Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Well… You know I didn’t take cuts haha, but yeah, I probably should have. Honestly, besides the Banana Soap, I should’ve taken cuts of everything from this round. Unless the smoke turns out shit or something haha.

Yeah, no stakes for her. She was only vegged for 40 days, probably would’ve needed to stake her had I vegged for the usual 60, but maybe not. I didn’t have to stake the #4 Angelica either and she was taller and lankier than the #4 plant.

Gots to loooooove that 88G male! haha.

I really don’t think it’ll be too difficult to find a similar plant in the rest of the seeds I have, though. I think anybody who has a pack of these won’t have trouble finding good plants. I’m just kicking myself that I only bought one pack of the Angelica seeds, no idea why I did that. I ALWAYS buy two packs haha…


Couple things I forgot to mention. One: I broke down the #1 Mountain Temple two nights ago so I could get her in a brown paper bag. The stems on her were totally hollow, all the way through. I know some people are interested in that kind of stuff, so… Yeah, totally hollow. Pretty cool. I tried to get some pictures of the stems, but my shit-ass camera couldn’t get anything but blurry messes.

And two: I’m gonna make a point to weigh both of those Angelicas after the trim. They don’t look like they’re gonna weigh too much, just because it’s like,”Here’s a nug, then a huge gap, then another nug, then another gap…” but each nug is so friggin’ dense that I have to imagine the final weight is gonna be surprisingly high.

Anyway, yeah.


I just sampled the mountain temple I grew, the buds were large, and semi dense but airy if that makes sense, it probably would have done great outside here so I’m kicking myself for not putting her out. The smell and taste are earthy with a hazyness to it if that makes sense. It tastes like a haze light. So far the high is nice.


That does make sense. I’m trimming that #1 plant I chopped last Friday right now haha, a little earlier than I normally would, but she was drying a little too fast, so… I’d describe it the same way. They’re chunky flowers, but not uber-dense or anything. I like that kind of structure.

Yeah, the ones I grew before had a real pleasant, “life is good…” sorta high. I’m looking forward to getting into this one in a month or so.

Mine smells really fruity, almost like a tropical fruit juice. Papaya? Mango? I dunno. What’s weird is I held a jar of it under my girl’s nose like an hour ago and she said she thought it smelled like cheddar cheese. I’m not picking up on any cheese notes, but it’d make sense, maybe it’s the SSH coming through or something.


Okay, I chopped that #5 Mountain Temple plant last night, flower day 80. Just like that one Angelica plant, I was worried about mold (even though the flowers on her aren’t nearly as dense as the Angelica’s are), so I trimmed a bunch of leaves off of her before I hung her. Here she is pre-trim:

And post-trim:

Again, she doesn’t look much different in the pre- and post-trim pics, but I did spend like 25 minutes getting in there, mostly on the inside of the plant.

Anyway, closeups:

What I think is cool is that from a distance, like looking at those “full plant shots,” you might think,“Gosh, that plant looks like shit…” and I would agree. She definitely looks like she’s at the end of the line, anyway. But up close… Man… The flowers look fucking awesome. They’re gonna take a while to trim, but they are GUNKY.

So yeah, she’s done.

I also chopped that #3 Banana Soap plant last night, flower day 80 (in case you forgot haha), trimmed a bunch of leaves off of her before I chopped, too.



She was leeeeeanin’… It was mostly at the base, though; the branches themselves were sturdy. I’m gonna try to remember to look at the roots when I recycle the soil later today, not sure if that lean was happening because of the root development (or lack thereof) or if it was just because she had a weak “base” or whatever.

I had trouble getting good closeup pics, but here are a few:

I like the way the flowers look, all pointy and shit. She has almost the opposite “resin profile” or whatever it’s called as the #5 Mountain Temple. The Banana Soap’s is extremely tac-y and Super Glue-ish, whereas the #5 Mountain Temple’s is gunky, like I mentioned above. I actually got much more stoked about the Banana Soap in the last few days than I have been for pretty much the whole rest of the grow haha. Seemed like she took a long time to start looking good, but she definitely looks good now.

So yeah, that’s it, taking the next six weeks off from growing. It’s funny, because last night when I was laying in bed, after I’d chopped those final two plants, I was thinking,“Wow, I can plant some new stuff tomorrow if I want. What should I start soaking???” and then had to remind myself,“No. You’re not gonna start anything until August 15 and that’s final!” haha. It’ll be cool to take a little break anyway, gives me some time to get acclimated to the new job (which is fucking brutal and sweaty and I come home every night tired and sore)(and that’s a good thing) and I’ll be able to straighten up the grow room and give her a good, deep cleaning, go out and do some stuff without worrying about being back home when the lights turn on…

And of course I’ll be checking in every day to see what everybody else is doing and writing smoke reports and posting snarky comments haha and all that stuff, too. I’m not going anywhere.


:evergreen_tree: :mag: :fire: , :laughing: !


