Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah it was probably early February. And then the roots made it down into the reservoir octopot style and they blew up. Honestly I think they’d be bigger yet (more likely I would have flipped a week or two sooner) if I hadn’t stumbled a bit with nutes in the water. I tried using MasterBlend as a more or less direct replacement for Jacks but the plants didn’t seem to enjoy MB as much.

It definitely was a bitch to attach to the tent poles. I actually had a gear board that I mounted a wall fan on. I decided that fan was a bit too strong for the 5x5 and replaced it with a couple ac infinity oscillating fans then took out the second gear board. That one was also a bitch to remove from the tent. Notable: if you run one of the ac infinity 8” exhaust fans much above speed 6 with the 5x5 tent fully closed the suction created will pop off all the gear boards and high cfm poles.


Yeahhhhhh, that’s the thing with those Octopots, is the “salts” or whatever. I’ve been following Joker’s grows for a while now and Barefoot’s, too. Their plants always look fucking amazing, but I just can’t wrap my head around the whole “nutrients” thing. I don’t wanna have to “dial in” anything, nor do I wanna spend money on shit like that haha.

Those Octopot grows always do look really good, though. If I wasn’t so lazy (and poor), I’d probably check them out. My soil seems pretty efficient, though.

I had it in my tent for a while, but it was dangling, one side on the bottom of it wouldn’t attach properly, which really upset my sense of order, so eventually I removed it.

I only use a six-inch Vortex (I think?)(six-inch for certain, but I can’t remember if it’s a Vortex) and even that seems a little strong for the 5x5. I don’t have any fancy speed controller options on my fan, though. It’s full-blast or nothing at all haha.


Do what I do and basically feed the same thing the whole way. Gypsum and maxibloom and that’s it. Slight difference in veg vs flower but that’s the only difference. I mix the same 5 gallon bucket the same way the whole way through veg. Different bucket done the same way every time the whole way through flower. Run ya lika $50 in nutes for a year+ worth of grows. Cheapest and easiest way I’ve found so far. Could I ‘dial it in’ and get better results? Most likely. I think there’s always room for improvement but, I think my lazy af results speak for themselves :joy:


Hahaha… You must be joking, right? I’m not changing anything. The way I grow has worked pretty perfectly for me, I don’t see any reason to switch now.


Don’t fix what ain’t broken :wink:


On the other hand, if you break things to see how they work, fixing them is part of the adventure.



Just FYI, I started trimming the Cheese-leaning FLC/Haze last night. She smells soooooo good, really kind of bizarre haha, but in a good way. It’s like this acrid, salty/sweaty thing, but with a really noticeable “bubblegum” element, too. I’d maybe say that the bubblegum is the most prominent smell, but only some of the time? Haha.

Weird, for sure, but totally appealing. And very, very GUNKY.

She’s also a total bitch to trim haha, super-leafy, taking my time with her. I’m looking forward to dealing with the tall ones in about a week. They look like a quick and easy trim for sure haha.


I’m adventurous, but not that adventurous haha. I like to keep the growing stuff as consistent as I can, especially because I’m popping new seeds every round.

I added a shitload of biochar to my soil a couple years ago on the advice of one dude (who I haven’t seen post here in ages) and it totally fucked everything up, fried a bunch of seedlings. After that, I was just like,”Why? Why did you listen to that person?”

I’m not changing anything anymore, no matter what the newest thing is.


I’ve been on the clone kick for the past year and a half or so. Grew out a pack of Sun Ra’s, but that’s been pretty much it. Planning on popping a few seeds here and there to run along with clones occasionally, but still think 80% of the plants I’ll be growing will be clones. I think we all have different drivers for growing, and as much as I enjoy the mystery aspect of popping seeds and enjoying the surprise of new flavors and highs, I prefer predictability in being able to grow plants with the variety of effects I know I like. Kind of a round about way of saying, smoking weed is really my big hobby, whereas growing it is a bit of a means to an end. I do find it therapeutic when I can take my time tending to the plants, but a lot of the time these days it’s just putting in a few hours here and there to keep everything afloat. I do think I’ll pop something from Bodhi in the next couple months with Red Eye Jedi or Blue Sunshine leading the way, but who knows what’ll happen! I actually chose the Uplift pack based on your rave reviews, but have had the Pinesoul cut for a bit and have been very satisfied with it.


Yeah, I know. I follow your log haha. I was just sayin’… I think those Uplift seeds are worth planting, if you ever get around to it. Even the two sort of “hybrid” non-HA leaners were good. They kind of had a weird soy sauce “umami” thing going on, but the smoke was still great.

I’m not trying to convince you or anything, though haha…

Yeah, I get that. If I had, like, a job or anything to do every day haha, I’d probably maybe not wanna have to worry about how shit turns out, too.

Anyway… Hoowee… Long weekend, haven’t slept since Friday night. I think I need to go to bed pretty soon…


That’s how I’ve been for the last couple years. Mainly clones, pop a couple packs 2 times a year now. That way I know I have the tried and true in my moms, but can still hunt a little also.

Last seeds were Super Petrol from Mosca and Puro Loco from archive. All curing now to see if any are keepers.

New seeds are my first dip into Bodhi. Passionfruit Hashplant and Lemon Wookie V2. Grow them till they sex, take clones, rooted clone into Octo!


Well, I guess you got them to the finish line, so that’s good haha. How come you haven’t been updating your thread? I haven’t seen you post on there in a whiiiiiile.


Alright, I’m back! Haha.

Two of the last three weekends were spent raging WAY beyond my usual “fifteen White Claws a day and a little weed” shit and that second weekend, last weekend, reeeeallllyyyyy took it outta me, just barely starting to feel slightly normal again.

