Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Humans are next level, we can be born with klinefelter syndrome. aka extra X chromosome.


Right, yeah, that’s what I was saying when I said that those “Get Tons of Females Every Time!” articles were stupid haha.

It really is mystifying, though, just how many males I end up with whenever I plant seeds. It seems almost impossible to end up with, like, 18 or 19 males from 25 seeds every fucking round, but clearly it’s not impossible because it’s been happening to me for at least the last three or four years haha.

I mean, I looked at my notes yesterday and I did sow 23 seeds for the current grow; I’m down to seven plants now. And I don’t even know if those are all females yet, just kind of crossing my fingers…


The ratio is significantly greater with feminized seeds. I did a round of sexing on fem seeds got 3 out of three. amazeballs. hah hah sarcasm. No but I sprouted 4 reg seeds as well and got a single female. They were all different strains.


I don’t think your ratio is uncommon. I usually plant 3 seeds of a strain at a time, and hope for one girl.

Did 6 of B’ s POG testers, one didn’t pop, and the rest were males.I did plant 6 Goji’s once, and got 6 girls, wish I’d liked the smoke better :slight_smile:


That actually made me lol haha, but I really have been thinking,”Maybe I’ll just sell everything I have and invest in feminized seeds…”

I’m kidding, never gonna happen. I’m just a lil’ frustrated is all.

Yeah, I used to do four or five of each and would usually end up with one or two females. I dunno. I dunno what I’m gonna do next round, but I’ve got a lot of time to think about it, not gonna start another grow until August 15.

I think… haha. I’m not sure. I kinda wanna see what happens with the current one before I start making plans. But the plan right now is to not be growing anything between June 20 and August 15.

Anyway, for any Phish fans out there, Katie Baker posted an article on The Ringer today about their shows in Vegas this weekend: Scenes From Phish’s 4/20 Sphere Show in Las Vegas - The Ringer

I’ve seen them a few times, although not since like 1994 haha, not really a fan at all. My favorite song (and the only one I ever think about) is “You Enjoy Myself,” but just the album version, never heard it played live, I don’t think. I like that 7/4 intro, though. The drumming’s real good on that track, too. I did like the a capella things they’d do at their live shows, though. Honestly, I liked those more than their never-ending soloing haha…


I’m a “Phan”, though I haven’t kept up with the band recently like I did in their prime. I’ve seen 3 shows in the past 15 years, but I have tickets to see two runs this summer (2 nights in St. Louis, then their annual 4 night run in Colorado over Labor Day weekend). My first Phish show was in 1992 at the legendary First Ave club in Minneapolis. I celebrated my 40th birthday with two shows in Cincinnati. I caught them in Las Vegas in 2003. A few shows per year was a good pace.

I’m a “taper” who records live music performances, and Phish allows me to bring in my gear if I order a special ticket directly from the band. Here are some of my ‘mail order’ ticket stubs where you can see the TAPERS designation

I’ll be the first to admit that they can be totally cheesy, can jam too long, and don’t have the best singing voices - but when they hit their stride it can be an amazing experience to witness!

Thanks for the link to the article. I enjoyed it very much. I tried to buy tickets for the Sphere shows but they sold out instantly. The clips make it look like an incredible place to witness a show. Dead & Co. (some of the remaining members of the Grateful Dead, along with John Mayer and some great sidemen) are going to do a residency at the Sphere this summer over a couple of months. I’m a huge deadhead - I saw Jerry Garcia play 20+ times - but really have no interest in seeing this run. Tickets are spendy and the joke is that this incarnation “plays all your favorite songs, but slower” :rofl: it reeks of nostalgia and money grab…

Anyway, thanks for letting me rambling in your space! Oh yeah, my ringtone is the opening arpeggios of You Enjoy Myself!


Yeah, I know what that is haha. And even if I didn’t, I follow your log, so… haha!

That’s cool of them, definitely the right thing to do. You don’t have to pay extra for those tickets, do you? If you do, then FUCK PHISH haha.

Or should I say,”Phuck Phish!”?

None of those things are what bothers me about them, necessarily. I just don’t like their guitar tone at all, same thing with the Dead and a lot of those bands, with that twangy, “thin” sorta sound. I like Walls of Noise haha, ya know? Like, whenever I’ve listened to the Dead and Phish and whoever, I’m always like,”Do they not realize that fuzz pedals exist? And delay and reverb?” and whatever all else. I think their music would be a lot more interesting (to me) if they kind of “did” something with it. Like, all those amps, two drummers, sweet-ass guitars? Drrrrrooooowwwnnnnn people in the music. I don’t wanna listen to you hit a note and listen to it fizzle out in a millisecond.

