Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

Yep, looks pretty similar! Plants looking really healthy. I need a second space for the males but I don’t really have room for a second tent… I think I’m going to have to make room somewhere! I’m really racking my brain on how to proceed. Are you going to put all the males in that 2x2? Where will your cuttings go? Just wondering how I should handle this.


so ive got a 2x2.5 tent thats got a height extender as well as that little 2x2 shorty. cuts will stay in the little guy, i also use that tent for spraying when theres nothing in it. males will go in the full size 2x2.5. my wife comes down and rolls her eyes when she sees our tent city basement


I don’t know what’s up, but it’s happening to one of my plants too. I saw some signs of spider mites on one of the other, smaller plants in the grow 3 weeks ago, but otherwise no sign of any pest problems, and I’ve been spraying them with hydrogen peroxide and neem oil weekly since then with no sign of the spider mites coming back. I do have a ladybug in the tent, but I’m fairly sure she’s not eating the plants… and why would it only be the one? Dunno, but here’s a pic. This is my Valley GHash x Cake Fighter, who probably won’t be with us for much longer anyway since it’s looking a lot like a male or at best a hermie.

Weirdly, just like with yours it only seems to be happening on one side of the plant, and it’s not even the side facing the tent wall… very similar leaves in every way, actually. If there are chewed edges on mine, I’m missing them… but that little notch out of the center finger on the leaf seems exactly the same as yours, and the other damage seems similar at least. Dunno, but it’s got me curious. Maybe it’s a boron deficiency, wouldn’t that be funny? :stuck_out_tongue:


I wouldn’t worry about the leaves; shit like that just happens sometimes, I dunno why. They’re looking alright to me. Hope those clones root for you. I suck at cloning, pretty much have given up trying to clone anything haha. I did buy one of those Aerocloner things a while back, but I haven’t used it yet.

My friend May Ling loves them, she’s tried to get me into them so many times. I don’t like them, though haha.


@minitiger theyre an acquired taste for sure, gotta be in the right mood/mindset. im not a great cloner either, hoping this round goes better, ive tried the root riot plugs, and the aero cloner with middling success at both, basically just stabbing in the dark hoping for positive results.

@Cormoran thats crazy man those do look exactly like mine, your boron comment got me thinking a little, but like @minitiger said im kind of chalking it up to a “dont worry about it” situation overall.


If you think it’s a boron deficiency, you could try watering with this:

It’s just humic acid, but with seven micronutrients added, boron being one of them. I try to water with it once a grow, no later than like four weeks into flower. Sometimes I’ll forget to water with it for like a year haha. I’ve had the same little bag of it for five years or so.

I really wouldn’t worry about it, though.


ill probably go the “don’t worry about it” route :laughing:


I was just being sarcastic… there was a guy a few weeks ago who was trolling people saying every slight issue was a boron deficiency, I guess he didn’t get to you. I was going to @ him, but it looks like both of his accounts have already been deleted. :wink: Surprise, surprise…


ooh! :rofl: got me through proxy i guess, i was for real like “oh fuck, i never thought about Boron before!!!”


Man I had to share this, and this thread seems like the best spot to do it. So there’s a local breeder here that I linked up with and did a redesign of his logo for him (I’m a graphic designer by trade.) dude didn’t have a ton of cash so I worked in trade with him for some of his gear (gonna post some shots of his Cosmic Gel that I grew outside this year once it’s done the cure) and since then I’ve been helping him by making him silly memes to promote himself on IG when he goes around to various shows etc. dude hit me up the other day and said he had something for me, I met up with him and he pulled out a Highdrogro 2x4 tent, a floor model that he copped from the distributor at a show, never before grown in. I was totally blown away! Ran home and immediately rearranged my whole basement to fit it in. Bottom line: the folks in the cannabis community are some of the most caring, and generous people I’ve gotten to meet. I feel super lucky to be in this thing with dudes like him and all you fine folks out there, this kind of love and generosity is everything the world needs right now, let’s keep it all rolling together! :v:t2::v:t2: If you’re in the market go check out my man First Republic Seeds on his website or on you won’t be disappointed!


