Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

That would probably be effective too. Whatever style you use, I think the important thing is good leverage and fine control over the angle and direction of the blade. You never want the blade to slip when you’re applying force, or to crack if it accidentally gets torqued while you’re scraping.



That’s what I was using when I said,”Box cutter,” even though it’s not a box cutter. I dunno what the official use for that thing is or why we even have it, but it felt a little awkward, felt like I was gonna send all of the hash (is that what I made? Hash? Or is this something else?) flying out of the pan and all over the table, getting “hash dust” everywhere. Using just the razor feels more natural to me, but I’ll give that thing another try when the pan’s been warmed up and it’s a little more pliable.

I still haven’t tried the warm water bath or even fucked with it at all. A friend of mine came over last night (she was actually already here when I got home from work haha), just drank with her and then I smoked some of that #4 Angelica and was like,”Yeah, that Pyrex can wait another day…” haha.

I’ll get to it eventually. I’m gonna make it happen! haha.

Just as an aside, both Angelica plants are really good, albeit SUPER-fucking-heavy, not what I was expecting at all. And I only say that because of my experience with the Uplifts I grew a while back. Those were very “up,” very motivating and even scatter-brained, almost “frantic,” but in a pleasing way haha. These Angelicas are the polar opposite, not “up” at all. I honestly don’t think I could smoke either of them any time but immediately before I start getting ready for bed. I may check them out in the afternoon or something on one of my days off this week (for the sake of the smoke report haha), but I’m also like,”But I don’t wanna ruin my day…”

Kinda crazy how differently the Hell’s Angels OG smokes when crossed to that 88G male, as opposed to the Snow Lotus male. Maybe the Uplifts leaned Snow Lotus or something, even though there was a pretty decent amount of very noticeable variation between the four that I grew, but these Angelicas… Hoowee… Very different.


If I get a particularly messy batch, when I scrape it up I partially cover the pan loosely with a piece of parchment paper. That will keep most of the shatters in the pan.

If a lot of stuff is flinging off when you’re scraping, it’s probably good to wear glasses so you don’t get hash crystals in your eyes.

But hopefully the water bath or low heat oven will get it pliable enough to work with.


If it’s too bad, use a little alcohol to get it all dissolved, and then let it pool in a corner and re-evap it. I’m not a big fan of when it scrapes up as dust particles.


Knowing @minitiger it’s probably sitting in a corner, forgotten about!!


Not in a corner and not forgotten about, I look at it multiple times a day haha, but definitely like,”Pssshhhh… Fuck it, let’s just throw this whole pan out and start over.”

I won’t, though. I’m gonna make it happen, if for no other reason than I wanna lend credence to zephyr’s technique haha. A friend of mine came over a little bit ago, she doesn’t smoke weed or anything, but she’s totally down to scrape this shit out, no matter how we have to do it. So I’m gonna try the bath and then every other method, too, if that doesn’t work.

I think the bath’ll be fine, though.

Let’s do this!!! Haha…

Right now I have the pan covered with the pages and pages of my printed-out seed list haha, just because I don’t want stray puppy hairs or dust or whatever floating in it.


Last to get trimmed and jarred, first to get a smoke report written, but here’s the Banana Soap after only being cured for nineteen days (I couldn’t wait! haha).

Here’s the plant:

Looks (same nug, obviously):

She’s got those super-fine, kinda “sandy” or “dusty” trichomes, but there are a LOT of them. The nugs look really good in person. It took so long for her to start impressing me, chopped on day 80, but that seems like it was about the right length of time to let her grow.

That nug in the pics weighs 3.4 grams, if anybody’s curious. Denser than I would’ve thought just by looking at it, but not uber-dense or anything. I’m fine with it haha.

Smell: Mostly just like every A5Thai hybrid of Doc’s that I’ve grown, with that “spicy plastic” thing going on. She’s definitely not loud, either, but she smells good. Every now and then I’ll pick up on some sort of “unripe fruit” thing, green fruit, but it’s not super-noticeable or like,“Wooowwwwwww, maaaaan…” She did smell very, very strongly of, like, lilacs and lavender, very floral while I was trimming her. I’m assuming that that’s where the “Soap” part of the name of this hybrid maybe came from. That’s all gone now, though, don’t notice any floral stuff at all.

