Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

I agree with the reading issue. When I was a kid, books were everywhere. Hell I remember a book mobile would show up at school in the summer.

Magazines were everywhere whether you were getting a haircut or waiting at a pharmacy. I still say Stephen King is why generation is so dark!




Mother. Fucking. Algorithm. Haha.

Yeah, I love Elliott Smith, but, like you said, I only listen to him now when I’m in a weird place. There was a time when I could listen to him whenever and it really wouldn’t affect me too much (other than just digging him), but now his music’s reserved for those Special Moments haha when I’m, like… I dunno. On the verge, I guess.

I’m feeling better now, though. Not great, but for sure not how I was feeling the past couple days.

I don’t really know what happens, but every now and then something happens. I just start feeling super-overwhelmed and angry and bitter and,”There’s not enough time, there’s not enough time, there’s not enough time… There’s not enough fucking time! And I hate everybody and everything!” It’s weird.

I don’t think it’s “gullible” per se as much as it is, like, I just didn’t know what Elliott Smith looked like haha. I mean, I do always say exactly what I’m thinking or feeling or whatever and just assume that everybody’s the same way, even though maybe they’re not. So maybe in that sense we’re gullible.

I did eventually see a picture of Elliott, though, and was like,”Holy FUCK, that dude at the bar really did look exactly like him, Barb wasn’t kidding…” haha.

Yeah, that’s why I was like,”Shit, man, I dunno, it’s not out of the realm that that really was Elliott Smith…” haha.

I dunno if they’re on MTV1 or whatever, might be on MTV, like, Seven haha. We always just kinda stumble upon it when we’re scrolling through channels, but yeah, one of the MTV things is definitely showing videos again. They’re all old as fuck, but it’s still pretty fun to watch them for a little bit.

I mean, I hated Dokken when I was a kid, but that Freddy Kruger video has converted me haha.

They are. That’s what they do. One of my sisters had to take her kid to a therapist when he was, like, eight, because he’d gotten conditioned by his tablet. He’d walk up to the tv and try to… I dunno, “use” it like an iPad or a phone or something, where he’d stand at the screen and touch it and not understand why it didn’t work like a tablet. He started “touching” everything, doing weird shit. My sister had to limit his “ipad time,” totally fucked up.

I used to see it all the time when I worked in restaurants, too, where these kids, little kids, like four years old, were hooked on their tablets, the parents would be like,”Okay, you have to put it away now, we’re eating,” and the kids would throw fits and start screaming and crying. Really weird.

It was a bummer to watch. At the same time, though, I was like,”Hallelujah! I don’t have anyyyyyyy kids!” haha. “Sucks for y’all!” haha…

The only Stephen King book I ever read was Four Seasons, the one that they made movies out of all four parts. I liked it. I don’t think he’s the reason why anything is dark, though haha. If anything, thank gawd for him. Thank gawd for any halfway-decent writer.

Oh, did somebody have to attend summer school??? Hmmmm??? Haha.


I still say Stephen King is why MY generation is so dark! Started reading him in 1981 as an 11 yr old. Have read and own 90% of his books.

The book mobile was when I was in grade school. Lived a couple blocks from the school. Read everything I could get my hands on.

Summer school didn’t happen until High School when I quit giving a shit! :grin:


You and I are the same generation, dude… haha! Stephen King might be why you go to dark places, but I can assure that he’s not the reason I do haha. I dunno why I do, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m reading, unless you count some of the shit I read on this website haha.

I joke, but it is true. More and more, I find myself being like,”Ugggghhhh, I canNOT read this asshat-ery any more.” I’ve said it before, but my biggest issue with social media is that it exposes you to that which you wouldn’t ever ordinarily be exposed, people you wouldn’t ever interact with, straight tools. The kinds of people you’d say,”Shut the fuck up and sit down,” to if they were saying the same things anywhere near you, in person, like at a bar or wherever.

Yeah, I was just fucking with you.


Chopped the Triple Goddess today:

She was leeeeeaniiiiinnn’ haha…

Tons of pics here, as always, because why not…?

Even though that pic is poorly-lit, I like it. I think it really conveys the “chunkiness” of the flowers on her. And they ARE chunky. Just very, very, uh… chunky… haha. Big ol’ swollen calyces, super-exciting. I think finding a non-herm keeper from this line would really result in a sort of “production plant,” if nothing else. The flowers are fucking super-dense, rock-hard, however you wanna put it. I’m curious to see what the final weight’ll end up being, gonna try to remember to check that out at some point, either before I jar her or a little while after.

She smells unbelievably good, too, very perfume-y and loud as shit. Still noticing a little bit of berry-ness, but mostly she’s reverted back to that sorta “classic OG” thing. Which, good.

So she’s done. I’m gonna start chopping everything but the two tall Franco’s Cheese etc plants in two-day intervals, I think, but I haven’t decided yet what’s gonna be next. Pretty sure it’s gonna be that Wat Pho #3, thought I was gonna chop her today, actually, but I took a look at her and changed my mind.

I dunno… haha. Whatever…


Looks nice! Reminds me a lot of my favorite goji og f1 pheno. Those nice chunky knobby buds!


Mhm, yeah, I love that look. I’ve grown a few Gojis before and they looked the same way, but they weren’t nearly as dense as the flowers on this Triple Goddess seem to be. I’m definitely glad I let her go another week.

For real, though… haha. I’m actually considering getting into it before a proper cure, just because she smells so good.


Minus the nanners, she really reminds me of my TriForce #4 girl(rip). OG AF for sure! Looks tasty and dank from here so I know it’s even better up close. Awaiting that smoke report and the other chop days :yum:


Are you seeing nanners in those pics? I only ask because I was just looking at them and was like,”Wait? What is that??? Is that a fucking nanner?!?” It looks like there might be a few here and there in some of those pics. I looked pretty closely up until about day 50 or so and then just stopped and didn’t care anymore haha.


Yeah, I agree. Just “Swollen Calyces Everywhere.” I’m stoked.


Stunning girl can’t wait for the smoke report


Don’t hold your breath, brother haha. Probably won’t be for six weeks at least.

What’s going on with you lately? You alright?


just caught this thread and was pleased to see a triple goddess grow.
Managed to grab a pack in the recent restock at GLG before they disappeared again
They do look worthy of garden space despite the hermie action so I won’t hesitate to run them.


Hard to say for sure but I think I see a few possible, but a few ultra-late nanners don’t seem to be that big of a deal. Plants look :fire: :laughing: . Makes me want to run some of my Sunshine Queen later in the year when I’m back to seeds…

By the way you’re missing out on a lot of seed collection lists in the B thread lately!


Yeah, I think it’s worth it. The herms thing, though… I dunno. It fucking pisses me off haha. I’ve only been growing for a decade, but herms were absolutely not a thing I ever had to deal with until like two years ago. Now it’s something that I’m like,”Gotta watch out! Gotta watch out! Look out for those sacs!” every fucking grow.

I don’t like it haha…

But for sure, dude, as long as you’re cool with that possibility, the Triple Goddess seems real good. We’ll see how she smokes.

Yeah, I see it in the pics and saw it on the plants in person haha, too, but I think it’s just this weird thing that all of the plants have been doing, where they’re throwing… I don’t fucking know haha… This weird sorta “white growth” that I dunno what it is.

I think they’re okay, though. Pretty sure they are. I hope. I do see some weirdness in those pics, though.

Haha, mhm, I agree. :fire::fire::fire::fire:

I’ll live… haha.


Oh no! I was referencing the ones you got at the start of flower. Didn’t mean to scare you :sweat_smile:


Haha, I’m always “scared” about these fucking grows…

There is something I’m seeing in the sixth “chop day” pics, though, that looks like it might be a nanner. I’m sure it’ll be fine, though. Nothing’s seeded. Nothing’s seeded. Nothing’s seeded…

That’s my mantra haha.


Hanging in there have had lots on my plate lately but nothing more then what hasn’t been going on got lots of plants going the pagoda males are about to start dropping pollen gotta update the thread starting a few Mexican lines to find a few females for my outdoor run this year figured they might do decent under the Arizona sun going to have 3 100 gallons going for some trees


Alright, sounds good! Gotta love that Arizona sun, anyway haha… I’m craving it…


Such a pretty plant. great job, it looks excellent.

I’ll patiently wait for the smoke report too haha.


Haha, yeah, you know… We like to properly dry and cure everything, right? We gotta wait a little bit, yes? Haha…

I do think I’m probably gonna get into that Triple Goddess a little earlier than I ordinarily would, though, if for no other reason that I’m kinda sick of everything from the last round at this point. Or maybe I just wanna try some new stuff, I dunno…