Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Well, yeah, obviously…

Haha. I think I mayyyyybe might see what the problem was when I tried today, which is that I clipped it on to the phone from the top and not how you have it in that pic, kind of sideways. Maybe? Haha. I’m not sure why where you clip it on would have anything to do with it, but I guess that could be an issue.

For real, dude, I tried everything: with one lens, with both lenses, turned off one of the grow lights, turned off two, turned off three, left only the one in the veg tent on, then the big light in the flower tent, then both, turned the overhead light in the room itself on then off etc etc etc. It just wouldn’t work.

It wasn’t even a lighting issue; the whole phone just freaked out, everything looked very, very strange through it and the images were also “moving” very weird, all like,”Wah wah wah…” It just didn’t look right.

Maybe I’ll try it again the next time I water, in two days. I’m just glad I didn’t destroy it and break it into tiny pieces, which is always my first impulse whenever anything doesn’t work immediately haha.

True dat. That’s (one of) the reasons why I left haha. I’m not sure I ever saw it dump like this for so long and nonstop up there, though. Seemed like there were always little drizzly breaks.


Sorry, forgot to address this, but yeah, it’s an iPhone 14 SXxxS super-awesome-but-not-as-good-as-the-newest-iphone-thing haha. Swear to gawd, the only reason I even “upgraded” was in the hopes that I could use it plus that lens to get decent macro shots haha…

That phone’s lucky I didn’t smash it into pieces this morning, too…


Love the dog pictures. 40 is still within normal range for a female according to akc, and I’m sure she’ll still continue to fill out until shes 2~, right? - edit I’m an idiot and can’t subtract, does sound like she’s a bit underweight. still looks healthy though. Looks beautiful and very healthy regardless. My GSD puppy is similar - has huge paws but is only about 60-65 lbs. Think she actually destroyed the same toy by playing tug with it haha.


Our boxer mix is about 71 lbs, but she’s old and starting to slow down. Also she’s got some Staffy and who knows what else in her.

We stopped buying squeaky toys for our younger pit mix. He can have a squeaker pulled out in 20 minutes. Then he gets possessive and tries to attack if we even look at the squeaker.


Man I need to pop some of those beans! :heart_eyes::drooling_face::heart_eyes:
Everyone else I gave them to has been sleeping on them. Granted, I know all our bean fridges are deep :joy:

That Triple Goddess looks OG af too! :fire:
Reminds me of my TriForce #4 (rip :cry:)


I don’t think that should really matter, I’ve used both ways.

haha, I’m not doubting you… I do tech support for a living, basically, so I’m used to going through every step.

Sounds wonky though, it could be something different with the camera on the iPhone 14 SXxxS super-awesome-but-not-as-good-as-the-newest-iphone-thing, but I dunno… I looked it up, and the main camera is still the bottom camera on that model. If you have the iPhone 14 Pro, it does have a Macro mode… Take macro photos and videos with your iPhone camera - Apple Support

Yeah, I think we’ve all been there.

My good friend had a relatively small boxer, he was only like 45-50 pounds, but he was the sweetest dog ever. I’ve never owned a small dog until the one I have now, and I must say there are some perks to smaller pups. It’s nice to be able to wrangle them when you need to. Beautiful pup though, love the brown and white!


Isn’t that a thing on iphones - Live Photos or whatever where each picture is a short video. I may be misreading that post, but I think you can turn that option off. I use android so I’m not 100% on that.

This is really important advice I feel, and should be emphasized.

With my old pixel & one of those clip on lenses I have to hold the phone super still and take lots of shots. I think I ended up resting the phone on my tripod / monopod. You could always practice on non cannabis objects too, like a piece of paper, a coin, or something like that.


Yes! Great point that I may have overlooked, it’s ON by default on iPhone, so make sure you turn OFF Live Photos, or your phone is trying to record short videos for each photo. (kinda dumb)

You wanna make sure that icon has a slash through it.


Dude, she’s cute as hell!! When our boxer decides to climb up on your lap, I wish he was 40 pounds!!


