Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah, I may do that today. She’s still just sitting on the kitchen counter haha, getting her into that planter’ll give me something to do for a little bit, if nothing else. I’ve got way too much free time on my hands right now.

Also, @zephyr, Repo Man’s on Netflix, been watching it every night when I get in bed haha. I’ve kind of been obsessing over it, just because of the whole weird Uber Eats/Walmart delivery things, driving all over the Valley and shit. I’ve been reading tons of articles and interviews about the making of that film the last few days.

Anyway, I knew there was a reason I feel like I’m in that movie whenever I’m doing those fucking Walmart things: I’m always delivering shit right there where Otto gets off the bus when he’s going to his parents’ house. I didn’t know it until I read an article about the locations in the film, but I could just feel it haha. I mean, I’ve definitely been thinking,”This area kind of looks a lot like when Otto gets off of the bus…” but it was nice to have that confirmed haha…

I’m also always delivering around the liquor store where Harry Dean Stanton’s like,”Day, night, don’t mean shit…” and the shootout happens.

Sorry to ramble, y’all, but if you guys haven’t ever seen that movie and you have Netflix, watch it. It’s one of the best. “They don’t make ‘em like that anymore!” haha… They really don’t, though, which is unfortunate.


Okay, here’s the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5 Haze/Sensi Star #3 smoke report.


I had a difficult time getting decent pics this morning, those are the best I could do. It’s hard to tell from the pics, but these flowers actually are pretty frosty, they’re just not covered in those massive “Instagram” trichomes. More of a sort of “fine” kind of “sandy” appearance or maybe even “dusty,” which I actually love. If I had to come up with a name for the look of them, I’d call them “Sativa trichomes” haha. But most of my favorite weed has looked like that, so…

There are also a TON of massive “spears” in a lot of the jars, but those are in the grow room and the lights are off right now, so I had to pull that nug from my “daily driver.” Maybe I’ll open the jars when the lights turn on later tonight and snap some pics.

Breaking up nugs, they’re definitely very sticky, but not gunky or anything. Still satisfying, though. I didn’t think these flowers were gonna be all “Super Glue-ish” or anything.

Smell: Figuring out the smell hasn’t been the easiest task haha. Initially, I though the dried flowers smelled very “Vidalia onion-ish,” sweet onion, reminded me quite a bit of that Blueberry x Silver Lotus from Iamyou that I grew a while back, minus the Blueberry part haha. My perfume-smeller friend said she thought it smelled like cantaloupe/melon, but that was after like four days in the jars. The only friend of mine who smokes weed on a regular basis thought it smelled very fruity and sweet when he first got a whiff, which was maybe two weeks ago?

I think overall, it’s definitely sweet-smelling, but I can’t peg exactly what that sweetness is. Seems like that onion smell is gone for now (which is fine haha) and it’s mostly just a fruity “sweetness.”

I actually just held a jar of it under my girl’s nose and asked her what she thought it smelled like. She paused for a couple seconds and then said,“Um… Green… Apple…” but she’s full of shit, just mailing it in again… haha. She actually laughed after she said that, just because she knew she wasn’t even trying. It doesn’t smell like green apple. I don’t think.

In any event, it does smell very good and VERY loud. The room stinks when I start breaking up nugs or even when I just open a jar.

Taste: I honestly don’t taste anything at all. I’ve smoked this through a dirty bong, a clean bong, in joints and I don’t taste anything. It’s very smooth smoke, no coughing at all, but it doesn’t taste like anything. Which is soooooo weird, obviously, because she really does smell very good and strong.

I texted that “regular weed smoker” friend of mine last night to see what he thought about the flavor. He uses a vape, so I thought he may have picked up on something that I was missing and all he said was “sweetness and funky,” so… It didn’t sound like he thinks much of the flavor, either, but honestly, who fucking cares? I mean, if the high is amazing (and the high on this one is), I don’t care if the weed tastes like literal shit.

Or I dunno, maybe I’d care if it tasted like actual shit haha, but the fact that this one doesn’t taste like anything at all (to me) doesn’t affect my opinion of it.

