Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah I hear ya lol

The cheese definitely helps with the smell and flavor there so you’re not wrong about keeping it in the line. I’ll see what I can do when I run them again. Will make sure everything’s clean before I do and probably not shut down for the summer this time :joy: Got too many beans to look at!


I mean… Don’t do it for my benefit haha. I do think that that “cheesy/creaminess” is a pretty cool aspect of that cross, though. I’ve gotta water in a minute, looked at the plants when I opened the tent this morning and I’m gonna snap a couple quick pictures of what one of the FLC etc plants is doing. It looks cool as shit, totally one of those bizarre “Haze” things that I’ve seen pics of.

I don’t know that that’s not a bad idea. I’m on the fence right now about whether or not I am, but I think I will.

For a seed run, though… I dunno. Maybe the insane temps etc wouldn’t really matter? If the goal is to make seeds and not worry about the flowers… Is it possible that the crazy temps and stuff wouldn’t matter as much?


oh it’d be for me/for the line itself of course lol but you’d be welcome to those too of course ^^ I totally agree on the aspects.

Temps don’t get too crazy over here, especially with the GrowLightScience led. May have 85 at the height of summer. I also only run the lights at night to help offset the temps. I prefer sensi flower grown under 80 degrees, but otherwise, doesn’t really matter :wink:

Lookin forward to the pics! I know they were both growing flowers kinda how my favorite one did, just a bit denser than that one was.


I feel personally targeted here.


enjoy the flag.


What am I looking at here? I can’t tell haha. Seriously, though, I can’t tell. Did you flag me for something? Haha.

Anyway, here’s what I was talking about, @HolyAngel:

See how she’s doing that sorta weird, “spiraling”, twisted thing with the flowers? Like, she’s floppy for sure, but I’m talking about how the flowers themselves kind of look “twisty” and floppy. It’s definitely something I’ve seen in pics of other Haze things. Really cool, I think.

That’s the #3 FLC x NL5Haze/SS, btw.

Also, the hygrometer in my big tent inexplicably switched to celsius last night and I can’t figure out how to change it back to Fahrenheit, so… Guess I’m gonna have to get a conversion chart! Haha…


Oh yeah, that’s definitely the look you want in a haze cross, imo.


Buds like that always make me think of fractal cauliflower.


I agree.

Ummmm, I dunno, that cauliflower seems to be exhibiting more OG traits than Haze ones haha…


Ahaha, fair enough, it does look mighty dense. I meant more the spiraling growth though.


haha no was just joking, I think that is how you flag a post though. Never done it before. Kind of crazy you can just drown out posts you don’t like or agree with by using that feature.

Romanesco broccoli actually tastes pretty good. Usually it seems like the novelty stuff isn’t as good


Is it mostly stem tho? Or is the Fibonacci spirals the actual florets? I’m not big into eating grass flavored things :joy: so if I use broccoli at all, I try and chop off and use just the florets with as little stem as possible. Almost zest the things :sweat_smile: I’ve thought about growing some as the wife loves all broccoli, but held out for fear of it being mostly stems.


I don’t remember, I think it is a bit more airy in the center on some of the varieties. Sometimes the heads are on the smaller size too. Not worth seeking out, but at least it doesn’t taste worse than the normal counterparts like the novelty vegetables often do. I imagine variety and cultural issues (temperature) has a role to play in how stemmy and elongated it gets. I’ve never grown it only seen it in the market here.


It is very crazy. It kind of boggles the mind. That’s actually (I think) why I got banned from TheAthletic a few years ago, was because all of these Cleveland Browns fans were going on and on about Deshaun Watson

I like broccoli, eat it all the time haha.

I dunno about Fibonacci, but I like the stems, too haha. That’s actually my favorite part. Not the stalks, of course, but I do always leave a hefty portion of the stem on all of the broccoli I eat. And we’ve been eating a LOT lately, my girl started shooting some kind of weight loss drug a while back and now all she wants to eat is broccoli and chicken, which, fine by me…


I like the fractal cauliflower, tastes “nuttier” compared to a normal one. Like 10 years ago they were the hottest thing at the local farmers markets, haven’t seen one in a couple years now though. Granted I don’t go to the farmers market anymore either haha.

My wife hates when sneak the brocolli stems into our food. “Why are trying to feed me stumps?!” Haha.


Just popping in to say that’s some gorgeous hazey structure up there and it makes me hot. Really truly.


Not sure what post you’re speaking to here, since I haven’t checked the Bodhi thread since sometime early yesterday. And I suspect I missed something.

But if the plants getting grown are from something someone made with Bodhi seeds (aka not Bodhi seeds), I’m all for those going to their own thread. F2s can get a bye, though it usually leads to another set of issues like people begging for seeds.


That’s the best part. The stems are all crispy and crunchy, whereas the actual “flowers” or whatever are all gross and crumbly haha.

Isn’t that funny? It’s never-ending with the stuff that’s supposedly a “superfood” or otherwise something that’s amazing that everybody should be eating and then… It’s gone haha.

Kinda like weed.

That’s all courtesy of Holy. I like the way those plants look, too, super-excited about them, but they’re not getting my cock hard or anything haha. To each their own, though…

You didn’t miss anything. Just people on that thread flagging a post which contained actual pictures of a Bodhi plant being grown instead of just recently-received packs of seeds. I also called somebody out for their incredibly obvious, pathetic behavior in that same post and I guess people couldn’t handle that.

Maybe I should’ve broken that up into two posts… haha.

Honestly, the very few people who actually post pics of plants on that thread, I’m already following their own “personal” grow logs, so I really see no need to participate in that Seed Discussion one anymore. It’s straight garbage, filled with total dumbasses.


This is part of the reason I rarely post pics here. I’m documenting my stuff in another location right now, but it’s an invitation only space made up of people who actually grow.


I get that. Those “invitation-only” places, though, are a little too insular for me. Or rather, they defeat the purpose of why I post grow logs in the first place, which is so anybody who’s interested in the genetics I’m growing will have at least a little frame of reference in the off-chance they’re planning on growing those seeds, too, whether they’re a member of OG or thcfarmer or (gawd forbid) RIU haha or not.


That’s putting it mildly haha…

I did agree with the spirit of your post but maybe not the strategy and directness. I also think that individual does have a good track record of spreading kindness - but I see it along the lines of leaving food out and attracting rodents in a sense. You can mean well by leaving the food out for them but ultimately a bigger problem is being created. Culturing a crappy environment in order to self-aggrandize seems to be a common theme in some of the larger threads here. It’s been easy enough for me to avoid for the most part because none of the threads I follow are really centered around giveaways or anything like that so at the end of the day it doesn’t bother me.

That said what I find most unsettling is the whole flagging of posts that I’ve been seeing in multiple different threads lately. I always felt like that feature was there for extreme TOS violations such as someone advocating harm or something like that. I don’t feel like the experience is enhanced by someone else deciding to shield me from posts that may be controversial, slightly inflammatory or other benign posts.