Can’t wait to see how she turns out after drying


I don’t know what that means haha. Oh, wait! I think I figured it out. Does it mean,”Those plants look fire,”? haha.


I thought he meant he was gonna light a tree on fire with a magnifying glass…but your interpretation makes more sense :joy:


If you’d have told me that that’s what it meant, I wouldn’t doubt you haha.

I dunno how those people do it with the emoji-speak. Any time I wanna use even one, it takes me longer to find it than it would’ve taken me to just write the word haha.

Or should I say,”:rofl::rofl::rofl:”?


Trimmed and jarred the #4 Angelica just now. I could really “feel the weight” haha of some of the nugs, to the point where I was like,“Alright, I need to know how much this weighs,” and put a couple of them on the scale. This little nug weighs 4.2 grams:

And this one weighs 4.9 grams (obviously haha):

Fucking nuts…

It does make me wonder how much the smoke is gonna lean 88G, despite the fact that she grew so OG-ish, just because of how crazy-dense the flowers are, but either way, that’s pretty cool. If I went to buy an eighth of this and they gave me either of those nugs and were like,“Oh, wait a minute, I’m gonna have to remove a little bit to get it down to 3.5 grams…” I’d be PIIIIISSSSSED haha. And I honestly won’t mind at all if she smokes a little heavy. Everything from the last round has been pretty “up” and not exactly weed that I wanna smoke just before bed. It’ll be nice to have something where I can do a couple bong rips right before I start the getting-ready-for-bed routine.

Also, I think I used the scissors maybe thirty times total whilst trimming, mostly just knocked a leaf off here and there, took me like an hour and a half to finish the whole plant. Impressive.


Man, I got into that #4 Angelica last night (zero-day cure, @HolyAngel haha), just to confirm my suspicion that she was gonna smoke heavy and she definitely does. Or she does right now, anyway. It was like an instant muscle relaxer, felt my entire body “melt” as soon as I exhaled the first bong rip and crashed out pretty much as soon as I got in bed, about a half-hour after blazing.

Tastes really, really good, too, total pine on the inhale and black hash flavor with hints of chocolate on the exhale. I’m thinking that despite the OG-ish plant morphology, the smoke is all 88G.

I also burped the jars this morning, just to check on the flowers (they’re good, ready for the long seal) and they smell like hot garbage haha. The smell and flavor remind me a lot of that Clusterfunk I grew years ago, although the high (for now) does not. And that’s fine.

Anyway, this isn’t the official Angelica #4 smoke report or anything haha, just making some quick observations. Good nighttime weed right now, for sure.


Awesome job on trimming beautifull nugs


Smoke report for that #2 Cheese Haze (finally).


I was really shocked when I looked at the labels on the jars. March 8, 2024! Time is fucking FLYING by, no good. Anyway, yeah, so these flowers have been curing for over five months now.

Smell: Unbroken nugs smell very musty and earthy, which isn’t surprising considering they’ve been in jars for almost half a year. Broken-up nugs smell very good, very berry-ish, although I’m not sure what berry they smell like exactly. Just a “soft fruit” kind of thing, not sharp and citrusy, but more of a “round” berry smell, if that makes sense.

Taste: Like a lighter version of the way the broken-up flowers smell. Berry-ish and occasionally I’ll get a faint taste of pine, too. It’s not mouth-coating or anything, but it still tastes really good. The smoke is also very, very smooth, no coughing at all with this one no matter how big of a bong rip I take. That probably has something to do with the length of time she’s spent in jars, but whatever the reason, I like it.

High: I love this one, but I’d also have to say that it’s probably the most “complex” high of the three Cheese Hazes I grew.

It takes about five minutes to start feeling it, at which point it does get a little rushy, bordering on anxiety-inducing. Now that I know what to expect, I can deal with it, but yeah, it’s a little bit racy for fifteen minutes or so.

After that, there’s about twenty minutes of me wanting to take a shower and lie in bed. I dunno if you guys have ever experienced that, but I noticed it with one of the Bandaid Haze samples I tried the first couple times I smoked that one, too (although none of the BAH’s I grew were like that). I can’t remember now if it was the #7 or the Church, but yeah, this one made me feel the same way the first few times I blazed her. And it’s not because I’m tired or anything, but just because… I dunno. Like I just wanna clean off, get in bed and watch Better Call Saul again. I’m sure if I actually did that, I’d get out of bed after five minutes.

After all of THAT, though, it’s fucking awesome haha. It kind of reminds me of Chem and certain Chem hybrids that I’ve smoked, like a “down then up” sorta high, where the longer it goes, the more fun it is. There’s definitely a little “body” to it for a while, but then it just starts rising and I laugh at a lot of stuff, I feel more active and talkative. The longer it goes, the clearer it gets, if that makes any sense. It’s not wearing off or anything, it just gets clearer and higher and more “soaring” and more “functional” (although it’s pretty functional right from the get-go). Zero comedown, too. It just eventually wears off and leaves me feeling refreshed.

