Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Yeah, I always thought that the Pura Vida sounded like a good strain, for sure. Really looking forward to everybody’s grow reports of the f2’s that @nube sends out :wink::wink: nudge nudge… haha.

You guys ever read Coincidentally, he just reviewed some outdoor Pura Vida he grew recently. It wasn’t the most glowing review, but still interesting. Or I thought so, anyway.

Nice puppy, @nube! My girl and I have talked about maybe adopting a third boxer, but we’re a little hesitant. Our dogs are a little too old to be dealing with a new dog, I think. Bowie, our boy dog, is definitely a little unpredictable. I love him, he’s so chill, but around other dogs… Never know how he’s gonna respond. A friend of ours brought over their chihuahua a few years ago and Bowie tried to eat him haha! Like, literally, tried to eat him. That was when we decided it might be best to keep him away from other dogs…