Bodhi's Triple Goddess, HolyAngel's Franco's Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star and Doc D's Wat Pho

If I was scared that I’d fuck it up, I definitely wouldn’t be afraid to say it haha. I fuck up all the time. It just seems like a whole lot of responsibility and I’m pretty irresponsible, so… haha.

I dated a couple women who had kids back when I lived in Portland. One of them had a four-tear-old daughter who was awesome. Very sweet, very well-behaved. The other one had an eight-year-old son who was the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met in my life haha! I couldn’t stand that fucker.

He’s probably in prison now… haha.


All you have to do in order to nail it is avoid systems of abuse. It can be tricky sometimes like insisting the kid perform a task “your way” instead of allowing them to explore alternatives. Let them know the consequences of their actions rest on them, and nobody else. Just dumb shit. Never let societies panics influence your decisions.


Nah, that wasn’t the case with that eight-year-old. He’d just scream at his mom,”FUCKYOUFCUKYOUFUCKYOU!!!” And I’d think,”What in THEE hell…?” This kid is eight.” I would never dreeeeammmm of speaking to my mom that way, at eight or at 18 or, like, ever.

I wanted to beat the shit out of him, honestly haha. I didn’t, of course, but there was something wrong with him. He was raised wrong, for sure. I don’t know what happened to him before I got there, but something did.

Luckily, I was only with that chick for like six months. And we had a few three-ways with some other women along the way, so… It all worked out in the end haha.


Oh… I’ve got this story, right? So one day she slaps me across the face “fucking asshole” she says, you know just out of the blue. I know inside what it meant, so I had to handle that shit. I jumped on top of her, and pinned her down so she couldn’t do shit. I made like I was going to give her a slap she’s like DO ITTTTTT!!! So I just jump up and let her go. Look in her eyes and say “yo, that’s the difference between you and I. I would never do that shit to you.” She never ever did that again. It’s a hardcore story I’ve never shared.


Right. But there’s a difference between adults acting insane and a kid acting insane. With an adult, you can just be like,”Alright, I’m outta here,” but when the child of someone you’re dating is just going ballistic and screaming,”FUCK YOU!” at their mom and you’re just sitting there wondering,”How am I supposed to respond to this? What should I do here?” it’s a different story.

Either way, yeah, fuck crazy people, no matter how old they are.

That’s kinda hot, though. Is she single now? Haha.


hah hah sucker! That was a pivotal moment when she knew that kind of shit wasn’t cool. Her boyfriend is a really decent person who is considerate of other people. hah hah and she has her gay best friend to watch her back.
What I definitely didn’t want was awww he beats me because he loves me! FUCK THAT!!!


Yeah, still to this day I would not ever think about it, and she lives 1000+ miles away. Liable to get hit with a shoe or something out of nowhere :joy: I never got ‘spanked’ as a kid, I was lucky if I got the belt. Normally i just got my fucking ass kicked. Punched, kicked, objects hurdling my way. My mom had rings. But I deserved, and needed, every single one of those.

Kids these days, no one can touch without dcfs and/or jail-time. And that’s how you get kids acting like that. Completely entitled and selfish with no regards to anything nor anyone else.

100% I would have wanted to too. IMO, some kids, especially boys, NEED a good slap or beating to get put in their place. Myself and all my cousin’s included.


For sure. It’s only cool if it’s a sexual thing, but if it’s legit craziness… Fuck all that.

Anyway, here’s a couple pics of the Malawi Gold x Dragon Energy seedlings:

Those are the two that’re catching my eye, seem very vigorous. Probably males… haha.

Here’s the tray that those two plants are in:

You can see how much bigger those two are compared to most of the other stuff in there. I need to water everything with a compost tea, but I probably won’t be able to do that until next week.

And here’s the other tray:

Those Mullum/Oaxacan plants look just okay, but, like I said, compost tea. Everything should start to really grow after that. And it’s only been two weeks since I planted them haha.

One thing that was cool and just good to know was that the Malawi replacement seeds that got planted after I spilled two of them down the drain whilst getting them out of the shot glass sprouted fine. No need for soaking. They might’ve even been up out of the ground before the seeds that got soaked were. Gotta love Doc.

Anyway, yeah, so there’s that.


I always use the psychological attack. It can be SUPER devastating in a way a punch to the head never could be.


I can’t say I disagree. The headmaster at the grade school I went to did that, just rulered and caned the shit out of us on the palms of our hands. I was in his office pretty frequently haha, so…

My parents were good, though. I don’t remember ever getting spanked. I do actually remember one time, when I was like five, my mom taking a wooden spoon to me and I just laughed. I think she figured out that, you know,“Well, there’s no point in doing this.”

I DREADED going to the headmaster’s office, though. I’d hear my name called on the speaker thing and then everybody’d line up outside of his office… He had a glass door and you could see every kid in front of you getting the shit beat out of their hands and everybody waiting in line would just be rubbing their palms on their pants and shit… haha.

A couple days before my last day at that school, eighth grade, me and a friend of mine broke into his office and stole the cane haha. What’s weird is that I LOVE that headmaster. Everybody who went to that school does. There’s even a Facebook page dedicated to him that was created by a former student: “Friends of Father so-and-so.” Everybody loves him.


Yah, see… stories like that give me the creeps. Reminds me of the LDS cult.


Sorry, forgot to comment on this, but I lived in Portland 25 years ago haha. I think that kid my GF had was just super-fucked up. There were a few times where I was like,”Alright, I can’t take this anymore,” and would pick him up and lock him in his room. It had to be done. Something had to be done. But I never woulda hit him, as much as I wanted to haha.

I don’t necessarily think kids “need” to get beat. My dad got the shit beat out of him and was very adamant that he’d never do that to me (and I got that from the headmaster at school every day, anyway haha). Mostly, I just lived in fear of disappointing my parents and having them be pissed off at me, even though I constantly pissed them off and disappointed them haha.

I mean, you can say,”Kids these days…” but I wonder about the parents these days more. Everybody just saying,”Here, here’s an iPad, fuck around with that,” instead of just being there with their kids. “Here. Look at this iPad while I stare at my phone.”

It’s fucked up.


I dunno what that is, but I can assure you that there wasn’t any “cult-like” behavior going on at the grade school I went to haha.


OK I’ll lay it out like this:
When I was doing the “wetwork” on Daughter 0.0 during the dive into her mind, I discovered she was externally controlled though this “beatings is love, love is beatings psychology” of the common pimp. That’s what triggered me into knowing that beating your kid into doing something you wanted, was the exact equivalent of… umm being a human trafficker.
Eventually I learned her trigger words and used that to weaponize against her little mind controller. IT made me feel like shiiiiiit, but she went like some kind of little robot like I told her to. Ratted him out to the FBI so he could rot forever in prison. Even after he was serving an eternity she kept writing him love letters in jail. GAH!!! Where’s my fucking dab rig. Gotta block out the horror.


I don’t mean abuse. I mean when it’s warranted. When words no longer work or mean anything. I never got nor felt abused when I got in trouble. It was warranted. Most of the time as I got older, I knew what I was gonna do was gonna warrant a beating if I did it, and sometimes I did it anyways and took that beating. And then never did it again. Sometimes it’s also like telling a kid the stove is hot, and they go and touch it anyways. Don’t know what ‘hot’ means until you experience it.

Definitely not ALL kids or anything either. Seen plenty that are just good kids and never needed anything. Always well mannered. But not me nor my cousin’s. Took beatings to get it into us to be respectful. The one cousin I have that was spoiled and sheltered his whole life and never touched; has been in and out of jail his entire adult life, escaped jail 3 times so far, tattoos on his face like sixnine, just crazy. The rest of us are well mannered and normal people :joy:

Anyways… this is why I have cats and not kids :joy:


Phew sorry about that wave of darkness! Talk of child beatings always triggers me.



Sorry for the massive off-topic and whatnot :sweat:


I was never under the impression that my headmaster was caning me because he loved me haha, but I know what you’re talking about.

Right. There was a time when I thought I wanted to have children, but that time is long gone. I’m very, very glad I didn’t.

Anywayyyyyy… haha. What’s that thing mean, @InTheWoods, that you pressed for the post of the seedlings? I see some “likes,” I see a “fire” from Holy haha, but I have no idea what that thing is. It looks like a halved grapefruit? On a stem? With confetti? Haha.


Confetti ball, I was celebrating the seedlings haha

Stoked to see what your find, Hope youre kicking ass this week! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Yeah, it looked like a “celebratory” thing for sure. But I was like,”A grapefruit cut in half on a stem with confetti falling out of it… Okay…” haha.