I mean, I can listen to Django Reinhardt all day. And he wasn’t relying on any sort of effects pedals haha. But there’s something about all of those bands that just really grate on me. Their music just sounds weak as fuck to me, nothing memorable about it at all.

You did??? You woulda gone?

I honestly don’t know anything about it, other than, you know, The Sphere haha. I haven’t looked into it at all just because there’s not a chance in hell that any of the bands I wanna see live are playing there. That Phish article was really the first sort of “in-depth” thing I’ve read about it, but I doubt I’ll ever attend a show there haha.

Hahaha… Sounds about right.

I really am very, very over these nostalgia grabs. And not just with music, but with movies and tv shows and with all art. It’s getting sooooo fucking tedious, very clear that the people “in charge” have no fucking idea what they’re doing at all, no vision, no idea what’s good and what’s not. I mean, I guess there’s a market for it, but PLEASE, gawd, PLEASE, can we have something that isn’t based on previous incarnations of something that was already made? No more Marvel movies, no more IP-based garbage, no more tours from bands that haven’t recorded a new album in thirty years (or if they did, it sucks), let’s just move on.

Time for some new shit.

And now I’m ranting, so… haha.


Hah, that’s funny, I’m not the biggest Phish fan or anything, but I’ve always kinda liked Trey’s guitar tone. He uses two ibanez tubescreamers into that Mesa Boogie Mark III, always thought it sounded cool, like really compressed or something. He uses a bunch of effects though, or did at the couple of shows I’ve been to, loopers, delays, wahs, all kinds of trippy shit. But I know what you mean, jam bands have always been more groovy, than in your face. I gotta ask now though, what’s your favorite kinda guitar tone?


From Wikipedia:
The 18,600-seat auditorium is being marketed for its immersive video and audio capabilities, which include a 16K resolution wraparound interior LED screen, speakers with beamforming and wave field synthesis technologies, and 4D physical effects. The venue’s exterior also features 580,000 sq ft (54,000 m2) of LED displays. Sphere measures 366 feet (112 m) high and 516 feet (157 m) wide. The arena cost $2.3 billion

It’s the largest sphere ever built. The seats can provide haptic response. Phish ran some of the bass through them turning your chair into a personal subwoofer. Instead of a large speaker array there are 167,000 small speakers embedded throughout the walls and they tune it so each seat sounds like you are front and center. They can also blow wind and scents across the room.

The crazy technology was part of the appeal when I tried to buy tickets. I’ll probably get there at some point. I finally made it to Red Rocks last year, so I need a new “bucket list” venue.

This is from the first of the four nights. There’s a spectacular drone shot that swoops around the venue from 1:55 to 2:55

A lot of folks complained that the projections were too basic the first night (“like a Windows 95 screensaver”) and not taking advantage of what the venue can do. They really stepped it up the rest of the run.

They didn’t repeat a song over the four nights (in 2017 they played 13 nights at Madison Square Garden without a repeat!!!). For “You Enjoy Myself” the visuals took everyone through a carwash. When the song devolves into an a capella vocal jam, they switch to a 150’ tall licking puppy (timestamp 13:55).

There are a million videos from the weekend out there. Fun to skim through…


There’s more than one? Haha. I didn’t know that, thought the one in Vegas was like the “first of its kind” or something. Honestly, the only reason I know about it (other than that article) is that they talked about it on the local news a lot when it first opened a year ago or whenever that was. They talk about stuff going on in Vegas on the local news here all the time, I guess because people who live here go there a lot or something haha.

Yeah, I didn’t really get it at all when they were talking about it on the news whenever it first opened (I also wasn’t paying too much attention), but after reading that article, I was like,”Oh, okay, I think I kind of get it.” It’s like a venue that can “morph” from act to act, basically? I think? Haha.

The thing about “technology” is, like… I’m against it haha! I’m joking, of course, there are obvious benefits, couldn’t be “talking” to you right now without it, but when it comes to shows I’m really just there to see these people I love play some music, you know? I don’t require an elaborate light show… If anything, I feel like I’d find an elaborate light show distracting haha.

