Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho


Haha, I’m not sure if the cover of that album is a reference to Invasion of the Body Snatchers or if it’s just something weird Thee Oh Sees did, but yeah, for sure.

Also, RIP Donald Sutherland. I fucking love that guy. One time I got into an elevator at the Beverly Center and he was in it and he was so unbelievably tastefully-dressed. It was chilly out that day, overcast, and he had on this great coat and a scarf and the woman he was with was this very elegant French chick, looked to be about his own age, not some young gold-digger or anything. She was also dressed very well, not tacky at all. My respect for him skyrocketed after that twenty-second elevator ride haha.

The album that that song is on is great, by the way, one of my all-time favorites. It definitely gets played a lot when I eat shrooms, especially this track:

I dunno why that link is posting all weird like that, but do yourself a favor and click on it. Better yet, just buy the album and crank it super-loud through some actual speakers haha…


This song seems appropriate for what I mentioned about the iPhone thing on Horse’s thread earlier, @syzygy:

It’s all hanging on by a thread… We’re all just spinning plates. I mean, just look at this “update” on OG. It sucks. But somehow this is “better” than the previous version. I don’t know how it is, but I just posted a song and instead of showing the video, OG just posted the link. How is this better?

Also, I wanna write the #1 Mountain Temple smoke report, but I don’t trust my own judgement right now. I can’t tell if the weed is making me tired or if it’s a combination of the job just wearing my ass out plus the weed or what.

She smells and tastes VERY good, though. Very fruity. One of the few “fruity” ones I’ve grown lately where the smell actually carries over to the taste. Maybe I’ll write it tomorrow, I dunno…


I know what you mean, pretty much anything I smoke after the kids are asleep can be in the “tiring” category. At least with the crash. I’ll try the same type as a wake n bake and think, dang this isn’t as sleepy as I thought!


Haha, I understand. Any time somebody mentions their children, I’m always like,”Yep! I made the correct to decision to pull out every single time I fucked…” Having kids sounds exhausting, I dunno how y’all do it.

Anyway, yeah, I just can’t tell with that #1 Mountain Temple. I think it’s heavy on its own, not taking into account the job and everything else. Pretty sure I waited too long, shoulda chopped her on day 63 like I was planning, even though the flowers were still noticeably swelling into week ten.

Sacrifice yields for the sake of the high haha. But yeah, I’ve blazed her right before bed and fell asleep no problem, which is not what I was hoping for with the Mountain Temple.


Haha yeah it’s definitely something you should do only if you really want to. It’s a lot of fun having the little guys around, but indeed tiring.

Interesting - yeah I can imagine there are some phenos in the mix that are heavier in Mtn. temple - there’s skunk/NL in ssh, williams wonder, and chem D all in the mix. That’s cool that it tastes really good though, always a plus.


For sure. One of the three that I grew like eight years ago was definitely a sort of,”One of these things is not like the others”-type of high. I guess this #1 plant is the same way.

Fuck it. I’ll write the smoke report later today. Kind of over waiting to figure out if it’s the weed or if I’m just tired haha.


Amnesiac was the first Radiohead album I got really into. I don’t know, it’s kind of bleak but I was in a rough patch in life and was like “hey, someone else has made a bunch of mistakes and feels hopeless like I do! There’s hope!” haha. Still one of my favorites…

Looking forward to the Mountain Temple report (although Philly cheese steak and a long nap gives me the gist haha). Blue Magoo (1/2 Williams Wonder) and SSH are two of my all time favorites, so Temple crosses really interest me.

PS thanks for all the smoke reports over the years. They’re helpful and fun to read, and one of my least favorite things in life is reading a grow journal that ends before the most important part. So I appreciate guys like you and nube and some other guys I’m forgetting for always giving detailed reports.


Thanks, dude! I agree, can’t stand it when grow logs fizzle out. I figure I have to walk the walk. Or whatever.

Yeah, it’s a good one. Those songs are all of the stuff that didn’t make it onto Kid A, which is one my “desert island albums.” Definitely my favorite Radiohead album. Love Kid A. The songs on Amnesiac for sure sound like they were written during the Kid A sessions haha.

Yeahhhhh, I think I’ve kinda been in denial about that #1 Mountain Temple haha. I really want to write a report that talks about how it’s great weed and super-fun and whatever all else, but I think it might just be a “heavy” smoke, no matter how much I want it to not be haha.

I hate to keep harping on this new job, but it does make it difficult to tell if it’s the weed making me tired or if I’m just worn-the-fuck-out. I’m pretty sure that #1 plant is in the former category, though. I haven’t even tried the #5 plant yet, but I think that one’ll smoke more “up.”