Anyway, yeah, this is great weed. Probably the most psychoactive of the three and also, weirdly, the most “up,” despite the initial crazy,“Oh, shit, I need to just sit here for a minute…” comeup. I definitely wouldn’t smoke this before bed. It’s very, very good, though, I like it a lot haha. It’s almost a sort of Special Occasion Smoke.

In order of preference, it’s the #3 Cheese Haze plant, followed by the #2 plant and then the #4.

Great job on this cross, @HolyAngel. I was a little apprehensive about this #2 plant, just because she looked soooo different from the other two, but this one is excellent. I really wish I only had, like, thirty packs of seeds in the fridge so I could get back to this one again relatively soon. And I may still get back into them relatively soon.

Whenever I do, I’m gonna be PUUUUUMPED haha. And I’ll take clones, I swear!


Hell yeah! That one reminds me a lot of the ‘huge’ pheno I had when I ran them. Musky for sure and same flower structure and high. I call it lazy afternoon/weekend high :joy: That ‘clearer’ and zero comedown is coming from the C5SensiStar side for sure. Probably the musky scents too. ^^


See, though? I’m not sure I’d call it “lazy,” necessarily. I mean, by the time it’s over, I do not feel lazy at all. Like I said, there’s zero “comedown.” It’s more like I get higher and higher and higher for two or three hours and then it’s… just… done haha! Almost as if I never smoked any weed at all.

Very cool and interesting, very good.

You lost that male a while ago, right? That’s super-unfortunate, you shoulda crossed him to EVERY-fucking-THIIIIIIING haha.


Fair enough :joy: that actually reminds me of some of the NorthStar. Hard and kinda couchy up front and then clear as day at the backend.

Yeah I’m pretty sure I lost him the first time I got hvld and had to bleach the room and start over. Was able to make the lemon cheese haze/flc bx1 with him and the two c5ss f4/f2s and that was it. He would’ve been interesting to combine with the ssdd girl instead of the Starlite(a5/nl5). I may try and do so with this c5ss f4 male that smells like banana’s :yum:


I’d say plant every cross of him you have and see what happens haha. Seriously, all three of those Cheese Hazes are very good. Different from one another, but good. I bet anything crossed to him is gonna turn out excellent.

Anyway, I just used zephyr’s method to make some hash or shatter or live rosin or whatever the fuck it’s called a little bit ago (I know it’s not actually zephyr’s method, but he turned me on to it, so…). I used some olllllld-ass weed I’d had in the freezer, just to get a handle on the process, but the next time I do it I’m gonna use that #4 Cheese Haze, the one that smells insanely Blueberry. I think that’ll turn out very tasty.

Here’s what I did, @zephyr.

That’s just a mix of old weed, no idea what it is, but I did make a point to grab as much of those purple/black nugs as possible. That’s Doc’s Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai. All of the weed I used for this initial run came from my “Sativa” freezer bag. I made a joke to myself years back and all of the “Indica” stuff goes in a freezer bag labeled “Kush,” the rest goes in that “Sativa” bag.

I dunno. I thought it was funny when I did it.

Anyway, here’s what I strained the alcohol through:

A coffee filter PLUS whatever that green thing is called PLUS a colander. Extra-filtration haha. And then I took the soaked flowers and squeezed them through a juicer, through all of that and a new, dry coffee filter.

Didn’t help, still ended up with a bunch of plant matter:

I scraped some of that out and poured it through another coffee filter, but there’s still a decent amount of little plant bits in there. I’m not too worried about it, this I just a test run. I also think that doing this with fresher flower will be less, uh… detritus-y haha.

I think I used a little too much Everclear and also didn’t pour it into a big enough Pyrex; next time I’m gonna use the biggest one we have. In any event, I’ve got it sitting on the dining area table now, with a fan blowing over the top and the sliding glass doors open:

That seems pretty safe. I honestly don’t smell any alcohol at all right now, @zephyr, pretty sure nothing’s gonna blow up haha.

I can’t stop looking at the pan or whatever you call it, leaning wayyyyy down in there to be like,“Is it evaporating??? Did I do this right???” haha. But I’ll leave it be for a few hours. Hopefully it’ll turn out okay. I’ll post pics when it’s finished. I’m excited!


That looks like it went pretty well, the color looks good. Usually it yields pretty well when it looks like that, I can already see some keefy sediment settling at the bottom.

That amount of plant matter won’t impact it much, especially if you’ll be smoking it in joints or putting some on top of your bowls.


For sure. I thought it was just more plant matter, but then I realized,“Wait! I think that’s what I’m gonna be scraping up eventually!” haha.

That was something else I wanted to ask you, is what do you smoke this out of? Are you just putting some on top of some flower in a bowl? Do you have something where you can blaze it straight, just the shatter or whatever it’s called?

I only ask because I kind of wanna try it straight first, just to see how it smokes. And then maybe I’ll smear some on some flower or something, like I’ve done with hash and rosin and whatever.