Bodhi Seeds - Sour Butter x G13HP - Preservation

I had to put off starting this project a few times (approved in the spring) due to space and time and infestation problems, but I wanted to get this going this year, so I took the plunge on August 1st. From what @Cannavore / Bodhi Guide said Sour Butter is a sister to Bodhi’s Butterscotch, i.e. they’re born of different F1 seeds with the same parents (BC Vanilla Kush x Instant Karma).

Source: Bodhi Sour Butter x G13HP, purchased at auction from DCSE.
Grow Medium: Promix HP with more perlite added. Trying some 2 gallon RS grow bags.
Nutes: A hodgepodge of stuff probably, I’ll note it as I use it.

I took the liberty of documenting things along the way but not posting till I had plants above ground (and hopefully chugging along)

August 1st:

12 in the pack, 12 in the water.

I know people have differing opinions, personally I like soak then papertowel, but this time I went with soak then sow. I… stupidly bought a 10 pack of RS grow bags and didn’t think to buy 2 individual bags for the other 2 seeds, so I’m using 2 nursery pots as well.

August 2: sowed.

A day or two later… a few up.

Then things slowly moved along for a few days. I had 8 up fairly quick, then another, and another… still two with nothing. Then I saw a seedling in the corner of one of the “empty” grow bags, so I gently shifted its section of Promix toward the center of the bag. A few seedlings seemed to be lagging behind. After a few more days I sifted through the top layer of the remaining empty bag and found it… didn’t look unhealthy but it also didn’t seem to be doing much. Left it to see what happened.

I could swear I had photos in that two week interval (I started a draft of this around August 8th but lost it to a system update), if I find them I’ll update. During this period I lightly watered around the edges of the pots/grow bags, plain water. Off topic but the RS grow bags don’t seem to leak water out the sides the way fabric grow bags often do. The smaller sized RS bags are somewhat funnel shaped, don’t know if that plays any role (but I have 20s outdoors and they don’t seem to leak either).

August 15th: one laggard seems to have collapsed and isn’t likely to make it, but the corner starter is doing okay. As it stands I have 10/12. Would’ve liked 11/12 but no use crying over spilled milk. Gave them all a drink, water with a little FF “Microbe Brew” and just a touch of FF “Grow Big”

Okay, I feel like they’re far enough along that I should go ahead and start a thread, and not wait around for my next systems update to eat my draft post. I’ll provide updates going forward. Good luck little planties, you’re gonna need it.

Standard Co-Op info follows, but there won’t be a sign-up for awhile, I’ll just be documenting the grow through to the end.

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Good luck with the grow!


Another awesome one to watch :sunglasses:


Love me some sour! Good luck. I’ll be watching from the bean bag chair in the corner. The dark corner


I might be wrong, but it’s possible that Sour Butter is BC Purple Kush x Instant Karma. Instead of Vanilla Kush x I.K.

I’m stoked you’re doing this whatever the genetics are!
I watched that auction go down and i’m glad You scooped the pack. Good man you are.


That is correct butterscotch is bc vanilla kush x instant karma the sour butter is bc purple kush x instant karma @BudWhisperer


Best of luck with your run @yardgrazer. :v:


Settled in for the show. Best of luck


I’m excited to see this project get started.

I recently ran a pack of these and it is really good smoke.

Best of luck and I can’t wait to see how they turn out.


Nice! Good luck :crossed_fingers:


Good luck. Hope it’s a smooth and easy grow.


Wouldn’t be the first time I completely misunderstood what someone told me!


Oo ‘Sour Butter’ sounds amazing as a parent, good luck with the run and I’ll be around to watch!


Wishing you a nice healthy and bountiful grow!


It happens to me daily.


Nice, good luck with the grow! :seedling:


Amazing, wish you all the best. Take a seat 4 sure.


Watching! Good luck man!


Best of Luck :pray: