Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

Thanks for the info! There’s definitely a bit more room on the left side, and a touch more room on the right. I flipped them while fairly short since I’m in a smaller tent overall… I need to move the driver & fan/carbon filter combo out of the tent so I can just strap the light to the roof next round and really maximize my vertical.

I’ll be keeping a nose out for those smells - they’ve all been off & on about giving me good stem rubs but with flowers starting to set it should get easier. I definitely expected variability but for whatever reason that didn’t quite click in my head about the variation in stretch times :man_facepalming:

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The #22 is the female. I’m running Kashmir Sunshine (Kashmir #22 x SSDD).


What’s up @newb2.0 grow looks great brother.
@mantismedgrower how it hangin? Not sure what your talkin about bro, do i need to scroll up? I do remember posting on this thread once or twice already but im not sure it was about any #22 or any cross?
Talk to ya guys later


Day 18 since flipping for the F2s. Getting some Skittles-esue stem rubs and on a few of the frostier flowers a mix of meat and lemon candy… hard to describe but loud and alluring. The left side that was slower to start developing buds have started showing some development as well. They took supercropping in stride, pointing back up before the day was over.


Day 18


Day 18 flower

Sorry for the separate posts - don’t think I can upload all together in one as a new user.


Looking good man.
The developing smells sound really interesting too.


One of them definitely has some fuel coming off her, but it’s not like gas or diesel, just sort of an astringent back end behind the lemon. Wish I could put my finger on it - I feel like it’s a particular kind of fuel I used to smell at a remote control airplane park I used to go to as a kid? Really alluring - hit’s you first thing when you take a sniff then it subsides and the fruit comes out. It could totally be what Bodhi describes of his Kashmir 22, the pickle aroma. I could see that sort of vinegary smell and astringency being what I’m smelling, but I’m just bad at describing things :stuck_out_tongue:

A different plant still has the lemon but it’s more bready/wheat-y. Like if they made a lemon flavored froot loops. Quite a bit of frost already on the fans as well, super stoked with the quality and vigor so far.

Day 21

Sorry my phone is 8 year old potato-vision


The plane of focus is better than average… :+1:

Photography equipment can be a black hole for $$, you are doing OK with your phone…



I know what you mean by the fuel/astringent smell. Kind of like a cleaner or a glue rather than gasoline, diesel, etc. That was very common across all of the females, curious if you get a lot more variety being f2s. It was also very hard for me to come up with what I thought it was.

This whole dynamic of people growing out seed I made and passed around is pretty fucking cool I must say! Super stoked that people have actually been popping these seeds!!


I decided to really get in there and sniff some buds today and try to put a finger on these smells. For reference, here’s the quote I found from RIU regarding the Kashmir 22 from Bodhi: “kasmir azad is from barefrog, its the same line i use in my kashmir crosses, its one of the best himalayan breeding plants i have ever come accross, … i call it the 3 p’s for aroma… pine, pickle and pink bubble gum… theres hash and herbs de provance too… but most phenos fall in one of the 3 catagories… incredibly grow friendly indoors, covered in frost, with a deep body hum and heady mind space. it is a crown jewel if you like asian mountain heirlooms…”-Bodhi

When I found this and saw the word pickle it immediately made it all click.

Of my four plants here’s what’s predominant right now:

  1. The smallest plant, and latest to begin bud development is on the bottom of the group shot and does not yet have strong bud aroma
  2. the plant to its left, 2nd slowest to develop buds is a slight aroma of pickles and lemons, fairly equally. like if a lemon were crossed with a cucumber and pickled.
  3. the plant in the direct center smells strongly of the pickle/astringent aroma with a lemon smell in the background
  4. the plant in the top left smells like Now and Laters, with a citrus base and astringency that seems to originate from that pickle aroma.

#4 is further ahead in terms of development than #1&2 so it doesn’t feel fair to compare, but it is head and shoulders the most interesting to my nose. Putting a finger on the Now and Laters smell made me realize why it was reminding me of childhood. We used to go to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, and in the area there was a little candy shop my mom would take my brother and me and buy us a treat. My brother would get Now and Laters more often than not and we’d always share our snacks. That particular plant’s aroma takes me there, at least right now. Also, if I’m interpreting what each strain imparts correctly, I’d say #4 is blending the two profiles really well. Some citrus from the trainwreck and a little bit of the pickle & bubble gum from the kashmir mixing to make something unique. To be fair, #2 & 3 smell really great in their own way, they’re just not as loud & nuanced. I’m so excited to see how these keep evolving and amping up.


Whenever I hear someone talk about pickles, I feel the need to question what sort of pickle. I love sour, garlicky dill pickles. But sweet pickles can go straight to hell.

So…with that said, what sort of pickle aroma is it? Dill pickle or sweet pickle? LOL


LOL. Definitely closer to dill, or even just a plain pickle. It’s the vinegar portion of the pickle that is the most prevalent (but vinegar sounds nastier than pickle :stuck_out_tongue: ) When I first smelled these I thought fuel immediately because that’s what I expect from cannabis, but it’s really an incomplete description. Vinegar/pickle is a lot closer.


Sounds good, dude. Tasty (if you like pickles haha). I remember nube saying something about getting big-time “dill pickle” from something, maybe the TK/Iran? Always sounded interesting. That’s one of the few smells I’ve never come across, either from weed I’ve grown or weed I’ve purchased.


Wanted to load up a day 38 of flower update. I’m between a rock and a hard place with the light bleaching. If I turn it down they might improve but then I lose intensity on the periphery. I just have a less than ideal light in the space. If I could get the carbon filter & fan out of the tent I’d be in business I think as I could raise the light to the maximum but that’s something that will have to wait.

The 2nd to last picture shows the really leafy structure of one of the phenos. I’m still getting intensely vinegary/pickle-y smells from the girls.


Looking great! Thanks for putting the updates on here!

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Wow!! They are looking great!!

There’s some pics of my girl of it, bout 2 weeks into flower, no training and looks like it’s at the end of it’s flowering stretch


Nah man I appreciate you letting me hop on your thread. I was using the Bud app and it’s just a cesspool. There’s 4 or 5 users who just ruin the experience for everyone by constantly trolling and being generally terrible humans. The vibe here is so much better.


@newb2.0 Today is day 2 of week 7 and I’m seeing a few ambers pop up on the leafy pheno. I think it’s a bit deceptive since there’s quite a lot of frosty leaves mixed with the flowers/pistils themselves but I wanted to ask if you had varied finishing times with yours? I was thinking 10 weeks for these but now I’m starting to think I may have a staggered harvest.