Taste: In joints, the flavor’s nonexistent, doesn’t really taste like anything. I actually do pick up on some “unripe/green fruit” and spicy elements when I do bong rips, though. I dunno if “spicy” is even the right word; maybe “pepper-y” would be more accurate, like black pepper or something. The smoke is very smooth already, too, no coughing at all with this one, even though she’s only been in jars for nineteen days.

I gave some to the only stoner friend I know on Tuesday and he said that the flavor was “mild” through his vape, so I guess it just isn’t a super-flavorful plant. Which is fine, because she smokes soooooo gooood haha…

High: After all of the stuff I grew last round, the majority of which smokes very “clear” and “functional” (two of the Cheese Hazes and both of the Wat Phos and pretty much everything else), the Banana Soap is the weed that I didn’t realize I needed until I started blazing it haha. It’s very laaiiiiiiiiiid-back, very social, very “confident,” if that makes sense. Just a full-on,“Yeah, man, life is good, what’s the problem?”-type of high. Pretty smile-y, pretty giggly for a while, talkative, but not on the verge of being overbearingly conversational and talking too much or anything. This is great Hanging Out Weed.

I think that that A5Thai male that Doc uses (or used to use, I guess) is very good, in that it doesn’t seem to “overwhelm” the female to which he was crossed (unlike a lot of the 88GHP hybrids of Bodhi’s, just as an example), but it does seem to introduce elements that’re almost predictable and at the same time surprising and unique. I realize that I’m kind of contradicting myself by saying that, but I mean it haha. This Banana Soap is very, very good, but not similar to the Wat Phos or the Chocolate Blitz or whatever. I think the closest comparison would be those three really good Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 whatever whatever that I grew a while back, in that those and the Banana Soap all smoke very “comfortably.” But the Wat Phos do and the Chocolate Blitz did, too, so… haha. I dunno. I just love all of those A5T hybrids, haven’t been disappointed in any of them yet.

Anyway, zero rush during the comeup (if you can even call it a comeup) on this one. Big-time creeper, which I fucking love. It’s like I blaze some, I wait a little bit and then voila!, I’m really high! haha. The first time I smoked some, I actually wondered if maybe I should do a fourth bong rip after about fifteen minutes. But I didn’t haha. I waited and like 45 minutes in (or what felt like 45 minutes), I was totally satisfied. Just all-around good, smile-y, happy weed.

I have gotten some pretty huge munchies after blazing this, but I’m not sure if that isn’t because I’ve lost a shitload of weight since I started the new job and don’t really eat too much on work days, just because it’s so fucking hot and sweaty. I think the munchies may just be because I’ve been hungry the last couple days haha, weed or no weed.

Anyway, yeah… Nice and easy comedown, no lethargy. It just kinda wears off, which I also really like. This is great, great weed. In fact, I’m gonna spark another joint of it right after I post this haha.

In other news, the pan of hash or whatever it is is still sitting on the kitchen table haha! Not forgotten, @Joker, but I’m definitely considering just tossing it all. Maybe not. I dunno.

In other other news, those Angelicas have totally changed, which is the reason I’m not writing a smoke report for either of them yet. They were both insta-muscle relaxers for a while, knocked me out very shortly after I’d blaze them, but now they’re smoking more like a lot of the 88G hybrids I’ve grown, with that super-electric comeup for 45 minutes, followed by a very lethargic comedown. So I’m gonna wait to write about those until I get a better handle on them.

That Banana Soap is really, really good weed, is the point of this post haha…


I turned on the Olympics a little bit ago and it was one of those recap things, where the host is like,”In case you missed it, here’s what happened earlier today!” Blahblahblah won whatever, somebody I don’t know from a country I’ve never heard of won something, gymnastics, swimming… But then he said,”And as always, the US military is WELL-represented at these games!”

And I was just like,”Oh, thank gawd. I was super-concerned about whether or not there’d be a heavy US military presence at the Olympics…” I mean, seriously, why did they even mention that? Who fucking cares if a bunch of armed forces people are attending the Olympics or not? Are there really people sitting around going,”Gosh, I hope they gave some free tickets to the Army people stationed over in France…”?