Speaking of work (again), today I intentionally got myself suspended for tomorrow’s shift haha. It’s the first real Saturday of college football, Hurricanes are playing at my Gators, Clemson at Georgia, no way am I missing those games.

They have these cameras in the trucks that monitor everything; if you run a red light or roll through a stop sign, the camera picks it up and they suspend you when you get back to the station after your shift, so… I ran a bunch of red lights and rolled through multiple stop signs today haha.

The few Temple hybrids I’ve grown have all been very good, so I’m a little disappointed that the #1 MT smokes pretty heavy. There was one plant from the three I grew the first time that smoked similarly, but usually the Temple hybrids are way more, uh… festive haha. Tree of Life was awesome, Doc’s Wat Phos were excellent and the other two Mountain Temples from the first grow were also very good.

If you have any Temple hybrids, you should plant them.


Ahaha, slow clap and total agreement. It is incredible to see the look on peoples face when I make a very similar statement in response to their complaining about how tiring kids are haha.


I’m anti natal. It’s a Good Thing™.


Haha, yeah, it seemed like an easy decision to me. I could get up out of bed at three in the morning and change a diaper on a screaming baby OR I could stay out at an after-hours and pick up some random chick every single night and have zero responsibility at all. Hmmmm… What should I DO???


I like how you trademarked “Good Thing” haha. “The phrase ‘Good Thing’ is the sole property of JoeCroweEnterprises and any subsidiary thereof. Any infringement on said phrase is subject to any and all reasonable legal action, up to and including a federal lawsuit.” Or whatever.

Seriously, though, it does seem very self-centered and kind of short-sighted for people to have children. I don’t wanna get too dark here, but the world’s on fire, literally burning; income-inequality is only getting worse (nobody’s gonna fix that because the people in charge are the ones benefitting from it); a higher education doesn’t mean shit anymore, other than the fact that you’re gonna graduate with a debt that you won’t ever be able to pay off; and on and on and on and on.

Plus, there’s just too many people here! Haha. We need less of them, not more.

Why anybody would wanna create a child just so they have to live through what’s happening (and that’s only gonna get worse) is beyond me. It seems really kinda fucked-up. Don’t have kids. Go have fun instead.


I’m more philosophical about it:
Existence is suffering.
It’s one of the four noble truths of the buddah. LOL!!!
Also, I was NEVER one to gamble with another living being’s life. Those are odds I don’t like. In a twist nobody ever saw coming, my daughter isn’t even related to me. I was walking through the mall holding her hand one day and her real uncle saw us. He said I want to shake your hand brother, you’re doing a great job!


Yeah, no doubt. But I don’t think that means I necessarily need to cum inside somebody, make them spend nine months gestating a child inside of her body, squeezing it out during an agonizing birth process and then watch that kid live through a life that’s stacked against them.

I don’t need that guilt at all haha…


True, nobody wants to feel they are responsible for introducing a living being into a future that is perilous. As a counter point, I was filled with hope for the future. It was all for selfish reasons, but had a positive outcome. hah hah when I first saw her I was like oh joy! She will chase away the void! That was before she could even talk. Graduated a few years back! Specialty mathematics 21 years old now.
My friend who died a few years back, when he saw us together he’d be “You’re recharging on her love!” ahhh old memories Makes me happy! Sometimes, it just helps to sit there and remember that shit.
OK, did I adequately summarize the joy of a parents love? Asking for a study I’m doing… :wink:


Haha. Yeah, I get it. And I like other people’s kids for sure. Any time there’s a kid around, I do my best to be like,”Let’s run around! Not all adults suck!” Still, though… gawd… It’s just a big-time responsibility. I have a hard enough time with the plants haha, can’t even imagine what a child is like. I’d worry my ass off every day and every night. And for the rest of my life haha…

That’s cool about your daughter, though. Nice job. Right? Haha.


Sounds dystopian as hell to me.

Next time have a bong in 1 hand and phone in the other to be safe.


It is. There’ve been times where I’ve gotten back to the station after my shift and they have me written up for something that “the camera” picked up and I’m like,”That’s not even what’s happening in the video. The Camera isn’t infallible and no, I refuse to sign this write-up.”

What’s more disturbing (to me) is that the people in charge just accept it. They know that I wasn’t breaking a rule, the video’s right there, you can see it, but because The Camera thought I was doing something wrong, they write me up anyway.

I doubt I’m gonna last too much longer there haha… And that’s fine. These jobs are a dime a dozen. They just want bodies.


Kids are so much fun!
Just say you’re scared to fuck it up :man_shrugging:t2:

you’re a stud, I think you’d make some great progeny :green_heart: