Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

That’d only leave, like, two leaves haha. It’s really only one plant, actually, but it does look a little “bitten” and has been for a while now. I dunno.

Yeah, of course. I’m definitely checking them, haven’t seen anything on the undersides. Which is part of the reason I’m like,”What the fucking FUCK is this?!?” haha.

Haha, I agree. I just felt like I have this thing and I know that alternating treatment methods is sort of recommended when it comes to pests, so I figured, you know,”I’ve got this Dr. Zymes; maybe I should use it.”

I don’t wanna say because I feel like I’m gonna jinx myself and the plants if I talk about it too much haha. Certain leaves just look bitten, though, like I said.

Those Banana Soap plants have not been being grown the way I ordinarily grow things, though, so maybe it’s just some weirdness from the not-ideal grow conditions.


I follow a lot of threads and logs and shit here; “lurking” might be the better way to put it, as I don’t really comment or even “like” most of the posts. Today somebody on the “Hawaiian Cannabis” thread posted something about,“It’d be nice to know about BOEL and the legacy behind it, because I have a couple packs of BOEL seeds,” as if “BOEL” meant, like, a cannabis strain or something. They just had no clue at all.

It blows my mind that here, right now, when more information is available than ever before, people seem to be getting dumber. There seems to be a seriously profound lack of intellectual curiosity and I’m not sure what to blame that on, but it’s fucking disturbing. I mean, just google fucking “Brotherhood of Eternal Love” or look into the genetics of the pack of seeds you’re talking about. It’s so, so, so fucking easy.

Anyway, flower day 67 for everything here (I took an obnoxious amount of pictures this morning, so, as always, brace yourselves).

And a little music (I’m obsessed with this track right now, been listening to it over and over and over for the past couple days):

Triple Goddess #2:

Even though the above picture is totally out of focus, I still like it, all just a Wall of Flowers coming at you…

For the last, like, five days or so, she developed a very noticeable “berry” smell, which I’m assuming was coming from the Snow Lotus male, but now she’s back to that perfume-y OG-type smell. Also, I thought I was gonna chop her two days ago, but she’s still obviously swelling, getting floppier, “packing on the weight” haha, so I’m gonna let her go for a few more days, I think. I also don’t want her to be the only plant hanging in the drying area; I always like it when there’s at least a couple three plants hanging at the same time, just because it helps with humidity levels (it’s been unbelievably dry here the last week or so and I don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon). So yeah, probably won’t be chopping her for another five days, maybe.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #2:

She’s FLOPPING, but I’m not gonna stake her, just because I think she’ll be done in the next ten days or so, even though she (and everything besides the Triple Goddess) spit out a new round of white pistils in the last couple days.

She’s also, like I’ve mentioned before, unbelievably sticky. That super-tac-y, sort of “Super Glue” kind of stickiness. Pretty stoked about her, for sure. I think, too, @HolyAngel, maybe some Sensi Star influence? I keep forgetting that there’s Sensi Star in this cross haha. But yeah, I’m thinking SS more than the Cheese, possibly.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #3:

I’m very, very stoked about that one, can’t wait to blaze her. She blew up in the last couple days, right after I watered with a little coconut. I dunno if that had anything to do with it. It may be hard to tell from the pics, but her (and the #4 FLC etc plant’s) flowers got noticeably bigger in the last couple days.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star #4:

Love her. Love her love her love her!!!

Back when I ordered those C. Gold x Dragon Energy seeds from Doc D, I asked him what the deal was with the C. Gold mom in that cross and one of the things he mentioned was,“Flowers resemble Pensil Thai.” I wasn’t familiar with Pensil Thai (and if anybody here is, please enlighten us haha), looked around to try to find out and came up pretty empty.

Here’s a picture of that C. Gold cross:

And another:

Tell me that shit doesn’t look a little similar to that #4 FLC x NL5Haze/SS. I think it does, anyway. Pretty interesting and I can’t wait to blaze her haha.

Here’s the Wat Pho #2:

She spit out a bunch of white pistils in the last couple days. She also REEKS of anise, noticed that for the first time today. That’s pretty unexpected, she definitely hasn’t been smelling like before, but I don’t mind it haha.

And the Wat Pho #3:

She looks pretty okay, too haha… Both of those Wat Phos are the first A5Thai crosses I’ve grown that didn’t have that “sweaty/salty” smell going on in flower, which is interesting. I dunno if that’s good or bad haha, but it’s something I’ve noticed.

Whole tent shot (I remembered!):

And the Banana Soap “seedlings,” veg day 43:

I’m not gonna lie, these plants look like absolute shit. I have GOT to get them into bigger pots ASAP, but I can’t do it until I get a timer for the little 3x3. Hopefully that’ll be really soon. I actually bought one a few weeks ago, but it was just one of those single-jack things, which, why the fuck would anybody use a single-jack timer when ones with two jacks exist? It’d been so long since I bought a new timer that it didn’t even occur to me to see if it was my preferred style of timer until I took it out of the box. In any event, I took it back to the store and I’m still trying to find one of those double-jack ones locally. I refuse to order shit online, so don’t even think about suggesting that haha. I do all I can to support local businesses, pretty sick of driving around and seeing boarded-up store fronts everywhere…

Anyway… Yeah! Flower day 67! Getting close now. I think? Haha…


My first grow of sky lotus a couple years back I grew 2 and one of them had a berry smell/taste. I liked the taste and effects of the berry plant a lot.

plants look beautiful.


Man, I don’t know which one I like better :drooling_face:

I think I’m still most interested in that #3 :yum:


I like seeing your full plant shots with the shadows on the wall. Looks trippy, almost reminds me of mild shroom visuals when everything looks wavy and alive.

I thought the C. Gold and Haze/Cheese were the same plants when I was scrolling through the pics lol. Didn’t realize they were different until I read the file names.


Possibly :thinking: the sensistar structure gives decently long colas and a decent amount of leaves. But I’d imagine the big fat flowers there on the #2 smell more like dirty feet than metallic-pine, no?

Agreed! The double serrations in the line are a Columbian trait. The male definitely had them and so does his sister :wink:


Yeah, it’s crazy… I was reading an article the other day about how reading levels are on a decline in younger generations, truly sad that kids aren’t even learning to read to better themselves.

I listened to this album a lot… when it came out I was going through a real rough patch in my life with addiction and so on, and a lot of of those tunes I identified with. The song is prolly my favorite on the album, as depressing as that album is. I go back a listen from time to time, I like a lot of of his music, but it can be pretty heavy on the heart… I think he recorded one of his earlier albums in Portland, or maybe a demo or something… I know he was around this area and LA later in his life.

Anyways, I like the music additions to your posts… I was telling my girl the other day that I miss music videos, haha, fuckin’ MTV just completely sold out and the whole concept just kinda went away.

Plants are coming down the home stretch… everything looks great :+1:


Yeah, it happens with those Snow Lotus crosses here and there, I think. I remember a couple of the Uplifts had that going on, along with a sort of “soy sauce/umami/weird smell and flavor” haha. I said it a a few days ago on that Bodhi thread, before I quit following it, but there really are good and interesting plants in those lines.

Weed is cool… haha.

I meant to mention that in the “pictures post,” but yeah, good eye there. You called it for sure, way earlier than when she actually started throwing those bizarre-looking, “twisty” flowers. That #3 plant is for sure the “Haziest” of the three that’re growing right now. I’m definitely a little interested in her haha.

Haha, that’s what I’m going for: alive.

Just kidding, I’m not really “going” for anything, other than maybe a straight “Terry Richardson/ low budg/overexposed” bullshit thing. Mostly, though, I’m just snapping pictures the only way I know how. I don’t like spending too much time in the room, really just wanna get in and out as quickly as possible.

But I’m glad you like the pics.

It’s hard to tell right now. That one Wat Pho with the anise smell is really the most prominent at the moment, pretty much all I could smell today. The structure, though… I dunno.

Yeah, it’s interesting.

On the one hand, I sit here and wonder,”Is it just because I’m getting older?” haha. I mean, I KNOW that every generation complains about the one that follows it; that’s been happening for centuries. At the same time, though… Man… Like,”Here it is! It’s all right there, easier than it’s ever been! Why are you even asking? How do you not know this shit?!?”