Honestly, I don’t even care anymore. It’s comical, but still… Enough with the military shit. It’s pretty condescending, really. If you care that much, start a campaign to pay them more and up veteran’s (and everybody else’s) healthcare, instead of awarding Lockheed these massive billions-of-dollars contracts for planes that don’t work. If you’re not gonna do that, shut the fuck up.

Quit flying planes over football games. And quit singing the fucking national anthem before every sporting event.


Can’t wait to hear your full report once it’s had more time to cure.


Haha, what? Are you joking around? THAT’s the report, I’m not writing another one. It’s awesome weed, pretty sure that’s not gonna change any time soon.


Your bud shots on the plates are always so mesmerizing.

Agreed, looking forward to the final report as well.


I mean, I always just assumed that once I (or anybody) writes the full-on “looks/smell/taste/high” thing, it was understood that that was the Official Report.

If anything changes later with the Banana Soap, I guess I’ll update the writeup, but I’m pretty confident that she’ll remain excellent weed haha…

Are you fucking with me? We have a set of four of those tiny plates and I actually do take “test photos” to see which one works best with the flowers that I’m photographing at that particular time. I like them haha.


For the Olympics, we have been using VPN in order to watch CBC’s coverage (Canada). I like it better than what I’ve seen of the American broadcasts. I get sick of the “overcoming adversity” background stories they keep shoving down our throats, and just want to watch the competition. CBC features impartiality from the announcers (though they always mention when a Canadian is competing), and more countries are represented. Easy to stream from their site: but you need the VPN connection so your streaming device acts like it’s in Canada…


I love those little plates! If I was fucking with you, I’d ask how many final reports does it take for each strain??!!


Duuuuuude… Seriously. I can’t stand those things, no matter what we’re watching. Every now and then we’ll turn on American Ninja Warrior for a few minutes, just for shits and giggles, and it’s always the same,”But he’s a CHRISTIANNNN, so he’s got this!” I don’t care that your faith allowed you to persevere and whatever and now you became a champion athlete. It’s obnoxious, with the constant religion and military shit.

I dunno what VPN is haha. Honestly, neither I nor my girl care that much, but she probably does know what VPN is. I’m not gonna ask her about it or anything. The only thing I really wanna see is some of the men’s basketball games, but I haven’t even cared enough to look at the schedule haha. I figure I’ll see some eventually. Or not haha.

Haha, uh, what?


No, I like them too! The concentric circles are mesmerizing to me and draw your focus to the buds.


Okay. It’s hard to tell sometimes haha…

Anyway, man, @BarefootAndBlazed, a friend of mine went up to Vegas to see Dead and Company at the Sphere last week, just sent me a bunch of videos from the show. I take everrrryyyyythhiiiiiinnnggg I said about it back haha. That place is fucking bad-ass!

He ate some Penis Envy, different than the Blue Smurfs or Blue Meanies or whatever the shrooms that we’ve been getting for the last few years were and a couple days before he went up there I was like,”I don’t care about Dead and Company, just lemme know if the Penis Envy is any good…” haha. He said they were kinda weak, but after I saw the videos, I was like,”Who fucking needs psychedelics in that place?!?” Seems like a joint and a few drinks would suffice and save the shrooms for after the show haha.

Anyway, yeah, it looks cool as fuck. It’s unfortunate that probably none of the bands I like will ever play there, but I’d maybe go see almost anybody perform there, just for the experience. It looks fucking crazy, total Sensory Overload.

I get it now… haha.


Everyone likes an underdog story heh heh. When one of the Canadians wins gold, this rich dude pays them 5K. The insane athletes like the hammer throw dude and that swimmer girl are like rock stars on tv up here.


This is a picture I took while I was doing my delivery rounds a couple days ago in some gross, gigantic apartment building in North Hollywood. I’ll send the first person who can tell me why it’s both highly amusing and incredibly sad a pack of seeds.

Just kidding, I’m not gonna send anybody any seeds, but I did think this was very, very funny when I saw it. So funny I had to snap a pic.

Or I dunno, maybe I will send somebody seeds, kinda depends on whether or not I like the person who answers first haha! Really, I just thought y’all’d get a kick outta this.


Maybe he is a frequent flyer but I couldnt open my eyes the last time I took Penis envies. :joy:
Tons of blue on them, Super strong I think it could be grower depended similar to growing buds.

I think this is funnier than your photo. :joy: