Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

Its been about a week since I transplanted, looking a little deprived. They went from very rootbound solo cups being salt nute fed to no till pots. Started using a little garden sprayer to water bc the top of one pot was drying out like crazy. I think they’ll get some barley & alfalfa and get the flip in the next 3-4 days. Need to get them darker green but if they get much bigger before I flip to 12/12 I may be in trouble.

Need to get back into more of a perpetual cycle…

Edit: this last picture these plants came straight out of my bubble cloner not via solo cups. They look much better…


Day zero of flowering, lights just went off for the 12 hrs dark cycle 2 minutes ago. Plants seem happier, they’re really putting on growth and getting darker.

Between each of those 3 pots, I’ve got all the initial F1 phenos of spirit train to run again. Need more veg room bc I still am holding onto each of these and also have 5 other new strains on deck. Probably will cull this back to 2-3 phenos before end of flowering just bc none slapped me in the face as keepers. They were all real nice, one finished early, one yielded heavy, and another w a different term profile. Probably keep those for now and pop some a dem f2s to search thru soon.

Thanks to @misterbee I’ve got some slippery rails that I’ll be starting soon on a similar train wreck leaning hunt to see what those seeds hold.


Plants look good. How long have you been running those no-tills? Are those thirty gallon pots? I’ve been saying for a few years that I’m gonna switch to no-till. I even bought four thirty gallon air pots and a 4 x 4 hydro tray thing to put them in, but I haven’t made the switch yet. It seems like such a commitment haha.


I think this is the 2nd flower cycle for them as actual no till. But that soil’s been used more than 2 cycles since I would take previous grow’s soil, dump it out, break it up, add more amendments, and mix it up. Now I reamend it, scratch the surface a little, add some topdress EWC and just plant right into it without all the mixing.

To me its not a terrible commitment. Better than throwing all that shit out each time and having to start over. I started small- mixing my own soil from scratch then recycling it, now going no till.


Oh, I don’t throw my soil out. I recycle it. After every grow, I just dump the pots with the root balls in these 65 gallon Rubbermaid containers and just let them sit there for a grow cycle (I have a lot of Rubbermaid containers full of soil in my garage haha). Every other grow, I’ll re-amend. That’s always fun, trying to keep track of which containers are the ones that need to be re-amended haha.

Re: the commitment, I just kinda meant, those pots are sooooo fucking big and heavy haha. I’m worried that I won’t like no-till and then I have to deal with getting these thirty gallon pots of soil outta my tent.

Do you follow that watering schedule suggested by Mountain Organics from that no till thread on grasscity? With the aloe and the fulvic acid and the coconut and the neem/kelp teas and everything?


I don’t follow anything to a T, that sounds very similar to what @ReikoX recommends in another thread on here tho. I don’t really do teas, just top dress.

I give them aloe & coconut w fulvic every other watering or so, use recharge, and top dress about once a week w either barley, kelp, crab meal, alfalfa meal, neem, etc.


Just a little update, tomorrow is 2 weeks since the flip.


3 week, humming along


You definitely have it going on man. Awesome work!

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Been awhile since I had an update. Any idea what the weird discoloration on the leaf margins is from? I’m attributing it to leaving for a week and not maintaining my typical watering regime. 1 plant out of them all is deficient in something, been fighting off the yellows for a couple weeks now, got back and its still progressing. I think that spot under the light stresses plants out, and I need to do a better job keeping them short in the middle of the room bc the heater and fan are also near there.

Edit: I guess I didn’t get any discoloration pics, I can do that tonight. I think I was overwatering while gone, maki g the situation worse- after looking at the pics…


Haha, yeah, I was checking out all the pics and was like,”They look alright to me…”


Here’s the discolored margins

Like I said my attempt to keep things watered while I was gone- pretty sure I then created overwatering issues. Wouldn’t be surprised if the margin discoloration is from that change in water regime.


A few more pics showing the one plant thats really starting to turn, and just me trying out different lighting settings. I could definitely use some pointers on taking good pictures.


Are you positive it isn’t just a genetic thing? I grew some Mountain Temple a few years back and one of the plants was lime green, totally different color than the rest. Nothing was wrong with it, it turned out amazing. It was just a different shade of green than the others.

I can’t help you with the pics haha. I suck at taking photos. I was actually considering getting a new camera, one with macro capabilities, but I wanna go to the store in person and check out a bunch before I do.


Took some different angles this time. Almost 7 weeks. A lot more fade already setting in. Everything starting to swell- they’re all starting to take on a bit of a lean.


Getting close, another week or so


Buds still stacking/swelling. These may go past 10 weeks, which will be this upcoming Friday.

Starting to figure out how to take better shots.

Some phenos are really building on trichs right now, one pheno is not terribly frosty but its the biggest chunkiest buds of them all and they just don’t seem like they’re gonna stop swelling. Would love to see #12 grown outdoors, probably enormous plants and buds would result.

Have seen a few nanners, not really surprised given the late push of growth, at 9 weeks I’m not really worried plus they don’t really look like viable dongs. Since 2 of the 3 pots/beds really started yellowing, I gave them about a week of biobizz bloom that I keep on hand in case of emergencies. I attribute this last push of growth to that, and probably put some blame of the nanners on it as well. I think there’s kelp in it and this late in flower ive heard kelp can cause issues. Anyways, cruising along to the end here, planning for whats next as we speak…


At this point I’ve done a smoke test on all of the 7 different females. Can’t say there’s huge or much variation at all across them all. #2 is my favorite, its the loudest and looks the best and packs a punch.

#11 and 12 yielded the best, and #7 being the outlier w/ its smells was the most unique.

I can’t discern any difference when smoking these, they all are strong, and lean towards the up type high. But also, after an hr or more that shit would put me down. Was travelling for work this week and staying in a hotel. Would blaze a J after grabbing dinner and a couple beers and head up to my room. Each time I did that I was floored for about an hr or 2 but then it was lights out, slept like a baby til the next morning. Its a good all around smoke. Keeps the terps for a while in a joint, really comes thru in a clean bong too.

I’ve got the #7 going right now in flower, and held onto #7, #9, & #12. Probably gonna let 9 go right away, clone 7 & 12 a bunch for friends’ outdoor (i can see #12 being a BEAST outside), and phase these out so I can make room for my next seed pop.

When I come back to these, I think I’ll be popping #2 & #12. Gonna look for the trainwreck smell leaning #2 female and a really robust #12 male to cross it with to increase yield. If I can’t find what I’m looking for in #2, ill start looking at the #7s. But that won’t be til later in the year at the earliest.

Got a couple strains I couldn’t get to this run that will be ready on the next one, then I’ve got my 3OGs from top dawg that are on deck. So yeah, spirit train was fun and I expect ill come back to it relatively soon but moving onto some other strains for the next 6+months before I mess w crossing these again.


Here’s the #2


Sounds pretty good, although I dunno about the heavy comedown. I really prefer it when the high just kind of wears off and leaves me feeling refreshed haha.

If you remember, tag me for the next grow log, whatever it is you end up growing. Kinda curious to see that Top Dawg run, for sure. I’ve got a couple packs of their Sour crosses in the fridge. Not too sure when I’m gonna get to them, though…