Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

@Greasy if you still want any more testers, I’d be willing to slide them to the head of my rotation.
I can pop 6 in pretty much exactly 30 days.
I’ll just pop those instead of the Sour Bubble repro’s I had in line. :bear::+1:

You can see my grow journals here and here

I’m literally an average grower, so if you want to know how they do for the average Joe, I’m your guy. :laughing:
Also I have an awesome palate and a strong descriptive vocabulary, so I can tell you exactly what it’s like!
Edit: oh yeah, I’m TL3, I’ve been here for 20+ months, and I’ve visited the site every day since I joined.

Edit again: fuck me. Responding to a 2 month old post. My bad. I smoke weed.