Realistically that’s what the digital camera is doing anyway in phones. Phone cameras constantly take video and create a snapshot when you press the “shutter” button. “Live Photos” just show what’s happening a few seconds before & after the button is pressed.


She’s not underweight, we feed her enough food haha. She’s just a really small boxer and is probably gonna stay that size. I think it’s pretty cool, actually, just a little, tiny boxer.

My girl just took her to zoom room. She’s gonna be an Agility Champion! Haha.

Dude, it really did only take her three minutes. She’s a devil beast haha.

I think that’s what I have, the Pro version. I’ll check out that link you posted, thanks for that. I really would like to be able to get macro shots, just so I’d have more of a frame of reference on when to pull. I’m having a hard time deciding on that Triple Goddess just because she looks pretty close to being done now, but that feels early to me.

And I’m sure there’ll be other plants like that in the future, too haha.

Oh, I wrangle the 75-pound dogs, too haha. My girl got a great picture of me and Bowie years ago, where I’d just picked him up and had him on my lap like he was a cat, all cradled in my arms. I think she’s got it on her desk, actually haha.

Yeah, of course I held the phone still. I really did spend like ten minutes trying to figure it out, different lighting, all that stuff. The one thing I didn’t do was mess with the phone settings at all. That’s not something that’d ever occur to me to do, I’m always just like,”WHY WON’T THIS THING WORK? IT SHOULD WORK! THE LENS HAS BEEN ATTACHED!” haha.

So thanks, you guys, for suggesting fucking with the phone itself haha…

I mean, y’all know I’m just using an old Rebel for the weed pics and I’m not saying they’re great or anything, but I think they turn out pretty good for what I’m working with.

I know that it’s important to hold still when snapping photos, anyway haha.


Ya , my mistake I misworded that also haha. She looks very healthy she’s just under the typical weight range for the breed. Clearly a healthy build from the picture though.

That’s awesome!

Yeah, I just meant that when zoomed in that everything becomes more movement sensitive. Add in things like shutter speed to account for low light levels and it can be really difficult to pull off without a tripod. The flash is what allows me to get clear trichome shots easily using my olympus while hand held. It was very annoying (but possible) using phone and clip on lens.


Right, that’s what I noticed, too, was like it looked like the sound of the Transformers, uh, transforming, like in the cartoon. You know that sound? I love that sound haha. But I think it’s probably just that I didn’t fuck with the phone settings, so I may try that out tomorrow when I water.

Anyway… That fucking Bodhi Seeds thread… Jesus… haha. I think I’m probably gonna stop following it or “watching” it or whatever. I can’t even remember the last time I read something useful there, seems really stupid and has been stupid for like a year, at least. I think I’ll just stick to the actual Plant Thread, where people who actually grow weed post haha…


There’s still a few people posting plants updates there that I find interesting. I was always kind of interested in that midnight cowboy cross and it’s cool to see someone is growing it out there. Other than that though I pretty much agree, could take it or leave it. I don’t expect enlightenment when clicking on the alert that there’s been messages in the thread or anything like that.

I think it’s useful for thread discovery though. I’d bet a good amount of people have wandered into either of our threads because of posts made in the b thread. The forums would be pointless and boring without people to interact with so it does serve a function. I’ve also wandered into other’s threads because of plant pictures they’ve posted there. All the negatives are kind of easy for me to ignore and overlook, but I do get your guys frustration though.


Sorry, Holy, forgot to address this, but

Yes. Yes, you do haha. Plant morphology-wise, I’m seeing the same shit I’ve seen in those “Haze” pics, where there are just “clusters” of flowers that start dangling once they get a little bit further along in flower. The way they smell is really throwing me off, not what I expected at all, but I’m thinking and hoping that that’s just the Lemon Cheese coming through, so maybe those two stretchy ones will be some kind of weird “haze-y but cheese-y” awesome smoke haha.

Very cool plants, anyway. I love them… haha! I’m not sure I’ve ever grown anything like them, to be honest.

