Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Sorry, forgot the whole tent shots.

And the Banana Soap seedlings, veg day 23:

They’re looking rooooouuuggghhhh, but I’m sure they’ll look better once I get them into bigger pots, which is actually gonna be in the next week, a little earlier than I was planning, but whatever.


Man, every plant is looking pristine. How do you get things done when you have all those beauties to stare at and take pictures of. :grin:

The FLCxNL5/SS #3 and #4 long colas look amazing. When they finish stacking, they’ll be big ol sticks of frosty buds. That FLC leaner is on steroids with all that bud at 47 haha.

Triple goddess and Pho Wat have my attention too! :face_with_monocle:

How many weeks do you usually flower for? or is do you check trichome to tell you?
Did you store any cuts from them?


I’m totally paranoid about bringing in pests, so I don’t “stare” at them at all haha. I do whatever I have to do first thing in the morning and then avoid the room for the rest of the day. There’ll be plenty of time to stare at them when I’m trimming haha.

Oh, I dunno, dude. However long it takes. I’ve tried to check trichomes before, used every conceivable method (loupe, clip-on phone lens thing, big-ass magnifying glass haha) known to man and none of them worked for me, so I always just kind of go by feel.

I did get a new phone recently (upgraded from my twelve-year-old iPhone 7 haha)(the kid at the phone store didn’t even know what he was looking at haha), so I’m hoping that the new phone and that clip-on lens thing’ll give me a decent look at the trichs. But I’m not gonna bust that out for another two weeks, at least.

I will say that I’m pretty surprised about how far along some of them look for it only being day 48 today.

You must be new here… haha.

Just fucking with you. But no, I didn’t take cuts. I never take cuts. A while back, Iamyou asked on his thread what everybody’s goal for the new year was and mine is to take cuts from something, anything, and root them. I don’t really care what it is, but it is something that I should be doing at least every now and then.


Makes sense, best to avoid that issue at all cost. I found myself going thru those pictures for a good 15mins. You got some lookers for sure.

I bounce back and forth from feel and checking trichs. lately I’ve been in the feel realm.
Nice! I look forward to seeing what shots you can get with it.

:joy: Your new years goal was as successful as mine. Which was not taking in any seeds. Only outbound. Only lasted 3 weeks…


How do you check them? I’m not kidding, dude, every method I’ve tried, the trichs just look all “silvery” and shiny and I can’t really see shit and definitely can’t tell the difference between clear and cloudy and amber.


I take a magnifier and check. I look for amber. If I cant really tell with the Magnifier glass. I take a photo with my nikon d60 to zoom in more on the camera. Lately I just run to 67-70 days and have been happy with just going by days.


Dude. Just Google wireless USB microscope. 30-40$. I’m not steady enough to free hand the damn thing. But I will cut a lower bud when I think they are close and use the stand that comes with the scope.


It’s surprising how much they stacked in the last 3 weeks or so.


I don’t think you realize just how poor I am right now. Thirty bucks for a relatively frivolous thing like a USB microscope strictly to check trichomes is a luxury I absolutely cannot afford. I need a new timer for the 3x3, had to move the one from that tent into the 5x5 when one of my timers from the big tent fried a few weeks ago and I can’t even afford that. It’s not even that I can’t “afford” it; I literally don’t have twenty dollars.

For real, man, I’m living, like, hour to hour right now, not even day to day.

But I’ll be sure to grab one of those the next time I have some money haha…


A friend of mine came over yesterday and as soon as she walked in the door, she said,”Wow, what is that? It… It really smells like weed in here!” When I told her it was just the plants, she said that she’d never smelled any of my grows so noticeably before. So I guess I was wrong when I said that those Wat Pho plants and the Cheese/Haze plants don’t smell like weed at all haha. They do smell very “tropical fruit-ish” to me, but apparently they also smell like weed haha. Either way, this has definitely been a very “loud” grow.

