Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

Yeah, I know Penis Envy has a good reputation. I was pretty surprised when he said they were weak. At the same time, how could anybody even tell if they were tripping or not in a place like the Sphere? It looks insane in there.

I mean, I don’t mind sending people seeds, did it all the time back when I could afford it. Really, I just wanted to know if anybody could tell what was wrong with that photo.

Since nobody’s said anything, I will: it’s Edward HOPPER, not fucking “Edward Hooper” haha. Somebody got paid to paint that and surely another person was paid to supervise it. Building management was involved, there’s probably a real estate group who owns that and other buildings, yet nobody noticed that they misspelled his fucking name.

I sent that pic to a friend of mine and said,”Ah, yes, that famous artist Edward Hooper… Love Hooper’s work.” I actually do really like HOPPER’s work, have one of his prints hanging in my house.


The River - Edward Hooper. A Journey to the origins of HIV and AIDS. Unproven gibberish, but a fascinating tale of growing polio vaccine on infected monkey kidneys. ← just remember, it’s probably not true.


Uh… What? Haha. Are you saying that there’s an Edward Hooper who wrote a book about the origins of AIDS? If there is, I don’t think that he said what’s on that wall haha.

Edit: I just read a review of the book. I’m certain he didn’t say,”If I could say it with words there would be no reason to paint,” haha. It does sound like an interesting book, though.


No, but it makes the thing on the wall oh so much more hilarious to know that there was a writer named Edward Hooper who definitely said things with words and didn’t paint. ironic fuckup.


Yeah, no, that’s definitely very funny.


#4 Angelica smoke report.

Here was the plant:


That little nug weighs exactly 4.5 grams. Pretty dense.

Smell: total “Bodhi 88G/HP hybrid onion/garlic/coffee.” Just classic “Bodhi 88G hybrid” smell. I don’t mind it at all.

Flavor: mostly hash-y, sometimes a little pine. I actually noticed a pretty heavy garlic thing going on last night when I did a couple bong rips, so it seems like the smell is translating to the the flavor on this one. The garlic thing was new, but it doesn’t surprise me. Pretty tasty weed.

High: Heavy. So, so, so fucking heavy. Maybe the “heaviest” weed I’ve ever grown/smoked. It’s sooooo much different than the Uplifts I grew a while back. I like it, but this isn’t even “getting ready for bed” weed. I won’t smoke it until after I’ve showered and right before I lay down. I’m out 20 minutes after I’ve smoked this, every single time.

I will say that I get a very, very good night’s sleep when I blaze her (which has been every night for a few weeks now), a solid six hours, so I guess that’s cool.

Still… Jesus… This is some serious shit, not something that I’d ever fuck with any time before I get in bed. I have trouble sleeping, so I like this one, but if I didn’t have trouble sleeping I’d be pissed about the way this weed smokes haha…

I’m curious to see what she’d smoke like in the afternoon or whenever, when I have more energy, not late night, but not so curious that I wanna ruin my day. I’m pretty sure she’d ruin my day haha.


Addendum to the #4 Angelica smoke report above: I got suuuuuper-fucked up this morning/afternoon, very drunk and high, didn’t even realize how shitfaced I was until I started writing that report and noticed,”Holy fuck, I can barely type.” And then I was eating Totino’s Pizza Rolls (my guilty pleasure) and crashed-the-fuck-out at, like, 3. Woke up four hours later and immediately thought,”Oh no. I hope I didn’t do anything bad…”

I think, though, that the brevity of that report is appropriate for the #4 Angelica. It really is just total “Lights Out Weed.” Even if I was completely sober when I wrote it, there’s not much more to say about it. It’s great for going to bed, but… I mean… “Going to bed weed” isn’t exactly why I grow haha.

I do think it’s interesting how much different it is than those Uplifts from a few years ago. Maybe she’s just a hardcore 88G-leaner, smoke-wise, despite the plant morphology. I dunno. She is VERY good for sleeping, though. So if anybody’s having trouble with their sleep patterns, I recommend this Angelica haha.


Alright, started soaking some seeds this morning, a week later than I’d been planning, but I just couldn’t do it last week. 5x each of Doc’s Malawi Gold x Dragon Energy and Mullumbimby/Oaxacan x Dream Lotus (that’s gonna be fun to type every time I post an update… haha) and also 5x Bodhi’s Soar. I wanna revisit that one, gotta figure more than one female will show up after I’ve planted eight of those seeds over two previous rounds and only ended up with one.

I also soaked seven of stanknugz’ ECSD x Cherry West bx2. He’s been asking me for years to test something of his and I finally relented. I like that guy a lot, but I just haven’t been interested in the stuff he’s working with; that was the best-sounding of the bunch (to me), so… I figure that’ll be my sorta “kush-y” thing haha this round.

Different males for every hybrid planted, which is always important to me, but sometimes I forget to note that when I’m planting. Different genetics all-around, even on the females, no crossover at all, I don’t think? I’ll have to look closer later today.

Anyway, yeah, so I did that this morning haha…


So you dropped 22 seeds. How many are you hoping to grow? And yeah, I remember your dismal m/f ratios!!


if I were a bookmaker I’d put the over/under at 7.5 females, not counting intersex


I’d likely use the full names for the first set of pics/info and then just use the initials from there, e.g. MGDE and MODL respectively. I’m not typing out ‘sunshine daydream’ or ‘nl5 x haze C x sensistar’ everytime for the same reasons :sweat_smile:

Woot to soaking some beans tho! It does look like everything is different genetics all around. Hopefully better m/f ratios this time :pray:


I mean… We always hope for at least 50%, right?

Before I agreed to test those seeds for stank, the plan was 20 total, 5x of four different cultivars, at least to start. But five’s not enough for a little tester thing, so I told him to send me seven seeds. Even that’s not enough for a proper test, but I’m not dedicating half my space to that ECSD cross or anything else.

Half my space, of course, is assuming I end up with 50% haha. If I end up with ten or eleven females, no matter what combination, I’ll be pretty stoked.

Would you bet the over or the under? Haha. I’m taking the over this round, really do think I’ll have good luck this time, especially because of the Soars. There’s no way I end up with shitty F:M ratios on those, not after planting eight of them already and only ending up with one female.

“He said…” haha.

If you wanna do an actual, real “over/under” thing with me, I’m down. We can name the stakes later, but yeah, let’s do it.

And I promise I won’t pretend I ended up with eight females just to win the bet haha!

Nahhh, I don’t like it when people do that, mostly because when they do I have to scroll up to the top of the page to see what fucking log it is I’m following, like,”Wait. What the fuck is OB x SVWP again?” :joy::joy:. Also, I like typing the full name out with every update to make it easier for people who are searching for info to find it if/when they google it.

Not that I think there’s a whole bunch of people out there googling “Mullumbimby/Oaxacan x Dream Lotus” or anything haha…

That one does sound super-interesting to me, though, totally forgot about those seeds. There were a lot of other things that I could’ve soaked today, but for whatever reason that one really caught my eye. I like the fact that Doc used a Dream Lotus male for that one, sounded kinda cool, nice mix of genetics, whatever.

I dunno… haha. I’m just glad to be gettin’ back to it.


That’s a nice new lineup. I usually bat .333 for females, anything more is a bonus signee!

Me too. In my many updates, I write the name out in the beginning of a new post, then make up some wacky intials for the rest. You do have some long posts, though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Really? I don’t think I knew that, don’t recall you mentioning shitty F:M ratios before. Good (or bad?) to know, though. I thought it was just me… haha.

I just like to be as thorough as possible haha.


Probably because I never thought it was a shitty ratio, but now I’ve got something new to whinge about :rofl:

Lately though, I’ve been lucky to get 1 out of 5 seeds to live… it’s always sumethin’!


As someone that hunts male’s, I tend to get the opposite ratios or a bunch of herms. There are definitely packs I wish I had you guys’ ratios :joy:


Haha! Hasn’t that always been the idea with seeds/seed sellers, though? That whole,”Ten seeds for x amount of dollars and you should end up with at least five females,”? Or I dunno where I read that haha, but yeah, I always thought the 50/50 ratio was, like, the “expected” outcome. Or whatever.

Anyway, I have a good feeling about this one, per usual haha.

I should send you something I have in the fridge (that you actually grow and don’t trade for something else hahaha!) and see what happens.

I’m kinda kidding around, but I actually do think that that’d be an interesting thing to see. Like, if I send you a pack of whatever and you end up with nine females, that “proves” that I’m doing something “wrong.” Or you’re doing something “right” haha.


hey I just got like 3 times as many f2’s back of those from trading them out, at least :yum:

heh, maybe! I’d think some type of temperature related thing at that point. Idk what else it could be. I usually only see ~2 males out of a 10 pack of beans though and at least that many herms.


Oh, man, I was just kidding around. It’s luck of the draw. I’m pretty sure it’s luck of the draw… haha. I really don’t think there’s a way to influence the genetics of a seed after the seed has been created. Or even at all (unless someone’s making fems). They’re gonna turn out the way they’re gonna turn out.

I’m not worried about it. This grow is the one! Haha.

But will you grow them? THAT is the question haha.


Note to self (and anybody else who might be interested): I spilled two of the Malawi Seeds that’d been soaking for the past two days down the drain in the kitchen sink when I was getting them out of the shot glasses, so I ran out to the garage and grabbed two more and planted them sans soaking, the way I used to do. The “non-soaked” seeds will be the #4 and #5 “plants,” if they sprout.

Also, none of the Soars had tails, even after two days. I dunno what that’s about. I grabbed those from the second pack I had, couldn’t find the first pack that I’d been “working” with (if you wanna call trashing a bunch of males “work” haha), so… Kinda makes me a little nervous that maybe they’re bunk, but I’ll give them a week or so.

Doc’s seeds, as usual, were the first things to sprout, could’ve planted them yesterday, but I wanted to wait until the other stuff was doing at least a little something.

Some of stank’s stuff had tails, some of them didn’t, we’ll see what happens with them.

Anyway… I love Thee Oh Sees in general and that album specifically. One of my all-time favs.