It’s like when people I’ve worked with have said,”Well, I wasn’t alive in the 60’s, so I don’t know anything about the Beatles.” I wasn’t fucking alive in the 60’s, either, but I still know their music. I wasn’t alive in the late-1700’s/early-1800’s, as well, but I can still recognize fucking Beethoven.

It’s bizarre.

I think it’s my favorite Elliott Smith album, even though it’s his “unfinished” posthumously-released one.

I have a complicated relationship with his stuff. I never, ever listen to the words of any music, maybe because I’m a musician first and foremost; I spend all my time listening to all of the instruments. Maybe I’ll get around to listening to the words eventually.

For whatever reason, though,

that album is resonating with me right now. Even though I don’t know what he’s saying, I can feel it haha. That song in particular is just, like… YES. I really, truly canNOT stop listening to it. In the car doing the Uber Eats bullshit, when I get home, just over and over and over again. I’ve played it at least 50 times in the last two days, don’t wanna listen to anything else.

I’m sure I’ll move off of it soon, though. Hopefully… haha.

I think it’s probably my favorite song of his ever, off of any of his albums. “Christian Brothers” and “Roman Candle” are a close second and third.

Anyway, I’m in an Elliott Smith-kinda mood right now, which is really all y’all need to know haha. Shit is getting dark again…


Man that triple goddess is looking great I wonder what the genetics of that one are. Is what pho a boel drop? I need to get on instagram so I can follow him and bid on some of these seeds.


Haha, yeah… I dunno. I’m so, so, so trying to get out of this cynical thing. It’s just totally overwhelming right now. I feel sick, physically sick, all the time, every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed and all day, too. I fucking hate it.

And more than that, I feel like a ghost, just passing through. It’s fucking weird.

But yeah, that’s funny haha…


Also, I haven’t forgotten or abandoned the plan to start those Oil Spill seeds, @middleman haha. I’m just a little behind schedule, but those seeds are definitely getting planted, no later than March 1.


i have been feeling like this for the last couple months. add in constant tiredness with sleeping 15 hrs a day off and on…no idea why im responding to this but they way you laid it out just really took the words out of my mouth. its like a deep depression… hope you find your way out of the web


Sorry, forgot to address this, but yeah, he was in Portland for a while.

Funny story: when I lived there, the first bar I’d hit up every night when I got off of work, one of the regulars looked exactly like Elliott Smith. That was obviously the look he was cultivating, but I had no idea what Elliott looked like, only knew his music. Anyway, I dunno why, but me and my friend Barb were talking about the guy who drank at that bar and she was like,”You mean Elliott Smith?” and I was like,”REALLY??? That’s HIM?!? I didn’t know that was him!!!”

And she was like,”No, you idiot, he just looks exactly like him,” haha… For one fleeting second, I thought I’d been spending days and days and weeks and months hanging out and talking with Elliott Smith at the bar haha. I dunno why I never asked that dude what his name was…

They’re actually playing music videos again, but it’s like a “retro” thing, where they have hour-long blocks of a particular style of music, old videos, like “Metal Mayhem” or whatever. We actually watched the 80’s R&B block for a little while last night haha, watched the Metal one for a while last week, too. They played a Rob Halford (Halford, not Judas Priest, guess he went solo haha) video and some crazy-ass Dokken video that was apparently a song written specifically for Nightmare on Elm Street: Part Three. It was one of those videos where they incorporated scenes from the movie into the video and Dokken was, like, part of the movie. Very, very, very funny. I encourage everybody here to watch that one if you can find it.

Never mind, here it is haha:

It’s a really, really funny video. Kind of odd, too, because I’d just been saying to my girl how much I miss, like, songs written specifically for a movie and was wondering why nobody ever does that anymore haha…


Forgot to address this, too haha, but I think it’s a combination of things. I think the fact that book stores don’t even fucking exist anymore is part of the problem.

My sister from my dad’s first marriage lived in Lakeland, which is like 45 minutes outside Tampa, where I lived. Every Wednesday, he’d pick me up from school and we’d drive to Lakeland and have dinner with my sister somewhere; afterwards he’d take us to a book store and he’d buy us a book. Any book, didn’t matter (my mom was fucking PISSED when he dropped me off at home with the first Creesphow when I was like nine haha, the one that the movie was based on, with the roaches busting out of the dude’s body and the guy getting buried up to his neck on the beach and shit).