High: I love this weed. That’s all, no need to write anything else.

Just kidding, but I do reeeeeeally love this one. The comeup is totally pleasant. I mean, there’ve been a few times when I’ve kind of been like,“Uh oh, this is starting to feel slightly rushy…” in the first twenty or thirty minutes, but it hasn’t ever gotten “panic attack-ish.” And that doesn’t even happen every time, so… In general, it’s a great and almost “exciting” comeup.

After about thirty minutes, it’s all good times. Everything is funnier, very chatty, joke-y, amusing. It’s really easy to have a super-fun time. It totally improves my mood (which has been, admittedly, not good lately). It makes me very happy and just like,“Why do you ever get in a bad mood? Everything’s fine.” I feel extremely at peace after blazing this one, very relaxed. Which, NO, IS NOT THE SAME AS FEELING SLEEPY haha.

I mentioned this on Holy’s thread, but the first time I blazed this one, we had a couple friends over and smoked a joint and then played Trivial Pursuit and I dominated, even though I was also cooking dinner for everybody at the same time. It’s a totally functional high, but super-fun and giggly and laugh-y and… just… really good weed haha.

The high lasts maybe three hours (or what feels like three hours, anyway), followed by a very “clean” comedown, no lethargy or anything, just a refreshing sort of feeling.

One thing that I’ve noticed and that I’ve found very interesting is that even after the comedown, I have no desire to drink, almost like a “healing” sort of thing. There’ve been plenty of strains, crosses, hybrids, whatever that I’ve smoked where I don’t wanna drink while I’m actually baked, but this is the only one that I can think of offhand where even like five hours after I blaze it, I don’t wanna drink anymore.

Very cool.

Anyway, yeah, this is fucking kick-ass weed, Holy. I mean, just in case I haven’t been making that clear the last few weeks haha… Thank you again for these seeds. I really, really fucked up when I didn’t take cuts of this one, but hopefully I’ll be able to find something similar the next time I plant some of these…


Also, RIP, Banana Soap #2:

I watered last night and she was just coverrrrrrred in sacs, some of which had opened, so “she”'s gone.

I did something really stupid the other morning when it was time to shut the tent and turn off the humidifiers and everything before the lights turn off. During lights-on, I just open a window that’s covered in panda film, put a box fan in front of the window to cool off the room, works fine. When it’s almost lights-off (which is at 7:30am right now), I close it and pull some blackout curtains across it, the room’s pretty much pitch black. But the other morning, I didn’t close the window; all I did was close the curtain. I don’t know where my head was at, but that window was open for 12.5 hours, All. Fucking. Day. before the lights turned back on, so…

My point is, I can’t say for certain whether or not the sacs on that Banana Soap are because of genetics or because I left that window open. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because the window was open haha, although none of the other plants have sacs on them.


So, yeah, down to five plants now. I’m not even gonna start a new log for this grow, just gonna post pics here every now and then and when everything’s finished I’ll post a thorough report in the appropriate threads.

I do think this pic I took last night is funny, though:

That’s the Banana Soap on the left and that freak Mountain Temple I took out of the tent a few nights ago on the right. Pretty different! haha…


That’s hella funny, and very fitting for the bizarre web of coincidence that Repo Man represents.

“Suppose you’re thinkin about a plate of shrimp, and suddenly, somebody says the words “plate” or “shrimp” or “plate of shrimp” out of the blue, no explanation…”


“No point in looking for one, either. It’s all part of a cosmic unconciousness…”

Love that scene. The line I think of more than the plate of shrimp thing, though, is what he says afterwards: “The more you drive, the less intelligent you are.” Swear to gawd, I really do think the Uber shit is making me stupider. I’ve noticed my writing getting really bad lately. Could be other things, but I don’t think driving around all day is helping at all.


Awesome report! Thanks for sharing.


Triple Goddess smoke report.

This was the plant, in case y’all forgot (I forgot haha):

Here’s a picture of a dried-and-cured nug that I took a while back, before I gave it to a friend of mine:

I was like,“Wait, wait, wait, I have to get a pic of this first before you leave!” haha. I didn’t weigh that one, unfortunately.

Here’s a couple pics of a different nug that I took this morning:

I did weigh that one, 5.2 grams, pretty dense. Very frosty, too, definitely has some serious “bag appeal.”

Smell: Paint and licorice. It’s a really weird smell, but one that you take a whiff of and go,“Oh! Okay then…” But for sure a sort of “open can of paint” smell. To me, anyway. Smells good and weird. And tasty haha.

Taste: This one tastes mostly like a typical “OG”-type flavor, which isn’t a bad thing at all to me. Floral, perfume-y, no “gas” or anything. I do think it’s weird how differently she tastes compared to the smell. I’m not picking up on any of the paint or licorice.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I really do wonder if my soil is imparting a hardcore “anise/licorice” thing, just because soooooo many of the things I’ve grown recently end up smelling and/or tasting like that. I think it’s gotta have something to do with my soil mix.

High: Pretty good! It’s kind of “light” actually. Or “Lite” haha. Nothing overwhelming, but she’s still satisfying. Social, chatty etc etc. My usual “dose” for any of the weed that I smoke is two bong rips and then wait and see; typically, two rips is enough, but I could probably smoke this one all day and not really have to worry about it. In fact, I did just smoke this one all day with a friend of mine who was visiting from Puerto Rico two days ago and it never got like,“Ohhhhhh shiiiiiit, maaaaaan, I’m baaaaaaked…” I mean, we were both definitely stoned, but pleasantly-so.

Here’s what a friend of mine had to say about it a couple weeks ago, just gonna quote him verbatim: “Damn man! The Triple goddess might hit harder than the Cheese Haze 3!!! Amazingly potent! Smells great in the jar… strong licorice/anise… flavor wasn’t as pronounced. Slammed both my head and body… Now easing into a relaxed stone, but not at all sleepy. Another big thumbs up.”

He smokes a lot more weed than I do, but I don’t think it’s quite THAT strong. I trust his opinion, though. He wouldn’t lie to me, I know that. Maybe ingesting this one through a vape (which is what he uses) somehow makes it stronger or something haha, I dunno.

Anyway, I do like this one a lot, just not nearly as much as that #3 Cheese Haze. I’m positive there’s stronger and more interesting stuff to be found in this line, but I don’t regret growing it or anything. Good weed! Fun weed! Haha…


Your buds are beautiful!


Haha, thanks, Bert. I like your avatar and your screen name. Kinda makes me wanna change my name to Ernie…

That Triple Goddess is probably the “best”-looking from this grow, but it’s not my favorite from this round. It’s definitely good, nothing “wrong” with it at all, but it’s not nearly as exciting as some of the other stuff. Like I said, I don’t regret growing it, gonna plant some more of those seeds at some point for sure. I’m not done with it yet haha…


+1 from me for the Dr dog :love_you_gesture:t2: was excellent background as I read your report and didn’t watch my dinner cook

Pretty plant, well done report. Appreciate the raw thoughtful nature of it. Thanks for putting it up


Yeah, that album’s fucking great, big part of the rotation when I’m on ‘shrooms. And also when I’m not haha. Good album for sure.

I post everything, dude! Haha. What’s the point in logging shit if you don’t follow through?


Stoner puuuuuuup!!!

My girl signed up for some weird thing that sends like four new dog toys every month and we got that bong one a couple weeks ago for April 20, didn’t ask for it, they just sent it, finally gave it to her a couple days ago. She does NOT need any more toys, but it actually was pretty funny watching her chew up that fake bong haha.


Took some pictures of the current grow a couple nights ago, flower day 32.

Here’s the #4 Angelica:

And the #5 Angelica:

They’re both pretty nug-y and OG-ish, but they’re sturdier than some of the other OG-leaning hybrids I’ve grown, seems like the 88G male is doing his job here. I’m pretty excited about them.

Here’s the #1 Mountain Temple plant:

And the #5 Mountain Temple:

They look like they’re gonna take a while…

And the #3 Banana Soap plant:

She looks like she’s gonna take a while, too, but she smells really good. It’s kind of a spicy-type thing, maybe like a green curry or something? I’m not sure, but she’s definitely the most noticable-smelling of everything in the tent.

Temps and humidity levels have been fucking perfect for pretty much the duration, like around 75 degrees and 52-54%, first time I’ve been able to say that in a whiiiiiiiile. So… Yeah, those plants are growing haha.


Looking goooood! :heart_eyes:
Nice to hear you got the room dialed in. Wife doesn’t like running the air in the spring so my tent has been hitting near 90 degrees at times :scream:

Did you ever get around to trying those other two LCH or you waiting until you’re all out of the #3 first :yum:


Yeah, I’ve blazed the #4 plant, which was the other “Hazey”-looking one, like five or six times so far. I actually mentioned that to you a while back, but I don’t expect you to remember EVERY SINGLE thing I write haha. She’s a lot heavier than the #3 plant, surprisingly so, but I haven’t smoked her consistently enough yet to say definitively that the heaviness is because of the smoke or maybe I was just extremely tired.

Doing that Uber shit really takes it out of me for some reason; it’s soul-sucking haha. I’ve noticed that when I blaze anything right after I come home from doing that bullshit (or even if I don’t blaze anything at all), no matter what I smoke, I crash out on the couch for an hour or two. But I’ll start checking that one out in earnest soon.

Haven’t tried the #2 plant yet, which was the one that stayed short and looked maybe more like a Cheese leaner. But I’m gonna haha. Even though I don’t have a real job, I feel like I’ve been very busy lately, too busy to be smoking stuff that I’m not sure how it’s going to affect me, so I’ve mostly been sticking with the #3 plant. Plus, there are just so many jars of that one haha.

I don’t like running the AC this time of year, either. But I’m running the lights at night this round and it’s still cool enough that I can just open the window and the temps in the room are great. Perfect, really, it’s been nice.


beautiful buds.

I’ve had the same thing happen to me before. Plants that I didn’t feel were potent or very good, other’s loved it… different preferences for everyone I guess.

Between the Triple Goddess and the Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5 Haze/Sensi Star, you have some excellent bud in your stash and I always enjoy reading your thorough smoke reports.

That Ethiopian Soap you have makes me want to pop the rest of my Ethiopian Flames… looks great.


I mean, I like the Triple Goddess, it’s definitely not “bad” weed at all, but yeah, I was pretty surprised when that friend of mine said he thought it was stronger than the #3 Cheese Haze. I don’t think it is haha.

“Everybody’s cannabinoid receptors are different!” haha.

I still haven’t even tried the Wat Phos yet haha, pretty stoked to get into them. And the other two Cheese Hazes, like I mentioned above.

Thanks, dude!

Banana Soap, but I knew what you meant haha. One of them did herm all over the place, had to toss that plant a while back, so… You know… Just keep your eyes peeled.


looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Temple crosses have become some of my favorite bud. I grabbed a pack of the Air Guitar (Temple x Wookie) last month to see how it compares to the Dragon and Strawberry Temples.

ahh right on thanks for correcting me. With all these strain names sometimes my wires get crossed.


I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the wat pho. All the other A5haze hybrids I grew have turned out well for me. For some reason I didn’t choose the wat pho this grow.


I’ve liked all of the A5T crosses I’ve grown, too. And both of the Temple crosses I’ve grown, Mountain Temple (different round, not the current one haha) and Tree of Life ended up being some of my favorite weed ever, so I definitely expect good things from those Wat Phos.

I’ll get into them soon, I really have just been very busy lately. Today’s actually the first day I decided not to do anything at all in like ten days. I’m pretty tired, pretty worn out, actually gonna take a nap on the couch as soon as the cleaning people leave haha. Maybe I’ll check out one of the Wat Phos after I wake up.