Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Well, yeah, I’d expect something that was getting 13 hours of light to take quite a bit longer than if it was getting twelve hours. But does eleven (or less) make them finish faster than twelve? I dunno.

I know @HorseBadorites always flowers on 10/14 and he’s said that he hasn’t noticed a difference in yields between plants flowered on that schedule and plants flowered on a longer one. I’m not sure I’ve ever asked if he’s noticed a difference in finishing times, though. If I have, I don’t remember his answer haha.


LOVE the way that #5 MT looks! Think the long fat colas are from the Williams Wonder?

And honestly that #1 MT doesn’t look too far off from Bodhi’s pic :thinking:

Everything’s looking stellar this run! :muscle:


I can’t find anything saying longer then 12 hours of darkness makes them finish faster. So I give up haha and it is probably some differences depending on the genetics too.


This is the money shot! Drooling over her. Great job on all brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I think it’s from that OldSog SSH that he used, actually. Something about that #5 plant has been reminding me of my favorite Silver Mountain that I grew a few years ago and there’s no William’s Wonder in that. She doesn’t look exactly like that SM plant, but she’s putting out the same vibes haha.

Yeah, honestly I don’t really decrease lights-on to get them to finish up faster or anything, I just like to try to mimic nature as much as I can indoors. Shortening the “day” length as the grow progresses seems like a relatively easy way to achieve that.

Thanks, dude. That’s all the breeder’s work, though, I’m just watering the plants haha.


I just picked up my Ethiopian Flame cut from a friend. It has that tropical fruit, unripe banana smell to it, sounds like your banana soap


I did 10/14 for a long time, and I didn’t notice any yield difference from 12/12, but I was much shittier grower before that!

As for a faster finish, IDK, everything I grow seems to take 10 weeks no matter what the light schedule is.

I’ve been back on 12/12 for almost a year. R.C.Clarke and a botanist friend who studies indoor grow lighting at Duke both mentioned it could make bigger trich heads. I think it does, but have no way to prove anything like that. Seems like the same SSDD I’ve been growing under 12/12 is a lot stickier… I’ve been having to clean my snips a whole lot more, lol! Still takes 10 weeks, too :slight_smile:


Not including the 100+ days of veg haha.

Oh, you have? I must’ve forgotten.

Hm. That’s interesting. I used to start flower on an 11:45 schedule and then decrease by fifteen minutes after a month, then fifteen minutes again like three weeks later etc until the plants finished and they always turned out super-sticky. I’ve definitely noticed that a lot of my stuff isn’t as frosty or as sticky since I’ve been doing the “five minutes a week” thing, but I just assumed it was the genetics that I’ve been growing lately.

Maybe I’ll switch back to the old way…


I think I’ve been on 11.5 on | 12.5 off for the last year or so. Some hard sativa leaners won’t finish at 12/12 or take forever.


Yeah, that’s what I start on now and then decrease by five minutes a week a month in.

That’s kind of why I’ve been doing that lately haha.


@minitiger have you chopped your mountain temples yet? I think mine will come down fairly soon. Im going to look her over tonight


Uh uh, no, not yet. I thought I was gonna chop one of them today maybe, the #1 plant in the pics above. She’s been looking done for a little bit, but when I took her out to water on day 64 (three days ago) she started swaaayyyyyying, which she hadn’t been doing before whenever I moved her. I figure that means that the flowers are still filling out, so I’m gonna wait a few more days, probably day 70 or 72, maybe even a little bit longer than that. The lowers are still pretty “airy,” too, so…

The #5 plant looks like she still has a ways to go, probably won’t chop her until day 80 or so. I think that one’s an (exciting) outlier, doesn’t look anything at all like the other one I’m growing now or the three that I grew last time.

How far along are yours now? Post some pics here, since you don’t wanna post any in your thread haha.


Mine is on day 67. I’ll take another look at her tonight. I posted some pics, she’s just been in the far back corner. Floppy as hell, just like green crack.


Oh, yeah, DUH! haha. I forgot you and I flipped on the same day.


Mountain Temple, Day 67.
Floppy as all hell.
It’s not leaving the far back corner until harvest. Still looks to be fairly decent.


That’s interesting. The #5 plant, the outlier and what I’m assuming is an OldSog SSH leaner, is the only one of the two flopping this round. I stuck a couple stakes in that pot a few days ago. The #1 plant is pretty sturdy, although she is starting to sway quite a bit, like I mentioned. I don’t think she’s gonna need to be staked, though.

The other three that I grew last time all got pretty floppy, all of them had to be staked, but they were also like twice the size of the two I’m growing now, both height-wise and, uh, circumference-wise or whatever. I guess Mountain Temple is just a floppy plant haha.

Yours looks good, anyway! Kinda looks a little like the #1 plant that I’m growing.


Yea it’s a nice plant, pretty excited to try it, I think it’s got a few more days. I figured the floppieness was from the green crack in the appy, the green crack I had and did some chucking with was EXTREMELY floppy. You looked at it wrong and it flopped.


I’m trying to remember the other Appalachian crosses I’ve grown… I think it was just a couple Prayer Towers and a couple of The Fuzz. I’m pretty sure I didn’t have to stake any of those plants, but I could be wrong. That was years ago…


Yea the green crack mom I had was extremely floppy. I made 2 crosses with it, I wonder if those have the flop too.


Plant ‘em, dude! What’d you cross her with?