Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Great news about the job!!


Good morning and very nice reports! :coffee:

I love blue dream and one of the main reasons I took a shot in the dark with DD cross.

How did you know that I enjoy the smoke before its primo after a couple months cure. :grin:

I haven’t done an update in a while on the LCHs. I will try to get one done today. Finally going to chop some plants to get some room to move half of the SWKs into flower to start getting an official tally on M/F.

I thought I had it in the bag many times to only find out it fell thru for some reason or another. I hope you get the job brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Sorry, y’all, I meant the #4 plant woulda been cool to breed with, just because of the smells and flavors. The #3 plant woulda been awesome to breed with, too. That one shoulda been kept around forever in some way, shape or form. But yeah, I was talking about the #4 there. My bad.

Thanks, y’all. It’s really a very crappy job, working for a company I despise, but I’m not in a position to be picky right now, so…

Yeah, I think I saw you mention recently that you were smoking the last of something you grew that had only been in jars for a month haha! That’s crazy. I don’t even start opening them until stuff’s been in jars for a month haha…

I do, too. That #4 plant is like a slightly mellower, lazier version of Blue Dream. If I had to choose between the two, I’d actually probably pick Blue Dream haha, but I’m happy with the #4 plant.


And here I am packing 3 day dried buds right off the stem and directly into my pipe :joy:


Hopefully @InTheWoods found another one. (Hopefully) Seems at least one in every pack :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :pray: Need that male too though. I sent out the last pack of them yesterday that I’m gonna send out. Have somewhere in the 30-50 bean range left to look through in the worst case. I still have this banana smelling C5SS F4 #3 male too. And your chosen #2 plant. Maybe F5’s this winter if everything works out; while we wait to see how the LCH turn out.

Man I almost forgot about that one! Bout got confused thinking the #4 was it but the buds looked airier than I remembered :sweat_smile: That was the big fat one right? That should be the cheese leaner of the group. I think all the dense fat ones I found leaned to the Cheese/Skunk :thinking: Foggy type high’s but still good stuff… Just not that #3 :joy:


I mean… haha.

I’ve read that NLD types, longer-flowering stuff, whatever, really benefit from an extended cure. I think that in the case of that #4 plant that’s definitely true. I’ve noticed that that’s the case with other “Sativas” that I’ve grown, as well, where it was good after a month, but it was GREAT after three months. Even those Mountains Temples I grew years ago (which I wouldn’t classify as NLD) were better the longer they cured. I found some two-year old MT and gave it to my next-door neighbor like six years ago, smoked a joint of it with her and was blown away by how good it was.

I’m not saying,”Everything should be cured for two years, minimum!” haha, I’m just sayin’…

Yeah, I’d think that that’d be the issue. Gonna take some serious testing to be sure he’s a match, only because that #4 plant really, really looked VERY “Sativa,” almost as tall as the #3 plant, same loose flower structure etc etc. But the smoke isn’t similar at all.

I wish you luck haha. God speed, Cheese Haze plants!

She was. I’ll have to look through my texts and see if anybody commented on those #2 flowers specifically. And I’ll start checking her out in earnest soon, too, obviously. This job shit is really fucking my life up haha!, I’m still trying to wrap my head around being on a schedule and having things to do and whatever…


Yeah I’ve noticed this to be the case with some sativa dominant strains. I’ve got a jar of the longest flowering kodama I grew and it is almost 3 years old at this point and still has a very intense smell. It seems like the pungent lemon lime sprite terps last a long time.


How’s that three-year-old Kodama smoke? I was pretty blown away when I blazed that two-year-old Mountain Temple with my neighbor, to the point where I thought about knocking on her door again and being like,”On second thought, can I have that jar back?” haha. I didn’t do that, but I thought about it.

I expected it to be just, like, blahhhhh, but I got high as shit, way higher than when I was blazing it for the few months after I dried and cured it. My eyes were slits and super-red, I looked BAKED, but it wasn’t lazy at all. I did order an extra-large pepperoni pizza about an hour afterwards, though haha.

Anyway, yeah, just curious what the high is like for you. What is Kodama, anyway?

Edit: never mind, I just googled Kodama. Sounds intriguing, although those Strawberry Milk crosses never interested me, mostly because the name grossed me out haha.


I’d say I liked it a lot more now than when I initially grew it haha. I didn’t love the high initially as it was not a functional daytime sativa high at all - more of a head spinning dazed high with a bit of trippiness. I remember being mesmerized by car hubcaps driving by on a walk haha. Now it’s got a really nice flavor - sprite with some anise in there, and is a smoother chiller high… but I’ve only vaped it at night. Probably still not the daytime high I wanted initially… but it’s not a sleepy indica, a nice high that I don’t end up drooling asleep with.

It’s the only strawb. milk cross I’ve grown, the other 2 phenos were SM leaners… one had a really nice strawberry cereal smell. The SM phenos didn’t cure as nicely and lost their terpenes though. I’ve thought about growing out a few more from this cross, it’s definitely unique with the Laos in the mix in Lush.


I grow long flowering sativas regularly, and I will attest to them not even being at a good jar cure until at least 6 months. I usually sample them when jarring, and then put them away for a year.


Yeah, that was the thing that most interested me about that Lush hybrid. And the hybrids made with Lush haha. Schmarmpit tested (or just grew?) one of those Lush things, can’t remember which one it was right now, but I thought the plants looked really cool.

