Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

not this guy haha. I will test some 4 days into the dry because I can’t help myself.

I get it with the smoke reports though. I found 6-8 weeks+ are a good time before writing them up. Sometimes bud I didn’t like early turns out to be some of my favorites. Probably has to do with moods and what’s going on in my life.


That’s actually why I try to wait a while before I start really “testing” or whatever, just because that’s happened to me, too. I feel like it taints my ability to be objective or something haha, I dunno.

Yeah, I really try to tone it down with the drinking once I decide,”Okay, I’m gonna sit with this plant for a few days and get a real gauge on her so I can write the report.”

Doesn’t usually work out, though…


Kicked ass on all of them, Happy harvest!

Woah! @HolyAngel should be very proud of this cross! I want smell o vision already! I tried to scratch the screen but no scent :joy:


I’ve only chopped one plant so far haha, although I am gonna chop a couple more today. I’m not chopping the ones in the pictures you posted, though haha! Probably gonna let those go twelve weeks minimum.


Will have to wait and see what the smoke report says ^^ but thanks! I am pretty happy with that cross overall. One of my most favorite smokes of the last couple decades came out of that cross, and the rest were still really good :slight_smile: The line can herm if decently stressed, but overall it puts out stable, easy to grow, good to great yielding, potent plants with no issues. It’s just not all of them are my personal cup of tea when it comes to the high.

If I had to rank the line generally, out of all my crosses in terms of potency and what I like to smoke, I’d probably put it at #4 just behind the SSDD BX1. NorthStar would be my #1 best cross, most plants checks all the boxes, and the TriForce would be #2. That being said, the right pheno of the LCH can easily be #1, best thing I’ve ever made, and I found it in 7 beans the first time I ran it.

We’ll see what minitiger thinks when he gets there ^^


Yeah, I’m chopping the (possibly?) Cheese/Sensi Star-leaner today, just got done taking final pics of her, along with the #3 Wat Pho. I’ve got one of those phone doctor appointment/mental health evaluations haha in a few minutes, but once that’s done, I’ll post the pics.


Okay, chopped the #3 Wat Pho plant, flower day 75:

When I was labeling those pics, I really thought I was seeing some nanners here and there, but I went into the kitchen to take a super-close look and it seems like it’s just the very tips of some “sugar leaves” that’ve been buried into the flowers. I dunno. I do not think, though, that she hermed, I really don’t.

Also chopped the #2 Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensit Star, flower day 75 haha:

Shoulda staked her… haha.

She isn’t gonna be a very fun plant to trim haha, but she does smell reeeealllllyyyy good; the whole house smelled like her when I had her sitting out on the kitchen table before I chopped her. Super-“astringent,” my eyes are kind of burning after chopping and hanging her.

But yeah, hoowee, she is LEAFY haha. I probably coulda waited another week to chop her and hoped that she’d fill out some more, definitely still spitting white pistils here and there, but I was just kind of over her, so she’s done.

I’m much more interested in those two tall Cheese/Haze plants, anyway haha…

Also, I trashed those Banana Soap plants. I totally fucked those up, kept waiting and waiting and waiting to get them into bigger pots, but I’ve been drinking wayyyyyy too much lately and couldn’t even get it together enough to fill four fucking five-gallon pots with soil and transplant them. My doctor prescribed me some weird drug that’s supposed to help you quit drinking, Gabapentin, but it hasn’t helped at all. Instead of quitting drinking, now I’m just drinking and eating Gabapentin… I definitely coulda saved those plants, but I didn’t really feel like it. They looked gross haha.

I’m gonna plant five more of those Banana Soap seeds in a couple days, when I plant those Oil Spill seeds. It kind of worked out for the best, actually; I don’t think I wanna do that sorta “perpetual grow” stuff, really think I like just doing one grow at a time, finishing it (or getting close to finishing it) and then starting another grow.

I dunno…

Plants look good!


I chopped the Wat Pho #2 yesterday, flower day 80:

That picture was after I’d already chopped off a LOT of fan leaves and inner leaves, too. She was just so bushy and squat, didn’t wanna end up with mold like I did with that one Chocolate Blitz from last round that grew similarly. I also broke her down into three pieces to hang for the same reason, which isn’t something I ordinarily do.

Also, there were a fairly decent amount of nanners on “her,” mostly on the inside of the plant, sort of deep inside the flowers and that I didn’t notice until I started chopping leaves off, although I did notice some on the “outside” of the flowers, too, in the last maybe week or ten days.

So. Fucking. Frustrating.

Anyway, some closeups:

You can actually see a nanner in that last pic.

I’m not wild about this plant, but we’ll see how she smokes. Smells like anise and “earthy,” pretty different from the way she started, but whatever. I don’t mind it haha.

So we’re down to the two Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Stars. Here’s the #3, flower day 80:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She’s flopping, starting to almost snap at the tops (I think one of the tops actually already has), but she’s not coming down until I have room in the drying area to hang her, which won’t be for a few more days.

And here’s the #4 plant:

She’s doing okay, but same situation: not coming down until I have room in the drying area. Honestly, I think not having room right now is a good thing, because I do wanna let these go a little longer; if I did have room to dry them, I’d probably already have chopped them.

I keep meaning to ask you, @HolyAngel, how long did you typically let these and/or their parents go?

Anyway, yeah, the latest update. I raged last weekend, didn’t sleep for like 40 hours and I’ve just been feeling super-blahhhhhh all week, haven’t really had much to say, on this or anybody’s threads, but it was fun and worth it, so… haha.


Also just noticed those two “THE HOME DEPOT” buckets in those pics of the FLC plants, gonna make sure to position those in a way that that gawddamn logo isn’t so noticeable in future grow logs. It looks like I’m fucking advertising for them or something…


Man, those LCH are looking absolutely glorious :heart_eyes:

Sucks on the Wat Pho nanners :cry: I was thinking it was a Chem D cross this whole time, with the look of it and the nanners and whatnot. Was gonna say maybe you got lucky and the nanners would be sterile like the Chem D, but since it’s actually Temple x A5/Mirakel BX instead… probably not sterile :confused: Crazy how squat it is considering the genetics. Comparing that to the Lemon Cheese Haze makes me wanna say, that’s the difference between wanna-be haze, and actual haze :joy: but I digress :yum:

The Franco’s Lemon Cheese #1 girl that is the mom to those Lemon Cheese Haze

I took her down at 9 weeks from seed, 8ish from clone. Could’ve gone a bit longer tho.
This was 9 weeks from seed

And 8 weeks from clone

Catch is that C5SensiStar F3 #1 male. His similarly hazy sister, the #5, can run 12 weeks easily. So, bit of a range in the offspring depending on which way they lean. The LCH Cheese leaners were all done around 8, 9, maybe 10 weeks. The more hazy one’s were obviously longer ^^


I’ve gotta head out and do that Uber bullshit in a second, but I’ll get back to you on your post when I get home haha…


I agree. I’m stoked.

I think they might be sterile or at least “relegated” to the plant from which they were growing. I didn’t notice any seed-type stuff happening when I was chopping her yesterday, either on that plant or on the two Cheese/Haze crosses that she’s been in the tent with. And I LOOKED haha. I’ve seen other people’s A5T herm stuff (notably, Classicgenetix’s Sour Diesel x A5T) that were just coverrrrrrred in nanners, but the flowers still ended up seedless.

Still, yeah… It’s not a good look haha. We’ll see.

I’m curious if that’s one of the reasons why those Wat Pho seeds were always a “freebie option” from Doc. Or they always were when I started ordering from him like three or four years ago, anyway. I’ve grown a couple Temple crosses from Bodhi before and none of them grew all squat and non-stretchy like that. And the majority of the A5T crosses I’ve grown from Doc didn’t grow like that, either, except for the one super-short Chocolate Blitz from the last round.

I dunno. Maybe it’s just one of those weird-ass genetic combinations, where the William’s Wonder somehow became the dominant, uh… thing haha. I’m still super-interested in that cross, though, and am definitely not giving up on it. I think it sounds really good. And who fucking knows? The smoke might turn out amazing regardless of the plant morphology.

Again, it’s just one cross. I’ve grown multiple A5Thai crosses of Doc’s that absolutely did not grow like that.

Get off your high horse! Haha! Just fucking with you.

Right. That’s really what I was asking about. Or that’s what I’m seeing here in those two plants (the Cheese leaner got chopped last week, although, to be honest, I’m thinking she really was maybe more of a Sensi Star leaner, especially after looking at the FLC pics you posted above), anyway. The #3 plant especially looks very “hazy.”

Soooo, yeah… I think there was something else I wanted to address from your post, but I’m fucking starving, gonna eat some lunch.


Oh that’s great news. Hopefully the same then!

:100: it sure looks nice and hazy from here despite the unexpectedly short height.

There are some Sensi Star features in this line, but no real effects of it to speak of, IME. All the big, fat-flowered, early finishers I had, had cheese/skunk leaning highs. Will be interesting to hear what you end up with ^^


I remember what I wanted to mention. The flowers on that shorter Cheese/Haze plant that I chopped last week actually look pretty similar to the original FLC female in the pics you posted, in that they’re both very leafy haha. The only difference is that your FLC plant looks kind of “nug-y” in those pics, whereas mine has those long, “running” rails.

Like I said, she isn’t gonna be a fun trim haha! But I’m not complaining!

Also, I started soaking 5x each of more Banana Soap seeds and the Oil Spill seeds yesterday, @middleman. The BS seeds already have little tails sprouting, less than 24 hours later. No action yet on the Oil Spill seeds…


Thanks for the tag. I appreciate it. I’ll be watching.


I’m gonna start a new thread for those when the time comes, just wanted to keep you apprised of the situation haha…


You’re a man of your word.

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Yeah the mom was fairly nuggy. The more sativa traits are coming from the male and what’s hidden inside the FLC line itself, which is what this cross was meant to do. Bring out the Haze. The parents share common ancestry but the male is closer to the grandparents(NL5Haze) then the FLC was. It’s almost like breeding for a ghost lineage but you know what the lineage is.

In terms of the offspring here, I never did see a nuggy pheno in there. They were all the smaller bracht, haze or skunk style flowers. Some more sativa then others:


Yeah, I can see that in the two taller, longer-flowering ones for sure. They look like the third pic that you posted above.

The two tall ones that haven’t been chopped yet definitely have a very “delicate” look to their flowers, not nug-y at all, but they do have very sorta “defined” calyces. So they look kind of “chunky,” but not “nug-y” haha! I’ll take closeups when I chop them, I just didn’t feel like more pics were necessary the other day when I took pics of that last Wat Pho, considering that they’re gonna get chopped in the next few days.

I’ve already broken down the Triple Goddess and put her in a paper bag, gonna do the same with two of the other things that’re hanging either tonight or tomorrow night, which’ll open up room in the drying area. Honestly, they seem pretty done right now, no more white pistils, they’re barely drinking at all, but I don’t think another few days is gonna hurt anything…


I’d never heard this song until today, but it’s a great cover of The Stones’ “Moonlight Mile.” I think I like it better than the original.

Anyway, check this out:

Oil Spill seeds on the left, Banana Soap seeds on the right, after 48 hours. I did actually put five seeds in each shot glass, but one of each sank right when I first put them in the shot glasses. Either way, those Oil Spills… They’re just barely starting to crack. I was hoping to get all of them in the soil at the same time, but I couldn’t wait any longer on the Banana Soap seeds, so they got planted today (busted the tap root off of one of them when I was getting them out of the shot glass, so I only got to plant four). I may just get the Oil Spills into dirt later today, regardless of the lack of “vigor” or whatever, when I get done with the Uber shit and donating plasma haha, but yeah, the difference between the two is, uh, pretty noticeable.

When I bought those Oil Spill seeds (and the Royal Kush, too), it was 10 seeds for, I don’t remember, however much they cost. But they sent 14 seeds of each, which, on the one hand, yes. That’s awesome. More than I paid for. On the other hand, I’m always like,“Well, why did they send more? Is it because they don’t have any faith in their seeds? Hmmmm??? Is that why?!?” haha.

Anyway, yeah, just something I noticed this morning.