Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

If you got two sprout from the same seed then one of them should be genetically identical to the mother. It’s cool and not something you see all that often.

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Genetically identical? How do you figure? I’m legit asking, haven’t really looked too much into the whole “twins” thing, other than just when I’ve seen it on the occasional grow log, because I’m a self-centered prick who doesn’t care about anything until it personally affects me.

That’s the first I’m hearing about anything grown from seed being “genetically identical” to either of the parents from which it sprung. Please elaborate. How is that possible?


lol, I knew you were going to ask me that, so just to elaborate, and based on my albeit often stoned understanding, there are a few ways this might happen, there might be multiple ovules in the seed, so you might get identical twins, or fraternal twins or you might get apomixis, where there are two sprouts but one will be homozygous haploid, while the other will be heterozygous diploid. This happens because embryogenesis in one of the double-seedlings arises from the zygote after fertilization and the other is derived from an unfertilized gamete, so no male pollen is involved. The one derived from the unfertilized gamete will only contain the mother’s dna, it’s a half copy, so they are always weak and malformed but such a freak is highly sought in plant breeding, and various food crops use sterile lines and embryo rescue etc. and gene doubling to create double haploids as they massively speed up the whole breeding cycle. You get a true breeding variety in one step.
Normally haploids are gene doubled to double haploids using chemicals like colchicine.


Yeah I’ve seen that touted over the years, mainly amongst the autoflower community, and I think it’s 100% made-up/wishful thinking. Like, the idea kinda makes sense, but in reality, I’ve since gotten at least 4 or 5 pairs or twins from a single bean in both autos and regs and none of them looked/smelled/smoked identical to either parent. They weren’t any closer or farther away than any other plant from seed I’ve seen :thinking:

Fuck yeah! She looks very much like my favorite pheno when I ran them. Gonna be real nice :grin: sorry for the trim jail :joy:


After reading all that, my brain hurts haha.

We’ll see what happens if I’m able to separate them. I mentioned the Uplifts (which is Hell’s Angels OG x Snow Lotus) that I grew a while back; the Angelica is HA x 88G13HP. I think I have a fairly decent idea (maybe? Haha) of what to look for as far as HA leaners are concerned, so if one of those “twins” turns out super-OG-ish, then maybe that “twin theory” will prove correct.

Or whatever haha. I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do with those “twins” yet. I’m pretty lazy, so I may just let them grow together in the same pot for the duration. I’m sure that that’ll end up being problematic, but I’ll deal with it.

That’s what it sounds like to me, too. Guess we’ll find out. Unless they turn out male, which wouldn’t surprise me at all, considering my usual horrible M:F ratios haha.

Oh, dude… She really was a very easy trim, I’ve just been being soooooo lazy about dealing with all of the weed from the last round, really took my time with it, trimmed for a couple hours one day then put the bags away for a day or two and then got back at it…. Haha. Like I said, there was just a LOT to trim, but as far as calyx-to-leaf ratio and all that, she was great, barely any larf at all, not leafy, awesome plant.

The Triple Goddess was the best as far as lack of larf was concerned, followed by the #3 and #4 Cheese Haze plants. That Triple Goddess was super-impressive, though. Even the tiny nugs at the bottom of the plant were legit and fully-formed.


Ah that’s good at least ^^

Yeah that Triple Goddess looked beefy AF. Really reminded me of that TriForce #4 I wanna find again…

As always, looking forward to those smoke reports :yum:


That’s what I’ve always done. It can be risky trying to separate twins. Just gently bend the stems apart every time you water to keep them from shading each other out.

If left untrained and unseparated, I’ve found that most of the time, the less vigorous twin gets dwarfed and ends up looking almost like a lower branch on the larger plant.


