Bodhi's Cougars Milk, the Tigers Milk Remix "Socal Master Kush X Appalachia" grow log

Figured I’d start it’s own thread as things progress. July 1st I popped a pack of Socal Master Kush X Appalachia from our brother @bodhi, and got two to go.

So rather then muddle up the Mountain temple thread with these, here are the two that are still going.

First set of pictures is July 23
Second set is July 26


I’m going to raise the light as I take them in at night and see if I can get them to stretch. Should be able to take clones soon. But need to figure out the other things I have going on first.


lookin nice so far :+1:…gonna watch along


I believe these were a tigers milk remix, or something of the sort, I got lucky as shoe from headie gardens sent them to a friend here near me, I wouldn’t of ever had the chance to run these if it wasn’t for him.
And if it wasn’t for @Heritagefarms thread on Master Kush I probably would have had these sit for a long time, but he got me curious to the extreme because if he is looking for a he socal master kush maybe I should be too. Lol.


I can’t get a good picture of it yet but one of the plants has rust colored spots on one of the leafs. I’m not seeing anything and also know the chem d (in the Appalachian side) likes to give rust color.

Hopefully it’s just the Dr zymes and the lights being in that caused stoma burns, as its only one of the two that’s doing it. Hopefully it chills out and gets back on track.


Nice genetics. Could be something killer in that pack. Best of luck with them!

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Here’s what’s happening with some of the fan leafs. Figured it’s the lights and zymes like I said. But open to suggestions, @George I’ve seen tagged in a what’s happening post, so maybe he will be of some insight.

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Thanks for your confidence, not much knowledge but always willing to help. Upon those yellow leaves between veins of the first pic, blotches and curling upwards from the others, I would go for a Magnesium deficiency… beer3|nullxnull


I will give it a go with some magnesium, and see what happens. I appreciate your input very much.


Took cuts and transplanted, added some Epsom to the watering

Looks like a male and female. Not sure yet though.

Into the octopups they go.

I used mother earth clay balls for the net pot, a layer of ocean forest for the floor layer, added in some worm castings and a little peet moss, then added in soil from outside. Looks like a mix of the soil pile and some other stuff that was like wood dusty lol. Topped it with a good layer of ocean forest and worm castings handfuls half way up filling, and finish filled with the old soil, so layers of stuff in there, gonna water it in and sit them in the sun for the day.


Doing ok after transplant.


New growth looks much better, I’m guessing repotting them and adding the Epsom was a good choice.


Really liking these, still not sure on sex but they have been outside now for a few days. This is there first rain. Clones are rooted. Can’t wait to smell them more into flower. Definitely can smell theses ladies from a distance already :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We got two ladies. And woooooooooo do they already stink. Got the cuts rooted. And these ladies will live the rest of the season outdoors.




Anyone got any similar pollen for this lady


They both have a couple of weeks to go. I defoliated today and also sprayed them down with zymes. One has a cherry cheese smell. The other more just cherry.


So the cherry lady got the ax she got rot in two spots, so I decided it was time.

These pictures however are of the one that is still going. It’s got more of a rank thing going on.