Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Looking great nube, it sounds like you had a nice Christmas day. Things are certainly a bit different this year, but we managed to have a nice day ourselves. Best wishes to you and all the OG community!


I shot one of those bergamots one time. It was tough as hell and tasted like Armadillo. :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Merry Xmas!



Last post I forgot the whole garden photo for perspective. Whoops!

Tiny bit of fade on the lowers, but most of that is due to them drying out too much and wilting a couple times a week. I figured they were good for 2 days between waterings, but I think that pushed them too far. I don’t believe the drought stress will help them at all, so this probably wasn’t good for them.

There’s a little bit of color developing. Everything’s starting to get mild pink/purple hues that signify they’re about done, despite a few white pistils still poppin. Sure are frosty though. Mostly cloudy, few ambers, few clear if you look closely.


That is a Magnificent looking flower :slight_smile:

so very nice!!! thanks for posting it for us

all the best and be safe



@nube all I can say is wow :flushed:!!





Happy new year! Out with the old; in with the new.

I bumbled my way to another harvest.



Drying at 60% RH & 59-68F. Fan’s on low.


Not sure why, but the site is resizing my pics to very low rez. I had already optimized them. Hope it doesn’t do that to the individual plant/bud shots.


Beautiful job, looks like a stellar harvest! The heavy defol surely didn’t seem to hurt anything. Me thinks I’ll be starting those PV beans of yours next round.


Looks like a killer harvest! What’s going in the flower tent next?

Bringing down my Black Triangles this evening as well, they are a floppy mess. Definitely going to try and use your tomato cage idea next run to keep upright.

I noticed the site was compressing images more than normal too, I usually try an optimize them before uploading. Maybe they are being compressed to save more space? I thought about hosting high rez images in the cloud somewhere, but I’m not sure people will want to use the links…


I like that too…might use some 3 gallon pots and give that a try.


@schmarmpit pop whatever speaks to you, but if you pop the open pollination F2, please pop a lot - there’s a ton of variety but I think there’s probably gold in there. Pura Vida isn’t a loud strain, but I’ve read it makes excellent extracts. Two of the phenos (#2 and #4) were obvious vanilla / coconut rum and pina colada smelling during harvest. I ate a bud and it was like cracking a fresh coconut on the beach.

@iamyou_youareme Good Medicine preservation F2 run. I neglected them pretty severely but I do have 4 males and 6 females already flowering. I’ll explain when I start that thread. They got “flipped” on the night of the Winter Solstice / Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn.

The compression isn’t something I’m used to. I compress all my images and remove EXIF info before posting. They are rarely if ever above 1MB size, typically 400-700KB at 2560 or 3840 rez. Dunno why they got resized to 1920 and are still 420 and 450KB - seems inefficient. Let’s try another one that’s just under 1MB in linux (1011KB aka 0.98MB):

Well fuck. It got resized as well. That’s bullshit. Let’s try another that’s much smaller. This one is 851KB:

And this one is 571KB:

Neither of those were resized, so it looks like somewhere just under 1024KB is the cutoff. What do you bet they did it in base10 and used 1000KB as the cutoff? BOOOOOO! @LemonadeJoe lol

If you or @Tappy want to use the tomato cages, it definitely works, but let me suggest keeping all the branches inside the cage and don’t tie any of them up. If they’re not inside the cage, buds invariably get squished against the tent sides and sheared off when they hit other cages. Also, tying the stems to the cage seems like a good idea, but ends up making some buds grow around the cage and rot. Kinda like a tree growing around a fence that’s been nailed to it. Better to let the branches to play bumper cars inside the cage. lol


Nice, that’s gonna be a good one! Will be looking forward to seeing how those come out.

Yeah, the site can do some major compression, I remove EXIF data (even though the site says it does it?), compress and resize usually before uploading. I know it was changed not too long ago, so you can upload 10mb files, which is cool, so I don’t have to go about manually compressing all the images, but sometimes I feel they get too compressed and lose some quality… Here’s an image of Pura Vida 1, I am working on for my review write up… Looks like extractors dream :slight_smile: Filesize was 8781kb upon upload.

Thanks for the tips on the tomato cages, make sense not to tie them down so they can bump around and get airflow around the buds.


So we gone just sit here and act like @nube didn’t just say he "ate a bud " ?!? :crazy_face::joy::rofl::nauseated_face:
Please, tell us more! Like how many different pheno’s did you find, and were they all mild or not too loud as you mentioned?


