Bodhi Plant Guide

The Bandaid Haze is NOT wake and bake tho. Maybe on the weekends. It’s evening lay out on the couch weed for me. good for just before bed :sweat_smile:


Well shit! Guess I’ll have a slow day when I try thst!


Yeah agree on the spice / incense / floral thing with bandaid haze 7 - it’s not overwhelmingly loud in aroma / flavor, it does leave the room smelling like wonderful incense. I disagree though I don’t find it heavy, I’ve enjoyed it as a wake n bake - really positive get your day going bud, and as an outdoor activity type high. Though I don’t find it racey - which is good for me. Calm good vibes, and a bit spacey for sure. I also go light on it - a couple small tokes or pulls on the vape.


Interesting. It seems there’s two sides to the bandaid as I’ve heard that from a few others but myself and close friends all consider it evening/nighttime weed. Not functional enough to work on. Doesn’t give me any energy at all, no motivation, nothing. Just wanna sit here and be with my thoughts :joy:


Ah, i’m smoking at least two fat bowls to the face in one-sitting. maybe that has something to do with it? :man_shrugging:


I think we interpret these haze cuts high’s in opposites haha - I remember you saying that for the lavender jack cut as well, which I find a nice daytime high and also a good evening sativa hybrid for doing stuff not just couching it. I will say with anything I toke for daytime I do go very light - I’m not looking to get blasted into space for a wake n bake, just a mood uplift and day brightener.


Lol yea bud, that may have a bit to do with it. When Im smoking 2 bowls by myself it doesn’t matter what I’m smoking, I’m not doing much.


Yeah might be part of it for sure. I only get blasted at night when I don’t have any responsibilities haha. Daytime, even weekends I’m just enhancing the vibe not going stratospheric :wink:


yeah… something for sure :thinking:

When I think Haze or Sativa effects I think motivating and/or soaring weed. 100% functional. Feel fantastic, Ready for whatever the day brings. Doesn’t have to be racy at all. I’m not a fan of racy stuff, but some of the lines have it for sure.

Anything that doesn’t have those qualities, I don’t refer to as Haze. The Bandaid’s definitely affect me in a more, what I would call, indica type of way. They’re not high functioning, there’s no motivation or energy, no soaring and definitely some introspectiveness :thinking:

I am blasted constantly :joy:


Yup for sure - and music enhancing, conversation provoking, creativity, laughter, etc. My favorites definitely lean towards clear mind functional effects so I can still function in the world :rofl: . The peeking thru the blinds losing your shit effect some have described as real Haze isn’t for me what so ever haha. Have had that effect from one buddy’s old haze cut he grew for a while.


100% that’s what I’m looking for in a haze.

So far from what I can tell, anything that has anything to do with the ‘Piff’ crowd, isn’t it.


What’s the piff crowd

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JJ/topdawg and crew. Piffcoastfarms, etc. Strain wise id say anything with the Cuban Black in it isn’t gonna be the the haze we’re looking for


Gotcha, thanks!


the african haze #11 bronson cut is killer, but it’s it’s own thing. It’s some of the best haze (not strongest weed) I ever smoked and grew and I’ve been smoking various haze for around 30 years now… cough… It is definitely in the same realm as the NYC haze I smoked from the street in 90’s and 2000’s and beyond, but it is much better high and really unique taste. I wouldn’t look back to be honest. That old haze might not be worth the hassle, with cuts like African haze going around. It’s so good, I’m not even bothering flowering out long hazes mostly now. No point. The AH 11 is better, better than sour d also.


Yeah, that’s funny.

I wouldn’t worry about it. The three Mountain Temples I grew way back didn’t taste earthy at all (two of them were definitely fruity and the third was actually very cheesy-smelling, but IIRC she also tasted fruity)(that was a long time ago, though, so you’ll forgive me if I don’t remember exactly haha) and I don’t expect the two I’m growing now to taste that way, either. I mean, there might be “earthy” elements to the flavor, but that’d probably be coming from my soil mix, which always seems to impart a little bit of that flavor to everything I grow.

Are you running a specific cut? Is that what you mean when you said that you got it from HighTillDie? Or do you mean you got the seeds from them? I scrolled through your log yesterday, but you hadn’t really talked about the Mountain Temple (that I could find, anyway). You posted pictures of everything else haha, but I didn’t see anything about your MT.

I agree. I tried the #7 and the “Church,” and neither were as good as three of the four BAH’s that I’ve grown from seed myself, but that #7 was definitely spacey. I didn’t really dig it haha. I mean, I liked it, it was fine, but not nearly as fun as the three standout BAH’s that I grew. Or the “Church,” for that matter.

Fun’s important to me haha. I do like the lack of raciness on the comeup that all of the BAH’s seem to have, though. That’s also important to me. Not a fan of rushy comeups at all.

I understand what @HolyAngel’s saying about “Indica” effects regarding certain “Sativa/Haze” cultivars, we’ve had this discussion over and over and over haha, but he has a very narrow view of what Hazes “should” be, IMO haha! I’ve always compared BAH (the ones that I grew more than the samples of the #7 and the Church that I tried) to mushrooms, albeit wayyyyy less intense. When I’m on shrooms, the walls can be breathing and the plants outside are swaying and the ground’s heaving, but my body’s totally relaxed and I have a huge smile on my face. All’s right with the world.

Same thing, sort of, with that BAH. And now we’re totally off-topic, so I’m gonna quit talking.


Yea honestly I haven’t talked about Mountain Temple much because she’s in the far back corner and hard to get to, but I figured we both flipped the same day, it’d be nice to see a good comparison of the cut I running from @HighTilliDie and the ones you are running from seed. What do you flower under?


Apaches. I have two AT200’s and one AT600. The 600 is the only light I’m using right now, though, since I only ended up with five females from fucking 23 seeds planted this round.

Also, this thread is supposed to be for actual grows of Bodhi gear, not general chit-chat; the chit-chat’s for that Bodhi “Seed and Strain Discussion” thread or whatever it’s called. I quit following that one a while back because most of the people on there really irritated me, but I also wanna try to keep this one on-topic. When I logged on to OG this morning and saw that there were 29 new replies, I was like,”Uh oh…” haha.

I’m just as guilty as anyone of derailing threads, but I really do wanna keep this one “pure” haha, so… You can ask me anything you want on my own personal grow logs, those things get chatty as fuck, but yeah, I don’t want this one to get too crazy.


This right here👍


What’s the point of making 2 Bodhi threads separate when it’s just spamming text across both of them? Thought 1 was pictures and the other was discussion? Now it is discussion here because someone doesn’t like people chiming in on the other thread?