Haha, that doesn’t sound bad. I wouldn’t mind being mesmerized by spinning hubcaps…

Hm. Maybe it’s just those Strawberry Milk hybrids in general. I’m not sure I’ve ever read too much about those, since I wasn’t really interested in those crosses. I got done with the work training really early today, don’t have to go back in until Saturday, maybe I’ll check out some of those grow reports.

I feel like almost everything I keep in jars for a while ends up smelling Sprite-ish after about nine months or so. I always attributed it to the humidity packs that I use and re-use, but maybe that’s just a thing. I dunno.


Good to know. I was actually just sitting here thinking that moving forward I’ll probably set aside at least one jar of the longer-flowering stuff for a year.

I still have a jar of the Chocolate Blitz that I harvested… whenever haha, I can’t remember. I think it was two grows-ago. Nine months? Time is a flat circle, but maybe I’ll get back into that one today.


Heh, the only time I have herb around for 6+months is if I misplaced the jar for most of them :sweat_smile:

To be fair tho, I’ve been running 1/4 - 1/2 gallon pots for a long time now and not pulling big yield numbers. Hoping this fall run will get me back right.


I think that must’ve been what happened with that Mountain Temple. Those jars were moved from our old house to the new one when we bought it, pretty sure it just got lost in the shuffle haha.

That must be it :wink:. Or maybe you just blaze a lot haha.

That’s the thing with the seven-gallons and even the fives, is that I always end up with, like, close to two pounds every run, jar after jar after jar after jar… Since I usually only smoke a joint or, like, five or six bong rips throughout the day (unless I’m researching for smoke reports haha), it always ends up like,”What the fuck am I gonna do with all of this weed?”

So I give a lot away. It does make it easier to store stuff away for longer periods of time, though. I think I really am gonna make a concerted effort to get back into year-old jars and see what that’s about.

How do you store your weed for a year+, @MrHamilton? Do you do anything special or do you just keep the jars where you keep the “early” weed?


I have an armoire that has doors with shelves on the bottom that I put the jars in. Stays cool and dark, throw a humidity pack in the jar and good to go. I hang dry, then brown bag cure/equilibrate a couple weeks or until I’m not too lazy to trim and jar a couple oz of each strain. The rest gets turned into tincture.
To be fair, my indica and hybrids don’t last nearly that long in the jar, but it doesn’t really need to.


Okay, so no fridge or special storage containers haha or anything? I’ve been thinking about maybe putting some jars in the seed fridge, like in a sealed bag or something, but I dunno. I keep everything but my “daily driver” jars in a closet in the grow room, but it’s about to get really hot in there, even with the lights out for the next month+.

I’ll probably just leave them all in the grow room haha.


100% :joy:

Yeah that’s why I shifted to the grove bags. Can fit a whole plant in one bag and then small jars or half ounce bags for daily smoke. Or however you wanna do it.

I’d think that keep it fresher and stop it from aging? Or at least aging as fast :thinking:


Nahhhhh, I still like the jars. I’ve got a ton of them, all different sizes. They work fine for me.

I’m really not sure. I’ve read that it’s “bad” to keep weed in the fridge, but I’ve also seen a lot of people on this and other sites say that they store all of their weed in the fridge and that it works well for them. It does seem like it’d preserve the weed longer. Maybe cure it at room temperature for a month or two and then move it into the fridge?

I think I’ll try that. And I’ll let you know how it works out haha. I can’t imagine that it’d just totally RUIN the weed or anything.


I know the freezer works for sure. Assuming no outages, it’s like the day you put it in there. I don’t have any experience with the fridge tho.

For science!


I chopped the #5 Angelica last night, flower day 76. I’m worried about mold on her, just because the flowers are so friggin’ dense and growing right up next to the stems very tightly, so I trimmed off a bunch of leaves. Here she is before I trimmed:

And here she is after:

Doesn’t look much different :rofl:, but I really did hack off a bunch of leaves.

Anyway, here’s some closeup pics:

These pics aren’t even doing her justice. She’s fucking CAKED, with really pronounced raised trichome stalks. Or whatever haha. What’s interesting (at least to me) is that she always looked frostier at the end of lights-on than she did at the beginning of lights-on. Like every day, when I’d close the tent right before the light turned off, I’d be like,“Wow, she’s fucking frosty…” but when I’d open the tent right after the light turned on, after 12+ hours of darkness, I’d always notice that she didn’t look quite as crystal-coated.

So maybe she liked warmer temps? Or prolonged periods of light and warmth? I dunno, but it really was very noticeable. I always chop everything right after the lights have turned on, but I actually think I maybe should’ve chopped her after a full “day” of light. I don’t think it’s gonna hurt the smoke or anything, but yeah, that would’ve been interesting.

She smells more “OG” than the taller, lankier #4 plant I chopped a couple days ago. I also noticed a super-skunky smell on my hands after trimming all of those leaves off and brushing up against the flowers. That’s exciting haha, maybe that skunk smell will develop a little more and get stronger after the dry and cure.

Anyway, so she’s hanging now, down to just the one Banana Soap and that other Mountain Temple. I may chop the Banana Soap tonight, she doesn’t really seem to be doing anything, but I may wait until tomorrow night, just to stagger everything in two day intervals. The Mountain Temple’s not getting chopped until day 80 no matter what, still looking like she’s gonna be a bitch to trim. I’m kinda hoping another three of four days will remedy that, but I’m not holding my breath haha…


I mean, come on. Please please please tell me you took a cut of that?

That structure? And I don’t see a stake?
The resin coverage ? The yield ?

Surely you took a cut of this one :sweat_smile: