Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Oh that’s right! I tend to get baked, forget everything, and then ask you questions :rofl:

This would be my thought with how she looked. Like generally, the fatter the flowers the heavier effects :thinking: with that line.

Ah that’d be nice! No real window in the basement here so have to rely on running the ac at night. I run the lights at night too but with the dehumidifier going, it gets hot.


I took a bunch of pics last night (and some of them actually turned out good!), flower day 42. They look a little out of focus unless you actually click on the pics, if anybody cares.

Here’s the #4 Angelica:

She’s reeeealllyyyy nug-y and looking very OG-ish to me, with the wider internodes and sort of “gap-y” growth. I’m super-excited about her.

And here’s the #5 Angelica:

This one seems to be showing more 88G influence, but that’s alright. Plant morphology-wise, she actually reminds me quite a bit of that Golden Hashplant I tested for Bodhi a few years ago, which is fine by me. I loved that one haha.

Here’s the #1 Mountain Temple plant:

I’ve seen people mention that their Mountain Temples ended up smelling like Sprite, which wasn’t my experience the first time I grew these seeds like eight years ago, but this one actually really does smell very much like Sprite, noticed it big-time last night. Interesting… haha.

And the #5 Mountain Temple:

I dunno what she smells like haha!

And here’s the #3 Banana Soap plant:

As of right now, the flowers are kind of leafy and look like they’re gonna be a pain in the ass to trim, but I’m hoping they’ll start bulking up and kind of “engulf” all of those leaves by the time chop day rolls around.

Anyway, in other news, I got fired from Uber haha! I mean, I laugh, but it actually is kind of serious, just because now I have zero source of income. I’d figured out a way to get paid for the drive back home when I’d end up doing these insane deliveries from, like, Tarzana to Santa Monica or Encino to West Hollywood or wherever. You’re supposed to “end” the trip once the food is delivered, but I was like,“Fuck that, I’m thirty miles away from my house,” so I’d just leave the thing running until I got home and then end the trip, which apparently you’re not supposed to do. Guess they caught on… haha.

So, yeah, that blows. I was already desperately looking for a real job, sending out like twenty or twenty-five resumes a week, but now I’m looking for a job even harder haha. I’m not very optimistic right now, though…

But the plants look good! haha…


Here’s the smoke report for that #2 Wat Pho plant, which was chopped on flower day 80.


Same nug, flash and no flash. That one only weighs 2.4 grams and is actually one of the denser buds in all of the jars. Most of the flowers are a lot “looser” and look pretty cool, at least to me.

Smell: the longer this one has sat in jars, the milder the smell has become, but it’s mostly just anise and “earthy,” which is the same way she smelled on the day I trimmed and jarred her. There’s just less of it now haha. Pretty weird considering how fruity she smelled for the majority of the grow, but I don’t mind it at all.

Taste: I honestly can’t taste anything when I smoke her, either out of a bong or in joints. I’ll text that friend of mine who uses a vape later today when he’s done at work and see what he has to say about the flavor. I know he likes this one a lot because he was texting me last week about how much he enjoys it, but he never mentioned the flavor and I didn’t ask, so… I’ll find out and update this later on if he says it tastes amazing out of his vape or something.

High: So, uh, this weed is fucking amazing haha. I’d have to say that it’s probably the most “Haze”-leaning high of any weed that I’ve ever smoked, just based on what I’ve read about Hazes. But yeah, it’s a super-, super-, SUPER-clear high, no fogginess, no confusion or anything like that. The comeup is totally pleasant, no raciness or rushiness. Takes about twenty minutes or so to fully hit me, but when it does, it’s awesome.

I find it to be very motivating and energetic, but not in a frantic/panic-y sorta way. Honestly, more than anything else, this weed makes me wanna dance haha. I actually smoked some of this with that Perfume Smeller friend of mine yesterday and did get up and dance every now and then, when a good song like “Psycho Killer” or whatever would play.

So yeah, there’s that aspect of the high. It also lasts a really long time, I’d say three hours at least, followed by a very easy comedown, no lethargy or anything like that. It mostly just leaves me feeling refreshed. Having said that, I wouldn’t (and haven’t) smoke this any later than 7pm, but that’s because I usually get in bed by 11 or so. It isn’t gonna help you fall asleep, is my point haha. I really wanna emphasize, though, the total lack of any kind of raciness whatsoever (which is a good thing in my book). It isn’t like that. It’s very good, very positive, happy, chatty, social, motivating weed, but in a relatively calm and focused way. A+++ or 5 stars or however you wanna do your ratings system haha.

