Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Scratch everything I said, @middleman haha. I just went in the room, all five are up now. Whether they do anything or not is another question. Compared to the Banana Soap seedlings, they really do look very odd, but they’re up! They’re outta the ground! haha…


Cool. I’m glad to hear that. Must have been my good vibes. Ha!


Obviously… haha.


That’s almost always how I settle on what to grow/pop. Start going over the list and mark anything that jumps out. Rinse & repeat over the next couple weeks and see what continues to jump or fade until I whittle it down to the number of seeds I want to pop.


Yeah, usually it takes weeks for me to decide on what I’m gonna plant next, but today really was totally spur of the moment. I’m happy with my decision, though haha. I only have one pack of the Angelica, so I’ve kinda been sitting on that, but this morning I was like,”Fuck it. Plant that shit already. It’s not doing you any good sitting in the fridge…”

As long as I end up with a female or two haha, I think it’s gonna turn out awesome. And eight seeds of the Mountain Temple… I’ve gotta end up with at least one female, right? Haha…


Also…tent view from the other day just before flipping.

My thoughts right now…
A) I’m in trouble.
B) I gotta do a thorough defoliation

Not that you can tell where one plant ends and another begins, but the kinky temples are bottom left & middle, middle middle, and upper/middle right.

The Black Bobo x Franks Little Beauties is bottom/middle right. I gotta get a pic of the stalk on that girl. She’s a thick one.


Yeah that’s usually how I roll too. I’ll even plan things out months ahead of time and then go look at my seeds and make a split different decision :sweat_smile:


What? Why? Just stake those ones on the outer edges of the tent and maybe get some air movement in there, a couple fans or something. You’ll be fine haha.

Looks great otherwise, definitely looking forward to hearing what you think about those Kinky Temples. I trimmed one of the Wat Phos yesterday and she smells sooooo NOT like any of the other Temple crosses I’ve grown haha. She smells good, just not “Temple”-ish. That Kinky cross always sounded so interesting to me, though.

Haha, for sure. That’s usually how I do it, too, all with an idea in my head that gets scrapped as soon as I start going through the fridge. I got on this thing a couple months ago where I was gonna do a perpetual through mid-June, but once I trashed those first four Banana Soap plants a while back it took me a few weeks to realize,”Wait, you’re just gonna do a whole new grow now. So plant a bunch of stuff!” haha.

We’ll see how it works out…


That’s one of the OG x 88 crosses that I don’t have but have always been tempted to buy. I think I never did because I had Uplift (ha og x sl) and didn’t feel the need for 2 HA OG crosses. Really interested to see how those turn out for you, seems like the OG x 88 crosses are a pretty safe bet.

Nice to see more Bodhi this time around!


Tried this one as a eighth sample from a nice organic company out here in az was some good smoke should be some nice plants in those


Strain : Angelica (hells angel og x 88g13hp)
Method Smoked : bong around 3/4 of a gram to a gram vendor sample from abundant organics (az company)


SMELL: sweet rank damp soil or earth smell that when ground gives off a slight spicy peppery pine scent with a hint of citrus in there more like lemon cleaner then fresh citrus


Dominant flavour : acrid slight pine skunky “weedy” taste
Associated flavours : very slight lemon cleaner note on exhale

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth)

  • cough factor? : yes/no
    No cough
    Hits almost immediately as exhaled with a very relaxing wave of euphoria over the body that lead to a nice dreamy sedative tired feeling
    Profile : Percentage of head to body (e.g. 80% head 20% body) 75/25body/head
    Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent) 7ish
    Duration : (approx length of buzz, from first hit) 2ish hours
    Use : Daytime/Bedtime would be more of a before bed smoke for me
    Munchies? : yes

Was like my first smoke report I did on here :joy:


Yeah, I bought those during my COVID-quarantining seed-buying frenzy a few years ago. Had a shitload of money in the bank and nothing to do, hadn’t bought any seeds at all in five years and figured,”Yeah, fuck it, I’ll get a pack of that, too…” haha. I dunno why I only bought one pack of the Angelica and the Uplifts, though; wish I woulda bought two. I bought two packs of pretty much everything else haha.

Let’s see if we can get them sprouted haha.

Mhm, I think there will be, too. It’s Bodhi, so… I honestly have only been unhappy with one of his hybrids, literally only one of the thirty or so that I’ve grown. I can’t imagine that the HA x88G is gonna turn out “bad.”


Sounds good either way haha.

The Uplifts I grew were fucking awesome, I could totally see why the Hell’s Angels were into that mom haha. Very scatter-brained sorta high, but with a smile plastered on my face the entire time. I’d smoke some before getting ready for bed, start the shower and then get distracted and start doing stuff around the house, putting dishes away and writing notes down, pick up the guitar because I had a melody in my head, then realize fifteen minutes later that the shower’s been running the entire time…

It was great weed! haha.

