Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

While flagging is often used to be petty or by whiny people, flagging for off-topic is an approved site use. It’s literally one of the reasons provided in the short list when flagging posts. For example, I don’t mind seeing posts flagged if a poster is promoting their own work in threads about Bodhi gear.

I almost wouldn’t be shocked to find out that whoever flagged @minitiger’s post was the person it was about. That guy does a lot for the site, but it’s not like he’s humble about it. He does a lot for the site but he makes sure everyone knows it too. Not everyone is a fan of how he revamped the freakers/repro group either.


Ya that seems reasonable, such as the Bodhi grower thread as you mentioned- posts about Copa or pollen chucks have nothing to do with the intent of that thread. I’m more talking about how I’ve seen it used and weaponized to drown out dissenting, controversial, or just idiotic opinions.

Reminds me a bit of those youtube / influencers exploiting the homeless.


I like Broccolini for this reason, usually the stems are pretty tender too.

Yeah, it’s kinda bullshit it hides the whole post… I mean usually when something is flagged, it just makes me want to look at it more, as I’m curious as to what someone said to piss someone off, haha. But the system can definitely be abused. I believe it shouldn’t auto-hide stuff, unless approved by a mod, but whatever…

Pretty sure this is the bigger issue.


your triple goddess pictures looked nice tho hahaha…

I cant keep up with many threads, i just forget them. I forgot you had this one, for example - but there are more than a couple growers id like to keep track of, the follow feature would be nice… but i think LJ is not a big fan of it as it has been proposed before. id like to grab a couple growers (like syz, zeph, iamyou, shitfuck (or whatever his name is, i thought it was copkiller), holy, ab, smackers, and some others etc) and open a thread and say “alright, just post here for me”.


I agree. And that bugs me. It’s like nobody ever figures out that the more you tell people about a certain place, “virtual” or in real life, the sooner that place is gonna go downhill and be overrun with riff raff.

Yeah, that really bothers me. Like our eyes are too delicate to read something that might be viewed as “disagreeable” by some people.

Sure, that’s fine, but when something’s flagged just because somebody doesn’t like what was said in the post… That’s bullshit.

Broccolini always cooks kinda weird, though. Or maybe I just always cook it weird haha.

I mean, not for me haha. I don’t participate in those seed repro things unless it’s somebody who I actually trust to not fuck shit up (and even then, very rarely).

Yeah, well… They’re posted on this thread, too, so… I guess you can just look at them here haha.

You can hit that “watching” button at the bottom of the threads. Or whatever the button is for getting notifications every time something’s posted.

Honestly, I’m watching too many again, need to go through and turn off a lot of them. You watch too many and all of a sudden you’re being exposed to dipshits who you’d never ordinarily even interact with, on OG or in real life.


Me either. Even if I was interested in some of them I don’t have time to stalk the site often enough just to get some free seeds.

FWIW, I almost told him off last night in a thread where he came in with his classic “I use the absolute cheapest device/method possible so my device/method is automatically superior to anything different/marginally more expensive.” And the number of people who dick ride comments like that in hopes it means he will send them free seeds…. :roll_eyes:


I don’t really participate either, but I don’t think that’s my issue, it’s more of what’s even being allowed to be reproduced. Who gets to decide, and the system used to decide. I mean, I get there are rules, and I’d never purposely step on breeders toes, but the name of the site is Overgrow… whatever, I’ll just stick to my own log, and the few others I follow, and the Bodhi Plant thread… hopefully that one doesn’t get fucked up.


My understanding is that it now not only sets what, it also restricts who more than it ever used to, and even goes as far as specifying when and even why in terms of priority.


Haha, I’m not sure what that means or why the cheapest device would mean anything, but that’s kind of funny. Honestly, I don’t really know what goes on here on this site except for the people’s threads that I follow. Mostly because of shit like that haha. I really don’t wanna know. That’s probably why I got so irritated the other day, just because it was like,”No. No, you are not welcome here. Stay in your lane, bitch.”

That also really, really irritates me. It’s so, so fucking obvious and so… just, like… gross haha.

