Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

It was actually one of those “sniff spot” things, I dunno if you’ve heard of those or not. It’s basically somebody’s property that they rent by the hour so people can take their dogs out and let them run wild. I got some really hilarious video of the pup losing her shit and acting like a maniac haha, but I couldn’t upload it here.

It’s funny you bring up people wandering around, though. My girl got really (jokingly) mad at me for wondering why we have to pay people for stuff like that and,”Who’s gonna stop us from just showing up and running around with Roxy? There’s nobody here…” She was like,”You live in this anarchist mindset where the rules don’t apply to you and you can just do anything you want!” and I was like,”Yes? And?” haha. “What’s the problem with that?”

It was beautiful out there today, though, total farm land. I love LA, it’s such a weird city, especially out here in the Valley. I can be driving through industrial areas where there actually are tons of homeless encampments, legit urban blight haha, then cross a single street and all of a sudden it’s rolling hills and horses in people’s yards and shit, totally bizarre. I always feel like I’m in Repo Man when I’m doing the Uber Eats bullshit, driving around in these weird neighborhoods and whatever…


See, that is bat shit crazy to me!! So, people pay an individual for the hourly use of their land, to allow their dogs to run and play?

Wow. I just open the door and our 3 GSD’s and 2 Boxer run and play until they scratch on the door to be left back in.

Don’t think I could make it out in Cali. WAY to many people.


If you think you couldn’t “make it” in CA, you probably wouldn’t haha.

I love it here. This is my home. And we’ve got a backyard for our pup to run around and play in. The “sniff spot” things are just to change it up a little bit. We also take her to “zoom rooms” and all kinds of different things, she’s pretty spoiled haha.

I think it’s funny when people who don’t live in California talk about it as if it’s some sort of mythical, exotic place, detached from the rest of the US. It’s a regular place haha. The people who live here do the same things that the people who live wherever do.

Having said that, I don’t think I could “make it” in Ohio or Alabama or Oklahoma or wherever haha… I couldn’t even make it in Texas, moved to Austin in, like, 2010, stayed there for two weeks and was like,”Texas suuuuuuucks, I’m moving back to LA,” and drove for eighteen hours straight all the way back home haha.


Can confirm, lived all over the continental US, Ohio sucks and i hate visiting it. Sorry you guys from Ohio but your drivers are some of the worst in the country. What rules of the road :joy: Indiana isn’t really any better. Possibly worse. Bible billboards everywhere. There is nothing in Oklahoma. And Alabama is a backwards bible belt. Most of the south is until you hit Florida where it just gets weird. My favorites outside of central illinois, are probably new mexico and/or tennessee. Though I’ve met a bunch of crazy racists in Tennessee. Live in a city that’s like 80% black but the whites are racist af, I don’t get it. I have a bunch of family in texas and I actively refuse to go there if i can help it. Every single time I’ve let someone else that’s never been to Texas, drive in Texas, we get pulled over. Fun times!


I’m not sure how you mean that but it seems like ever since covid it’s only gotten worse. People are consistently going 10~ mph under the speed limit and take 20+ seconds to go when the light turns green. Either way you get no argument from me, people can’t drive here in any weather condition.


Oh! Oregon! I did really like Oregon and the PNW too.

Every time we cross the state line into Ohio it gets dumb. Like people think the left lane is all of the sudden a slow lane. They’re passing people in the right (slow) lane instead. Under speed limit, etc. :see_no_evil:


Dude, for real, that place is a police state. I got two speeding tickets there, one on my way to Austin and one on my way back to LA two weeks later. Never paid them, though haha. Fuck Texas.

I’ve never lived or even spent any extended periods of time in those other places, Alabama, Oklahoma, wherever, so I won’t presume to know anything about them. All’s I know is that California is the only place where I’ve felt like I can breathe. I grew up in Florida and I can’t ever remember a time when I wasn’t thinking,”I’ve got to get out of this place.” I hated it there so much.


It’s because they’re fucking texting. I see it all the time here, too. I’m constantly leeeeanniiiiing on my horn haha.

I mean, traffic’s traffic. Idiot drivers are everywhere haha. That bugs me, especially since I’m dealing with it six hours a day now with the Uber Eats shit, but it’s not enough for me to start hating on LA. It’s just the price I pay for living in a city that I fucking love.


One, two, three…

…Four, five, six…

…Seven, eight…


This is just ridiculous. Nine males removed last night for a total of twelve, which leaves me with seven plants from 19 seeds sowed (that actually sprouted and grew, pretty sure I planted like 22 total). I don’t even know if the last seven are all females, but I’m not seeing any male pre-flowers on them yet, so…

All of the Oil Spills are gone, @middleman, but here’s the last one, just for, like, future reference when you plant those seeds. Or whatever haha.

And here’s a few of those Mountain Temples that I was talking about earlier today, @HolyAngel:

I really loved the way they looked, pretty disappointed that they turned out male. I don’t even know what all is left in the tent, didn’t even look at the labels when I was watering last night, just because I was too busy removing males haha.