I think it’s so interesting, too, because that #2 plant barely stretched (especially compared to some of the other stuff from this round), didn’t look like a “Sativa,” IIRC I think I had her on a five-gallon bucket in the tent just to try to maintain an even canopy with the other, taller stuff I was growing. But she’s absolutely the most “Sativa”-type high of everything I grew this round and maybe possibly ever.

Goooooooood, goooooood weed for sure. Next time I plant some of those seeds, I’m definitely taking cuts, I swear! haha…


great pics and write up. That plant looks filled in great… it looks like lots of buds even though it stayed shorter.
The high sounds excellent, that’s the kind of smoke I love.


Yeah, I took those pics after I’d chopped off a shit-ton of leaves, which I felt was necessary just because I was worried about mold while she was hanging. There were definitely a lot of nugs, but, like I said, most of them are “looser” or whatever. I never weighed her, so I have no idea how she actually yielded, but I don’t really care about that haha… I am kinda curious about the yield, but it’s too late now…


Alright, flower day 54.

Here are the two Mountain Temples, @JustANobody, if you wanna take a look. If not, I’ll be posting pics from veg through chop on that Bodhi thread in a few weeks.


She really does look like she’s gonna be done relatively soon, with all of those withered pistils, but she’s also noticeably swelling. Even I can notice it and I don’t usually notice shit like that, so…

And the #5 Mountain Temple:

That #5 plant smells sooooooo goooooood, total “dryer sheets/fabric softener” and Sweet Tarts and tanning oil/lotion and just… crazy haha. She’s definitely different from the #1 plant this round and also different than the three Mountain Temples that I grew previously. I’m really glad I have a decent amount of these seeds left, definitely gonna take cuts the next time I plant some. I swear! I’m gonna do it! haha.

Here are the two Angelicas, @unomas, if you feel like looking.


She doesn’t seem to wanna fill out and get it over with haha, but that doesn’t really surprise me. I think it may just be that Hell’s Angels OG or something, because the Uplifts took a while, too, pretty sure I chopped those between 74 and 76 days, something like that. That #1 plant also smells really, really good, very “OG Perfume”-type of smell. I kept smelling my fingers haha after I watered last night.

Here’s the #5 Angelica:

And the #3 Banana Soap:

So, yeah… Things are coming along. For a while I was thinking that I was gonna chop everything on day 69, which would be June 20, the day before the summer solstice, regardless of how far along the plants were or how much time they needed to finish, just because I really do wanna shut everything down until August 15. And I’m also gonna be raging on the solstice, it’s just what I do on my favorite day of the year. I figure I’m not gonna be in good shape for a few days afterwards, not gonna feel like watering and filling humidifiers and shit. But now that I’m seeing these plants, which are obviously gonna need to go longer than ten weeks, I’m like,“Okay… I guess I can let them go a little longer than that…” haha. So we’ll see. I’m definitely not chopping everything on the 20th, though.


Ah man, I used to get some herb back in the day that smelled 100% like dryer sheets. We figured he dried it with them or something but never knew for sure. Was fire everytime tho!

Your plants are lookin fantastic! :heart_eyes:


Yeah, I remember way back in the day when I lived in Tampa getting weed for a few weeks that smelled like dryer sheets. That was definitely not “fire,” though haha, imported for sure. I always just assumed that they were using dryer sheets to smuggle it in or something, but maybe it was the weed??? haha.

The “tanning oil/lotion” aspect of that #5 Mountain Temple is interesting to me. I remember that @Tommy_McCain dude (haven’t seen him post in forever) mentioning the same thing about his favorite Mountain Temple years ago, on the initial Bodhi thread. I dunno… haha. She’s a cool-looking plant, though, for sure. I’m stoked.


Thanks for the tag! Angelica’s are looking nice and sturdy. These are in 7 gallons, right?


They’re actually in five-gallons this round, just because I did something a little different this time and up-potted everything (I think it was nineteen total plants) from the little “starter pot” things directly into either five- or seven-gallon pots before I even knew their sex. I usually go from the three-inch pots to half-gallons, wait until everything shows and then put them into the flowering pots. In any event, I only have twelve seven-gallons and everything that went into those turned out male, so… Yeah, the plants in those pics are in five-gallon pots.


How was the triple goddess? I have one going right now. More short and bushy than yours. Has some natural foxtail looking buds.

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Are you fucking serious? How was the Triple Goddess? This entire thread is dedicated to it (and other plants), all you had to do was read it, but fine. Here’s the smoke report:

Edit: I copied-and-pasted the smoke report for Drsuss8’s benefit, but the more I thought about it, the more annoyed I got. So I deleted it. I mean, seriously, if reading a grow log dedicated to the very thing they’re asking about is too much trouble (Triple Goddess is in the fucking title!), I’m not gonna help them out.

This is why grow logs exist. This is why I post them. All you have to do is read it. There are pictures of all the stages of growth here, there are chop day pics, there’s dried nug pics, there’s a smoke report, final thoughts, whatever. I really don’t know what more you could ask for. Just read the fucking thing.


i didn’t know you were growing triple goddess where can i find a link to the report it looks like you deleted it.


Hahaha sorry dude


I couldn’t find the smoke report I have a hard time reading that much because I have an eye condition you nut job lol.

You crack me up. You’re amount of patience for willful ignorance mirrors my own, only you are more willing to let your annoyance be known that me.🫶🏼

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There’s a thread on Reddit called, like,”Was I the asshole?” or something like that, where people post situations in which they were perceived to be the asshole, but they felt like the other person was. I’ve never actually read it (I don’t really get Reddit), but my girl follows it (or whatever you do on Reddit) and she’s read aloud certain scenarios to me. I often find myself in situations where afterwards I wonder if maybe I was too harsh or whatever, but I think in this particular instance, I’m not being harsh at all.

It seems to me that after I put in the time to grow these plants and take photos and write as descriptively as I can and try to provide as much info about whatever cultivars I’m growing for people who either have the seeds or are considering buying them (or who maybe are just curious and interested), the least they could do is read the fucking log before they ask me to repeat myself.

But I dunno. Maybe I am the asshole haha… I personally really enjoy reading grow logs (and books and articles and whatever, about any topic, not just weed), I think it’s fun. I like going down the Google rabbit hole when I’m researching whatever it is I’m curious about. It’s unfortunate that not everybody does.


Oh, yeah, sorry, here’s the link: Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho



Alright, so we’re on flower day 62 here. I got a bunch of decent pics last night, so bear with me.

Mountain Temple #1:

It took me a while, like two months haha, to figure out what exactly I’ve been looking at here with that #1 Mountain Temple, couldn’t figure out why she seemed to be finishing so quickly and why she looked so different from the other Mountain Temples I’d grown before and the other one that I’m growing right now, but I’m pretty sure it’s because she’s leaning Green Crack. That’s the only thing I can think of. It’s hard to tell from those pics, but in addition to finishing quickly, she actually looks quite a bit like Green Crack, too, with those bright orange pistils and lighter-green flowers.

Anyway, I think I’m gonna be chopping her in the next couple days, pretty sure she’s done.

Here’s the #5 Mountain Temple:

I looooooove the way she looks. She seems to be finishing up relatively quickly, too, although not nearly as fast as the #1. A week or so ago, I was thinking it’d be another 28 days minimum, but now I’m not so sure. Might just be another week or ten days. We’ll see. I probably should stake her a little bit, starting to lean for sure, but I dunno yet if I will. I probably will.

Here’s the #4 Angelica:

I love the way she looks, too. Very OG-like, but an OG on steroids, with the same gap-y growth, but huger flowers. They’re not as calyx-y as most OG’s, not as “chunky,” pretty sure they’re taking more after the 88G in that regard, but that’s alright. Pretty cool plant, for sure.

And the #5 Angelica:

The #5’s okay. I guess… Just kidding, I love her, too.

And here’s the #3 Banana Soap:

She’s still spitting out white pistils, probably gonna be the last thing I chop, which is fine by me. I like the way her flowers look, very pointy. She smells really good, too, although I’m not sure what I’m smelling at this point. There’s definitely some of those “plastic” elements going on that the Bandaid Haze and Chocolate Blitz had, but there’s also a sort of “green fruit” thing going, like unripe fruit, but I’m not sure what type of fruit it is haha. Could be bananas, I dunno.

Anyway, yeah… I’ve topdressed with malted barley powder a few times during this grow and have also been decreasing lights-on by five minutes every week (10:50/13:10 started this morning), I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the seemingly quicker finishing times on some of this stuff, but whatever. I was fully ready to be growing into the beginning of July, but I think all of this stuff’ll be done before that. I’m stoked for sure.


All your plants look great, those Mountain Temples though, wow.

I think it does help them finish/ripen faster. I recently read a paper on 13 hour vs 12 hour light cycle for flower and the 12 hour ripened and flowered faster, so you are probably right. That and I noticed on my own grows some plants finishing slightly faster with a little more darkness.