But either way, we went to book stores. He encouraged us to get books and read them. And my mom had shit-tons of books, too. I read them all. I read The Right Stuff when I was like ten. And again when I was eleven and twelve and thirteen. I keep trying to find a copy of What Really Happened to the Class of ‘65? I loved that book when I was a kid, totally random, but it was good! Probably not something an eleven-year-old should be reading haha, but whatever.

And on and on and on and on… She subscribed to Rolling Stone and I’d read all of those when they showed up, just everything, anything I could read, I read it. It seems really weird to me that people don’t wanna read anymore. I don’t get it.

I’m not sure what my point is, but yeah… Somethin’ ain’t right haha.

I’m also kind of having a moment again, as I do from time to time, so y’all feel free to ignore me.


Idk man. Most of my customers are boomers and those fuckers can’t read for shit. Have 13 signs outside, have had blinking neon signs they literally have to walk around, and STILL, they don’t read a single one.

Or my other favorite. “My computer has an error message and won’t let me do anything…”
What’s the error message?
“Idk, I didn’t read it.”

Meanwhile, like you, I can’t look at words and NOT read them. But these people act like it’s heiroglyphics.


Haha, ummmm… Guilty. And I’m not even a Boomer. Any of that “computer stuff,” though… My eyes just glaze over and I have to ask my girl what the deal is before I destroy my phone/ipad/desktop/tv. Swear to gawd, if I had the money to replace it, I’d be destroying “technology” on a daily basis haha.

Again, guilty haha.

It isn’t even that I’m incapable of figuring it out as much as it is,”I thought this shit was supposed to make everybody’s lives easier…” and instead it’s like a fucking daily struggle, constantly having to re-boot shit and now the internet’s not working and we have to re-log into our account but,”What’s the fucking password?!? I can’t remember the password!!!” haha.

Fuck it. Burn it. Burn it all to the ground… haha.


Kids are spoiled by the glut of info they have at their disposal. If you can’t find it in the first page of google, they’re fucked. They’ve never actually had to research anything. Imagine if they had to use a card catalog to find a book?

I’m way too young to feel this old haha.


That actually seems easier to me haha. You wouldn’t have to scroll through tons of “paid content” to find what you’re looking for, anyway… No ads flashing in your face, no bullshit, just,”What am I looking for? Oh! Here it is! Bb62aq79… Got it.”


Oh not the computer stuff, I mean words in general. Any word they seem to struggle to have to read/understand, they can’t just look at a word and instantly read it… or something.


I think that some people just aren’t curious anymore. People are stuck in their loops of what they’re comfortable with and choose to not go outside of their “box”. I don’t get it either, as I’ve always been into so many different types of music… and I guess there’s some people who just don’t feel music the same way I do. Which is also strange to me… anyways, I know who the fuckin Beatles are, and Beethoven, haha!

I think people have been spoon fed shit for so long, they truly don’t know how to search or find the info for themselves.

He’s a good song writer, no doubt. The instrumentation feels very intimate, especially on the earlier albums. The production on From a Basement… is cool though, complex layering and even if you’re not listening to the lyrics, the vocal melodies meld really well with the guitar riffs.

Yeah, those are good ones. I really love St. Ides Heaven on his self titled album.

lol, that’s pretty funny, and I’m gullible enough to fall for shit like that, haha. He was a huge drinker, so your chances of running into him around that time were probably actually pretty high. I went to a bar here that he used to play at, they had one of his lyrics above the door or something like that, forgot which one… the bar was pretty shitty, haha!

Damn, that’s pretty cool they’re playing videos again. I assumed they just did away with them, or everything moved to YouTube or something like that. lol, that video is pretty funny… that skeleton guitar cracks me up, gotta love 80s hair bands.

Yeah dude, my parents used to buy me so many books when I was a kid, and actually sit down and read with me. I don’t know if parents are just handing their kids tablets or video games, or wtf is going on, but like you said, something ain’t right… it isn’t just that Covid fucked everything up for awhile either, the issue is deeper.

Sounds like de-personalization, I go through it from time-to-time. Feeling like nothing is real… life moves by, but you’re stuck, only watching and not acting… shit like that.

Brighter days ahead… fucking summer can’t come soon enough!