I would just get in there with a chopstick and try to tease the roots apart while you just gently tug tug tug on the one you want to move/remove. At this point, I bet you can more or less just jiggle them apart. If not, gently dump the pot out and separate them. That can be risky though, if part of the root ball and soil fall off they can rip some of the roots off as they go. I would move the less promising one, as I imagine the one that gets pulled out is gonna have more to recover from than the one left in place.

But, I have grown multiple plants in a pot before, worked fine. I have also heard that plants grown in the same vessel have a better chance of more females, as the plants would communicate through the rhizosphere and the presence of a male would push the other plants towards female to maximize the chances of making seed. That seems too convenient and simple though and makes me think bro science haha. I might worry about the stems being so close in a situation like yours, but even if you leave them together I bet you can train them apart some. The only times I have seen it be weird is when I had to chop one, but was too far in / too lazy to separate the roots out, the other plants got briefly depressed, it was like a sympathetic response haha. I’m sure it was actually the rhizosphere recalibrating itself. This was a soil grow that was fed salts, in your style organic I bet the rhizosphere would recover even more quickly.


Yeah, I’m not gonna try, I don’t think. I do not have a light touch at all, my girl’s always yelling at me because I break everything all the time haha. I’m certain that trying to separate those “twins” would just result in me killing both of them; better to leave them be and see what happens.

See above haha.

I don’t do anything gently. I’m positive that I’d kill them both if I try to start fucking with them.


Cheese Haze #2 on the left, #3 in the middle and #4 on the right:

And yes, I do still use those Boveda/Boost things.

Pretty good yields, Holy. I haven’t weighed any of them and I’m not going to, no desire to empty out all of these jars and put the flowers on a scale and then refill the jars. I did weigh the nug in the last pic from the post above, the one with the pictures haha. 3.5 grams on the nose. Definitely sort of “airy” or whatever, but I’d be disappointed if they weren’t.

So, yeah, everything’s trimmed and jarred now, finally, really glad that’s over with. Things have been starting to build up, I’ve been feeling a lot of pressure for no real reason lately, so it’s nice to at least have the trimming stuff done with.


Very nice! :fire:

And hopefully the pressure eases off of ya. Once you can get into that stuff, I’m sure things will feel all-good again :joy: :pray:


Check out these Oil Spill seedlings, @middleman:

Those last two are pretty weird-looking, but at least they’re growing now. I think that compost tea I watered them with really helped, but yeah, they definitely look pretty inbred.

I blazed some of the Triple Goddess for the first time yesterday afternoon, she tastes soooooo good. She also smells pretty skunky, which I wasn’t anticipating, but I like it haha. I was pretty drunk when I smoked it, so I won’t comment on the high yet, but yeah, seems good so far. I’ll wait for a couple more weeks to write the “official” smoke report, hopefully by then I won’t be drinking so much. Or at all haha.


Are the Oil Spills from Mandelbrot? xxx og x royal kush?

Also, can’t remember where you asked me at :joy: but here’s a pic of that DTHF. Can’t find a journal for it tho sadly.


Yeah, they’re the… f9’s? I think? Haha. I’d have to look at my list (and I will when I start the new log), but I’m pretty sure they’re the f9’s.

That was on syzygy’s thread I think haha, but yeah, I did ask you somewhere. I’ve seen those pics on Skunk VA’s IG, too, but I haven’t seen an actual grow log from a “regular” grower.

The thing about that male that he uses is that I think it kind of “dominates” the crosses, but since I’ve only grown two of his hybrids, both of which were sort of in the Chem/OG realm as far as the females he crossed his male to were concerned, I can’t say for certain. Both turned out pretty “OG-ish,” though. That’s kind of why I’m thinking about checking out the Durban Thai Highflyer hybrid pretty soon, just because I feel like if that cross turns out similarly to the other two I’ve grown, then it’d be obvious that that male is “dominant.”

Or whatever haha.


