Bodhi Plant Guide

Unicorn Milk. 1 gallon fabric pot. Day 40 of 12/12


Thanks for that tip @SEMOActivist

Here’s Pine Apple started inside and finishing outside.

It’s in a 7-gallon container with amended coco coir. It’s been fed with tap-water and 3pts Fox Farms Big Bloom and 1-pt Fox Farms Wholly Mackerel.

Was concerned with signs of issues inside initially and was seeing some indication of deficiencies and suspected root issues or some other malady.

It has improved and actually thrived outside after some adjustment to the change.

Was running it at 18/6 inside and brought it out in mid-June. Hope to finish in September or October.

It’s probably a dood…… ;-p


Chopped two Angelicas last week. I spaced (for the entire grow haha) and forgot to get a side-by-side photo, which is unfortunate, but here they both are on chop day, plant #4:

And plant #5:

Not quite as good as a side-by-side, but you can still see some pretty major differences between the two plants; namely, the #4 plant exhibited much more “OG-ish” growth patterns than the #5 plant, with the lankier growth and huge gaps between internodes and whatever. What’s weird is that the #5 plant, the one that seems more like a “hybrid” HAOG/88G-type plant (if not an outright 88G leaner) smells more like an OG than the #4 plant. But we’ll get to that later, after everything’s dried, cured and in my lungs.

Here’s the #4 plant, veg day 32:

I flipped her and the other Angelica the next day, which, again, isn’t something that I’d ordinarily do, but squeezing in another grow before summer, blahblahblah etc etc.

Flower day 14:

Flower day 22:

Flower day 32:

Flower day 42:

Etc etc. Here she is on the day I chopped, flower day 74:

So she got chopped like eight days ago, actually gonna trim and jar her today.

And here’s a couple better pics to illustrate the differences between the two plants. You can use the tape on the wall in the background as a sort of measuring stick.

#4 plant, flower day 62:

#5, flower day 62:

Anyway, I chopped that #5 two days after the #4, flower day 76. Here she is on veg day 32 (flipped the next day, just to remind y’all haha):

Flower day 14:

Flower day 22:

Flower day 32:

Flower day 42:

Etc etc. Here she is on chop day 76:

Both plants grew really, really rock-hard, super-dense flowers from top to bottom and right up against the stems, too, so I trimmed off a lot of leaves, mostly on the inside, before I hung them. Even though I like to hang plants whole, I didn’t wanna risk getting mold, so…

Anyway, yeah, two Angelicas grown. I’m pretty stoked about them. Although I’ve never grow or even smoked straight HAOG, I fucking LOVED all four of the Uplifts I grew a few years back, even the ones that didn’t show as much OG-type growth patterns. I’m hoping that those two Angelicas will smoke similarly, but I’ll still try to love them even if they don’t haha…


And here’s the other Mountain Temple I was growing, the #5 plant, chopped her two nights ago on flower day 80.

Veg day 32 (flipped the next day):

Flower day 14:

Flower day 22:

Flower day 32:

Flower day 42:

And on and on… Here she is on the day I chopped, flower day 80:

She started flopping at some point, but there really wasn’t anywhere to tie branches to stake, just because it was really nothing but flower on all of the tops, no “gaps” or space where I could tie the floral tape.

So I just rested the tops against those two stakes haha.

Anyway, here are some closeups:

She grew really, really differently than the other four Mountain Temples I’ve grown, doesn’t look anything at all like them. And that’s exciting haha. I’ll post the smoke report in five weeks or so.


I gave a strong fruity smelling AK-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP away. I have one that has a nice gas smell that I will reveg. The other two have a low smelling generic cannabis smell, a mix of floral and fruity.


another round of ethiopian afghani completed, here’s some fresh frozen concentrates.

2 batches of nectarine live resin in the same jar. Gooey transclucent crystals. Under the mild stonefruit smell there is more sour and dank than usual, something between skunk and permanent marker.
at the bottom of the photo you can see a batch I made last week, there used to be more of that.

Most days the nectarine pheno or the cherry pheno is my primary meds. Potent and very medicinal with a great bright trippy headspace, excellent reliable meds works every time.

(ethiopian banana x omg)

Strawberry live resin, came out better than usual for this pheno fresh frozen. a mix of fine powder and sticky wax. The smell is very earthy fresh soil and moss with a base of tart strawberry jam.

This one has an unpredictably psychedelic wildcard high that keeps things interesting. sometimes it’s an enjoyably laid back uplifted but relaxed sativa high, other times it’s 3, 2, 1 blast off. Satisfying and medicinal either way.

(ethiopian paintbrush x omg)

In general the ethiopian omg has the kind of medicinal qualities that come from bud rich in diverse trace cannabinoids, with the kind of complex nuanced highs that come with it. They interract with other weed in your system in interesting ways.


Nice work, how do you extract?