I watered with SEA-90 a couple weeks ago, I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Also, tough loss, @SmackyMcSmackers, sorry, dude. It was BEAUTIFUL here yesterday, so we mostly just sat in the backyard; I’d go inside and watch the game for five or ten minutes and then go back outside and hang for a while, then go back inside. When the Lions went up by 17, I said to my girl,”I think the Lions might actually win this game.” The next time I went inside, it was tied 24-24 and I was like,”Fuck…”

I reeeeallllyyyy wanted them to win that game, both because I will root against the Niners as long as they’re in the same division as the Rams haha and also because, you know, who doesn’t like to see a generationally-downtrodden team finally become good? Anyway, yeah, tough loss for sure. From what I saw they had it. It was right there


Yeah they fell apart in the second half. The almost interception turned completed pass on the 4 making an easy TD for SF, then the fumble inside their own 30 on 1st down of their next possession making another easy redzone TD for SF immediately in the 3rd seemed to rattle Detroit. Then Goff started overthrowing long balls and receivers dropped clutch 3rd & 4th down passes. Add in the 2nd half defensive scheme change that couldn’t seem to generate any stops, and you’ve got a disappointing loss.

People want to complain about not kicking field goals, but have they seen our kicker? One of the attempts was 48 yards, with his long being like 51. Trusting the offense on 4th down got the Lions to the NFC Championship—why should they trust a kicker with a poor average more in this game versus the offense that got them there?


Unless it’s like 4th-and-15, you should always go for it, no matter how good (or bad) your kicker is. I did see one horrible throw from Goff on a failed 4th-down conversion, but that wasn’t surprising haha. In general, though, yeah, go for it.

Sorry, just trying to lighten your mood haha.

Anyway, yeah, I’m sure you’re disappointed. But this is a start. The Lions are a team that has to be considered contenders for the foreseeable future, for sure. When was the last time you could say that? Haha! Get a decent cornerback and an edge to play opposite Hutchinson and y’all got a team.


Houston was back last night as EDGE opposite Hutchinson, but he only played significantly less than his normal snap count so he wasn’t in peak disruption form. He had been out since like week 2 with an ankle injury.

But definitely need help at CB. I’m looking at that as a key addition both in the draft and in free agency. Sutton isn’t it as a CB1. He works as a CB2 though. Maybe they should look at kicker as an area of need too.

I’m good as long as the Lions don’t regress next season. Besides, we’re in the 3rd year of Campbell’s 3 year plan to turn around the organization. I’d say going from 0-13-1 to 12-5 and coming within 30 minutes of making the Super Bowl inside 3 years is a good start to turn the Lions into contenders.


Houston’s small, though. He’s good, for sure, a real Football Player, but I dunno that he’s somebody that other teams need to gameplan for. But maybe. Maybe he’ll be the next Elvis Dumervil haha.

That’s not gonna happen. I KNOW that’s not gonna happen. Dan Campbell is a good head coach. He gets it, that’s obvious. A lot of them don’t get it at all, but he does.

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Alright, I took a SHITLOAD of pics today and a decent amount of them turned out pretty okay, so, you know, just brace yourselves…

Flower day 57 for everything here.

Triple Goddess #2:

I busted out that macro-lens phone attachment thing and tried to get closeups, just for my own benefit, I wouldn’t have posted them here because fuck re-sizing, but I could not at all get anything resembling anything. Whatever I saw through the phone screen was total chaos, I don’t know what the problem was. That thing really fucking irritates me. Or my inability to figure it out does, anyway. It’s the same one Iamyou uses, he recommended it and his macros look great, but whatever the fuck I was looking at when I attached it to my phone was straight garbage. It was like the whole phone freaked out.

So I’m kind of on the fence about the Triple Goddess, when to chop her etc etc. I’m gonna wait another week, I think, because why not? But I am surprised at how far along she looks, even for it being day 57 today.

Wat Pho #2:

And the Wat Pho #3 (notice that big “round” bud on that one top in the front compared to the pointier tops everywhere else. It’s kind of interesting…):

I always hang the plants whole when I dry, but the #2 Wat Pho and the #2 Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star will absolutely be getting broken down into pieces when that time comes. They’re just so… fucking… bushy haha.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #2:

Like I said before, she’s probably the least frosty of all the plants, but it doesn’t matter because she’s unbelievably sticky. I pulled a lot of leaves off of her today, mostly on the inside of the plant, just to open up a little more airflow in there and my arms were fucking COATED in stickiness. Really cool.

Super-sparkly plants aren’t everything! Unless you’re trying to pump up your “brand” online… haha.

