Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Nice and simple, thanks :slight_smile: I’ll hang around for the post evap processing!


Here’s what it looked like after about twelve hours, Horse:

Again, I think I used too much Everclear. Or maybe not a big enough Pyrex, I dunno, but it took almost 24 hours for the Everclear to fully evaporate, so I waited until the next morning (yesterday) to try to start scraping it off:

The problem is, I can’t scrape it off! haha. I dunno if it’s too dry or what, like maybe I should’ve started scraping when there was still just a tiny bit of “wetness”? Maybe? Whatever the reason, yeah, it’s fucking solid. I’ve tried slicing into it, dragging the razor across it, all kinds of different things, but nothing’s really coming up.

I saw Shiskaberry mention on zephyr’s thread that he’ll occasionally soak the entire Pyrex dish in a warm water bath, so I’m gonna try that tonight after I’m done at work. If that doesn’t do it… I dunno… Maybe microwave it for twenty seconds? Haha, just kidding.

But maybe??? Haha…


I’d try a water bath type deal like you’re making flan or something with warm water.


Could also try sticking it in the oven on the lowest setting, like @165 or whatever, until it starts to feel tacky.


Yeah, hopefully that’ll work.

Also a good idea. I was just kidding about the microwave haha! But yeah, maybe the oven for ten minutes or so.

Seriously, right now it’s like trying to cut a friggin’ diamond or something.


Years (decade+) ago when I made QWISO (I know…) I had the same problem on one of my batches and I remember using more alcohol to solve it. Didn’t take much and it evaporated quickly. Heating it up may do the trick too though.


Yeah, I was thinking about doing that, too, like “re-wetting” it with more Everclear or whatever. The problem with that is that it was such a bitch to find even 151-proof that I kind of wanna try to conserve the couple pints I have left for future runs, but if the hot water bath or heating it up in the oven don’t work, I’ll re-wet it.

What is that? I don’t know what that is haha.


100% this is exactly what I meant by annoyed myself during the scrape. For me, I pretty much always throw it on heat towards the end of its life and collect it all in the middle while it’s still fairly runny. From there I can put it on/take it off while keeping the puddle in the middle. Once you think it’s ready, take it off the heat and I’d leave it for like 5 minutes then you can usually scrape the glob off/out better than having to look like a freak with a Pyrex in your lap and a razor blade scraping for drug bits

Edit to add:

Qwiso = “quick wash” iso extraction.
Qwet = quick wash ethanol - essentially what this is.


Hahaha Dabs and all of this stuff can make me feel a little too crackhead/junkie like.


You put it on a burner on your stove or something?

Just for future reference, would it be best to scrape it while it’s still a little wet and then put it in whatever container and leave the lid off for a few days so the alcohol continues to evaporate?

Did I do something WRONG??? Haha…


This is perfect for me, because I’m sure I’d be in the same exact boat when I got around to doing this. I get to learn off of you. Haha. Thanks for sharing!! This type of stuff helps a lot.


Normally a hot water bath. Away from any and all vapors(or in an electric kettle) I boil water, shut the heat off and let my dish sit in the water for a few. Speeds up evap and helps me collect. It’s also why I’ve always used a pie dish. It fits perfectly in a shallow pan of hot water.

Hah no nothing wrong in my opinion. Just when it evaporates out it definitely wants to stick. It’s been my biggest beef with this method.

I’ve added a splash of ethanol before when it gets dry like that and recollected or even added ethanol then sugar and let that all dry so you have an infused sugar or sorts.


Heating pad or seed mat


I actually busted out our pie dish first, but then decided that there wasn’t as much surface area as the Pyrex I used. In retrospect, I used the exact right thing, just because it’s the second-largest glass dish that I have. It’s gonna fit perfectly into the largest one when I do the hot water bath tonight.

Yeah, no, that sounds like, um… A lot haha!

I have one of those, but it only gets up to 85 or so, which isn’t much warmer than it is in the house this time of year. I think the bath or the oven’ll work fine.

Thanks, y’all!


Hey hermano, if you let it evaporate without a heat source you get this glass dust. Stick it back on the hot plate or electric skillet and it’ll melt into the consistency you’re expecting and stay that way. I don’t generally decarb my flowers, I wash them, then evaporate the alcohol on an electric skillet at 225 degrees. After about 45 minutes/mason jar, you’ll have evaporated off the alcohol and you get a bubblin’ crude. When the small bubbles become big bubbles and then stop entirely, you’ve got RSO. Most of the terpenes will be gone by this point, so if I want to vape or dab it, I do it on way lower heat for longer and with a lid on it once the alcohol is gone.


Yeah, that’s what it looks like, actually, is glass dust.

I’m gonna try the hot water bath first and if that doesn’t work, I dunno… I may just toss it haha. This was the test run, used very old weed, so it really doesn’t matter much to me. In the future, though, I may just scrape it a few hours before it’s totally dry and then sort of maybe air-dry the clumps for a few days after that.

Or something haha.

Anyway, good to “see” you around. Still waiting to hear about the circumstances that led to your move back to San Diego haha…


I’m not surprised that it’s crystalized, but I am suprised that it’s fused like that. I try to scrape it up as soon as it’s dry, but I haven’t had it solidify that much unless I forgot about it for months.

What are you using for the scraping, do you have a handle for the razor?

I hold the razor at a 45 degree angle, and scrape with slow even controlled pressure. if it’s not scraping up easily I use a gentle side to side rocking motion with firm pressure. That’s what works for me under normal circumstances.


I used a razor blade in my hand, no handle. I tried to use a box cutter-type thing (with a new razor, of course), but I feel like I’m getting better leverage with just the razor. It felt like I was gonna snap the box cutter in half when I tried to scrape with that haha.

I didn’t try the warm water bath last night after work. Between the 100+ degree temps and just the job itself, I wasn’t feeling like getting into more manual labor when I got home haha, but I may try it tonight.

Maybe it’s because there’s not quite enough “depth” or whatever? Like, there’s just not that much hash? It’s actually “deeper” than I thought it’d end up, there’s more than I thought there’d be, but maybe it’s still not enough.

I dunno. I think after a bath (and maybe the oven if the bath doesn’t work out), it’ll be easier to get out of the pan. In the future, though, I’m definitely gonna scrape it while there’s still a little alcohol present and it’s still a little gooey.

It’s all a journey… haha.


I’m pretty sure leverage is your problem.
I think you’ll really need something like this to scrape it up.

You can get these at the hardware store
(ideally yours will also have a face like an old tin toy robot.)


I just imagined you meant this style when I read your instructions. Maybe because I’m more accustomed to using them. It is my opinion the longer ones give you better control of the blade angle because you can use 2 hands to support it. I’ve never used one to scrape hash off glass though so maybe it’s not the best choice here, idk haha. It is what I plan to use when I get around to doing it though. I’ll let you know how it works.