It’s simple old school honey oil made with food grade alcohol. I use everclear, it makes a very predictable product. my tweak on the recipe is just to use fresh frozen flower to make live resin honey oil.

A lot like rick simpson oil with a quick extraction at freezing temperatures. Honey oil is a very old recipe, I learned it from prop 215 collectives. in the california medical system food grade alcohol concentrates were considered to be the only solvent based concentrate that was safe for cancer patients with weakened immune systems.

at that time prop 215 collectives made a lot of affordable honey oil for patients who needed to consume large quantities for cancer treatment or other illnesses. It was gooey and dark green/black, usually oral doses in measured syringes or dosed out in pill capsules. There was also top shelf honey oil food grade alcohol concentrates that were good enough to dab, those were translucent gold or amber like what I make.

People had been making different versions of this stuff in san francisco ever since they stopped selling cannabis tincture over the counter in drug stores. In the early 60s san francisco street dealers would dip papers or rolled joints in the alcohol extraction to boost potency and then hang them up to dry. They sold them as “golden joints” or “scorpions” on the street.


For collection, do you use a pie dish or something else? And do you scrape it with a razor or a larger piece of equipment(can’t think of the name of that damn scraper thing)? I’m a huge fan of this method but have annoyed myself more than once during collection or if I’ve over-dried it. Just curious really. I appreciate the run downs and effect breakdowns!


I use pyrex glass for evaporation and scrape the hash up with a razor in a handle. A square or rectangular pyrex with straight sides is best, that way you don’t have to scrape around a curved edge. The important thing is never allow the glass to get scratched or the blade to get damaged at all.

I’m still looking for food grade razor blades, I know they exist for culinary use but I can’t find it.

I use made in usa steel razor blades, which should be safe for this use. usa material safety regulations mean the steel isn’t contaminated with lead. Make sure you never buy any kind of teflon, coated, or non-stick razor blades. Clean them thoroughly before use. Replace the blade after each use.

I use a steel handle with a retractable blade. You can use a handle like what would be used for scraping paint off of glass windows, it’s basically the same action. Your hash shouldn’t be touching the handle, but make sure it’s something that can be fully cleaned.


Cool cool. Was curious if you had tricks I wasn’t aware of. I’ve always been upset about stuff collecting in creases so I’ve found a pie dish easier for me than something square. I can bend the razor a bit to fit the curve better than the 90 degrees the square offers. Haha man, I’ve been in the culinary arena for 9+ years and have no clue about the razors you speak, so they really must be either good or expensive.

I appreciate your break down. Thank you :purple_heart:


These folks have uncoated medical grade razors. Even have round edge safety ones that should be less likely to scratch the glass.


yeah there’s really no tricks, I use this method because it’s the simplest and least labor intensive way to get good quality cleanly extracted resin.

thanks this is the kind of thing I was looking for.

edit- I guess the only trick is to evaporate it at room temperature, don’t cook off the alcohol or it will boil off all the terpenes and volatile oils.

use 190 proof alcohol if possible.
There is a trick to using 150 proof alcohol if you’re in a state that doesn’t sell 190 proof.

If you have to use 150 proof everclear in california, there will be some residual water content. Once the evaporation has slowed down, and the remaining liquid is looking cloudy like absynthe blended with water, pour that off into a separate container. This will preserve the quality of your hash. You can evaporate that extra liquid too, but it will be slightly lower quality than the rest of your batch.


Thanks for breaking down the process. I wanted to ask, but I also didn’t wanna get berated for going off-topic haha.

Since I’m unfamiliar with the actual process, I dunno if this would work, but what about just an old-school straight razor? Or would that be too big?


would a bread lame work?


I think the old school shaving straight razor would probably be too big, and a straight razor handle might not give you the right leverage. You want a thin blade, and you need to be able to get the blade against the surface at a 45 degree angle or less. You want good direct leverage on a small surface area because it usually doesn’t scrape up easily.

I think the bread lame has a better chance of working, that’s usually a small straight edged blade, and often has a replaceable blade. That’s an interesting idea. It would just be a question of whether the handle gives you the correct angle with good leverage and good control.


How long do you soak the starting material for?


For no more then 5 minutes keeping as cold as possible so the chlorophyll doesn’t leech into it and cause a reduction of quality @AmnioticBaptism


Thank you! I’m gonna try this out this weekend if I can find some 190 everclear.


All 12 SSDD F1 clones survived stress testing, transplant and a test flip as young clones. I’m so impressed, you would be too if you knew what they’ve been through… So, barring herms were using all 12 plants in the OP

Nothing much to see yet, but #4 is the early winner, with #6 making an argument. They’ve formed nicely structured little plants and shrugged off all the hardship. Both had 5 of 5 survival from snips, rooted great, had the healthiest leaves and stems, and the worst of them look better than the best of many others.

Shortly before transplant a couple weeks back…

I came close to culling a couple, but two of each survived and are growing :man_shrugging::joy: