Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Damn. You’re doing it manually. A 30 stack. Fuuuuuck that’s serious! Congrats. You’re a better man than me! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

My old phone’s custom app must have had some focus stacking because it had huge depth of field for such a small lens and short focal length. Current phone takes shit pics and opencamera app doesn’t do focus stacking very well. It’ll do it, but the output is low rez and super compressed. Like wtf’s the point? There’s a few DSLRs that have focus stacking built in, but not many yet last I checked. It’s going to be a useful feature for all cameras soon, it just makes too much sense and improves the quality of images a billion fold.

I’m no 1337 h4x0r. That would be Reiko’s department. :wink:


haha it’s not too bad once you get the rhythm going, like with everything. And the software does the heavy lifting.

I’m surprised today’s cell cameras don’t utilize focus stacking in their native camera software? Seems like they could just use a short video recording and use software to stitch it together, but what do I know? Maybe some do, I’m using and old ass phone too.

I’d also love the feature built right into the camera on a DSLR… maybe when I upgrade?

Anywho… excited to see the Good Medicine!


If you open the picture, then right click and open it in a new tab, it will display full size. Those pics look great man. :slight_smile:


Nah man, I wish it was that easy. What I’m talking about is the image I uploaded has already been compressed and resized to a low rez. The originals are very high rez but relatively low file weight.

That very first image I uploaded as a test was 1011KB, just under 1MB. But, because the server automatically resizes them to 1920 x whatever if they’re over 1000KB, the image you’re seeing is still only 1920 in its longest dimension even when you open it in a new window/tab. I thought the cutoff for resizing was 1024KB, but it’s slightly lower according to Joe.

The server also automatically compresses anything above 2megapixel to a preset JPG compression setting. I hope this restriction will be reconsidered in the future, since resolution doesn’t matter for storage space, only the file weight in bytes. :wink:

No big deal. It’s a shame, but enterprise-level storage at a datacenter ain’t super cheap. It’s not super expensive, but it all adds up when you don’t have a lot of advertising revenue. I guess if we invite enough friends and they become Patreon supporters, or if we all pitch in for server fundraisers when we have the means, maybe that can change for the better in 2021! :smiley:


Thanks for that tip!! I had no idea. :sunglasses: :+1:



After a weekend to ease into the new year, here’s the harvest pics by pheno and a couple notes:

Pura Vida #7: I think this was my favorite bud structure out of the whole grow. Just gorgeous plump, fat nuggets. One of the two smaller phenos, but her clones root very quickly. She’s also the plant that shows the variegation in veg.

Not loud, her clementine & powdery sweetness is understated, but she has a certain frostiness that looks just right - can’t put my finger on it. She faded really nicely, too, which I’m always a fan of. I’m rooting for this girl to be good smoke because she checks all the boxes in growth except for being muted smells. Maybe that’ll come out in the dry & cure. :smiley:

I love how one of the tops is a fist:

And the rest are fat bottomed wizard hats:


Pura Vida #4: As one of the tall ones in the seed run, I had high hopes for this pheno and she didn’t disappoint. Louder than all but #2, the up front smell is definitely sweet and soft and powdery, with a more lemony edge. In the seed run, she was the biggest plant, but in this unseeded rerun, she didn’t quite get as big - she’s just under 5ft tall in this pic, or about 4ft above dirt. I may have mishandled her in veg, but that’s why we pick keepers, right? We want the best of the best no matter what we throw at them. :wink:

Overall a contender, she clones well, has a nice structure, and is an especially vigorous vegger. Really loved being topped and trained - very branchy, that was the case for all phenos. She wants to get BIG with a 2.5x stretch after flip. Solid buds all the way down, really no larf. Maybe could be taken to 10 weeks, but she was getting that finished hue, with mostly cloudy and a little amber, so she was close.

Some of these colas are pretty thick, so I made sure to avoid budrot by running 40-50% humidity the last few weeks, and I think the leaves show it. No rot, tho! :smiley:


Pura Vida #2: The biggest of the bunch, somewhere around 5.5ft tall, she’s large and in charge. I’ve had my eye on this pheno since the seed run, hoping the smoke would turn out because the seed shuck smoke had an awesome vanilla caramel rum & tropical fruit + hint of citrus thing going on. She was 2nd biggest in the seed run, but this round she exploded in veg and flower, resulting in a 2.5 - 3x stretch after flip. Again, clones easily and is extremely vigorous - the kind of plant you hope for.

She’s a prolific producer. Even though she was stuck in the back of the tent and didn’t get moved the whole run, she was still the belle of the ball. Never even batting an eye at the heavy defoliation, she was pretty much on point the whole way and started fading in the last couple weeks. She’s quiet until you disturb her, and then she reveals complex vanilla / coconut rum smells, like a pina colada - boozy but also milky, powdery almost marshmallowy mixed with a little lime and rubber. Coated in trichs, she was a nightmare to shuck because of the resin density. Maybe that’ll translate into good smoke and extracts? I guess we’ll see!

This pheno maybe could have gone another week, like #4, but was starting to get a few ambers. She also developed a little purple color at the end, but the tops were also starting to get a little light stress because she was 4-5" from the LEDs. My buddy @doniawon ran a similar pheno his friend @Afgan King found (pics on RIU) and he really wants to get her back for his legal dispo grow down near Pike’s Peak. I’m hoping this one smokes right so I can pass him clones.

Two separate colas, one a fist and one a missile:


Pura Vida #1: Last but not least, this pheno was the smallest in both runs. She’s short but stacked - can’t pinch an inch on her! She’s a little slower to veg and only has about a 1.5x stretch in flower, but she really packs and stacks. She was the first to finish and probably could be taken at 8wks from flip instead of the 9 she got.

This pheno was the only one that didn’t clone well - her clones immediately wilt no matter what method you use, and limp towards rooting, but about half do root eventually. I can’t tell which parent she leans to, the HPK mom or the Appy pappy, but I’m no expert. Any ideas? All phenos have solid nugs, but this one has extra dense buds. In the seed shuck smoke, she had some marshmallow/lime flavor and seemed like the most body effects, so I’m curious how she’ll do with a slow dry and cure.

Her smells are interesting. More pronounced without disturbing her, she developed a floral thing that smelled a little like a florist mixed with baby powder, very feminine at the end. But when you rub her sugar leaves, the scent is more rubber and milky and lime, almost a rotten funk. Definitely an outlier, but a lovely discovery nonetheless!


I remember when the heaDband was the craze…then blue dream…now were into the Gelato and cakes…

O…m…g…your plants look absolutely drop dead gorgeous!!


All of your information and details make it easy for a grower like myself to hunt thru a pack. I can’t pop whole packs at a time, only a couple at a time. This report gives me all of the tools that I need for when I plant from my pack, I now no what to clone and what I’m looking for already. And imo, that slow growing squat one pictured last is what I’ll be looking for.


I’m liking number 7 the best, that clementine/powdery sweetness sounds real good. But they all look delicious. Is it just me, though, or do they seem a little leafy? Nothing out of control, but maybe might take a little longer than usual to trim?


Looks are one thing, but the rubber meets the road in the smoke test. Otherwise I’d be growing purple punch and not caring that it smokes like ditchweed. :wink:

While it’s no GSC by any means, I didn’t get the impression it was very leafy aside from pheno #1, but it could be leafy by 2020 standards. I’m sure some of that has to do with the new pederass prevert grass look everybody wants these days - a hairless, nubile bikini waxed look, a la cookies crosses. “8 year olds, dude.” lol @The Big Lebowski

This ain’t that style of weed - to me it looks like pretty standard kush bush - but I’ll report back during the trim and manicure with some thoughts and some better photography - the plants were so tall that it was hard to get a good camera angle looking down at them, which minimizes the appearance of leaves. Also, I’m a nube grower and shit photographer so that probably has something to do with it!


Yeah I don’t think they’re too leafy at all. Compared to today’s poly’s, sure maybe, but overall, nah.
@minitiger You wanna see leafy, the Godberry I ran last year was leafy…

That was a fun 2 days of trimming :sweat:

I agree with you @nube, while they all look fantastic, that #2 looks and sounds especially nice :heart_eyes: Though that #1 sounds more up my alley structure-wise. Will definitely keep all these in mind when I get to the pura vida’s you made. Thank you very much for all the in-depth detail!


Leafy or not @HolyAngel !! She’s a joy to watch :heart_eyes:


Those girls all look amazing @nube … love your ability to describe each plant … makes one want to just through the screen and experience it for ones self hahaha …
Good growing bruv


I appreciate all the comments and different perspectives, including and specifically yours @minitiger. No harm in noticing that and mentioning it - I welcome the constructive criticism and I respect your knowledge, experience, and perspective in saying it. :slight_smile:

I’m especially cognizant of sites like this becoming echo chambers, where a clique always pumps each others’ tires and people are artificially encouraged to only say nice things, and I’m against that. Keep it real and kindly speak your mind without fear of retribution or negative judgment. I hope to contribute to and help foster a site and environment where it should never require courage to speak up and speak out in a gracious and compassionate fashion, and no one should fear pushback or retribution from groups or individuals for anything said from a place of honesty and respect and openness. Reasonable people can disagree reasonably.

As you know, I’m a lazy nube grower just hoping the plants don’t die on me, so it’s likely they weren’t grown to their full potential. And no foul in that being the case. I’m not ashamed to say I try to do as little as possible in the garden, and I have almost no environmental controls, so I’m sure they’d turn out much better in the hands of a master grower. It is what it is; I made my peace with that a long time ago.

But I’m also open to new possibilities, so if anybody has any suggestions on how to improve my organic grows that doesn’t involve a lot of extra work, I’d be happy to try it! Two heads are better than one, and lord knows I could use some help.



Since I don’t have a journal to put pics of these extra plants just harvested, here’s the two phenos of Triangle Kush x 2006 Iraq Ranya that I’m trying to decide between for keeper #2 out of the pack.

TK x Iraqi #1: The tallest and most vigorous of the TKI phenos I found, she’s also the one leaning most to the TK mom’s side of things. Big, bold, and beautiful, she produces a profusion of large fans and small budsites, a reasonable outcome for a kush bush crossed with a high mountain desert heirloom.

This one clones really well and vegges quick. In veg she has a nice muted smell, but in flower she busts out the lemony citrus and warm, toasty baked sweets - I guess she really kind of smells like brewing a big IPA. Like when you’re walking past a legendary brewery known for its IPAs and they’re roasting malts and boiling worts. She really wants to go 70+ days to fully finish, but only got 63 this round, resulting in mostly cloudy with only a few ambers and a few more clears. She was 100% stable with no nanners this round, and started a lovely fade around day 56.


Was I dick about something? Haha!! Is this about the “leafy” thing? Honestly, when I ask those questions, it’s mostly because my eyesight has gone to shit in the last two years. It’s always been bad and I used to wear glasses, but I lost them about fifteen years ago and never replaced them. In the last two years, though, my eyesight’s gotten noticeably worse (fuck getting older…). I really, really need to go get glasses.

So when I ask those questions, it’s mostly because I’m not sure if I’m seeing things correctly. Having said that, if anybody ever got butt-hurt because I mentioned that their plants looked a little leafy to me, well… Fuck them haha! Like you said, nube, we’re all adults here (I think).

Me. Too. I don’t even think it’s necessarily “laziness” as much as it is feeling confident that cannabis is a pretty dang resilient plant and is gonna do whatever it’s gonna do, regardless of how much TLC we give them (or in spite of it). Just started that Soar/Uplift/Purple NL2 thread, you can see in the pics that the plants are looking a little rough. I’m not worried about it. They always bounce back. I dunno if that makes me lazy.

I mean, I guess we could grow hydroponically and get huge High Times centerfold-worthy buds so we can post pics of them on overgrow and Instagram and make everybody ooh and ahh, but I don’t wanna spend money on a bunch of bottled nutes and reservoirs and spend time pH’ing my water and mixing up a bunch of shit. And I could care less what anybody thinks about my grows, I do this to get information out there so people can make informed decisions about seeds they’re considering purchasing. Plus, it’s fun! I love growing and sharing information!

The second it stops being fun is the second I hang up my water pitcher (just kidding, I use measuring cups to water my plants) and sell my seed collection…


You weren’t a dick; you’re fine man. :slight_smile: I’m not upset at all. There were a lot of public & private comments so I wanted to clear the air and discourage the echo chamber. Friendly comments are friendly!