Yeah, I might check some out, if for no other reason than to get a grasp on what this fucking Sphere thing actually is haha…

Yeah, I really was just kinda lumping them into all of the other shit, but they are, to me, the most interesting “jam band.” They seem to have a little bit of an “edge” to them that’s severely lacking from almost every other group in that genre, they do the most interesting things musically etc etc.

Having said that, I still can’t get into them at all haha. I remember my hippy former classmates back home from their first year at college being like,”’Run With the Antelopes’! So good!” That was the only song name I could remember from Phish today besides “You Enjoy Myself,” so I listened to a live version this morning after I read that article, just to see if I was missing something back then and was like,”Yep. Still sucks.” haha.



Drown motherfuckers in music, ya know?

I actually don’t know what their rigs are, although I do know they’re using a lot of alternate tunings, just because you can hear it. I don’t wanna know what they’re running their shit through, to be honest with you. It’s more fun to speculate.

I also don’t want you to get the impression that this is what I’m listening to all the time haha. I listen to all kinds of shit and really can only handle Part Chimp for about an hour before I’m like,”Alright, time for something else…” But as far as my favorite guitar “tone” is concerned? Yeah, this is it. I try to wake up with this song in my head every morning, even if I don’t actually turn it on haha.


Hell yeah, that’ll get your blood moving. Walls of fuzz and distortion. Reminds a little me of Sleep - Dopesmoker - you’ve probably heard that too. There’s nothing quite like dropping your guitar down a half step or whole step, or using drop D, diming a tube amp, and just letting 'er rip. It’s awesome to feel that instant feedback, feels like you’re in control of this raw energy… i love it.

haha yeah, that’s a sonic assault, and while i love loud and heavy music, I mix it up quite regularly… there’s just too many varied styles to enjoy.

Love it! i was curious to see what they were running, i like geeking out over audio production, i figured huge marshall stacks or something, but no… it’s actually pretty tame! I mean, the three fuzz pedals help though :slight_smile:


@minitiger Where am I supposed to post about my new Bodhi order? Shit gets confusing! Or should I just tell you? :man_shrugging::rofl::man_facepalming:


I am sure adding a few photos would be appreciated, lol


Oh yeah, I like them. I wouldn’t lump Part Chimp in with that “stoner metal” genre, though. They play faster than those groups most of the time haha. My favorite in the aforementioned stoner metal category is Electric Wizard, love their music and I LOVE their name haha. Very funny. But they actually are a good band, despite the silly name.

I think most of their sound comes from the fact that they’re just playing loud as shit haha. I did read one interview with them a few months ago (twenty years after discovering them, I finally decided to look into them haha) and the guitarist was talking about the tunings he uses. He mentioned that he uses one where every single string is tuned to B, which I found interesting. They’re definitely tuning down two whole steps (or lower) on most of their stuff.

Which I like haha. The heavier the better.

Sonic Youth (who I also love, even though they’re totally different) uses a lot of crazy tunings like that, too, and custom string gauges and shit. You can get a lot of really cool sounds doing that, with those sort of “overtones” that are only possible when, like, two (or more) strings are tuned to the same note and shit. One of my favorites that I used to use a lot was D A D A A C#, wrote some pretty cool stuff with that one.

Is that what they’re doing? Haha. That’s not surprising, sounds like that’s what they’re doing, anyway haha. Definitely fuzzed out. Maybe I’ll finally do a Part Chimp “deep dive” tomorrow haha. I really do know nothing about them, other than I love them.

I mean, you can tell me, I’m not gonna get irritated or anything. Not here, anyway haha. It’s only on that other thread that I get pissed off (which is why I stopped following it), but that’s just because I’d see what they were posting and be like,”That’s cool, lemme check out their grow logs,” and click on their profile and they didn’t have any. Like, nothing.

So it became, you know,”Well, what the fuck are they doing then? They’re just posting to tell us what seeds they bought and not even bothering to log anything?” It all just felt very off to me.

But yeah… What seeds did you buy, Joker? Haha! I’m all ears! I really am curious, if you feel like mentioning it.

Haha… I really think that you guys have the wrong impression of me. It’s not JUST that they post pics of their packs, it’s a combination of things. It’s that they say stupid shit, repost other people’s photos just so they can get “likes,” regurgitate information from other people’s grows and seed banks and also DON’T EVEN HAVE ANY LOGS.

It’s everything. They don’t have any personal insights, they’re posting just to post. Honestly, they sound like fucking bots to me. I know they’re not, but that’s what they sound like, just like,”Bleep boop bop bop bleep. Error… Error… Error.”

It’s boring.


I pulled one of the Mountain Temples out of the tent last night, fourteen days into flower, first time I’ve ever trashed a plant for non-herm reasons. I just didn’t know what to do with this:

Zero stretch. None. At all. She kinda bushed outwards, but didn’t get any taller, maybe like a third as tall as the other stuff (and everything else is already pretty short since I flipped them so early and all…). And she’s just a mess. I think maybe a stray seed got into that pack or something, because this plant doesn’t remind me at all of the Mountain Temples I grew before…

…nor does she look in any way, shape or form like the other two I have growing right now.

For the last week or so, I was thinking,“Well, maybe I’ll just wait until like day 24 and then get in there and hack away,” but I don’t even think it’d be worth it. Getting rid of her allows me to turn off the one light I had dedicated to her, save a little money on the power bill and whatever. I mean, seriously… What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?

So now I’m down to two each of the Mountain Temples, Angelicas and Banana Soaps. I found sacs on my favorite Banana Soap (and favorite plant of the six) a few nights ago, but I looked last night when I was watering and didn’t see any more.

Still… Jesus Christ… Six plants now from nineteen seeds. And if that Banana Soap starts growing more sacs, I may trash that one, too. I dunno…


If it’s not too late I would keep that one and let it do its thing. Kinda looks like williams wonder to me, maybe you got some weird deep recessive pheno from the williams wonder afghani in the temple or something from the indica side of the appalachia.

I mean worst case scenario it doesn’t yield well, and doesn’t resmble what you were looking for. but it’s probably not taking much space and it certainly isn’t shading anything out haha.

But I know where you’re coming from. I’ve thrown out bubba hybrids just because they grew slower than the pure bubba, and who could possibly have the patience for that vegges at that pace.

sorry to hear about the banana soap.


In general, yeah, I agree with you. I never, ever trash a plant just because she’s not growing the way I hoped she would, always flower everything. This is the first time I’ve ever done anything like that, but this one is a mess. And, like I said, getting rid of it allows me to turn off the one light I had dedicated to her, thus saving money. My girl’s always like,”Quit worrying about money, we’re fine, you don’t need to worry about that at all,” and if she smoked weed more than twice a year, maybe I’d let that plant keep going. But turning off that one light just feels right to me. Getting rid of that plant just feels… I don’t wanna say it feels right haha, but I think that’s what I needed to do.

It’s what I wanted to do, anyway. I haven’t chopped her yet, thinking about maybe taking her out of the pot and planting her in the planter in our backyard and watching what she does. By the end of summer, maybe she’ll be two feet tall haha…

Yeah, for sure. I mean, she’s definitely NOT “Temple-ish” or “Appalachian-ish” haha. I just don’t like how messy she looks. And how short she is. The lack of stretch on that plant is bothering me.


This grow’s been weird, just because I rushed it and didn’t veg for as long as I normally do, transplanted from the starter pots directly into the flower pots, eleven days in those before I flipped, no easing them into flower with a shorter light schedule leading up to that… Evertyhing I’ve done so far isn’t the way I’d ever do it, but I wanted to squeeze in one more grow before I shut it down in July and August, so…

What can you do…? Haha.

I think she’s gonna be okay. I was actually thinking of you last night when I was watering haha, because I know you love that Ethiopian Banana. I gave her a stem rub just to see what was happening, which isn’t something I normally do, don’t really care about stem rubs haha. Very “spicy.” Like, super-spicy, almost like some kind of hot sauce or something, which I found interesting. And exciting haha. Considering how few plants I have left, I’ll probably let her roll for the duration, unless the sacs get totally out of control. I didn’t see any last night, though. I really do think she’ll be fine.


sucks. I hope the sacs slow down cause the Banana Soap sounds like it would be really good. I grew the Ethiopian Flames (Ethiopian Banana mom) and they were nice plants.


Mhm, yeah, I haven’t really heard anything bad about those Ethiopian Banana crosses. Like I said, I think she’ll be fine. Positive Attitude!

We’ll see… haha.


I second that you should throw her outside and just see what happens… you could try pruning everything inside too, forcing some growth towards the outside. She might just need to bask those sweet Cali sunrays :sunglasses: