Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

One of the Banana Soaps is already above ground, less than 24 hours later. I think I remember the same thing happening with those seeds last time, too. The Oil Spill seeds are still not really doing anything at all. They certainly don’t have big ol’ tap roots busting out of them like the BS seeds did.

Has anybody ever planted seeds that didn’t appear to be doing anything while they were soaking and had success getting them to sprout after they were planted? I’m gonna get them in the dirt later today, just waiting for the soil in the little starter pots to warm up a bit. Maybe they’re just waiting to actually get planted or something, I dunno…


I’ve had some take 2-3 weeks to pop. Maybe needed cold stratification or something, unsure.


I dunno what that is haha. And I definitely am not the type of person to “baby” seeds. They’re either gonna grow or they’re not haha. Either way, I’m gonna plant them later today and give ‘em a week. I need to get some stuff actually growing ASAP, though, just because I really do wanna be done with this next one by June 15-ish and then shut it down until mid-August.

I may have to get back into the fridge and find something else. And quick, too.


You thinking anything in particular as a replacement? Or just going to open up the vault and do a quick pick?


I actually was thinking I might do that, just start digging through the seeds and pick whatever catches my eye. As long as it’s something that I think’ll finish in nine weeks or so. Usually I spend days and weeks poring over my list and getting everything in order before I ever plant a single seed, but when I was trying to find those Banana Soap and Oil Spill seeds the other day, I was like,”Man… There’s so many interesting things in here…” And so many things I’ve kinda forgotten about, too.

For whatever reason, whenever I look at my list, I skip over a lot of stuff. It’s only when I’m actually physically going through all of the test tubes of seeds that I’m like,”Oh, yeah! I forgot about that one! And that one… And that one…” haha.

I may plant some other stuff even if those Oil Spill seeds germinate. If I’m not starting the next grow until August 15 (and I’m not, totally over flowering in late summer), that means I won’t be harvesting until mid-December at the earliest, so whatever I plant now is gonna have to last for over half a year…


I chopped the last two Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Stars today, flower day 85. Here’s the #3 plant, pre- and post-stake removal:

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Smells on her are kind of acrid, actually, with an underlying “salty/sweaty” thing that reminds me of the Bandaid Hazes I grew, along with a couple of the other A5Thai things from Doc that I’ve grown. I realize that the C Haze was used in this cross, Holy, and not the Haze A, but the way that #3 plant smells does still remind me of those hybrids.

And here’s the #4 plant:

I actually didn’t take a post-stake-removal pic of her, just because she didn’t flop all over the place like that #3 plant. Decent sturdiness, for sure, especially for how tall she got.


You can see in some of those pics that she’d started another round of white pistils, but I’d already made the decision that I was gonna chop her today on Saturday, so… She got chopped. I don’t think it’ll make too much of a difference, anyway.

She smells a LOT different than the #3 plant. Almost polar opposites, really. The #4 smells very sort of “cream cheese/sweet cream” etc, super-delicious.

So yeah, that’s the last of the plants from this grow. I made it! haha… All four Banana Soap seedlings are out of the ground, still waiting on the Oil Spills, but I don’t expect to see them above ground for at least another two days, if they sprout at all. I also started trimming the Triple Goddess last night:

Same nug, obviously. I just got three decent shots, so I figured I’d post all three haha.

She smells soooooo good and very complex. Perfume-y/fuel-y, sharpie/paint thinner, lemon and berries, which I think is interesting. I’ve found that any of the sorta “fruit” smells in weed that I’ve grown have been either exclusively citrus or berries, never grown something that had both of those things going on before, I don’t think. And I’m sure all of those smells will change after the flowers have been in jars for a few weeks, but yeah, as of right now, they smell fucking amazing.

Anywayyyyy… The latest update, I guess haha.


mmm that male did some magical things :heart_eyes:
Wish I got to use him on some more stuff before I lost him to HLVD.
They look great! I do see a few seeds in this pic tho

Cream cheese/sweet cream definitely comin from the mom! The haze smells could be a combo of anything in there. I got some basement smells out of the C5SS girl too but the effects are all C. I think it’s just common in both sides. Haze A and C both came from the same pack of beans originally :man_shrugging:

That Triple Goddess looks dank AF. Nice and dense! :drooling_face:


I know. I know I know I know… haha. Gawddamnit…

I actually saw a nanner on one of them, as well, forgot to mention that. I tried to get a pic of it but my camera wouldn’t cooperate. I can’t remember which one it was now, but I’m pretty sure it was the #4. Not too sure what happened there, but we’ll see just how seeded they end up being. From what I saw, they were all super-immature “white” seeds, like just the very beginnings of seed, so hopefully it isn’t too bad.

I dunno… Maybe I let them go a little too long or something.

Mhm, yeah, I figured. She smells awesome. They both do; they’re just really different from one another haha, as far as the smells are concerned, anyway.

Yeah, she’s dense for sure. I dunno how I feel about that… haha.


Ah yeah, nanners could be from “going too long”, late nanners. I know herms can happen with the line too if they get stressed. I’m remembering now why I shelved it, despite finding that really great sativa girl that’s reminiscent of your #3 girl there :sweat_smile:

Hopefully not too many beans made. Doesn’t look like it. Will be on the edge of my seat until you get to the smoke reports lol


Yeah, that won’t be for at least six weeks haha.

I broke down the short Cheese Haze yesterday and put the pieces in a paper bag and she smells really strongly of bubblegum right now, like pink bubblegum, which I think is pretty cool. Also broke down the first Wat Pho I chopped and she reeks of “exotic spiciness,” thank gawd. “Exotic Spiciness” is high on my list of preferred smells/flavors, always think that that portends good things.

Again, those are all subject to change haha… I’m sure they will. But hopefully not.


Woke up this morning and noticed two of the Oil Spills are above ground, @middleman. So we’ll have at least two of those plants, hopefully.

I’m gonna start soaking ten more seeds, 5x each of two things, later today, but I haven’t decided what those’ll be yet. I think I am gonna look at my list to make that decision, though, as opposed to just going through the fridge will-nilly like I was talking about doing a few days ago haha.


I’m excited to see that banana soap, I think the ethiopian banana will be crazy combined with a strong hazey sativa.


Yeah, I’m excited, too. Let’s just hope I get at least one female from the four haha.

Another Oil Spill’s above ground, just woke up from my mid-day “nap” and checked on them. So that’s three now, still waiting on the other two. Obviously.

I need to hit all of them with a compost tea to get things going, but I don’t have any fresh compost and I’m fucking BROKE, not too sure what I’m gonna do to remedy that… Plasma place, here I come! haha…


It’s not perfect but Home Depot has a decent quality mushroom compost for like 3-5 bucks a bag it would be a bit more fungal based but makes an ok compost tea for cheep also if you happen to have some fish hydrolysate or molasses with a scoop of extra soil sitting around you might be able to get a nice microbe population boost to work in place of a compost tea by brewing that


Oh, yeah? Thanks, maybe I’ll swing by there tomorrow and check it out.

I’ve got all that other stuff, just no fresh compost. My compost teas are just 1.5 cups of, uh, compost haha and 1/3 cup molasses in four gallons of water. I read on Tim the Microbe Man’s haha website that fish and other additives (humic/fulvic acid, kelp etc) can delay or even suppress microbial reproduction or whatever, so I’ve just used the molasses and compost for years now. Seems to work great, my plants always take off after I’ve watered with one.

I do have some KIS “fungal” compost right now, but it’s gotta be at least five months old. I don’t think it’d be great to use…


Might not be super full of life but I’m sure once you add some molasses and get them fed should wake up those microbes might just wanna brew it for a extra like 6-24 hours to really get it blooming again should work in a pinch,the compost I use is called garden time mushroom compost

I use it as a 1/3 or 1/4 of my compost blend my plants seem to like it made from spent mushroom blocks even have had some mushrooms pop up in my container :joy:


Yeah, I was thinking an extra six hours or so if I decided to use that old KIS stuff. I typically brew between 28 and 36 hours or so.

That’s the stuff from Home Depot? Funny name, btw. “It’s garden tiiiiiiiiime!” haha. “Let’s garden!”


One day later than I said I would, but I just started soaking five Angelica (HAOG x 88G) seeds and eight Mountain Temple seeds. Kind of random, I wasn’t really thinking about either of those until I glanced at my list this morning, but it feels right haha. I’ve been slacking on the Bodhi gear the last few grows and his stuff almost always turns out good, so… If nothing else, his seeds always sprout and grow haha.

I have zero faith in those Oil Spill seeds right now. Two still haven’t sprouted and one of the ones that has already looks all “mutant-y” and weird, pretty sure that it isn’t gonna do anything at all.

I’m stoked about the Angelica. I really, really LOVED those Uplift plants I grew a couple years ago, great smoke, so I’m pretty interested to see how the HA combines with the 88G. And the fact that we were just talking about how well that GHash male usually combines with OG’s on syzygy’s thread the other day… I dunno. Like I said, it just felt right haha.

And Mountain Temple is one of my all-time favorites, from any breeder. It’ll be awesome to have some of that in August (if everything works out…), that smoke was total Summertime Weed.

Anyway, yeah, I’m fucking excited! haha.


Bummer. But I hope they end up surprising you for the good.


Mhm, me, too. Two of them look okay, but, like I said, one of them looks weird as shit after only a day. It doesn’t appear to have any cotyledons. Or if it does, they’re microscopic haha. And the other two pots are just sitting there… But I’m gonna give them a few more days for sure. It’s only been three or four days since I planted them, definitely gonna give them a little bit of time.