Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

Ooh shit! I was curious what the hell all these notifications were for lol! Thanks @CrunchBerries @DesertHeartGardens @HeadyBearAdventures @BeagleZ and of course @LegsMahoney !!!


Congratulations @bassman5420 !! Awesome giveaway @LegsMahoney


Nice @bassman5420! We’re gonna need a full taste report on that maple syrup :wink:


Guess I will have to have a french toast cheat day or something lol!


if its a cheat day then you gotta use Brioche :wink:


I like the way you think :thinking:


shit i dont even got homemade maple syrup but i think i know what im making for dinner :sweat_smile:


Maple Brussels sprouts with bacon or lardon would be fire, and not even a cheat!


Hmm, sounds interesting indeed :+1:

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Maple glazed carrots are a killer side dish. Olive oil, salt, pepper and a drizzle of maple, toss and lay on a sheet pan and roast at 375 for like 15-20 min


A little balsamic vinegar added to that on carrots is fire one of my favorite veggie sides


We call those shmootsy carrots around here, not sure where it came from :joy:


Well now I’m not gonna be able to call em anything else. I can’t wait to see the wife’s face when I ask her if she wants “Schmootsy carrots” next time with no explanation :joy::joy:


:joy::joy: 10 characters


I’ll be back to like all this a bit later :wink:


Damn really thought i would be on point at 87 gm…

Google the average weight of cannabis seeds the weight of a 1 by 1 desiccant pack guess the amount of seeds it all the math cuz I went to low on the seed count

Congrats on the syrup win!!!


Alright, so I finally mustered the courage to post pics of these poor plants. Needless to say they’re all looking pretty rough from the over watering and then under watering fiasco, but as I said the smells and the quality of the flowers are actually pretty good all things considered. The biggest effect has been the yield, they just never got a chance to perform as they should and things are looking larfier than they otherwise might. The plants themselves are actually doing pretty good but you can’t really tell given the permanent leaf damage that was done early on, these poor girls were hobbled from the get go. Lessons learned, I’ll be backing this run up with another round of clones that I can hopefully run properly. I wish I could be showing off some beautifully perfect flower run but it is what it is, warts and all. Better next time is my mantra.

Overall, #6 took it the hardest, basically looks totally torched, but that isn’t really a surprise since that one was the most sensitive during the seed run. #2 and #1 basically showed the same deficiencies and gnarly clawing, and the #5 handled it the best overall just lightening slightly in color. All in all if I had to pull a good thing out of this fuck up it would be that I now have a better idea how these cultivars react to watering stress, so I’m trying to tell myself that this was not all for nothing. We’re currently at day 56 of flower, checking trichs daily and expecting for these to come down to dry in the next couple weeks max. Hope you’re all well out there. :heart: You all :v:t2:


All in all I would say your going to have some pretty nice smoke all said and done…
Do you think you have the issues taken care of at this point? I ask because I’m wondering if some of those fan leaves are causing more harm than good right now. If they aren’t doing their job which is gathering light, then id say they can go. Might be working to try to recover more than producing if that makes sense?

Props for showing us all something you consider less than ideal! Too much I think people can fall into the “social media, everything has to be shiny and perfect” mentality. Why did we come here if not to learn, right? :+1: :+1:


They look alright to me, nothing to be “embarrassed” about (if for no other reason than who really fucking cares what people on the internet think about you? haha), although I do wonder if the issue really was that you just overwatered a couple times. That was pretty early on after you flipped, wasn’t it? It seems like they coulda handled that and recovered pretty easily once you corrected.

Some of those leaves look like they’re exhibiting something more than just being over/underwatered. My leaves always start getting pretty crispy and gnarly by day 50 or so, for the most part, but they don’t really ever look like that. You sure your mix is all good and everything? Maybe you’re top-dressing a little too often?

Yeah, for sure. Not to mention that most of those pics have been seriously altered with, like, computer shit or whatever. I kinda like it when I post pics of my gnarly-looking plants, like,”That’s right, bitchessssssss! And it still got me high as fuck!” haha…


Totally agree, I stripped her down pretty hard when I stabilized things, so what you’re seeing were the best leaves that got left on there I didn’t wanna fully skin em and make sure to leave em some leaves even if they weren’t in great shape.

Totally agree, so I had read that going from over to under watered can cause nutrient issues, lockout etc. basically drowning em
Slows down the uptake, and then drying them out too much can also fuck up uptake, then when they finally get re-wet it can cause them to uptake too much, so essentially the swings in moisture can cause nutrient imbalance and all kinds of other problems. This is my running theory on what happened here because they all got transplanted into brand new out of the bag medium. Although I suppose it’s totally plausible that I got a weird batch of the COM that’s compounding the issue, I’ve never run into that with this brand before but I wouldn’t write it off. Basically this was a perfect storm in some ways so it’s made it hard to properly diagnose what’s up, but I KNOW I fucked up their watering for a good period of time, so I’m sort of pinning it on that for the time being, but I wouldn’t put any money on my diagnosis.

I appreciate both of your kind words fellas, I’ll for sure cruise out of this with some
Good smoke, I just can’t help but wish I did better, but that’s good motivation to ante up, get some fresh cards and try my luck again next go round!