Also, thanks a lot for tagging me in that Bodhi thread. That was a real pleasure interacting with those dispshits today… haha. There’s a reason I quit following that thread. I’m happy to help out anybody who has legit questions, but those people ain’t it.


Sorry about all the males


Yeah it’s been pretty bad lately, don’t think you’re missing out on anything.

Pretty insane how you consistently get such a high percentage of males in your seeds too.


Yeahhhhhh… Last night was kind of the,”Okay, it’s gotta be something I’m doing,” tipping point. I’ve read those “How To Ensure You Get Tons Of Females, Every Time!” threads and articles and shit. I thought they were pretty stupid, but even if they’re right, I’m not doing any of the things that they say lead to a higher percentage of males. Temps are fine, humidity levels are fine (for once haha), I’m not over- or under-watering them, I’m not “feeding” them too much…

It’s really frustrating. The only thing I could think of last night was, like, is it my soil mix? Is my soil mix somehow making the majority of every run turn out male? I honestly don’t think that’s possible, pretty sure the seeds are gonna turn out however they’re gonna turn out no matter how they’re grown or what they’re grown in. It’s definitely very odd, though. Next grow, I kind of wanna just plant like two whole packs of a couple things, 24 seeds, two different hybrids, and see what happens.

Haha, yeah, I haven’t been on that thread in weeks, but scrolling through it today, I was like,”Yep… I made the right decision,” haha.


Yeah I hear that. I had 33 seedlings across 3 lines and now have 7 females between them and 4 males between two of them. Some weren’t what I was looking for, like males flowering in veg, and I think some were herms :man_shrugging:

lol my bad and noted :+1:

Too much boron maybe? :joy:

This is what I do for the same reasons. Least usually get ONE nice plant from each, if not a few. But then it makes ya wonder about clones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: unless you have a whole other pack of it you can run later…


I mean, no, obviously. But maybe??? Haha. Whatever happened to that Boron Guy anyway? Haha.

I really am just like,”Dude, what the FUCK is going on?” though. I can’t even make jokes about it anymore.

I know. That’s why I never wanna plant more than five or six seeds of any one cultivar at once haha. I do have at least two packs of almost everything in my fridge, though, so I don’t think it would be “bad” to just do a sorta “test” and see how many males I end up with if I plant at least one entire pack of seeds.

It’s getting fucking ridiculous. Or not even “getting” ridiculous; it’s been ridiculous for a few years now…

Side-note: my one “weed-smoking” buddy stopped by yesterday and I gave him a bunch of everything from the last round. He just texted me a couple minutes ago to say,”Congratulations!” about that #3 Cheese Haze plant. I’d been going on and on about it, but I trust him, definitely don’t think he’d lie. He seems very enthusiastic about that #3 plant, just as enthusiastic about it as I am.

Shoulda taken cuts… haha.


This was the worst percentage of males I’ve had so far. 6 seeds each of 2 strains and found 3 and 1 females.

Then life happened and I let them get to big and rootbound. So now, I’m waiting on the clones to root so I can finally get a tent going. At least I’ll be able to fit a TK or 2 in there with them.

ONE day you will start taking cuts so if you find a keeper! :rofl:


I’m confused, doing the math in my head haha. So you planted 12 seeds total and ended up with only four females?

Sounds about right… haha.

If it was something that happened like every-other grow or so, I might be like,”Alright, this happens sometimes,” but it’s just a constant thing. Very, very annoying, no idea what the fucking deal is. But I’m over it. I’m not gonna quit growing or anything, but yeah, I’m just like,”Duuuuuude… What the fucking FUCK?!?” haha.

I mean, yeah, maybe so haha. I’m thinking I should start taking cuts and keeping moms around, anyway, just because who knows if the next round of seeds is gonna yield even one female??? haha.


Yeah, sorry, I was pretty baked last night. Started 6 PassionFruit Hashplant’s and had 5 males, 1 female. 6 Lemon Wookie 3 males, 3 females.

Just caught up on the Bodhi thread. The grumpytiger comment almost made me spit my coffee out! Man, OG has changed in the time I’ve been here!


Oh, those should be cool. Somebody who’s log I follow was growing some of those Lemon Wookies, pretty sure it’s Crunberry’s, but they’re the V2’s. I think haha.

Haha, yeah, I dunno who those people are or what their deal is. They’re dumb, though, for sure, I’m not interested in being friendly with them at all. If it were real life, I’d have already broken multiple jaws. So I guess it’s good that it isn’t real life haha…


Cannabis plants are male/female with XX, YY chromosomes, so the sex of the plant was determined when the seeds were made. There is nothing you can do to change the chromosomes afterwards, no matter what kind of black magic you use.


Yep, XX/XY from seed.

And then I think, varying amounts of hormone production after that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: herms being the emo’s and trans’ of our generation :sweat_smile:

Like, I don’t think it’s the x to autosomal thing going on in relation the sexual variability. I think it’s legit hormone deficiency.