Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah I was never bad into it myself either. Never paid for it myself. And definitely feel ya on the meant to be shared and mixing and whatnot ^^ The one’s that destroyed their lives would default on their rent and bills though like you were saying. Started robbing people and houses. Lots of jail time. And then as soon they as got out, they were looking for more coke :man_facepalming:

Anyways, yes, hell yeah! Don’t blame ya there. Wish I had some of that lemon cheese haze here too :joy: Hopefully these C5SS F4’s give me what I want :pray:


Yeah, that’s fucking CRAZY. Even in the late 90’s/very early 2000’s, when I was smoking crack and doing crystal, it was like,”Damn, I’m out of money and I’m out of crack and I would reeeeallllyyyy like some more… But I’m not ABOUT to go break into somebody’s house or rob somebody and risk going to jail. I should just go to bed instead…” haha.

I think those people who do things like that probably have underlying mental health issues or something that get exacerbated by being up for three days high outta their minds. I dunno. Weird shit, though, for sure. I wouldn’t do stuff like that haha.

I’m gonna get my Cloning Game on at some point haha and then plant some more of those seeds, try and find the same type of plant again and keep her around. If I can, you know… :wink:

My Perfume Smeller friend haha was just texting me like five minutes ago to say how much she liked that #3 Cheese Haze and how it inspired her. Her day job’s writing for Forbes, but she also writes things she actually enjoys writing in her free time. She said she got a lot of ideas for things she’s working on after blazing that one, so… Yeah, excellent weed for sure.


:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

If you do decide to do that, and you beat me to it, I can send ya a few more beans just to be sure you do find her again. I’m down to like 30 or so left I think :thinking: but I’d love to have one like her around for the long haul.


Yeah, she’s a keeper for sure. I’m not sure how many seeds I have left, but there’s probably enough. If not… haha.

I’m curious to see how the high “progresses” while she cures. My friend texted me a second ago and said that this is the second thing we’ve blazed recently where I said,”This one hasn’t been cured long enough yet, but let’s smoke it anyway,” and she loved both of them. I can’t remember what the first “not cured long enough” thing was, though, and I’m sure she doesn’t, either haha, so I’m not gonna ask.

Still, that’s kind of interesting to me. Maybe that whole “gotta cure it properly!” idea is bullshit? I dunno. I’m pretty happy with this five-day-cured #3 Cheese Haze, though… haha!


Totally non-weed related, but I feel the need to ask this question.

On days when I decide I’m not gonna do anything (which has been very rare lately), my favorite breakfast to make is polenta with bacon, cheddar and sautéed onions mixed in and thrown on top of a bed of spinach, two over-easy or poached eggs on top, depending on if I really want to put in the effort to poach some eggs. But I haven’t been able to find any polenta in a grocery store in weeks.

Where is the polenta? Is there a shortage of corn meal? I find that hard to believe, since everything’s made out of corn or corn byproducts. Why is there no polenta anywhere? I’ve checked multiple grocery stores, wandered the aisles for a half-hour wondering,”Am I just looking in the wrong section?” and they don’t have it on the shelves. There’s just no polenta anywhere haha. Where is it?


That sounds delicious!!!

I’ve never cooked with polenta, but remember stocking it when I worked at the grocery store in high school. Come to think of it - I don’t remember the last time I saw it in the store. Could be that I’m unobservant, or maybe because I live in the Midwest.

I’ve never used a grocery delivery or online shopping service, but maybe checking one of those will lead you to the polenta you seek.


There are definitely times where I consume herb before curing it and prefer it over the 2-3 month cured buds. Could also just be me messing up the process too I guess.


Are you saying you can’t find any corn meal? It doesn’t have to say it’s polenta, :slight_smile: Have you looked in the rice aisle?


Yeah, it’s really good. That’s definitely my “Okay, I’m gonna eat this and then do nothing” meal haha. Not the most energetic breakfast, but it is so fucking tasty.

I mean… I’ve never had a hard time getting it until like a month ago. Now I can’t find it anywhere. It almost feels like I’m being fucked with, where this thing that’s always been there is not there anymore. The polenta isn’t the only product where I’ve been like,”What the fuck? Why can’t I find this thing that’s always been there?” recently. Seems like shit that was always readily available in the past is now just sporadically available.

I do think they’re fucking with us.

Nahhhh, I’m not gonna do that haha. I quarantined for like two years. Getting out in public, even if I can’t find what I’m looking for, is a pleasure.

Yeah, I’ve kinda noticed that, too. The only thing that seems like a “problem” is that it doesn’t burn as “cleanly” as stuff that’s been in jars for a while, dark ash as opposed to white ash etc.

I understand the idea behind curing, with the chlorophyll and all that, and I do think that that’s totally true, but I feel like as far as the high is concerned, maybe getting into “early weed” is better.

Having said that, I got into some seriously old Mountain Temple with my next-door neighbor who had dementia like six years ago, found a jar of it in the back of a closet one day and figured I’d give it to her. We smoked a joint when I brought it over to her and I got high as shit. It had to have been in that jar for at least two years. Didn’t look great anymore, didn’t smell great anymore, but I was like,”Whoah… Okay…” haha. I thought that it was way better than when I was getting into after a month or two.


Are you looking for the the chub packaged style you slice or dried box? Like mentioned check by the rice or grits and look for medium course ground


Duuuuuuude… You have no idea. I JUST went through this with my friend May Ling a couple weeks ago haha. She came over and then we went to the grocery store and I was like,”Where the fuck is the polenta?!?” and she said,”Just buy this corn meal! It’s the same thing!” and I was like,”No, it isn’t.”

It is not the same thing. At all. It doesn’t cook the same, it has a different texture, it’s not as creamy… It just isn’t the same.

And now I’m stuck with this bag of corn meal haha…


No, no, I don’t like that. I’m looking for the bagged grains that you cook in a pot yourself. I’m not sure how you could mix in bacon and sautéed onions and cheese in with that packaged polenta. I like to make a hearty bowl of it haha.

Anyway, I didn’t realize that this would become such a conversation haha. I was just ranting, really. But for sure, no, I don’t like that “tubed” polenta. I like to cook it myself.


You just cook the tube down but I agree and cook the dried too. Like I said medium course ground grits is polenta and most stores carry those. If you’re in LA and can’t find polenta not sure what to say lol as all the stores by me carry it I’m a Lil south of LA proper


Yeah, I know I could kind of “break it down,” I’ve done it before, but it isn’t the same. Honestly, that tubed shit kind of weirds me out haha.

We bought a house out near Northridge like seven years ago and I still haven’t gotten over the culture shock haha. It’s very, very different than LA proper. I miss Los Feliz, I miss Koreatown, I miss WeHo, I miss every neighborhood I ever lived in… Having said that, finding polenta was never a problem out here until a month ago, not too sure what the deal is, but it’s pissing me off haha…


True stuff is very strange to me too! Never buy it either but know some folks who love it to slice it and top it with stuff. It is a culture shock moving out to your area…it’s close but a world a part in regards to markets and restaurants and culture. Odd polenta is gone in your area all of the sudden though


I was getting ready to fill various 3-, 5- and 7-gallon pots with soil this morning so I could transplant the 19 seedlings into them later today. I haven’t used the 3- and 5-gallons in a whiiiiiile, just been sitting on the top of a rack in our garage for a few years. Anyway, I went to grab the 3-gallons first and that fucking rat that’s been living in our garage for the past few months came FLYING out of those pots, in the air, missed my left arm by like four inches and then scurried off to gawd knows where.

It’d made a nest out of the stack of three-gallon pots, guess I woke it up when I went to grab them haha. All of those pots were torn to shit and filled with “nesting material” or whatever, bits of shredded plastic and pots and fabric softener sheets haha. That mess got thrown away, obviously.

So instead of spending the morning/afternoon filling pots with soil and prepping for the transplants, I’m cleaning out the garage (again). And also looking for the rat. I do not give a shit. If I can hit it with a shovel until every bone in its body is crushed, I’ll do that, as much as I don’t want to haha. I’ll fucking kill it with my bare hands if I have to, I don’t care. I just want this fucking thing dead. Rat traps, sticky traps, doesn’t matter… Whatever it takes. I’m even thinking about maybe renting a couple cats haha, locking them in the garage for a few days until they emerge with a dead rat in their mouths.

Only problem with that is that I know the cats would shit in my soil bins.

The funny thing is, my girl and I, every time we go into the garage, we kind of bang on the door repeatedly and make a lot of noise to scare the rat away before we go in there. And the whole time it’s been sleeping in this pile of fabric pots that were sitting right next to the door, like one foot away from the top of my head haha, not giving a shit at all about the noise we made.

Anyway, yeah, so now I’m another day behind schedule…


Rats and mice like both fabric pots as well as regular pots stacked together. I always keep that in mind when separating stacks of pots that have been outside haha. They will also rip tons of holes in fabric pots rendering them useless (for indoor use at least). I know for mice those 5 gallon bucket traps work reasonably well. Your dog doesn’t want to help?


Oh, I’m sure she’d love to, but I don’t want her to haha. She’d never be allowed to give me kisses again if I ever saw a rat in her mouth haha.

All of the remaining fabric pots have been thrown in the washing machine (found some droppings in them) and then they’re getting stored in the closet in the grow room, which is getting increasingly crowded. I already moved a bunch of shit in there the last time I cleaned the garage out, when we first saw that fucking rat, but I’ll make space.

I dunno… I’m pretty sure this is it, though. I wanna say,”Where else can it go now?!? It’s so clean in there!!!” but I’m sure it’ll find some place… I may go buy a bunch of sticky traps and line every surface in the garage with them. I honestly do not care how “inhumane” those things are, don’t care if that rat suffers a horrible death. I want it to suffer a horrible death, to be honest with you haha.

A while back, after we spent like $600 on getting our garage “rat proofed,” I picked up my big-ass bag of BAS Craft Blend to re-amend and shit just started sliiiiiiiding out of the bottom of it, spilled all over the floor. The rat had obviously chewed right through it. We spent $750 getting some drainage line on our washing machine replaced three times… Every time we “fix” something, it moves on to something else.

I’m gonna kill this fucker. And I kind of wanna call that Rat Guy and be like,”Yo. We want our money back.” haha.


I have mice that constantly try to get into the area where I grow during the winter because it is warm. No matter what I do a few seem to find their way in, but glue traps and poison kills them all.


Nothing worse. I am constantly replenishing blocks and setting traps…those clip style from ace rock! One time I had a mouse that would eat or chew off the tops of my sprouts…back when beans were 10-25 each (dozens at a time) until I finally killed him…wanted to resuscitate and repeat death lol and I consider myself a live and let live type person lol