Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve had to use yoyo’s or some kind of support on most if not all of the plants from every Appalachia cross I’ve grown :thinking:
Massalachia, SSDD, Mothers Milk… Crosses or work of any of those too.


Mango Hashplant and big sur holy weed.


Where’d that BSHW come from? I have a pack of Doc D’s Lemon Melange (BSHW x A5Thai), not sure when I’m gonna plant those, but it’ll probably be sometime this year.


It came from an og open pollination project by @Uprangewilly .


Mountain Temple is coming down on day 70.


That’s funny, I just looked at the #1 plant this morning before the light turned off and thought,”Yep, I’m chopping her tonight as soon as the light turns back on.”

Yours looks a little leafier than mine. Or leafier than that #1 plant, anyway; the #5’s still looking like she’s gonna be a PITA to trim, but I’m hoping that’ll change over the course of the next ten days or so. How’s the “density” on yours? I’m sure you’ve given those flowers a squeeze or two, right? Haha!

I’ll take some pre-chop pics tonight. I like that you used your hand to illustrate the size of the flowers, that seems like the best way to do it. I’ve always been apprehensive to use my hand for size reference just because I’m worried that the gub’ment has some sort of secret technology to lift fingerprints from those kinds of pics haha, but maybe I’ll do that when I snap some photos tonight.


Yea I think the leafiness may be because my soil has a lot of nitrogen in it. The buds looks very similar to the Stardawg Corey I cut yesterday but they are no where near as danse. The smell is interesting. Kind of a chemmy haze with lemon in the background. My nose can also be weird.

Yea Iike to give some perspective, hand, beer, powerade bottle, whatever is handy at the time.


I noticed two nights-ago that the #1 plant (the one I’m chopping today) smelled pretty lemony, but acceptably lemon for me haha. I reeeallllyyyy don’t like “actual lemon” flavors, but the #1 is more of a candied lemon-type thing, with some definite weird funk to it, too.

I don’t put much stock into how the plants smell while they’re alive. Shit usually changes so much during the dry and cure that it’s kind of pointless. Still interesting, though! haha.

Anyway, it’ll be fun to compare and contrast yours and mine. I fucking loved two of the three Mountain Temples I grew years ago (the third was good, too, just a little bit “heavier” than I like), really can’t wait to get into these new ones.

But I will… haha.

I’m actually considering re-vegging that #5 plant whenever I chop her, just because she looks so different than any of the others I’ve grown, but I dunno. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.


I for sure look forward to comparing after the dry. You’re all look nice.


Alright, I chopped the #1 Mountain Temple last night, flower day 70. I took a ton of pics, so…

I tried, @JustANobody haha, but that was the best “hand and flower” pic I could get.

She was still pretty leafy, especially on the inner portion of the plant, so I ended up trimming off quite a bit of the leaves just because I’m worried about mold. Anyway, yeah, she’s hanging now (obviously), not too sure when I’m gonna start chopping the other stuff. Everything looks like they have at least a week to go, if not more. I’m not surprised that the Banana Soap and the other Mountain Temple are taking a while, but I am a little surprised that the Angelicas look like they’re gonna go for at least 77 days. I think it must be that Hell’s Angel OG, because the Uplifts almost took that long, too. I woulda thought that the 88G male woulda knocked off a week or so, but I guess not.



I’ve been meaning to take a side-by-side photo of the Mountain Temples for almost this entire grow and finally remembered to do that last night, but then I forgot to post it here haha.

That’s the #1 on the left and the #5 on the right. Not the greatest pic, but I think you can still see some major differences. Namely, the #1 plant is much “nuggier” than the #5. The #5 has these just looooooonnnngggg running colas up and down the tops, like a foot long, if not more. I wanted to tie her to those stakes, but there really wasn’t any place for me to tie the floral tape to the plant itself. It’s all just flower, no real visible stem at all, so I have those two tops just resting against the stakes haha.

The #5’s also leafier and looks a lot more “wild” than the #1 plant. She’s pretty cool-looking. I do hope she fills out a little more soon, because she’s definitely gonna be a serious bitch to trim if she doesn’t.


Very nice looking plant. Much more sturdy compared to mine. Can’t wait to hear how she smokes.


I’m typically pretty patient re the curing process, so I probably won’t start getting into her until the beginning of August, but I’ll post the smoke report once I do.

Speaking of being patient with the cure, I finally started getting into that #4 Cheese Haze the past week or so, @HolyAngel, gonna write the smoke report today. It’s WILD how much she changed. She smells as “Blueberry” as any straight Blueberry or Blueberry-leaning hybrid I’ve ever smoked, did not expect that at all.


Interesting on the blueberry in the #4 :thinking:
My guess would be something from the NL5 in there :thinking:
The c5sensistar can put out berry scents…
Technically no telling what Green House used to make the Franco’s Lemon Cheese though. Supposed to be Exodus reversed but that’s supposed to be basically impossible, so maybe they reversed blues/livers instead :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Looking forward to that report ^^

The mountain temples look absolutely fantastic!


Yeah, I was thinking that it’s probably coming from the FLC portion of the hybrid. Even though that Exodus is supposed to be cheesy-smelling, I know it’s a Skunk #1 pheno and I also know that those Dutch breeders bred towards the fruity aspects of the smell instead of the skunk aspect. Could be coming from somewhere deep in there.

Or maybe it’s just a weird thing that happened when you combined the plants to make that cross haha, I dunno.

I went and got my hair cut last week and always give the chick who cuts my hair a bunch of weed. Usually when I give people weed I just throw it all together in one bag, but she’s pretty good about letting me know what she thinks of each one, so I always put everything in separate, labeled bags for her. When I was driving there, I was like,”Gawddamn, something in those bags smells like Blue Dream…” When I got to her place she opened each bag to smell everything and said,”This one smells just like blueberries!” when she opened that #4 Cheese Haze bag.

What’s weird is that it doesn’t smell like blueberries when I open the jar. It seems like the flowers need to get a little air (almost like wine or something) before those blueberry notes start to become apparent. I’ve actually been leaving nugs out on a plate for like a half-hour before I start smoking them, just because if I don’t, there’s none of that blueberriness.

Blueberryblueberryblueberry… How many times can I type that word in one paragraph? Haha.

Anyway, yeah, I’ll write that smoke report here pretty soon. I like it a lot better than I did a couple months ago, for sure.


I chopped the #4 Angelica last night, flower day 74. I know I said that they looked like they were gonna take 11 weeks, but she just felt done to me. She looked pretty done, too, so she’s hanging now.

I realize some of those pics are pretty bad, but I took like 40 and only ended up with a dozen decent ones, so… I kind of like the bad ones, anyway, just because even the lowers on this plant really did turn out pretty impressive. All of the flowers and nuglets, all the way down to the bottom, are totally fucking rock-hard, super-dense. I’m really excited about both of the Angelicas, been a while since I’ve grown any very obvious OG-type plants. I’m probably gonna chop the other one tomorrow night.

One thing I noticed when I was taking pictures and trimming off leaves pre-chop was a pretty noticeable 88G “coffee smell,” which was a first. She’s been smelling extremely “Classic OG” for the duration of the grow; last night was the first time I’ve noticed those coffee notes.

Also, sorry about not writing that smoke report for the #4 Cheese Haze yet, @HolyAngel. I got a text from a prospective job on Saturday afternoon, right after I said I was gonna write the report, that instructed me to go in for a piss test no later than Tuesday. Even though I have a good grasp on the flavors and high and shit, I still like to smoke a little bit of whatever I’m reporting on while I’m writing the report haha. Even though I don’t think they care abut weed, I didn’t wanna go in for the test with elevated THC levels or anything, so I didn’t smoke at all until after the cup was filled.

Anyway, I’m gonna write it in a second.

Finally… haha.


Alright, here’s the #4 Cheese Haze smoke report.


I really like the way these flowers look, very “Sativa” haha. That big ol’ nug only weighs 5.8 grams, just to give you an idea of the density (or lack thereof). I don’t mind it at all, though. I prefer it, actually.

Also, you can see a nanner in that first pic, but they were definitely sterile, haven’t found a seed in either the #4 Cheese Haze or any of the other plants.

Smell: So when I said that it seemed like the nugs of this one needed to get a little air for that blueberry smell to come out, I think what the flowers really needed was just regular exposure to air, even if that means just opening the jars long enough to grab a nug to roll a joint with. When I took some with me to give to the chick who cuts my hair, I hadn’t opened those jars in at least six weeks, but once I started getting into them every day, the blueberry smell kept getting more and more pronounced. Like, when I opened one just now to grab that nug to take pictures of, I was instantly hit in the face with overwhelming blueberry notes.

Really, it smells more like Blue Dream to me. Or maybe a very Blueberry-heavy version of Blue Dream. The fruity notes are extremely pronounced, but there’s also a really noticeable spicy element to it, along with some earthy must. I think it smells great. And very similar to Blue Dream.

Just as an aside, a friend of mine came over last week, the one who never smokes weed but for some reason hit that #3 Cheese Haze joint a while back. She knows absolutely nothing about weed, but when I held a nug of the #4 under her nose and said,“Doesn’t it smell just like blueberries???” she responded,“No. I don’t smell that at all. It smells like pine and… lemon…? No, like lemon cleaner. Pine and lemon cleaner.” I don’t smell that at all and neither did the chick who cuts my hair (and she smokes all day every day), but I did think it was funny that my friend who knows nothing about weed threw out two of the most overused weed descriptors ever.

Taste: Almost like a reverse of the smell, where the spicy elements are more prominent than the blueberry ones. I’d say it’s a 60:40 spicy-to-berry ratio, maybe even 65:35, but she still tastes really good. I like spicy-tasting weed.

High: When I first started getting into this one, after about a month or so in the jars, she smoked pretty heavy, very heavy comedown for sure. After a few months, it’s better, but it still has a little lethargy. It also hits really, really fast, especially compared to a lot of the other stuff I’ve been growing lately. After just a minute or two, I’m hit with a pretty intense mini-rush that lasts maybe five minutes, but it really is like,“Whoa! Holy shit…” I’m not sure I dig that aspect of it; I usually like stuff that climbs and doesn’t hit me almost immediately.

Now that I know what to expect, though, it’s fine. After the rush (which really is very brief), it settles in nicely. Not quite as clear as the #3, but I still do pretty well when we watch Jeopardy!. It’s not a “muddy” high at all. Honestly, I think this one could best be described as “anytime”-type of weed. I’ve smoked it in the day and gotten a little lazy about an hour after smoking it, but not so lazy that it makes me take a nap. However, when I smoke it in the evening, when I’d already be naturally tired, I do feel a little drag-y and ready to get in the shower and lay down about an hour into it. But not so drag-y that I can’t get in the shower haha.

This one’s okay. I’ve been on the fence trying to decide if it’s just because the #3 Cheese Haze is SO GOOD that it’s affecting my ability to accurately judge the #4, but I don’t think so. I like the #4, but it doesn’t have any sort of standout aspects, like it makes things funnier or it makes me motivated or chatty or creative or anything. It’s good, but it’s not great. Still, it’s a lot better now than it was after a month’s cure, especially when you consider how much the smell and flavors have developed. I encourage anybody who might be growing these (looking at you, @InTheWoods haha) to give the flowers from this cross at least a two month cure.

Anyway, yeah, nice job, @HolyAngel. Thanks again for those seeds. I actually think the #4 plant would’ve been cool to breed with, as long as there was a male that might influence the high in a more “up/awake” sorta way, but she’s still good, despite the lethargic comedown.


Beautiful bud. I always love reading your reports, much more thorough than mine :sunglasses:


No worries on the delay bro! Hope you get the job!

Report is outstanding! As always!

That #4 has cured out and kinda sounds, sans the smell, like the beastly one I ran before. Great late afternoon/weekend weed but nothing too standout about it. Not like the #3 or the foxtail one I had before. That stuff was standout herb.

Interesting on the really berry forwardness :thinking: not seen one like that yet but can smell the berry in the c5ss line. The spiciness is coming from there for sure though. Pine and lemon cleaner sounds more like what I found in those and the parents. Along with the musk. And some berry :joy:. Anyways, yeah, sounds great! Thank you for taking the time to run them and write up what you found :pray: Im glad you found some you liked :slight_smile:


Thanks, dude!

It is interesting and very surprising. I need to look back at this log and see if I noticed any sorta berriness when she was growing. I’m pretty sure I didn’t haha. Either way, yeah, you can’t miss it now, smells really good.

Psssshhhh, gimme a break, dude haha. You knew I was gonna run them. I’m just glad I still have more seeds, definitely gonna take cuts the next time I plant them. Seriously. I’m not even joking. I don’t wanna fuck up and risk not having something like the #3 around again. I bet people would really like the #4, too, it’s just not as good as the #3.

Now I gotta start getting into the #2 haha. I smoked it a couple times early on, but I was hammered-drunk and don’t remember anything about it. After seeing how much the #4 changed during the cure, I’m looking forward to the #2 flowers.

Thanks. I think I have it, been training the last two days, but after years of hearing,”You’re hired!” and then never hearing back from them again, I’m not gonna say I have the job until I’m actually doing the job and getting paid for it haha…