Bodhi Plant Guide

DIVINE INTERVENTION - seeds hit water at total solar eclipse moment :smiley:


Unicorn Milk. 52 days of 12/12


Grew a pack of nikahs not long ago… there was 1 pheno that was a terpinolene bomb… the others had a sour milk type terps… decent effects on some phenos, they got great vigor and quite good mold resistance!


Ive grown many bodhi seeds in the past few years
Goji og
Blue sunshine
Chem d x ssdd
Black triangle
Hashplant d
Chem kesey
Flo x ssdd
Mendo purps x ssdd
Granola funk
More cowbell
Apoǰllo 11
Blue lotus
Super silver temple
Dread bread

More cowbell was really nice, i ran a 2nd pack to see if i could find a keeper buttl the 2nd pack hermied all so not sure whats up withtl that…

Ssdd was great, prolly one of my faves, blue sunshine also was pretty damn good. There is some fire on them ssdd crosses. Not sure why bodhi stopped making them…
Here some chem d x ssdd shots

goji was pretty good too even tho i just ran 1 fem… chem d x ssdd was solid as well, ran that one recently a few times…


How did you like the mendo sunshine got some f2s I wanna try sometime


@DesertHeartGardens There was 1 pheno that was really nice… had a strawberry redbull type smell to it… i actually tested these for bodhi…

not the bests yielder… very good effects for nerve and joint pain… i ran my fave pheno a few times… not sure why i let it go, but was a nice plant


Ran an F1 for two years or so, have a few crosses of her that Im still searching through, and even have some pollen in the fridge still. More than a few pictures on my profile of her and the crosses…Everyone seemed to enjoy it when it was in rotation. My only gripe with her is that when making rosin she stays greasy, yields low returns and I can never get the mendo to come through, its always a strange rancid butter taste. As far as the flower experience goes, sweet and oldschool ‘purple’, grape eraser, slight funk and a quick pressure forehead type high, mellow smooth smoke. The best part of growing her is the ease of trim, minimal sugar leaves, and thin easy to buck stems.


Three AK-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP Smells are floral and musty earth and my favorite has fruity with chem or gas undertones. Out of four plants two have a somewhat subdued generic floral cannabis smell, one heavy fruit that I gave to a family member and my keeper with a strong citrus smell with the added chem or gas smell.


Master of Muppets in the front row x2.
Midnight Cowboys in the back row x3.
3x3 tent, day 18 of 12/12.


An old mom of my dream axis keeper that I decided to put into flower. I’ve tortured this plant with wacky light schedules, excess nutes, and high temps. The nutes sent her in a bad direction, did a flush abd once she was liking better I flipped. She looks better by the day, so I’m yet again blown away by how nice this plant is.

Sadly, she’ll be pollinated, so we won’t get to see her hide really shine.

Some better bud shots the next few days… Also, I’m about to finalize a trade for a pack of dream axis, so I’ll find her a nice mate!

Also, the ssdd repopulation is about to get more interesting… 12 of 12 still in the mix… #4 and #6 looking like the best plants still, and maybe only one that I’ll consider culling… These look great considering they’re in stress testing.

When she tried to take over the tent in her early days. I’ve held her for two years now. A remarkable plant, and a standout in veg, vigor, resilience. She roots easier than any plant I’ve ever come across, and could care less if roots are cramped. Whatever nutrients, she’s cool… We’ll see soon if the flower is good in
a subpar run, and seed run. We’ll see for sure, but I suspect she’s going to turn out some really interesting progeny. She reminds me a little of MAC and some MAC progeny. The only other plant in my collection I could confuse her for is MAC Daddy. MAC V2 when I had her…

Her and her sister… They were quite similar, but the keeper was better in every way, which is one reason I didn’t make F2 fems


Really beautiful set. How far along are they?


Thank you man. They are day 18-19 of 12/12. I’ll pop back in late flowering.


It was indeed…my pretty pineapple was a dood……


I let the AK-47(1995) x G13 88/HP hang for around thirty-six hours before removing the buds from the stems and putting them in the cannatrol.

My favorite that had a floral/fruity smell with gas has changed. While cutting the buds off the smell was no longer anything like it was before. My first thought on the smell took me back to high school in the 1980s to my typing and art classes. It reminds me of whiteout, sharpie or typing ink.

One of the generic floral/fruity smelling one increased its floral smell. When cutting it was a nice mix of floral smells with no dominate smell to pick out.

The other one had no smell even when cutting. This one goes in the giveawy pile.

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What?!? You’re not even gonna try it? Come on, dude, don’t give up so quickly haha…


I lied, I just dont want people thinking I smoke mids.


Good weed is good weed. The smell is the least important part IMO. For me, quality of buzz is #1, taste is #2, smell is dead last. The smell might come out more in the cure, too. I’ve smoked plenty of weed that smelled great but had a mediocre buzz and bad flavor to know that smell is the least important part of whether or not the weed is mids.


There is a certain smell when I smell it I know that that plant has in it that which will tingle my Pudendal nerve. If that smell is missing it wont tingle my Pudendal nerve.


haha its so awesome how different everyones preferences are. One mans trash is another mans keeper :joy:


At the risk of going further off topic, i agree! I’m definitely looking for:
#1 how fast/hard does the high come on given the quantity

Sooner the better/less amount possible.creeper is fine too tho as long as it’s hard/noticable come-on. Not trying to have to smoke a joint to the face to feel medicated. A single bowl/bong pack should suffice.

#2 how long does it last?

Need 1.5hr min, longer the better.

#3 what the high does(up/down/whatever) and is it more/less effective than what I already have?

If it does the same thing as what I already got but worse at #1 or #2, it’s gone.

If it can’t get past these I’m not keeping it. Has to pass all 3 before I even begin to look at smell/taste/yield/etc. if it passes all 3 AND it’s loud AF and tasty too? Well that’s just a bonus :joy:

The only time smell/taste would matter up front for me is if it’s something I just can’t smoke, like really floral stuff or certain foul scents.