Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

COM’s Stonington Blend was the last “soil” I used before I switched to coco. Don’t worry, I won’t push coco, even if it is the best, lol!

I found the COM to get too dense after a bit in the pot, and possibly hold too much water. I think that was making for less O2 to the roots. I think that’s a big deal, it restricts a lot of other processes.

I use their seedling starter for veggies and flowers. It works great, but the plants aren’t in there for very long.

I know it’s too late, but maybe more perlite would help for the next run?

The buds look great, though. :slight_smile:


When you say you use coco now. You mean straight coco?

If so hows that working for you


Dude! Strikes and gutters!


I do agree with @HorseBadorites about the COM being too dense. Maybe try cutting it with some aeration of some kind.


Yea, I typically do mix in some extra rice hulls to my pots because of the compaction y’all are describing, can’t find my notes on whether or not i did that this round but I did drop some red wiggles into each pot this round and they seem to have really helped the soil texture overall, probably the least compacted it’s been at the end of a run.


If you were talking to me, it’s working great :slight_smile:


Damn, well I had a package show up with some syrup and seeds! Thanks a ton @LegsMahoney :pray:


beautiful! i hope you enjoy it my friend, if you have any questions on the different phenos of the GM just hit me up.


Went hard around the house today doing chores and chasing after the kid and was smoking joints of the #5 all day long, it was a great companion smoke for hanging around the house choring. Kept me in good spirits and relaxed, and free from any random aches and pains but didn’t slow me down at all. I’ve been gravitating towards that jar more and more, the plant itself seems to be the heartiest as well, early contender before the smoke test of the sensi plants for favorite pheno. :heart::heart::v:t2:


yesterday marked day 64 so i killed the lights and am giving the plants 24 hrs of dark before the chop, so the deed will be done at 7pm and its off to the dry and cure.

in other news @BeagleZ i know you’d be interested to hear this one. i went around this morning and hand cut every dandelion on the large portion of our front yard and started a dandelion FPE. according to the notes i have it’ll need to ferment around 2 weeks, so we’ll see what it ends up turning into, but hoping its successful and ill have a good use for these annoying weeds on my lawn.


Sweet! keep us updated as it ferments, id love to see how it progresses. I am thinking about intentionally planting dandelion lol :crazy_face:


dont do it!!! unless this works out, but even still its pretty tedious trimming a bunch of dandelion by hand


maybe a dedicated hoop house so they dont get out of control but in control enough for easy harvest… :thinking:
but yeah, deff waiting to see how this works out for ya :wink:


We live in the city, but we have 3 big maples right behind our house on the city land.
For about 3 years in a row, I tapped those trees and boiled down to syrup.

It wasn’t really cost effective, cause I used sooo much propane :joy: it probably cost more than buying it in the store

But it was an awesome experience. My kid got a kick out of doing it with me, and I gave out tiny little bottles of syrup to friends and family.

I still have a box of supplies in the basement. Maybe next year I’ll give it another go!


I’ll keep you updated to let you know if it’s worth the headache brother :call_me_hand:t2::v:t2:

This is the truth, first year we did the turkey fryer and propane method and realized it wasn’t worth the effort. That’s when I built the boiler; found a 55 gallon drum on Craigslist and the wood stove conversion kit from tractor supply, then I just bought a hotel pan and cut a hole for it to sit in, I collect old palletes from business around town and buck em up and burn those to boil sap, it essentially becomes a free enterprise at that point with the exception of the labor, but it’s a ton of fun, and something I hope my daughter will look forward to as well!


The whole plant from root to flower is beneficial, so I rip the whole thing up, shake off excess dirt, no rinse, and into the ferment. Easy peasy!


Badass. Going to do this. Have some fatty boom batty Sugar Maples on my property. Already have some taps and tubing, but hadn’t thought out the boilin’ apparatus. I like your simple and cheapskate solution. This is my wheelhouse!


Ah, I was thinking there is good stuff in those roots and also wether or not you’d rinse it first.


Yeah, I’m a whole plant and a bit o’ dirt kinda guy!
The neighbors across the street had a raised bed in their side yard, but they moved out and now it’s overgrown with… You guessed it … Dandelion!
I basically have a limitless supply, and since it was garden soil I can get a massive amount of the root out when I pull em.


So dope you’re doing an FPE… I wanted to get into KNF this year from my outdoor as well! I have plans to make a fermented insect frass and then an IMO. I dunno, I’m just starting to learn about it. I figured out the fermented plant extract but not the insect frass ferment. Anyway, looking forward to learning some new stuff.