Anyway, I just wanted to make a couple quick notes here. First of all, I take this back, @HolyAngel:

I started trimming the #4 Cheese Haze plant tonight and while she’s definitely an easy trim, she will not be a quick one haha. There’s just so. Much. Flower… I broke both her and the #3 plant down into paper bags this morning and both plants nearly filled them up to the top. When I was trimming tonight, after a couple hours, my girl asked,”Are you almost done with that one? I wanna watch Jeopardy!,” and I just chuckled and showed her the bag, which was still almost half-full.

I can’t trim and watch Jeopardy!; I have to give that show my full attention haha.

Super-impressive calyx-to-leaf ratio on that #4 plant, though. I’m not even really “trimming” per se, just knocking a leaf off here and there, mostly just pulling them off with my hand, not even using the scissors. And I’m pretty anal about shit like that, so… Yeah. Very easy, there’s just a LOT to trim haha. I finally just said,”Fuck this,” and set the rest aside to finish tomorrow. My lower back hurts haha.

There’s definitely also male flowers here and there, but nothing CRAZY or anything. I’d say one out of every thirty nugs has one, mostly on the larger flowers. Only found two undeveloped seeds so far, hopefully that’ll be it…

In other news, I remain thoroughly unimpressed with those Oil Spill seedlings, @middleman. I actually tossed two of them a few days ago, just because there wasn’t even anything there. Like, they were just a stem with… I dunno haha. There just wasn’t anything there. The other three aren’t fucking growing at all, still on their initial set of leaves. The Banana Soap seedlings I planted at the same time look so much better and further along, but I finally watered with a compost tea this morning, so we’ll see if they start growing in the next couple days.

One Angelica didn’t sprout, so there’s four of those now. And all eight Mountain Temples sprouted, so, uh, there’s eight of those haha!

Anyway, yeah, hoowee… What a long recovery from last weekend. I really do feel like I just woke up from a crazy-ass post-drug binge-induced fog or something…


Does anybody have any suggestions on how I should deal with this?

That’s one of the Angelica starter pots. I was so fucking high when I planted those, but I’m 99.9% certain that I didn’t actually plant two seeds in there. I have a very methodical way of starting seeds, very orderly, even when I’m on like five different drugs. I do it the same way every time, no changes. I can’t imagine that I accidentally planted two seeds in that cup. There’s no way I did that.

I’m thinking it’s one of those “twin” double-embryonic situations? Or whatever it’s called? In any event, yeah, I’m not sure what to do here. I was kinda thinking I might just let it go like that, transplant both into the same flowering pot in a few weeks and just see what happens. I would kind of like to maybe separate them, though, if that’s possible. Is that possible? I feel like the roots are already all intertwined with each other and shit.


I let them get a little bigger and kill off the smaller one. It would be interesting to see if you could split them.


Yeah, I was thinking about doing that, too, if I can’t separate them (and I’m pretty certain I’m not even gonna attempt to do that haha). The only thing about chopping the smaller one that makes me nervous is that, if I do that, there’ll be this remnant of a stem just sitting there. Seems like that’s just inviting trouble, but maybe I’ll do that.

I think I may just let it go and see what happens hah. Two plants, one pot, right? What’s that one disgusting porn thing called? “Two girls, one cup”? Haha…


I vote separate them. I do that all the time with sprouted plants bought from the nursery, and they always do fine. Just be gentle. :slight_smile:


Yup! Two-fer-one deal!

Perform some plant surgery and see if they come out exactly the same, or waaayyy different.


Do you wait until they’d ordinarily be ready to transplant? Like when their starter pot is full of roots? Or do you do it, like, ASAP? I’m already pretty behind schedule. This whole grow is gonna be weird, I’m gonna transplant everything into bigger pots in just a couple weeks and flip, even before I know the sex. It won’t be the greatest grow, but I do wanna get one more in before July.

I’m so bad at being gentle haha…

Yeah, that’s the .1% where I’m unsure, only because there’s one cup of soil that doesn’t have anything growing out of it. Everything else sprouted, so I’m sitting here wondering if maybe I actually did accidentally plant two Angelica seeds in one cup. I really, really don’t think I did, though. It just doesn’t seem possible. I fill the pots up with soil, put a hole for the seeds in each one and then plant them, one by one, covering them up as I go.

There’s no way I could’ve planted two seeds in one pot, no matter how fucking lit I was when I started them. I don’t think? Haha…


Gosh, @HolyAngel… Just a great, great job here:

I’m still trimming that #3 Cheese Haze plant haha, but taking occasional breaks to snap pics of random nugs. I just fucking LOVE the way she looks! I’m super-stoked about that #3 plant (and the #4)(and the #2 haha), can’t fucking wait to blaze her. Of everything I’ve jarred from this grow, the #3 will definitely be the one I get into before it’s had a proper cure. But I won’t write the “official” smoke report until she’s cured for five weeks, minimum.

Still… Fuck yes. I just KNOW that that #3 is gonna smoke great.

I actually think she’d be a decent (and unique) hash maker, too. I dunno if y’all can see it in those pics, but she’s very crystal-y and gunky. The resin glands are more on the finer sort of “sandy” side, but there are a TON of them. I’m not even really trimming, leaving a lot of the “sugar leaves” on most of the nugs, just because they don’t look “bad” on those flowers. They actually almost enhance the appearance of the flowers.

Anyway, yeah… Hoowee… Y’all know I’m not dick-riding here, I’d never pump Holy up just because he sent me these seeds haha. If I thought they sucked, I’d say it, but I really do think this weed looks pretty motherfucking special.

Thank you for those seeds, Holy. These are definitely in my “don’t plant more of these until you’re prepared to keep some mothers around” category.