Bodhi Plant Guide

I don’t know how I missed this post before, but really glad to have found it as I’ve been sitting on some Cherry Queen and haven’t got around to playing with it. Looks nice, what are your thoughts overall?


Yeah, two of the three Mountain Temples I grew years ago did the same thing, which I don’t mind haha. There’s actually pictures posted of them in the Bodhi Seed Discussion thread if you’re curious. And a grow log on thcfarmer, too.

Haha, gotta love 2001…


Hi, like i wrote good smoke, taste was nice but not strong enough for me. Thought 2 afgahni parents would be more indica dom.
Good yielder, some had some intersex tendencies.

Hope it helps.

Best wishes


Hashplant D smoke report:


Sorry for the gawd-awful “dried flower pics,” but that was the best I could do.

Smell: Unbroken flowers actually smell very coffee-ish and like the flavor of chocolate-covered cherries. Keep in mind, though, that this has been in jars for like three months now. When I did the “final seal” after burping the jars for a few days, she smelled pretty garbage-y/dumpster-ish/vile.

Broken nugs are all garlic/armipt/dirty trashcan, though, and nothing at all like the unbroken flowers smell. The garlic/armpit is VERY reminiscent of the Clusterfunk that I grew. Nobody but a weed smoker would find the way this one smells appealing, I don’t think (unless they were some sorta pervert freak haha). And maybe even some weed smokers would find it pretty unappealing. I like it, though.

Flavor: pretty hashy, with weird undertones of nuttiness, like maybe a walnut or a chestnut or something. I eat almonds all the time and it’s not like that. Definitely more of a “nut that I don’t like” flavor. It’s not bad, though haha.

High: This one is, to me, just a classic Chem high, with that “down then up” stone, although I don’t necessarily feel the need to sit down for thirty minutes after smoking the Hashplant D like I have with a lot of Chems/Chem hybrids. I do feel like I’m moving underwater for the first 45 minutes or so, but it’s still relatively functional. The first few times I blazed her, I had to think to myself,“Am I moving as slowly as it feels like I’m moving or do I just feel like I’m moving super-slow?” Turns out I just feel like I’m moving slow. Everything feels kind of “choppy.” Not heavy, but more of a,“Wahwahwahwahwah…” feeling, like those sounds when the The Six Million Dollar Man does something amazing, these ones:

After about 45 minutes, it becomes a very different high, almost like a switch was flipped or something. You know how in movies where, like, a bomb goes off or something explodes and they do the sound in a character’s head, where everything’s muffled and the character can’t hear anything and it sounds all “muddy” and then that high-pitched ringing happens and then everything is clear and loud and chaotic again? That’s how this one smokes haha. It’s like the first 45 minutes are all “muffled bass” and then the next hour is all “tin-y treble.”

It’s an interesting high, for sure. I dunno why I’m bringing up the Six Million Dollar Man and bombs exploding in movies and shit, but maybe it’s a very “cinematic” high? Haha.

She’s an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle haha. Good weed, though, for sure. I guess I could say that she’s an “anytime”-type of weed, but she isn’t “anytime weed” the way other things I’ve blazed (and am currently blazing haha) are. I’ll probably just stick with her for my bedtime stuff, but I do think she’s fine for daytime, too. Just maybe not “daytime” stuff for me.

I dunno haha…


Heres my favorite electric cowboy larry og pheno on left, and a g13hp leaner on right. The Og leaner has a oily resin rub, with a sweet citrus skunk aroma, others are more tacky with foul odors. The g13hp leaners have a specific incense spice kind of aroma - not resin rub just a smell they radiate, that I can’t place for the life of me. I notice it on walks outside sometimes haha.

OG pheno

g13hp leaner


Black Raspberry @ day 22F. Gave them a defoliation a couple days ago then hit them with a barley / kelp / ful-power tea. Resin is starting to appear on the fans now.


GCC’s assessment is spot on. More of a daytime smoke than I had expected, also good for people with low tolerance. I had three phenos, all of which had very similar noses, unique citrus fruity that translated well but not entirely to the flavor. Large plants with large colas that had some amount of mold issue outside in a humid environment despite not being very dense. No intersex outside. In a dry environment with good soil/irrigation I imagine Cherry Queen would get massive.


Now that I know which thread to be posting in lol

I just finished growing out 2 Black Triangle F2 . I had to cull 3 early on due to sexual confusion.
They both didn’t have much of a smell until the very end . They both took on the same classic OG smell very late in flowering. Neither were sticky but instead very gritty.

Anyway here is the one I dubbed TK leaning. It was chopped for reveg on day 54ish lol

This is the one I dubbed “HP” leaning on day 63 FF . It too is being revegged.


Definitely some Ghash dominance in those but they look beautiful :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: They both have a similar, hashplant type overall structure and the leaf morphology too. I’d still agree with your TK leaning assessment between the two. Hard to choose tho! Makes me wanna hunt through the f2’s :drooling_face:

TK isn’t really sticky either btw, she’s much more greasy feeling than sticky or sandy.
Gritty/sandy trichomes are likely coming from the Ghash, hashplant side :slight_smile:


Thank you for the info. It is very helpful.
I just chopped the short one today , but early samplings of the tall one have me def believing it to be TK leaning. It has the smell , taste , and classic OG effect.

Gotta love Bodhi F2’s :slight_smile:


Side branches reaching for the stars.


I have a Wolfpack F2 in early flowering ATM that smells just like some type of bubblegum . Almost like Juicy Fruit but not quite lol


Very nice. I hope to make some Wolf Pack f2s soon. Can’t wait to see what the f2s are like.


looking good. F2’s of the 88g13hp x’s are where it’s at. that line is so inbred and predictable it’s easy to spot out maternal traits! surprised more people don’t seriously breed with them. in many ways the 88g13hp crosses i almost consider breeding stock.


I have grown out roughly 40-60 of the WP F2 , since making them. I have seen a very wide range of phenos , from SOur Diesel , to Green Crack, to Chem D , to Appy, with a number of absolutely killer plants.
It has convinced me that if I ever pop a Bodhi pack again , it will only be to OP that pack . Before hunting.


I have no idea why my last post was flagged and removed for breaking community guidelines.
EVeryday the internet gets more and more censored and useless lol


I don’t see why either but @zephyr is working on it.
He needs a mod to deal with it so it might take a few min.



Ya I got his DM .
Only thing I can possibly think of is the Green Krack part lol I have always hated that strain name lol


There I edited it lol
No biggie I just had no idea you folks were running censoring software on here nowadays.


Random stuff gets flagged. I can still read it