If you were still on the fence about separating these, you could simply fill a container like a shallow bowl, but deep enough to cover all the soil, with water, invert the plants in the dixie cup and place them in the bowl, swirl until the soil separates from the root ball and gently separate the roots, viola’ replant in their new pots. It’s fairly easy and shouldn’t slow them down that much. Once you get most of the soil removed in the bowl you could rinse the remaining soil off under a gentle faucet or shower head.


Thanks for the update.
F9? Yeah, pretty inbred. They look healthy though.


I’m not. I’m gonna leave them in the pot together, but thanks for the advice. I just know that I’d kill them if I tried to fuck with them too much.


I blazed some of that #3 Cheese Haze plant yesterday, @HolyAngel, even though she’d only been in jars for four or five days, and it. Is. Fucking. AWESOME. My Perfume Smeller friend haha loved it, too. She pointed out a “cantaloupe/melon” note that I hadn’t noticed before, but she wasn’t wrong; that’s definitely there. We’ll see if that lasts. Like the Triple Goddess, I’m not gonna write the official smoke report until it’s gotten a proper cure, but it’s gonna be hard to wait haha. Great weed!

A friend of mine who I’ve known for 20+ years and partied my ass off with hundreds and hundreds of times and who I’ve NEVER seen smoke weed before (her drug of choice is cocaine and white wine) actually hit the joint once yesterday and she loved it, as well. I have no idea at all why she decided to partake, I’ve offered her weed so many times while we were doing other things and she always turned it down, but yeah, she really liked that #3 Cheese Haze, too.

Maybe she’ll turn into a stoner… haha.


Hell yeah!! :fire: I knew she would be just lookin at her all this time ^^
Interested to hear how they all are in comparison to each other when you get there. Gonna keep drooling over the pics in the meantime lol.

Glad to hear your friend liked it! Hopefully can convert her over :wink: I used to have a bunch of stoner friends but when coke hit town most of them converted over and never looked back. Was kinda fucked up actually. I watched a couple people destroy their lives over it. I had my fair share of those times but mainly drank hardcore for a couple decades. Since I’ve been growing and smoking herb like that though, I don’t even wanna drink these days. I’d much rather be high/stoned/baked than drunk, and the drinking interferes with my ability to enjoy the herb as much. If I try to do so anyways I usually get the spins and pass out :joy: I’m only a social drinker anymore but I’m high constantly :joy:


Yeah, I’m not sure why blow and weed seem to be mutually exclusive drugs for a lot of people, but all of the coke heads I’ve known, they don’t smoke weed at all. Except for me haha. I like mixing all kinds of drugs together. And I don’t get how people can destroy their lives over blow, either. I mean, I’ve spent gawd-knows how much money on it, but I’d never, like, buy it instead of paying my rent or get weird about it at all, like those people who sneak off to the bathroom in groups of three. It’s just,”WE KNOW WHAT Y’ALL ARE DOING IN THERE!” haha. “YOU’RE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY.”

I’ve always been very open and free with that, don’t understand the appeal of only three people at a party being high. Drugs are meant to be shared, I don’t care how expensive they are haha. That actually sometimes would become an issue, I guess, because I’d be at some after-hours thing and just start chopping up lines at a table and whoever I was with would be like,”What’re you doing, what’re you doing?!? You can’t do that here, let’s go to the bathroom!!!” and I’d just be like,”Why? It’s four in the morning. There is literally not one person here who isn’t high as shit on something right now. And I’m not willing to go wait for 45 minutes in that 30-person-deep bathroom line just to do these drugs. We’ll do them here, where we’re sitting.”

I am not a coke head anymore, though, just to be clear haha. I never was, really, I just liked it and did it all the time, but I never got weird about it. It was just a thing I did, didn’t think it was any more “shameful” than smoking weed every day or drinking every day or whatever. It was fun as shit.

Anyway, yeah, that #3 Cheese Haze is fucking awesome haha. It really is gonna be pretty difficult to wait, probably gonna be getting into her here and there before she’s “officially” cured.