Fucking leeches…

Yeah, again, I don’t know at all what happens on those threads. I’m not sure I’ve ever looked at, like… Whatever haha. Whatever those threads are, the seed repros, I dunno, but I’ve never really checked them out. I may have looked at them when I first joined, but it’s been my experience that the larger the number of people involved in anything, the higher the likelihood of shit getting really fucked up.

And it all seems really kinda gross. That’s the only way I can put my feelings about all of that shit, is that it’s just gross haha! Those people are gross. And tacky. And… Just gross haha.

Anyway, flower day 61 here. I don’t have any pics, because why take more four days after the last round? I watered today and I’m pretty positive I’m gonna chop that Triple Goddess on day 65, but that’s really only because she’ll have been rotated to the front of the tent by then haha. Big-time “perfume-y” smells coming off of her right now, very OG-like. I’m excited!


Here’s a pic from my tent since you didn’t take any. Kinky Temples are starting to bush out nicely. I haven’t topped anything or done any training but saw they’re definitely pushing lateral growth out of the nodes quickly.


Looks like the clones have perked up, too. What are the genetics of that one on the left in the middle? I didn’t wanna ask in the Doc thread, since I was pretty sure it wasn’t one of his.


Left middle is Wake of the Dragon from Strayfox. It’s Dragonsoul x Blueberry Temple.


Oooh, that sounds good, especially the Blueberry Temple part haha. Should end up pretty tasty, if nothing else.


What do you guys know about Dr. Zymes? The Banana Soap plants (which I still haven’t up-potted haha) look like they’re showing a little pest damage, sprayed them with neem/peppermint/spearmint/K silicate/aloe last week and then again on Saturday, but I’m thinking I wanna do a hardcore “every three days thing” for a little bit.

Anyway, I have this sample bottle of Dr. Zymes that I got a few years back and figured I’d alternate treatments, with the IPM stuff and then the Zymes three days later, then the IPM and then the last of the Zymes (the sample’s enough for two rounds since it’s just four little plants I’ll be spraying). I know that you’re not supposed to mix it with any kind of oil at all; if I remember correctly, it’s because of the citric acid.

Do y’all think that spraying plants with neem and essential oils and then spraying with the Dr. Zymes three days later would be, uh… not good? Haha. Should I sorta rinse the plants off the night before with plain water and then spray with the Zymes the night after “rinsing”? I’ve never used it, pretty surprised I was actually able to find that little bottle. I was certain I’d thrown it away a long time ago haha.


Looks like it’s mostly citric acid? Should be fine to spray after the soap :thinking:


I can’t find it on the Dr. Zymes website right now, which is why I was asking, but I know that I read on there before that it shouldn’t be combined with any sort of “oils,” which, you know… Neem oil, peppermint essential oil, spearmint essential oil…

But maybe three day intervals would be okay. I dunno… Guess we’ll find out haha, I’m gonna hit those Banana Soap plants with it tomorrow night, three nights after the IPM thing.


Well if that’s the case then I’d probably do what they say and just wash the plants before alternating sprays.

Edit; yeah that’s what it says in their PDF. Don’t spray on top of oil, and that you may be able to wash it off prior to using the dr zymes.
Important Information about Eliminator for Pest Control.pdf (123.1 KB)


Gawd, I looked all over their site for that thing and could not find it haha.

But now I don’t know what to do… Honestly, I don’t even know if what I’m looking at is some kind of pest damage or what it is. Could just be weirdness from being in those little pots for way longer than I usually keep the seedlings in. It looks like pests to me, though, which is weird because the flowering plants in the big tent look fine. I dunno.

Anyway, yeah, like I said, we’ll see what happens… haha.


I had to do some digging to find that PDF so don’t feel too bad lol

Could try pulling some of the affected leaves off or just check the undersides if you can without pulling them. That’s usually where they like to hide at :expressionless:


Never used their products but the material on their website and marketing doesn’t do it for me. Got huffing paint vibes from their instruction PDF. MSDS indicates it’s a blend of citric acid and some kind of proprietary ferment. I’m not a fan of using secretive magic potions really so it’s not something I’d buy or use, but if you already have it…

What sort of pests are you (potentially) dealing with?

You could practice using the clip-on macro lens to take some pictures!