I agree. But kind of like an OG on steroids? Haha. She’s leeeeeeaning right at the base, pretty sure it’s just because the roots never really spread out when I transplanted. I actually put one stake in the pot like a week ago and tied it right at the very bottom of the plant, just to keep her from falling over. You can’t even see it in the pics, but the stake is there, I promise haha.

Either way, yeah, she’s leaning. But the flowers definitely look good. If I thought she had more than a week left to go, I’d probably add more stakes, but I really do think I’m gonna chop her in just a few days.

Which is exciting. It feels like it’s been forever since I chopped and dried and trimmed and jarred…

Yeah, maybe I’ll just lurk and bite my tongue haha. I dunno. I feel like I get dumber every time I look at that thread.


You getting the wet basement/fruity thing? Or citrus-dairy realm? If you find dirty feet that’s definitely the cheese coming through. Should definitely be good smoke regardless :grin:

I should pop some of those and take a male to the c5ss mom :thinking: will be c5ss ix with the original two c5ss keepers on each side of the tree :thinking::thinking:


Actually, remove the “wet basement” and “citrus” and that’s what they smell like: fruity (tropical fruit, specifically) and dairy. There’s been days when they remind me a lot of the Dread Bread, with that “creamy fruity” thing, but you know how it is. Shit changes every day haha.

They’ve definitely been pretty consistently fruity, though, not what I expected, but I’m not complaining at all. I think they’re pretty fucking cool, good cross for sure.

Yeah, maybe. But then wouldn’t that be a sorta “bx” or whatever-type thing? Haha. Just my opinion, but I think it’d be cooler if you inbred that line to do what the two tall plants are doing, which seems to me to be a “fruity/cheesy” smell (and hopefully flavor) but with seriously “Haze-y” looking (and hopefully smoking) flowers.

But maybe what you’re talking about would result in the same thing haha!, I dunno.

Either way, as long as the smoke is good (and I think it will be), that hybrid seems like something that should be explored further, for sure. I still have a decent amount of those seeds, so… You know… haha.


Ah that’s right. The flavor/smell of the FLC mom did come through pretty good on those. The c5ss side has some fruit scent in there too. F2’ing the bigger phenos like you’re saying is definitely a thought worth checking out :thinking:

Taking it to the c5ss mom would have to be an Inline Cross as it’s not taking it to back to a parent, it’s taking it back to a sister of the male used to create the line. So end case would be (c5ss f3 #5 x (flc #1 x c5ss f3 #1)). That c5ss f3 #1 male and the flc #1 girl no longer exist so no way to backcross either one properly. Doing this tho, would likely clean up the muddied high that is a bit prevalent in the cheesier phenos… probably drop the cheese entirely. Probably give longer colas all around too. Unsure on flavor but id suspect it’d lose most of it in exchange for more hazy incense type scents.

F2ing the better phenos in the line would likely start locking things in. Sad part is I only have like 40 or so beans of this line total, but I’d use the same male to f2 the line as I would to hit the c5ss girl.


You’re making my brain hurt haha.


Sorry, I read that post right before I started getting ready for bed and was not in a position to respond with anything other than what I said last night. You really did make my brain hurt haha.

But yeah, what I quoted above would be my concern, because I feel like certain aspects of the Cheese portion of that hybrid should absolutely remain, as far as the smells and (again, hopefully) the flavors are concerned. That’s what’s making it so interesting to me (beyond just the way they look), is that those two tall plants smell so… GOOD haha. And pretty unique. And LOUD haha. Like I mentioned last week, my friend came over and said that she’d never smelled my grows so noticeably before; what she was smelling was for sure those FLC etc plants.

They’re stinky haha.

Also, I’m officially done with that Bodhi Seeds Discussion thread. When a post that contains actual information about plants that are really, really being grown haha gets flagged, that’s when I’m out. I thought the whole point of these threads was to share more important information besides,”Look at this pack of seeds I just bought!” but I guess not…