I can’t say much, as I go through plants when chopping them down or doing the final trim if I happen to cut a little too deep on a leaf stem and chop off a little piece of bud I just munch it down. Figure the THCA will do me some good :laughing:


I guess it ain’t that big a deal. I taste my fan leaves’ stems for doneness.
But the way he worded it, made it seem like picking apples !
And when I harvest and trim, shit gets accidentally cut gets thrown into the sample pile.


Yeah, I immediately wanted to respond to the “eating a bud thing,” but then I started reading about compression and file sizes and formats and stuff and my eyes glazed over and I forgot all about it haha.


@nube You killed it my friend. Can’t wait for the smoke report.


Yep, I see the results of the compression. The bud still looks juicy! I bet in the original the trichs are crystal clear and the color visible. Not so much after the forum compression. :confused:

Is that with your new focus stacking rig? What did you buy, if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been trying to get a reliable focus stacking app for my phone camera but I may just have to kludge one myself. My DSLR is ~12yrs old and definitely can’t do it, even with hacked firmware, and I’m sure as shit not doing manual stacking! lol I also resize and remove EXIF while compressing with a single batch file. Birds of a feather! :slight_smile:

I feel like the Discord forum software resizer script could be modified to only resize and compress if the files exceed certain amounts per rez class, like up to1024 in any direction and over 200kb, 1600 and 400kb, 1920 and 600kb, 2560 and 800, 3840 and 1024, and everything over 1024 gets compressed no matter what rez. That way people who do the legwork up front don’t have their images further compressed in an unoptimized fashion. Wouldn’t be hard to script, I’m guessing.

Haha it might sound weird, but apparently not to everyone @J-Icky. :+1: I love to eat leaves, chew on stems, and sample buds. What else would I do with the harvest when I can only consume about 1/10th of 1% of the total harvest weight before the next round is dry? lol This is why I am doing preservation runs - I don’t need much weed to get by, and I grow for the love of growing, so why not make it useful to the community at the same time? :hugs: Seriously, tho.

Funny too because I keep trying to give away flower and people keep flaking on it. You’d think more people would want free organic no spray cured bud. :man_shrugging: EDIT to remove TOS “gifting” violation.

But to your point, I’m generally very careful but if any buds fall on the floor of the tent, I just pick them up and eat them rather than trying to dust them off and salvage them to smoke. I had three buds do that yesterday - the PV2 which tasted like coconut, kid you not, a PV7 bud that was very spicy/peppery, and a TKI7 bud that tasted like cucumber and mint. I put defoliation leaves in my smoothies all the time. It’s good shit, and they’re ridiculously nutritious, far better than almost any other greens you can grow/buy.

@The_Lazy_Hippie Happy New Year, man! How you doing? All good in the hood?


Whenever I look down at a pile of freshly trimmed dank I always think “man I wish I could just put some salad dressing on that and eat it like a salad.” lol So I get where @nube is coming from.


Yeah, there is much more clarity in the original non-compressed image. You can see details such as the trich head color, etc. It just gets lost when you crunch it, which is totally understandable, you can’t lose bits without losing quality somewhere.

Yeah, I’ve been playing around for a few days, the image above was a test shot. Maybe 30 stacked images?

I’m still learning all the in’s and out’s of photography, so I didn’t want to invest big on something I’m still learning. My DSLR is about 7 or 8 year old tech, I bought a used Nikon D7100. Lens is a Tamron 90mm Macro. All that is mounted on sturdy tripod. Then I’m using a cheap manual focus rail to manually move the camera/lens forward and snap each image… the hard way! I have a remote shutter release so there’s no vibration or anything while snapping. I realize there’s much better tech to accomplish this now-a-days, I think most modern DSLR’s may have the feature built in. There’s also cool things like the Helicon FB Tube Macro or Wemacro Rail that can basically automate the process for you, you setup all your settings and let the tech do the work! For stacking all the images together, I’m using Helicon Focus software, which seems to give better results than doing it through photoshop. But I’m still learning and tweaking as I go.

If you got the l33t hax0r skills to work something up for a smart phone app, you could probably sell it!

Nice, I didn’t write my own batch to do it, just using ImageOptim to run multiple files through, you can enable/disable the compression and how much it compresses, which I find useful.

This would be cool! Sounds like a job for someone with way more programming knowledge than me :slight_smile: