was sold out pretty much everywhere. I kept a clone of the seeded plant and now this is my first time flowering this plant for flower… if that makes sense lol.


Yeah, that makes sense. I can follow the logic, anyway haha.


Tested my Black Triangle #2:


have you ever compared the results of your gemmacert with a testing lab to check their accuracy?

im really curious about TLC tests and home appliances like the Gemma


Only test results I can possibly stand behind is the ones I pay to outsource to a local lab… MCR labs…not sure what you are linking there…


And? How’s she smoke?


@the_bot @Fullcircle I got the bud tested at my local hydro store, I don’t know how accurate a Gemmacart would be vs. a lab. First time I’ve ever had something tested…there’s a highest potency contest going on at the store right now. Current top rank is a 53 year old lady’s mystery clone @ 24%. Super accurate or not, this is all for fun! :muscle:

@minitiger this one is interesting. At first, it would make me anxious and paranoid, but that mellowed out the longer it cured. Here’s my notes:

1 month cure: I feel my eyes getting pulled down and feel like I’m wearing a headband, similar to BT #1. This one also makes me feel talkative. Very potent. Ears are ringing during the first part of the high. The bad thing is it possibly makes me paranoid and have negative thoughts. Maybe I chopped it too early? Or it just doesn’t vibe with me…anyways, after the first 20-30 minutes, the paranoia and negativity goes away. Now I feel really relaxed. Cool as a cucumber. Mind is clear and I’m spaced out in a good way (still able to pay attention). The body high is there but not overpowering…it’s like my body is buzzing. It will get heavy and put you to sleep though if you over indulge.

2.5 month cure update: that initial period of paranoia
/negativity has gone away! Everything else is the same.

This is my favorite pheno of BT so far…


Interesting - I had a similar thing happen with bubbashine Hp. A month or two cure and the high lost the edgy start to it.


Trimmed my Lemon Wookie V2. Lots of foxtails and bud development reminiscent of my Sour Diesel. Super sticky with strong lemon, but it is not the most dominant smell. I’m interested to see what she’s like after the cure…


Nice! I just trimmed up a lemon lotus - the lemon g definitely foxtails. Yeah mine had some super sickly sweet floral thing going. Lemons in there but not super prominent, hoping the cure brings it out.


That’s great looking “tree” you’re holding. Is that a cat tree next to you? Very cool design.


Did you have any late nanners with lemon wookiev2? I had them with lemon lotus and remembered reading of others having the same experience with lemon lotus… wondering if lemon G is more stable with wookie male.
Heres the lemon lotus - big stretchy beast with a great yield. Not much larf.


@BudWhisperer Yes! We just got that cat tree last year. There are four “branches” to it. The cats love it. It is in the sunniest of windows. I am allergic to cats, but my girlfriend came with two… sort of a package deal :slight_smile: They’re pretty cool - just wish I could pet them more (without having to wash my hands immediately after).

@ramblinrose No nanners on this one! No larf here either. I always clean up the lower third or so of the plant, but this one wanted to make big bulky clusters of foxtails. She was still pushing white pistils at 74 days but I was going out of town and there was enough amber. Yield was 154g (5.4oz) from an Octopot.


Beautiful Lemon Wookie v2! Please a smoke report when it’s ready? Curious if an uplifting effect.
I think several shops still have seeds of it in stock.


Lovely Lemon Lotus you’ve got! Is that the Lemon G or Lemon Diesel version? Thank you.


Lemon G! I think the diesel one was called lemon penetration.


Thank you i’ve read good things about that Lemon G being more lemony and more “happy” effect than the Diesel.


Yeah I’m looking forward to testing. Holding out another week or so untill my nose gets back, damn covid.


Wishing you a very speedy recovery!

A relative’s covid-caused sense of smell getting f*cked up was a mixed blessing.
She could no longer smell her cat’s poop, but her beloved coffee started smelling like actual garbage.


Thanks dude. Yeah I’m over it mostly, nose is definitely coming back… noticing it improve daily. Smelled the lemon lotus jar today… it’s weird it’s like a sickly sweet up front floral thing… but after I stepped back a second citrus lemon was permeating my nostrils haha.