So yeah, as long as we can get a few of those Angelicas to sprout, we’ll see how they turn out.


I’ll have to take some more pics tonight to show what I mean by being in trouble. This zoomed out wide angle shot doesn’t show how tall the plants got before I flipped them—even after chopping off 8-10” tops and taking a bunch of cuttings a few days prior to this pic. In fact this angle almost makes it look like there’s tons of space left in the tent, which isn’t necessarily the case.


Ah, okay. Yeah, I didn’t notice the height of the plants, but I looked at that pic again and I can kind of see it. I never really worry about height, always figure I can just tie them down a bit. Or not haha. But yeah, I get it.

I dunno if I’d worry about the stretch on those Kinky Temples, though. All of the Apollos I’ve grown really didn’t stretch for shit, like maybe 50%, if that (I realize that the Kinky is C99, but still…) The Temple, I dunno. The Tree of Life plants I grew got pretty huge, as did the Mountain Temples, but those Wat Phos didn’t stretch at all, so… Who knows? Guess you’ll find out haha.

I think you’ll be fine.

In other news, all of the Angelica seeds have little tap roots popping out, so that’s good. A couple of the Mountain Temple seeds do, too, so… Awesome haha.


I’ve got a pack of Uplift that is just getting older and older that I got hooked up for by another member here in a giveaway. If you want em they’re yours.


Honestly this is really why I tend to grow things I haven’t seen grown out yet. The mysteries of “should I be worried that they’re going to hit the lights”, “could I have vegged longer”, and “which one am I smelling that from” are the fun parts, even if I think I might get into trouble with plant size.


Aw, dude, thanks! I’m so set on seeds, though. I actually still have like seven or eight of the Uplift beans left, planted four and they all turned out female. Which probably means that the other eight are gonna turn out male whenever I plant them again haha.

Seriously, though, thanks. How come you haven’t planted any? The two HA leaners really were some of my favorite weed ever. Whenever anybody asks me what my favorite Bodhi hybrids have been, I always kind of forget about those Uplift plants, no idea why, but yeah, I thought they were awesome. You should plant some! haha.

Totally, dude. Growing clones seems so boring to me. The only reason I could see doing that is if I wanted to do some breeding, like with that Blue Dream clone. I’ve got a pack of that Dream Lotus, might be kinda cool to do a sorta “bx” with those and the cut, but yeah, in general, I don’t see how clones would be any fun at all.

Seeds are where it’s at! haha. The not knowing is the funnest part…


I don’t take in many clones mostly because I don’t have tons of space and because I don’t want other people’s problems to become my problems too. The clones I have taken in are mostly the ones frequently used in breeding, like Bandaid Haze 7 and Mothers Milk 31, and more recently Chem D and Bubba Kush. From my perspective, familiarity with how some of these grow (especially finishing a long flowering haze) is just good experience to have.

But that said, popping seeds is like opening a pack of baseball cards when I was a kid. There’s almost always something to be somewhat excited about, but rarely is there something that you instantly recognize as rare and highly sought after.

Anyway, here’s a couple more pics that might better show the state of my tent. The first one is another zoomed out wide angle shot, but with me sitting on the 5gal Lowe’s bucket that I use as a stool.

And a couple under canopy shots to show the tree trunk growing on the Black Bobo x Franks Little Beauties and the relative difference to the Kinky Temples.


Oh, that’s cool. I tried some nugs from both of those and they were good. I personally liked the Church BAH more than the #7, but everybody else seems to like that #7 more. I thought it (talking about the #7) was a very space-y high. A little too space-y haha, zoning in and out for what felt like long periods of time, couldn’t keep up with conversations etc etc. One of my friends who I always use as a sort of “neutral observer” with weed wasn’t a big fan of it, either, and she usually really loves everything I grow. I mean, I didn’t grow that one, but she did smoke a joint of it with me one night. I recall her asking me at one point,”What do you think of this weed? Do you like it?” and she’s usually like,”This weed is awesome!” whenever she’s hanging out, never asks me what I think about what we’re smoking at all.

But I’m sure you’ll think it’s good! haha…

Yeah, that’s a big thing with clones for me, too. And also, I just have a lot of seeds haha. I need to plant them. I WANT to plant them. That’s why I bought them! haha.

Wow, yeah, they did get pretty big. I’m thinking about that pic you posted on the Doc D thread a while back… When was that? Just like a month ago, right? They’re definitely a lot bigger now haha.

I notice you actually use that “rack” thing that comes with Gorilla tents. I could NOT get that thing to properly attach to the tent poles when I first set up my 5x5. Now I’m using it as a cover on one of my soil bins to keep the rat that’s made our garage into its new home out of that particular bin haha…