Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Damn guys, get organized. Store your shit in 27gal Costco totes and…POOF. No more vermin. Rats, squirrels, mice, ground squirrels, bugs, nothing gets in those $8 totes. And they stack great and can hold 150lbs ez. Just make sure to label with painter’s tape and a sharpie.

You’ll thank me later.



I’m not okay with poison, just because I’m worried other animals might get into that, but yeah, I may go buy a shitload of glue traps tomorrow. I honestly don’t know where else it could go at this point, but, like I said, I’m sure it’ll find somewhere.

Yeah, we’ve got five of those in the garage already. We also have a camera in there and watched the rat totally scurry around them haha. I dunno how rats know those things are traps, but this one does. The Rat Guy even said,”Oh yeah, rats are smart! They’ll avoid the traps!” and I was like,”Then why are you putting them in our garage?”

Haha. I put allllllll of my boxed amendments in those things months ago, after we first realized there was a rat in there. I idiotically just put the bag of Craft Blend in a garbage bag and thought,”Two layers of bags… No way it’ll get into THAT,” haha. That obviously didn’t work… I moved the Craft Blend into the grow room a while back, busted out the lids for my soil bins and actually put them on after never having covered them before…

Now that I’ve found its nest and dealt with that, I really honestly do not know what reason it would have to remain in the garage. There’s no food source for it, no place to sleep… It’ll have to leave, right? Right??? Haha.

Anyway, I did end up filling thirteen pots today. I have no idea where I’m gonna put the other six. I really did not plan this grow well at all. It’s gonna be chaos until sex is determined. I have a sinking feeling that this is finally gonna be the grow where my,”I’ve gotta be due for at least 50/50 M:F ratios at some point,” thing is gonna come to fruition and I’m gonna have to make some difficult decisions… haha.


We deal with field mice, a big hell no to rats!! And with your luck you’ll wind up with 70% females on this run!!


Haha, this is what I’m worried about… Any other grow, EVER, I’d be like,”Fuck yeaaahhhhh!!! Seventy percent!”


What are you loading your clip style snap traps with? I guess I’m rural but they go straight for them although I do load them like the unabomber. Either way best of luck!!! Vermin are a no thank you lol🍻


Or eat the poisoned rat, like Flaco the Central Park owl. And if you do kill the rat with poison, you probably won’t know til you start smelling him :nauseated_face:

Maybe put Zappa’s Hot Rats on a loop :laughing:

Good luck with the starts!


Haha, for sure. I actually said that to my girl a while back, when I was flipping out about this situation and told her,”Fuck it, I don’t care. Let’s just put some poison in there…” and then,”Actually, no, let’s not do that. I don’t wanna have to pinpoint where the smell is coming from and then have to move a bunch of shit to clean out a dead rat,” haha.

Oh, man, I hadn’t even considered that. Yeah, no poison.


I haven’t listened to any Zappa in yeeeearrrssss, maybe I’ll put him on today. For my own enjoyment, not the rat’s haha.


If anybody in LA/SoCal happens to read this right now, I encourage you to step outside and look up. I have never, EVER seen a sky so clear before. Orion is totally obvious, the Little (or Big? Haha) Dipper is clear as day, Sirius is blazing. And there’s just random stars that are super-bright right now, never seen anything like it, not even when I’ve been in pitch black in the Florida Keys or the mountains in Utah or wherever. This is beautiful. And bizarre.

It’s actually kinda making me nervous haha. I keep telling my girl,”Get out here! Look at this! Have you ever seen anything like it?!? What’s going on?” And then,”Maybe it’s Impending Doom…” haha.

I’m kidding, but yeah, holy shit… Gorgeous… Never seen anything like it.


I was looking for this information, thank you!


Glanced at the home page here when I logged on a little bit ago and noticed an auction for toastyjakes (who I don’t have a problem with, never really interacted with him at all, although I’ve seen the name here and there). In the first post of the auction, there was a link for the thread that inspired said auction, the first sentence of which read,”We went on vacation last week.”

I’m sorry, but, uh, you went on vacation last week? I haven’t taken a vacation since September 2014. And except for one shit job I had from March 2018 through March 2019, I’ve been unemployed since August of 2017, despite constantly sending out resumes. Does that mean OG can have an auction for me now? Haha…

I dunno… The “vacation” thing really irritated me. Actually, what irritated me is that this dude is complaining about how his job doesn’t give he and his wife any “sick time” or “vacation time,” but they still managed to go on vacation last week. I worked in the restaurant business for twenty years; you don’t get sick days or paid vacation time. You don’t take vacations or call in sick at all. EVER. If you call in sick, you probably won’t have a job the next day. If you take a vacation, be prepared to work doubles for two weeks after you get back.

Or maybe what really irritated me is that it was,”DougDawson to the rescue!”

I dunno… I mean, really? Now we just have auctions for anybody who’s going through a little rough patch? Sign me up! Haha…



I don’t know the individual and have never interacted with him so I didn’t read that thread - hope everything’s OK but I don’t think I’m going to be bidding on any seeds here. Nice that others are willing to help him out if needed though.


Read the thread that inspired the auction, which is at the top of the home page as soon as you log on to OG, and then get back to me.

I thought we only had auctions here when it was something serious, like cancer or some other costly medical expenses, didn’t realize we had them for people who decided to take a vacation even though they knew that it would put them in dire financial straits.

And I’m obviously joking about having an auction for me. Although I will say that if it wasn’t for my girl, I’d have been homeless years ago.


Whenever I see lists like those I just wonder how many of those seeds are actually going to get germinated / grown. Don’t feel like reading the story - not really invested. I’ll just take your word for it, but this quote did make me laugh :

That said I’ll donate some seeds to the minitiger vacation auction if needed!


The first thing I do when I see a thread has been pinned globally is unpin the thread. :man_shrugging:

I almost never read the thread. I must be a bad OG member.


Haha, thanks, dude. I can see it now… “This auction is for brother minitiger, who hasn’t taken a vacation in ten years…”

Honestly, I don’t even like going on vacations. Or vacations that require going to the airport, anyway. I can’t stand the whole “spending an hour driving to LAX, then another hour standing in the TSA line, taking off my shoes and belt and walking to the gate with multiple bags in my hands and on my back because I don’t wanna check my luggage etc etc etc…”

I like driving up to San Francisco/Carmel/Big Sur or going out to the desert, but anything that requires an airport? Fuck that haha.

9/11 was a horrible thing. I actually cried that afternoon after watching the news for seven or eight hours, but to me, the lasting legacy will always be just how shitty those fucking terrorists made air travel ever since haha. I miss the days when I could show up to the airport twenty minutes before departure, breeze on through the terminals and just get on a gawddamn plane.

I didn’t know what you were talking about, but I just figured it out. Thanks for that info, I’ll be sure to do that moving forward, as well.

I guess we’re both bad OG members… haha.

What I don’t understand about the auction is, like, what is this money for, exactly? Just a general,”Toastyjakes is broke, so let’s send him some money…”? I’d imagine that brokeness would probably apply to quite a few people on this site. I’m trying to figure out why he’s getting special treatment.

But I unpinned the thing, so now I won’t even have to think about it haha.


Okay, @middleman, here are two of the Oil Spills that showed male last night and got removed from the tent.


And the #3 plant:

The only remaining Oil Spill looks like that #3 plant, pretty bizarre, weird leaf shape, just sort of “mutant-y”-looking.

I flipped everything a few days ago, before I knew the sex of any of the plants and those two Oil Spills pictured above were the first to show. I have no idea what everything else is, male or female, but I’m hoping I’ll find out soon haha. It’s gonna be a weird grow for sure, the oldest plants (Banana Soaps) were only on day 40 when I flipped; the youngest (Angelicas and Mountain Temples) were only on day 32, so… Yeah. I dunno haha!

Anyway, just thought I’d post those pics for you, @middleman, since you were interested in those Oil Spills. There’s one left, hopefully it turns out female…


Thank you for posting and tagging.


Sure thing. I just got done chopping those two Oil Spills so I could throw the soil back into the bins and I will say that they are STINKY already. The #1 plant, the one that looks “normal,” is very skunky. The #3 plant is just overall acrid and kind of gnarly-smelling, but super-noticeable.

Since I transplanted into the flower pots like eleven or twelve days ago, I’ve only watered everything twice, just because I didn’t really feel like they needed more than that at this early stage. In any event, I haven’t been fucking with them at all, haven’t really even been paying attention to them, so it was definitely surprising to smell those two Oil Spills just now. I really, really, reeeeallllyyyyy hope the last one turns out female haha.


Can you beliiiiieeeeve people live in Los Angeles???

It’s just an urban hellscape…

…filled with out-of-control homelessness…

…and Liberal Evilness…

It’s basically the Apocalypse here, total Urban Blight, “every man for himself”-type shit.

We should really consider moving…. haha.


That’s cool, looks fairly secluded - any nice places like that around here always has people wandering around.