… and the first strain of his that popped up was “Bill The Spaceman Lee” :laughing: :+1:




Yea man! The Cosmic Gel that I grew of his is a cross of his Spaceman variety with Gelato (not sure which cut.) I’ve got some in jars right now curing out that are smelling like licorice in sweet cream, it’s fucking mouthwatering, truly hard to let it chill in there to cure without ripping into it. I’m waiting on a lightbox to come in the mail and I’m planning on taking some glamour shots of a couple of the buds to show folks


How far up into your wife’s head did her eyes roll when she saw the new tent??! :joy::joy:

I know the feeling all too well bud lol


i thought we were gonna have to book a trip to the optometrist for eye strain. hahah. actually she took it like a champ after i proposed this as an opportunity for ME to reorganize the basement and get rid of some stuff to make room. she loved that idea!


LOL!! This made literally lol…

haha you’re a smart man Legs. You gotta flip it on em! I’m not doing this for me… I’m doing this for you! FOR US!!!



Honestly the tent blends right in! I think you did a great job organizing. :wink: Your wife should give you something special for christmas for all that effort! lol

You’re right about the good folks in this community. As long as people aren’t motivated by money or fame, they’re usually really good folks. I love meeting people from the forums IRL…most are so down to earth, and it’s so neat how synergies like that will happen if you’re open to new possibilities.

How them plants doing in their new home?



nobody has moved in quite yet, im figuring that ill wait for the plants to sex in the 3x3 and then move the boys into the 2x4. i hung the HLG 225 in the 2x4 during the setup, but im thinking now that i might move it into the 3x3 since its a more square footprint for a single point of light, and move the two spider farmer SF1000s into the 2x4. all of that probably going down in the next couple weeks. i did recently realize that i dont have a carbon filter hooked up to the 3x3 so ill need to get that going as well, love this flurry of activity rolling into flower!


So I got a wild hair to throw the microscope attachment on my phone and try to get some shots under each of the plants skirts. Looks like I might have been wrong about my male/female ratios, upon close inspection I’m seeing one male for sure and one un determined, hoping it’s male, the third I was seeing looks like it’s just showing the tiniest pistils. Take a look and weigh in if you want, all thoughts/opinions welcome!


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeat… that’s a neat little microscope but I can’t seem to tell either on the ones you couldn’t figure out. Patience… all will be revealed in time I guess.


UPDATE: cruising into day 10 of flower here and switched some things up this morning. I made the call that the new 2x4 tent is going to serve as the veg tent moving forward. That being the case I felt it was the best place to house the boys, as there would be less of a chance of pollen contamination inside of what will serve as the flower tent (3x3) moving forward. That’s my rationale in my head at least, I know that shit travels everywhere
So it might be a moot point. Regardless, the two SF 1000s moved into the 2x4 and the HLG 225 went up in the 3x3. I’m happy to report since my last post I have confirmed the gender of all the plants! I’ve ended up with two males: #3 and #4 with plants 1,2,5 and 6 being female. This morning I shuffled everything around into their respective new places, freeing up some much needed breathing room in the 3x3. Everyone got watered with recharge today, and got a light top dress of lobster meal yesterday, to aid in vegetative production while we’re rolling towards what I hope is the end of the stretch period. I’m planning to start incorporating some cal/mag supplements here soon, as well as some coconut water. I’m a little concerned about the batteries in these 3gal pots running out before these plants are done so I ordered some blue gold organic water soluble flowering nutes to have on hand to supplement if I need to (thanks to Jeremy from build a soil for the hot tip there). My tentative plan for pollination will be to bring the girls into the 2x4 for a shakedown when the boys start dumping, gonna play that by ear seeing as I’ve never done this before but I got some good references lined up should I need to take a different approach. I think that’s it for the most part, here’s some photos:

Here’s a shot of the new setup in the 2x4:

And the two dudes of the group, I’m really happy to say that the #3 pheno, which was the one that essentially topped itself is one of the males, so I am officially referring to him as the “two headed boy” pheno:

and some shots of the early male floral clusters:

That’s all I got I think, I always start out with a plan for these posts and can never tell when I’m done if I hit all the points I mean to, but there’s something in there I’m sure. Hope you’re all doing good out there. :v:t2::v:t2: