Bodhi Plant Guide

Goji OG, from @The_Lazy_Hippie 's absolutely bonkers multi-grower seedrun last fall, with some example buds before and after drying (not the same buds!) 3/3 females, all of them actually quite similar in growth and development, they were pulled in the beginning of october at about 39N latitude. Lanky and tall, not the greatest internode spacing but big dense chunky frosty as hell buds make it a nice yielder. They also ensure you’ll have branches laying on the ground just from their own weight, let alone the wind. I don’t know how other OG’s compare but reading "no more floppy stems, or insane staking required… " on strainfinder makes me chuckle a little, sorry bman

I haven’t compared all three side by side yet, but I’ll update when I have. The one I’m smoking on as I type this is the dry bud I just pictured - again very frosty and dense. The smell is a wonderful mellow earthiness with a hint of something a little musky and gassy, almost briney actually. Overall it kind of reminds of me of the ocean breeze, I really like it. The smoke is tasty, smooth, and pretty potent. I have to say bodhi did a hell of a job with this one, and so did @The_Lazy_Hippie and crew!


I hope so too, I’ll hit back with a smoke report nexweek sometime.


Nikah at 60 days.


Gawddamn… That is some serious calyx-to-leaf ratio going on, looks like she’ll be an easy trim.


No. Joke…
Hope you took clones @WhiteBoyRick :joy:
If she smokes anything like TK or OG, gonna be worth running for a long long time I imagine :drooling_face:


I have clones of all 6 females from this pack. Including this one.


My keeper Dream Axis ((Congo Black x Ghash) x SSDD from an outdoor hunt last year. It was one of a few plants (out of 200+) that I brought back indoors. It’s one of the most resilient plants I’ve ever grown. About to do a proper flower run for the first time, and hopefully she doesn’t disappoint, or else I’ve wasted a lot of time… Smells are perfumey and herbaceous corn chips in veg….

Btw, if anyone has a pack of dream axis they’d be willing to trade, please hit me up. I’d like to do a repopulation on this one at some point and I only kept the one girl. I should have made fems with her very similar sister…


Dream axis defoliated, trimmed a bit and repotted. I will be flipping this week. They can get big, and could care less about being root bound. So, hopefully flipping right after transplant and trimming will keep size down.

Going to feel really stupid if she’s a dud after all the testing I’ve put her through. She was popped April of 2022, was tested through two outdoor seasons and indoors the whole time for durability. A lovely plant to grow in every way besides being a bit leafy. Her sister was also quite lovely and I finally killed her in stress testing a few months back and didn’t have a backup. She was test flipped, as well as some small clones being flowered outdoors, but this is the first time I’ll see what you can do with a nice size plant and some good conditions.



Razzberry Hashplant mutant


twins, nice
I found a lot of twins in bodhi’s guava hasplant


They’re definitely the most vigorous of the bunch from the starting line. Not sure they actually needed the small amount of feed I’ve given them.


Mountain Temple and HAOG x SSDD at 3 weeks of 12/12.


Mountain Temple


Man, I really love how clean and sterile your tent (tents?) look. Reminds me of what “The Future” was supposed to look like in those old science fiction movies from the ‘50s haha.

Do you have each plant in their own individual tent? Or was that just for picture-taking purposes?


Field Trip (70 day harvest)


Here is another Nikah that came down today. 4 more to go. This one i took to 71 days.


nice pristine set up !!! the buds are starting to add on nicely


That last pic looks like it could be a scene out of 2001: A Space Odyssey


Clusterfunk (Chem 91jb x 88g13hp) @Vagabond_Windy’s Selection

Growth: Like most of the HP crosses I’ve grown, this one was easy to grow, no fuss or special needs. This one was in 2 gal coco. Not much stretch in flower, if any. I could have vegged a bit longer, I think. The buds will definitely need support. I let mine get all floppy, but would have done better with some netting/staking. Finished about 70-73ish days for me.

Smell/Taste: this one is all chemical to me. More astringent smelling than the Chem 91 SkVa, but about on the same ‘loudness’ level. I don’t really smell much of the HP dad in there, which is probably a good thing as the straight HP terps are not my favorite. The taste is excellent though, no matter which method consumed. Strong mouth coating flavor that sticks around for a minute. The Chem smells translate to a different taste, maybe like clean herbal spicy kind of taste - not cleaner like bleach or chlorine, though I can smell those smells in there, but not really taste them. I dunno, haha, they taste good to me.

Effects: pretty strong and fast hitting. I haven’t smoked the Chem 91jb, only the Chem91SkVa. I’d put it just under the SkVa in terms on strength. I feel it in both the body and mind, a pretty nice blend… no anxious thoughts, just relaxing and care-free. Little heaviness in the body, but more just like a “heady indica”, where the body effect isn’t too strong and sedating.

Nice find by Vagabond! Thanks for sharing her with me. There’s gold out there in those Bodhi packs… I hope more people start sharing their finds, especially as legalization happens in more places.


Sitting on a motorbreath pack wondering


Haha thanks minitiger this is definitely the first time I’ve kept my tent so clean. Just the one tent, 4 plants. Two Bodhi plus a Mosca Bubblegum Party and a Connoisseur Amnesia Hazy Jones, but those don’t beling in this thread!

It’s my first indoor run of Mountain Temple - it didn’t finish outdoors this year but had promising “totem pole” cola structure. It hasn’t stretched as much indoors though compared to outdoors, and has bushed out rather than grown up.

Second run of the HAOG x SSDD - first run in a 3 litre pot and gave up 2oz of solid, super dense and potent flowers. In an 18l this time, hoping for 4-5oz.