Here’s the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #3:

I took two “whole plant” shots just to emphasize how badly that one top flllllloppppped overnight, but it got tied up after I took the pics. Still, yeah, @HolyAngel, the #3 and the #4 plants, the two tall ones, are definitely a little, uh… flimsy haha. Just observing, not complaining at all.

Closeups of the #3 FLC/NL5 etc plant:

And the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4:

I think those two tall FLC etc plants are fucking cool-looking as shit, very stoked about them. Unless the smoke sucks, in which case… Bad job, HolyAngel! Bad job!

Just kidding, I’m sure they’re gonna turn out great.

Anyway, yeah, so that’s the latest update. It’s just been duuuuuuumping rain here the last 24 hours, been great for the grow, humidity levels and temps haven’t been an issue at all, but I’m not really feeling it. I mean, I don’t mind it as long as it’ll be over in the next few days, but yeah, this is crazy. It really has been straight-up POURING rain for almost a full 24 hours, no letup at all. We even put a bucket outside yesterday morning, just to see how much it’d actually rain during this “atmospheric river weather event” thing and there’s a good eight inches of water in there already.



Aaaarrrggghhhh, forgot the “whole tent” shots and the Banana Soap pics again!

Whole tent:

And the Banana Soap plants, veg day 33:

I think I’m actually seeing female pre-flowers on three of them (that tallest one, especially, which surprised me). They absolutely have to be transplanted tomorrow, regardless of the sex. But my girl put a camera in the garage behind the washing machine a while back, when that rat was running around in there, and she started getting alerts last night. Looked at the thing and the fucking rat is back, so now I’m scared to go in there and fill up four pots of soil haha…

Just kidding, I’m gonna do it tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll see that rat and be able to kill it with the shovel.


I know he said he used it in the past but I’m assuming he’s using his full frame for his macro shots lately. That’s insane if the trichome pictures he’s posted lately are from his phone. Always love plants that have that sticky arm effect when you accidentally brush up against them.

I love the look of that Triple Goddess too!

Also plants look go… I mean :fire: , haha!


Yeah, it’s one he recommended like three+ years ago, but even those shots looked great. Great enough for me to DM him and ask him what is was he was using, anyway haha. The thing won’t work for me at all, though, even on my new phone. I dunno what the problem is.

So, uh… Fuck phones haha.

Mhm, I agree haha.


haha no doubt, weed porn update over here…

lol, we’re gonna get this figured out. If you have the exact same clip on as me, be aware, that it’s two lenses in one, and you have to un-screw the top lens for it to become a “macro” lens, as pictured:

Next, we gotta figure out what type of phone you have. I think you said you recently upgraded to a newer iPhone? I have an iPhone 12, the clip-on lens needs to cover the bottom camera on the iPhone, as pictured.

Then, you gotta get within 1-2 inches of the plants, and try to hold things as still as possible, you should be able to see the plant clearly on the display, even if the trich heads aren’t really in focus, Then just start snapping away, holding things as steady as possible. Sometimes I’ll take 20 photos until I get a good one, but it doesn’t really matter, the others get deleted immediately. Here’s some I just took of my dog’s nose, and a few of the Bandaid Church.

and Syz is correct, for most of my recent up close photos, I’ve been using the Nikon with a macro lens, which gives better quality.

Bandaid Church w/ Nikon and macro lens:

Anyways… you can call me or something if you can’t get it to work.

Your plants are looking killer this round, love the Wat Pho’s and the spears on the FLC x HL5H/SS #3 and #4 are freakin awesome… it’s like a weed javelin!

Yeah saw that on the news, crazy shit… it’s been raining here all day too, but that’s just the norm!


Also, I feel bad about not showing any love to our (relatively) new pup. She is sooooo cute, just this totally little tiny boxer:

I was completely wrong when I said that I thought she was gonna end up pretty huge. Her paws really were very big relative to her age (nine months) when we first got her, but then everything just… stopped haha, seems like she’s just not gonna grow any more at all. She was 39 pounds when we got her and she’s only 41 pounds now, six months later. No other boxer we’ve ever owned has been smaller than about 65 pounds, kind of weird. Bowie was 75.

But I love her haha. She’s fucking awesome. Swear to gawd, as I was typing this, my girl gave her a new squeaky toy (pictured above, three minutes before she destroyed the toy) and she already ripped it open and took out the squeaker haha…